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<br /> �a y ,� '<4 ��,y ; • � . i '
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<br /> .� ' - c� 1 •,`��.v , "' .
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<br />��'�`�� � �����r _
<br /> Borrt�wer sh:sll prompdy p,ive L�ender written norice of any investigation, daim, em�td_ lawsu�t or other action by any -
<br /> ''' • �oven�mental or regulatory agency�r private p3rty involving the Property and any Hazanlouc��jbstanoe or Environmenta!law
<br /> � of w6ich Sorrower has actua{kn�wledge. If Borrawer[�ms, or is nouGcd by any �overnrtm:ttai ar regulatary•authority,that
<br /> eny�ova!or ather rem�diation of azry Hazsudaus Substance affixting the Property is rtece.,sary.Eomower shall promptiy take
<br /> v . uil necessary remedial actions in accordance with Frnvironmencal 4nw.
<br />. As nsed in tflis paragrap6 2tD, 'H�ardaus Substartses" are those su6°.,aances defined�s tnxic or hazardaus substances by
<br /> � Envic�tunental !aw and tfi�e follc��ving su6sta�cces: gasoliae. kerosene. other flammable or toxic Retrole�un products, toaic
<br /> vic
<br /> � ges�cides aBd h�rbicides,vnlatile solveuts,tnateriais containing asbastos or formaldehyde.and radioactive materiats.As used in
<br /> this �atagrapla Zp� "Envirorlmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that
<br /> . relat�to health,safety or envi:onmental protecdon.
<br /> NON-UNIF012M COVENANTS. Borro;vee and Lender funher coveaant and ag,ree as follows:
<br /> • :� 2Y.Aca�ra3ian;�edie§. L�er s5�'.3�ive sottce t$B�rrus:rr�riur to a�cd�84a 8oltaa�fn;�rfovre�s b�rh
<br /> �•. of�ny mve�ani 68 a�eeusee! ia t 'r Sea�ity Ia54nimen! (but ani pdor to atxeter�aHan uttder Para�rag+� 17 anless
<br /> a��:�"�x i��r p��I�s ot�c�rE��.'�'8rt n�oEice shall s f.�Y: (a)the defaalt; (b)t6e actton eequired to cure the default. -
<br /> (c�a��,rsu tzss¢R�n 3a d�ys�.-a i�e da3e We aotice Ls givea to Borrouer,by whic6 tge default m�st be cared;and
<br /> .. ;� (�t6a2�sAuTe to ecue t�d��i�ar beicxm the dats specified in We aotice mny sesvlt in�xetersii�on of ttse�s
<br /> s�cur�!�jr t�S�a�n� ln.�^3s��t and sala�t the Pm�tPety.'�he nutice s6�ll Furt6et[nfor��ormv�er of Ehe dglit to
<br /> rei�i�sft¢�m.�°�e end tlte r,'sght tn�rin.�s ww4 acbton to asert the nog�fste�e oS'a defatilt or any othar
<br />. " de�e��4 F,�Yro�to aoo�te�ati�rtnd sai� If the defaaft is aot cured oa or befo�tge da4e speciiied in tf�e v�otfoe,
<br /> �I.�,at i2s op'�on,a�Y requ'c�e immxdEate paym�t in t�li of alt sas�s�by thts 3e�ity In3Tr�ea3 cs�E6oui
<br /> • � fiut�e�d�an��9 m��f�oSce 4he poRer of s�ie and any otheT c�ed€c�perm�lted bY aPPUrable Iaw.Lea�er sba�l bP -
<br /> entifle�i w oo�eet s►3D eape�cc irs�rred in�anr�irtg the r�edIe�provtded in t6is para�ph Zl.tn�tndIng,but not i�an[t�
<br /> � :' to,rasvnahle a�e}s'fees aa�oosts o�title evlden�.
<br /> ,_;•;'?!: tf the power of satP is inv�ice�, Srustee sh�U reoord a Qoifoe of defaa[ii in eacb w�iy in whioL any part o!the
<br /> ;:t;�•,...' Pro p e r t y is I�cat�d and s5all maf!copi2s of such notice tn the manner prescribed�y applYCSble law to BoproRer and to
<br />�•,'r,;;:.: the other peisons�Ibed by a�plIca6ie law.After the time c�quiseaf 6q agp H r�e�►sr,'i�r i s tee s 6 a T 1 give�uDlic ao t l ce
<br /> c;r.��
<br />::;.t;,:.•; oi s�e to the peisoas and in ti�:m��r prescrit�by appiira6M taw.Tiustce,sanl�o�i demans!aa Borrower.shall
<br />:�,r,�' �Q p�p�y�������p��6ldder at the ttme and plxe aad nndar tt�e t�s dr�tgnzted In the no3ice of
<br /> ..,, .
<br /> ,;`s� � sale in one or morn parceL�an�in a�r o�er Trasiee defermimes.'d'nistee may postponx sa[e oP eil or any paraef of t6�
<br />.��<tr. � p�,p�y�Y I��c announoement at tlie tiffie und pface of a�y prev[ously schednled safe. Ianrder os its dcslg�ee�.�,Y
<br /> -��•�r;
<br /> • ,;,�: p�ase the P�voperty ai an,y sa4e.
<br /> , . .t?�mn receipt of paymeqf:rsf ttta prioe bld, Trustee sl�all de]iv� to the pprcbaser'['�ttee's 8�d cnnv�ryi�s�
<br /> G'm,�ilq.'Phe r�dtals in Q@e�ee's deed shall be prIma(ade evtdence of tne trQth of�e s�atemen�epyrcTt�1�ereia. -
<br /> .::,,,1��,� �¢�e.sf��pij�P�e prooeeds oY the saie In the foltowing order:(a)w aU casts and e$pens�a�c�¢rdsing�{�ower o�� .
<br /> �r,� .� s�le.and t�q�Gt;.#�ttaFrYc�thQ PdY�u�ue o�li�x Traste¢'s feas aciaally iacureed,Qoi to exocetH L-��of 50.UQ or �45
<br /> `� ' of k�e preccE�S an!rittcst og t�e c�te at the U3me of the dedaezHon of defanit,and�rm�l2 uiluciteys'Sees as permitted
<br /> ''�� by�+ar;(b)to�Ii sar,as s�aual:i�;i th�.s Secur3ty Iast�ent;aad(c)any en�ees�Em f]Ya��so�¢�pe�sons degalty entit[ed W
<br /> i� . �
<br /> � ...� 2t. Reronsey�ancP. lJpcu�:.�s,+ment of all sums secured by this Security Insurunc�rt. �.euder shaU aeq�est Trustee tc� _
<br /> � recomey the Fta�xs+; aad s�.t�ld'• scsssendec[3zir;. Security Instrument anci aU notes evide�cinD delst_ ::t�red by this Serurty ;..
<br /> ..�{; Insuument to Tivsti�r::.T..,�stees�fi recunvcy r�Property without warr�nty and withnut charge ta tJnic ixasun ur peisons lega�:`� ' .
<br /> _._� entided w it.Such��es-.�cn os p:�,at�y shall pay any recordarion costs. •
<br /> � 23.SW�i�tici�'i'ru�i�x iu�acic�r.at its option.u;ay f;a,.--s tis�x So i't�r�m�v?'�'n�stap and an;snint�s�ts�c4+nw{ru�tee to
<br /> any Trustee appointed hereus��r 1's�r an instrument recorded in the county in which this Securiry Instrument is recardf�i�'!�13ttiont
<br /> . conveyance of the Prclrrt�r,the saccessor trustee shall succeed to all c�e dtle,'pawer and duties canferred upon Tn�s1t�'herein
<br /> and by applicabte 1��.
<br /> '�,,: ?A.Reqnest far Notloes.Borrower requests that copies of the rvotices of defaWt and sale 6e sent to Borrower's address
<br /> . which is the Property Address. ..
<br /> .t ... , ?S.Rtders to this Scc�¢t3Qr Tisstrameut.If one or more riders are executed by Eucsower and recorded together witb this
<br /> � Security Instru�nt.the eovena�and agreements of each such rider shall be incaipara�axl rmto and shall amend and supplement .
<br /> ' �the oavenants and a�ements of this Secunty Instniment as if the rider(s)were a part o."tis9;�Security Instrument.
<br />.•:'}'-ti�t [Check applicabte boa(es)] .
<br /> .1,� , .
<br /> ' . � � � [�Adjustabte Rate Ri�er � '�'Cando�,miam Rider �i-4 Family Rider .
<br /> :.':; � �Graduated Payment It��#- �Planned 1'uiaii Devetopment Rider ❑Biweekly Fayment Ro�t� . . � �.�'
<br /> '�Balloon Rider [�Rate Impia�uement Itider 0 Seoond I�ome Rider -
<br /> �. 0 V.A.Rider (�Other(s)[specifYl � ' �
<br /> �� �' � ° � $OME EQUITY LINE RIDER •
<br /> BY SIGNIIUti BELOW,6�rvwer accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Sewrity Instrumeni and
<br /> � in any rider(s)executed by Borrower and rerorded with it.
<br /> � 7' PIdLL'CSSes: ' •
<br /> '(� • '���'a��
<br /> Y L. �C13�ICHE[JNlAIEIZ -Snrrower
<br /> '� �
<br /> :.`�
<br /> ,��� •
<br /> ` ���� �,� r�vt�
<br /> .�lu,� ���
<br /> GAI� . 3C . n•fAIER -Bono.ver
<br /> (Seal) (Seal)
<br /> -BortOwel � •BOJiOUYf
<br />�., . STATE Op 1V�ILASiCA, HALL �� Co�ty s,:
<br /> � The foregoL��instniment v,as actcnowledged before me this � 23 day of SEPTIISSEA, 1996 ,
<br /> P�imess my hand and notarial seal at GRAND I NEBRAS�A � said n ,the d�te aforesaid.
<br /> -'; MyC�+*+!micciottFipires Q4/06J199A � Y).1� `1
<br /> ' Nntary Priblu
<br /> .. � ' ���1�'1�'��'�ti
<br /> ��"�� vaQO�oe e Fomo 3028 9150
<br /> 1!lE1�aE�li�tl�t9�
<br /> _.. ,: , .- - � . — -- - - � � _ ,
<br /> � � ;. � ,, ;,• .
<br /> _ �� � . "1�� �. �.1 . .. ..I . •<.. .�.�. •Y .. � -� . � . . . u ... . . .. . .. � ...
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