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...��i�:! .�1r�,�n.t���•- _ �.�-- - . ____� <br /> �� . ,y.a Nr'.7, „Y ., , _�"-- <br /> �-^ 1 .. ��• .�. n. ♦:. ". <br /> �. ' .� �1 ' .. _. <br /> •-��� '�1�3�� • • �� <br /> __ 92 1osss� <br /> '����"''°'� pedada that l.ender rcyuircs. 7?�e in�urancc caRier pmvlding Iho inxurancc Rhvll bc chusen by Borrawer r+ubjcct to LcnderK <br /> --=J"'— . approval which chall not be unrcux�nubty withheld. If Barrower fuiis ta mAintain cuveroge de�c�ibed ubove,Lender may.nt <br /> _ — l.ender's optian,abtain caverage to protect l.ender a��ights in thePro{�ny in uccordance with parogroph 7. <br /> -- All insurance poUcies and renewalR uhall be acceptable lo l,ender und sholl inclutte u r;landurd moAguge cluu�e. Lender <br /> ,�� ahall have the�ight to hald the policfes md renewalx. If Lender rcyuirc�,Borrower Khull promptly give lo Leader all rcceip�x <br /> � '-•_;,� of'pnid prcmiuma wnd renewul anticex. In the event of lors,Barrawer«hull�ive pn►mpt nwire�o�he insurunce curri¢r and <br /> --=�— Lender. I.ender moy mnl�e proof of lo4s if not mude pramptly by Borrower. <br /> ��TM� <br /> 7 ��":� Unless Lenckr und Bortawer rnherwl�e agree in w�iting,insurancc pra:cedx xhull he upplied�o rewtc►ruiion�r repuir oF <br /> ----�—,-.---—�.— <br /> '.� - the PropeAy domageci, if'the rc�tcNation or repair is ecanamicully fea.rible wiJ I.rnJer i, aecurity i,.nut Ic�a�ned. 1 the � - <br /> rcstorati�n or repair is not econamicully Peavible or Lenderk sccurity would be leasened.�he inxurance proceed9 nhall be -- <br /> _ �;� ��� applied to the sums secured by this Securlty Instniment, whether ar nW then dur., wilh any ezceqx puid la Borcower. If <br /> �;�",, Borrower abundons the Propeny,or does no�answer wi�hin 30 duy.r v natice from Lender thAt the insuruncc currier har <br /> ���• off'ercd to seule u clufm,then Lender muy collect the insumnce praceeds. L.ender muy use the proceed4 to repair or rertore <br /> :�ti'��•' the Pro rt or ta u sums secured b this Securit Ina�trument.whether or not then due. 77�30-dAy period will begin when <br /> ..: . :�,._ Pe Y P Y Y Y <br /> '"s""�'�`"`�'�� '° the not�ce is given. <br /> ��',i.'•s'4`� � Unless Lender and BoRUwer atherwixe agree in writing,any upplicntian ot'procecds to principal shull nat extend or T <br /> ;,..�;, ,�`�f ..,• postpone thc due dute af the monthly puymcnt�ti referred to in pAragruphs I und 2 or changc thc amount of thc pnymente. If <br /> � ��3°���'�`�'" undcr puragraph 21 the PropeRy is acyuired by Lender, Borroweru right to uny inxumnce policies ond procee�ix resulting <br /> MR��ic a.�u....... <br /> _ ��.� from damoge to the Pruperty prior to the acquisition shull pasx to Lender lo the extent of the sums r�ecured by this Secu Iy <br /> ���+�-=�l�' Instrument immediAtcl prior to thc ucquisition. _- <br /> ��'��=�--�a:�:�...��� 6. Occupancy,Preservwtlon, Maintenance And Protectlon ot the Property= Borrower•s Loan Appllcwtioaj _ <br /> = -��.�k�.:,r�� ;.,�. Leaseholda Borrower shell occupy,estublish,und use the Propeny ns Borrower R principal rexidence within sixry dvys after <br /> _ _ '" J�is.�.���s 4� _ <br /> --�--� ,.•-,- the ezecution af thix Secucity lnstn�ment nnd shall continue to occupy the Propeny sw BarrowerR principul residence for at <br />_ _ "..°"'"`�`� _�:�• Ien�t one year after the date of accupancy, unless Lender otherwise ugreeg in wriling, which conr,ent ehall not Ix <br /> _• �.�:'�"°�"`":.�� unreasonobly wilhheld,or unless extenuating circumstances exist which ure beyond Borruwer�ca�trol. Borrawer shall not �a�:. <br /> ___ ";'„"""""."„° '�' destroy,damnge or impair the Property,ullow thc Propeny to deteriorate,ar commit waste on the!'�operty. Borrower shAll — <br /> — ,• :r:. �:���•,�.. �., be in default if uny forfeiture nction or procceding,whelher civil or criminal,i� begun that in Lender's good fpith judgment <br /> " ���`'^��" �. could result in forfeiturc of the Property or atherwir,e materially impAir the lien created by this Security Instrument or <br /> �:.��1;�.+:�t�.�.�: .. -_ <br /> ----_��*��yq.: Lender s securiry interest. Borrower may cure such u defauN und reinstote,ax provided in paragruph t S,by cuusing the action r_ <br /> = � or proceeding to he dismissed with a ruling thu4 in Lender's gaod fuith detertninatio�,precludes forfeiture of the Borrowerh <br /> '•=��:�•:i`L+=��.' ,�' interest in the Property or od�er muteriol impuirment of thc lien creuted by this Security Instrument or Lenderg secutiry <br /> :'':�t":"`.+,*.• interest. Bortower shall also be in default if BoROwer, during the loan applicution proces�, gave materfully fnlse or <br /> .�±r4•�s;�;�•4� � inuccumte infarmation or stolemems to l.ender(or Fuiled to provide L.ender with ony malerial informution)in connection with <br /> — ��`!�'it':��r�. . �he loan evidenced by the Note, including,but not limited to, represemations conceming 9orrowerw occupnncy of the <br /> ,��:j�,.,��.r�� , <br /> ,,;�:�4 ,. . Praperty as a principal rexidence. If this Security Instniment iti on a leagehold,Borrower sholl comply with ull the provisions <br /> --�'��`;1��° of the iease. Ii Horrvwcr ucyui�r�fez tiite io itte i'roperty,ihc lcaschold and�he fee tiile shal)no!mtrge��nl�su l:�n�r agrees <br />_ --- .yr,,_. , • " ` to thc merger in wri�ing. <br /> - � �� •�;•�� ;; 7. Protectbn ot l,ender's Rlghts in the Property. If Borrower foils to perform the covenunts and ugreements <br /> !- — ' '���°'i, ., contnined in this Security Inaqument, ar there is u I�gul proceeding that may significantly nifect Lender's rights in the �_ <br /> -=`�'�'• '��;1�•'�' � Propeny(such ax u pracecding in bankruptcy,pr�bute,for condemnution ar forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulutions),�hen <br /> — � Lender muy do and p�y far whatever is necexsury to prntect the value of the Properry nnd l.ender s righta in the Property. _ <br />—_�-�a�°•��`'�=- � ' � Lender's actions muy include puying uny sums xecurcd by u lien which hux priority over this Security Instniment,apperuing <br /> �'--��• . . in caurt,pnying reasonable uttomeys'fces und entering on the Propzny lo mnke►epafrx. Although Lender may take nction <br /> ., � , ^ . under this purugraph 7,Lender does not huve to do so. <br />°-`-�� '���'�� Any umounls disburtied by Lenckr u�der this paragruph 7 shull bccome udditional debt of Barrower secured by this <br />`_�-;° Security Instrument. Unlesx Borrowcr and Lendci ugrce to other tcrms of puyment.these nmounts xhnll bear interest from the <br />`;:iM',: . ,,�, dute of disburr.ement a�thc Note mtc und shall bc puynble,with interext,upon noticc from Lender to Bortower reyucxting <br />�LL•:;.::•.:.. , pnymcnt. — <br />-..��:;1'f' . 8. Mort�age InsurAnce. If Lender reyuired mortgage inxurnnce az n condition of muking the loun xecured by this __,. <br />__ .•rC - •••:: � Security Instrument, Borrower xhall puy thc prrmium, requircd to maintuin�hr mortgage insurnnre in effect. !f, for any �;y <br /> �;:�i;;•�',•:'�: ' mason, the mortguge insurance coverage rcquired by Lender lupxex or ceascs ro be in effect, Bormwer shall pay the __ <br /> � ."`' •�:�<<:`�•i'' ' ' ,, premiumn rcquircd ta abtuin caverage substontially equivulrnt to the mortguge in�urunee pnviouxly in effect, at u cost =__ <br /> _� � �`"°��`�� + • subs�Antiully eyuivalent to the cast to Borrowcr��f the murtguge inxurance previoutily in effec�,from un uUemute mortgage � <br /> �.. <br />-."''. :'►�;;���°r� ��i' in.curer upproved by Lender. If subtituminlly equivulent monguge insurunce coverngr is not uvuiluhle,Borrower shnll puy to <br /> �;�:;;; , Lender each month u sum eyuul to onr-tweltth of Ihe yrurly monguge insur�ince premium being paid by Borrower when the _ <br /> " '-��`� � insumnce coverage lupsed or ceused ta I+e in effect. Lender will uccept.use imJ re�oin thexe paymentx as n lo�s rexerve in lieu <br /> _ � `;�-� �• ' � of mortgage insurnnce. Loss rexervc pAymems muy no longrr he reyuired,ut tM op�ion of Lendcr,if mortgLge insurunce —�-= <br /> � .:..:�••. � coverage(in�he wnaunt und for the pe�tiad�hut Lcnder r�yuirez)pr�v�ded by un insumr upproved by Lender uguin becomes r�!�+ <br /> • � nvniluble und is obtuined.Barrowcr sha0 pay Ihr prrmiums rcyuircJ�o muintain m��rtFuge inyurunce in cffecl,ar to provide u !F�'1" <br /> • � . J �� ' lotir reserve,until the reyuiremrnt for mahguge insuruncc enJs in ucconiunce wi�h any wrinen u�mement 6etween Bomower �•_ <br /> ._ ,.��-� • und Lender ur uppliwble luw. <br /> 9. Inspection. Lendcr or itx ugcnt m•ry makr rcu.�►nt�ble rmricx upun unJ im�xrtium uf Ihe Pro�ny. Lender shull �A�_ <br /> g p Ik' Fx' Y b I�' � <br /> ive Borrower noticr ut thr timc of or rio�to an im uiun, �if in�rcu�unubl�ruutic tix thr im �tion. .�,�;�: <br /> l0. Condemnntlon. The paxecJ�uf uny a�vurJ or cluim ti�r Jama�rti.Ji�rrl�tt comeyucnti• runnection with uny °�. <br /> ' SinRle F.unlly••Frnnk�1ne/Frcddle 11oc U�IFORSI I�tiTR0�1F.NT•-Uniu�mi Co�cnam. 9/90 pMi¢r d n/n�w�.q��u <br /> I:rtri Itlee Ru�lnrw kum�.Inr� ��, <br /> ' TulM�k►CIII:I�OOA70Y7�U YA%616781•t171 <br /> � r <br /> „ <br /> , � , <br /> - ��, � � , <br /> ,, , , <br /> � - -- _ _ 1 <br /> Y <br /> � — . _ <br /> _� . ._ ._ . . . .. . .. .... ..... ... _ - - <br />