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<br /> _' applicable IAw may�pecffy for�+elnslatement)before saic of the Property pu�suont to ru�y pawer af sale cont�ned in ihis
<br /> . Security Inatrument;or lb)enuy af a judgment enfarcfng this Security Instrument. 'll�ase conditions are thet Borrower: (u)
<br /> paya Lender All suma which then would be due under �his Secudty Instrument and the Note Aa if no accelera�ion had
<br /> ---- occurred;(b)curca any default of ony aher cavenunts or ugreements:(c)pays all expenxes incumed in enforcing ihis 3ecu�ity
<br /> Insuument, including, but �ot Umited to.reasoneble altarnays'feca; and(d) lekea such uction ax Lender may reasonably
<br /> tequir�e to asaure that thc(ien of lhla Security ln�trumcnt.Lcnder�righta in lhe Property and Horrowcr x obliguiion to pay thc
<br /> euma securad by thia Secu�iry Instrument sholl conlinue unchanged. Upon reins�utement by Borrowcr, this Security
<br /> --_'�°-” ----='""=-�'� Inatroment and the obli�ations secured hereby shall remain fully effn:tive us if no ucceleration hod accurred. Hawever.thia
<br /> _ _ _ rlght to roinstate shall nat appiy in the casa of acceleration under pamgraph 17. `- "
<br /> --�-�-�=-�-w----�-- 19. S�le ot NMe;ChaaQe ot Loan Servker. The Notc or a partial interest in the Notc(together wi�h this Secu�ity
<br /> _.� lnsuument)may be sold onc or m�ra umos without pdor notice to Borrower. A�vule may result in a changc in the entity _
<br /> - (known es the"Loan Servlcer")thet colle�c monthly paymenta due under the Nolo und thls Security Inxtrument. There nlso
<br /> ____ __�,�;- may bc one or more changes of tho Lown Scrvicet unrelsted to a sule of the Note. If there iA n chonge of the Loan Servicer,
<br /> ----•-------°��. � Borrower wfll be given written notice oi the change in accordance with purngrnph 14 nbaue and Applicable law. The noticc
<br /> �M.,M�ry will etate 1ho name And address of lhe new Loan Servicer and ihe oddress to wbich payments should be made. The notice will
<br /> _�„��,;_;� also cantain any ather iniormation reyuired by applic�ble law. ���
<br /> y°�=��_=�_�'..� 20. Hazardous Substpncea. Borrower shall not cause or pertnit the presence,use,dispogal,stornge,ar releuse of any
<br /> -- Hazardous Substances on or in the Propeny. Borrower shall not do,nor allow nnyone clse to do. unything uffecting the
<br /> ��---- °= Properry that is in violation af any Environmental Law. 'I'he preceding two sentences shall not upply to the presence,ur+e,or �-�"'°"
<br /> -----•--- __= Y: .::� storuge on the PropeAy af small quantides of Haz�udous Subslances that are generally recogni�ed lo be appropriate la normal
<br /> .. . .�-
<br /> .-_�._,_�.,.
<br /> �-- residential uses and to meintenence of the Property.
<br /> ' ''' Borrower shnll pramptly give Lender w�itten nntice of any investigation.claim,demand.luwsuit or other action by any
<br /> - �LL - governmental or regulatary agcncy or privatc party involving the Property and any Hatinrdnus Subatuncc or Environmental �
<br /> .. __ - .._ --
<br /> _;�„�?�-A�'� � Lnw of which Borrower hes actuul knowledge. If Borrower learns, or is notified by any governmenlnl ar regulatory "_
<br /> ,._ --- --'- authority,lhat any removal or other remediplion of m�y Hazardaus SubslAnce affecting 1he Property is necesrary.Borrower
<br /> :.�•,�._.'`-,";`�� � shall p�amptly takB all nccessary remediul uctions in uccordance with Environmentul Lnw. --
<br /> ::�,�.w,.,�.�,r„srM:.� . As uAed in this pamgrnph 20,"HazurdouR Substunces"sue Ihose substances de�ned u�►laxic or huzurdous substunces by
<br /> ��'�`-�►.'�: Environmentnl Law and the following subslunces: gasoline,kerosene,ather flammabie or toxic peuoleum products, toxic
<br /> �r,�,����,;' pesticides and herbicides, valntile solvents, mnteriuls containing axbegtos or fortnaldehyde,and radioactive materials. As ---
<br /> ,� : , . � -- used M thie psuagruph 20,"Environmentul I.aw"means federol Inwa and IuwR af�he juriadiction where Ihe Property iR lacated
<br /> '��--��������•; that relate to health,safcry or environmcntal protcc�ion.
<br /> i�i�..'',' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. BoROwcr und Lender further covenant und agrce us fallowx:
<br /> '�� •'"�'���°�� 21. Accekrationi Remedies. Lender shall glve notice to Borrower prlor to acceleratlon Pollowing Borrower's
<br /> �..���::��.i;..:,
<br /> � �zi,; ., breach of any covenaM or agreement ia lhl.s Securily Inatrument Ibut not priar to acceleralton under paragraph 17
<br /> �='—���":;.��,. unless applicable IAw provides atherwise). The not(ce s6a11 specify: (a)the default;lb1 the AcNon required to cure the
<br /> _ �f��g�.•��°, � default�(c)a date.not iesv tban 38 doys from ihe dwir i6r uuike is�i�en to Sorra�sgr,by Kblcls ltse detaa!!msst!se
<br /> � � cured;and(d)that Pailure to cure the dePault on or bePore the date speciiied in the nutice mpy result in acceleraNan of
<br /> "a;�, � , ..,,;; the auma secured by this Security lnstrument and s�le oP the Property. Tfie notice shall furlher inform Borrower oP
<br /> � . !he rlght to�elnstate af�er accelerAlton and the right to b�ing a court action to asRert the non•existence oP w default or
<br /> _ •y��r--.,,��-••� �• • . any other defense of Borrower to acceler�tton and sale. IP the default is not cured on or before the dpte spectfied In
<br /> � � '"� ' '" '' the notice�l.ender ut ila optlon may require immedi�te payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument
<br /> � without further demAnd and may Invoke the power uf ssde and ony other remedies permitted by applicAble law. -.__
<br /> a".'`;.�-.,�, Lender shall be enlitled tu collecl all expenses incurred in pursuing the remediea provided in this paragrApb 2l.
<br /> ,�§,,.�.. � including,but not limited tu,re�onable nttorneys'Pees and cogts uf tltle evidence. _
<br /> . ' ., . IP the power of swle is invaked�7Yustee shall record a notice of default in each caunty In which Any part of the �:-._
<br /> � • � ` Property is IocAted pnd sholl maN copies ui sucM nntice in the manner pre.r•cribed by upplicable law to Borrower und to
<br /> ��"" Ihe othe�persans prescribed by npplicable IAw. ARer Ihe time required by s�pplicaWe law�7lrustee shpll give publk -��
<br /> �,�„��:�, notice ot sale to the perron�and in the menner pre�crfbed by applicable luw. 'IYustee,without demand on Borrower. -
<br /> �- � , ahAll sell the Froperty ot public puctlon to Ihe hi�hest bidder At the time und place and under the terms designated in �
<br /> •` - �� �.• �" the notice oP sale in one or more parcels and in�ny order 1Yustee determines. 7Yuslee may pustpone sale nf all or any
<br /> • �-�•�r•�.��' ��"' arcel oP ihe Pro rt b ublk announcement�t the Nme And place of any previuuyly scheduled sale. Lender or its �`�
<br /> , �`..., P Pe 3' Y P ---
<br /> ,. r..„, ,, designee mwy purc6asc the Properly at Any sale.
<br /> �'�"°��=�=� r�� ' Upon receipt of payment of the price bid.'ll�u�tee shall deliver to the purchaser 7�ustee's deed conveying the _
<br /> N��'� o__.
<br /> ��:��►^' , , Property. The recitals in thc 7lrustcc's deed shall bc prima iucie evidence of Ihe troth of the sfatemen�g m�de therein. ___
<br /> ;=='��•���t�� 'IYuatee sbwll apply the proceeds of the svle in the followins order: (a)to all custs and expenaes of exercising the power _
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