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<br />`„�' !n 2�:�an to dz'as oo:�aaarrts and egreements made In tf:e A,fa�tgaga,Bomower and Lender furtHer covanant and agree as foflows:
<br /> 7. 7I�a wotd"Nofa,»8s used in rt�e Mongage sr�d�t�:r�itl8r,refets to the Home C-�:ity Aocess Lbts Agr�emarrt
<br /> ;� 2 Tire Note evirknces an op2n end revolviag Gne of cQed'd sgrgemerrt beiween Burtawer and Lsrrder. The amount stated/n the ��
<br /> ' MaRgaQe as tite princlpa!sum of the Indebted�tess Is the cred'rt ftmtt tor tAe frn�m3�ea''�AIl edvances made et eny dme aj �:�
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<br /> ,..` accardan�e wfth the mortgage ta proteci tha securlty of�1re Morigage,exceed the statad cred'rt limtt fnr the Ifna of cred� �4_:
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<br /> '"'l : �ercenfr�a,ratg of 96.The annual perornfag��ab wt� be mora than 90. 71te daily pertoarc -
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<br /> ,,�.,:;
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