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<br /> -- ---- candemnution or other laking ot'any prn of the Pruperty.or fur convcyanrc in Ucu of cnndemnatiun,urc hcreby ar.ri�ncd und
<br /> _,_ -- ��I be puici lo Lender. -�
<br /> __-�. In the event of u tatul tuking of the Property, the proceedK shull he upplicd ta �hc sums securcd by �hie Securfly
<br /> lnstrument, whether or not then due,with uny excetig puid to Borrawcr. In thc event of u partiul mking of the Propeny in
<br />- �+� which the inir mc►rket vAlue of the Property immediutely befare the tuking is equal to ur grcu�er tbun thc umount of�he sum�
<br /> :.��' ' �c_..� r,ecured by this Secutity 6i5trument immediu�cly befa��e�he laking,unless Barruwer und Lendcr otherwir,e agree in writing.
<br /> the�uma recured by Ihis Secudty Inxlrument xhall be reduced by ihe nmount of the pmceedx muitiplied by the following
<br />-:i���•�w�s'�aiw�,.'-
<br /> ��__ ____ „ __ Praction: I�1 ihe totul amaunt of thc sums sccured immediu�ely befurc the�uking,divided by Ib►thc fair mcukel vulue af the
<br /> .++� __ __ _ propeny immedialely bcfore the tnkinK. Any bulAnce shull bc puid l0 8oirower. In �hc cvent of a p�rtinl tuking uf�he r"-
<br /> -y,�, N Pmperty in which the fnir market vulue of the Propeny immediately beFore the�ukiug ia lesw than thc umount of ihe xumg —
<br /> ��,,r� � j�� necured immediutcly before the tuking. unlesx Borrower und Lendcr otherwixc ugree in wri�ing or unletis applicnble Inw
<br /> "� atherwi�see provides,lhe proceeds shc+ll be upplied lo the sum�.r•ecured by this Secu�l�y Inxlrument whelher or not the soma are
<br /> :�'� a��;; then due.
<br /> �'`�Y, `�• � If�he Prapeny is abundoned by BoROwer,ar if,ufter notice by Lender to Bormwer Ihut the candemnor afFen+lo m�,ke
<br /> :ti.--� � .�:t::. . ;� --
<br /> S:�'�:F:...:L•.arw:•
<br /> �ti,_.L��`,u�., nn awarci or�ettl�a cluim for damages.Borrower fuils to rexpond to Lender within 30 duyr ufter the dute the notice is g ven,
<br /> -- Lender is nulho�fzed to collect und upply�he prixeeds,ut itc option,either to rcstoration or reps�ir of the Property or to the
<br /> ,,:;,.�.,�,..,,,,.,.�,' .;_,
<br /> ,.,5�:.�.,. ,•:�,:�: : aumx secured by�his Securiry Instrumenl,whethcro�not then due.
<br /> .,.r Unless Lender nnd Borrower othenvixe u�ree in wridng,any upplicution of prnceedh ta principul shull not extend or
<br /> "��,,;�;.s� " pustponc�he due datc of tha monthly puymen�s�ferred to in parugruph+ I and 2 ar change the amount af such puyments. —
<br /> y;"` ;�..�,T�i�..�,=— 11. Borrower Not Rele�.sedt Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extenxian of the timc for pnyment or
<br /> '�'"�'~"' modificatfon of c►monization of the sums xecured by this Secu�ity Instrument grunted by Lender ro uny xuccessor in interest
<br /> -��.:L����.� i{.
<br /> .��r.�•�i,z.�;�<Q„�,.a v �, of Bormwer shall nat operute to release the linbility of the ariginul Borrower or Barnower�successo� in inlerest. Lender
<br /> ---- - - -- �
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<br />