1 ,�.. J_y .•�j:j�i:,•�,. ;� _.,...�r zti.i..z..c- '`' +a 1' ,.,:+�s,ct .:i'<� ' `E:.
<br /> T��;,.,.- - - -- �' — �a—�.�°��°�'� �1�;;�'� ,��;...s,�.,�,,..:
<br /> substantially equivalent mort�age insuran.oe coverage is nat available.Borro«•er shall pay to Lertder eact��nth a sum equal to ' �,,,,�
<br /> . one�v�elfth of the yeatly at►ortgage insurance premium heing paid by Borrower wQten the insuraace covera�lapsed or ceased to �``��'� .
<br /> � - be�h eft'ect.I,ender w411 aei.�epi.use and ret�n these payments as a toss reserve in lieu of martgage insurance. L.oss cesen+e :.`"`ti � ;,;� �
<br /> w �r.�
<br /> `' � payr.:ents may no langer be reqaired,at the option of Leader,if mostga&e insurance coverage(in the amounc ar.d for the period
<br /> _ .� . ,`�a:='��:�
<br />` � t,°.aa L.ender requi�s)provided by an insurer uppmved by txnder again becomes available and is obtained. 8orrower shall pay ��;, .� 'r •° .
<br /> _ the premiums requinzd to maintain mortga�e insurance in eit'ect.or to pmvide a loss reserve.until the requirement far rao.Kgage ,y. .'G•�,: r:��� '.'417'`
<br /> insurar_ce ends in accurdance�eith any srntten a�rrcement 6etwan�orro�ver and ixnder or applituble taw. `�.�°':;i�.. ...�:L�_�'�
<br />� 9.Inspectton. Lender ar its agent may make reasos�able entries upon and inspoctions of the Pro rty. l.ender shail �ve '"���`�''"-"���" ��--�•
<br /> � g `,;.. � .. '•.� �,., ;. -,.�
<br /> Borrower rtotice at�he time of or priot to an inspeetion sQecifying re�sonable cause for the inspcc:aon• . . . •� '�. ' -
<br />• 10. Condemnattore. The prooeeds of any award or claim for damages,dirert or rnnsequential, in rnnnection with any '���;,f,:y�,.
<br />, �-.., coademnation or other ta[sing of any part of the Property.or for rnnveyance in lie�a o€condemnaaon,are I:erehy assigned and °'. ..'. ;,�.. . : �
<br /> shall be paid to Lender. '� �Y '�� �" :
<br /> ` In the event of a tota!taking of the Propz:ty,the prnc�eds shaq bc appiied to the sums secand Gy this Security Instrument, '� ° �' m
<br />�'_: whether or not dten dtae. nit��ar�y eztcss p�t!ta Borroe�er. [n the event of a p�a[ taking of tSz.. Propercy in wSuch the fair -' _. . 'a:
<br /> m3rtcet value of the Propetty irnmediately 6efore t6e taking is equal to or greater than the amaunt of the suans secured by'th"ss , $
<br /> S„�curity inswm:nt immed'easeiy hefare the taking.un4tss Borrower and Lender otherwise agre�in writing.th.s.�as seceued by : ` ; . :,�.. '� -
<br /> this Sacuriry Utsnum�nt shall be reduoed by the amawnt of the proce�s multiplied Dy the following fi-�tifln_ (a) tPie total ;'���,:,-;-:�-=�-..�:
<br /> amount af th�s.�m;secured immediately before the taldng.divided by N) the fait market value of the Property imm�diately ;.�rs�..:��_ :o. :_ �:"=
<br /> � before the ta�ng. Aay halance shall f�e paid to Borrawer. In the event of a partial taking of the Pmperty in which the fa'v : . �«.-.:,�.x-R. _
<br /> market vslae of the Property immediately before th�taking is less than the acnnunt flf the sums secured immediately before EFi.e • �a�'w^,_�;•. --
<br /> talong.unless Borro�ver and L.Eader otherwise agn�in writing or unless applisxhle law otherwise provides.the prucee.�ds shall r:".. ':� ...:, ,'.•' :�'
<br /> ' be lie�to the sums seaued 6 this Secvri Insttumem whether or not the sums are then due. � �•- ��'����
<br /> app Y tY ;cG'y:-'::.;�:,_ ... �
<br /> • , If the Property is�nndoned by Iinrrower, or if, afier notice by Lender to Borrower that thQ oondemnor offers to make an y�� �`;�!�,�
<br /> 'f.��
<br /> ,�.., award or settle a claim fur damages, Barrawer fails to mspond to Lender wiiltin 30 days after the date the notice is given, t:�;,. '���1�`_�;,,,;
<br /> `�' L.ender is allihorized to collect and ! the ruceed.s.at its o tion,eithet to restnratio�or re air of the P�o rty or to the sums ��'��`�
<br /> F_�_.
<br /> aPP Y R P � � - �4��`:�,,..,;�,.
<br /> sacc�i by�1�is Security Instrument.whe�fier ar not t�en due. {+:'�. .�'��:,'�=
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrawer othecwise agree in writiag. aa�+ application of proceeds w priacipal shall uot er.tend +�r #"�= "�`f�`"'
<br /> 'y ��
<br /> p�st�ctne the due date af the manthly payments referre�co in para�a�hs 1 and 2 or change the amonnt of such payments. - ' _
<br /> IL biorrawer No3 Released;Fort�srannoe Bp�uder Not a Walver.Extension of the time for pay�errt nr�aodification �'":'.`•:�'
<br />. � o��mu�rrization of ths sums secured by this Security G-►stcument ganted by I.ender to any successor in interest of Bnrmwer shall --- �=-_
<br /> _; ond�.�t�tn release the liability of Ne original Borrower or Earraaer's successors in interest. Lender shall�not iae requirerl<EO "' �'- ��_
<br /> oo�s�.e•{*rtsceedings against any sua�essor m imerest or m.fuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify a�nottizalii,n . - � __
<br /> , c�'� ��secured by this Security Insuument t�y reason of any demand made by the original Bomower or Bu�+aw�er's '3"'. F .`_�_ -
<br />• � � �cessors in interest.�ay forbearance by Lerl,der�a rxercising any right or mme�y shall not be a waivet of ar preclude the •�;;:1;,.. �� '";�=-��=�
<br /> exr:rcise of any right or remedy. '_��'i�F��--�
<br /> 12. Su�eessars and Assigns Bound;Joint und Sever�l Ltahility; Co�s• The coveuants and agx�nents af this .,_:_.� .�
<br /> sec�sriry Insuament s6a11 bind and beQe�it the successoTS and as.�igns of I.ender and Borrow�r_ subject to the provislous of - .`:,�;�;,;;.,:,� :.�
<br /> " �aragrap?t t7. Borrower s covenants a�i r�greemenu shall be joirn and several. Any Borrowsr. who co-signs this �ri�y ti�i.::.
<br /> • tu.�umeat but does not execute the N'ati:: ta) is co-signing this�rity I ��++ nt only to c.mr.t�e,�r-aat and cumr�y r�ab , t, • ,:'�-
<br /> . i.,;.-�.,yK� <<r;�'^ 'si ii':
<br /> ,tdeam^wer's interest ia the Property under the terms of this Secairity Insuumenh,(b)is not personaZiy obfi�l:�n.pay the sGms ��•:%.'�{��'•;_-'.
<br /> !aaatcx��'(�p�is Sec�uity InsG�nt:and(c)agrees thzt F.nder and any other Bosrower may agreE to exteud.rxmrtizy,forbear or . `"r':�ff•'r�%:�a
<br /> �s���sxmmodadons with regard to[he terms of tfus Sec�u�ry InEtrument or the l�ote without that Bomrxct�c'��.:on�ent, �� ,,�. '' �::.�%°�•�t'°
<br /> ,l,: ,.�.
<br /> ..,;,,:.,.�,
<br /> 1�.�xs�twti�arg�.If the loan secured by t6is�arntity Iscsd.umc-r�2 is subjeet to a law whicd sc4s ma�irc.���nan drar£�es. ,�;�;,�,,;,. ;, ,;:'c'k
<br /> and that taw is finally interpreted so that the interesl o�t ather lozn dr�es collected or to be rnllecietl in ca�ection wstti�I��� � : �rnT.
<br /> �. _;.. .,r�::-
<br /> � toan exoeed the permitted limits,then:(a)any s�cds Caw.cl�arge shr-ll:L�reduced by the amount necessary to reduce E�.cfh�� ",,;:�''..� �•� �-
<br /> ,�....__
<br /> `� 'i�r the pe:utitted iim'si:and(bl any sums atrcady:.a!ls:c,:��sram Bormaer which}x�led�tmiue�3limits�;t£�refi��,�fir�J to _;�,,:,.,
<br /> .'."y4 fforrower. I.ender muy ch�se to make this refund`lru r_rducing the principal •owed under the Note or G� rs����g a dicect :' "`'�'•'' �'�kf�::
<br /> payment to Barrower. If a refund reduccs prin•:i�.�l. uze reduction anll be treated as a partial prepa}rta;c..� withnut any �•,ry:��
<br /> �'' prepayment charge under the Note. �' �' .:
<br /> i4.Nottcts.A11y R6UCC t0 BOPit)tY.t�.��ti:�.�;3ttd f r in this Security lnstrument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing ���rt!:�'j
<br /> • it by first class mail unless agplicabfe�law:�aires�=rz�3f another method. The aotice shall be dir�m[f�e Prop�erty Address �` �� �fr"`-f�f'�
<br /> �ar any other �dress EurraN:�designates by nna��o�.Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given�y li�i_elass mail to � •;,:�T.,�
<br /> ^ Islander's address stated.he�un�r any other address Lender designates by notice w Borrower. Any nottce�nsuiii�u�for in this .•~ , „����"%Y"
<br /> . .:�s..`•t�:
<br /> • !��urity Instrument sha�:k���Y:.eemed to have been given to Bortower or Lendet when given as pmvided in t}�is�sq�ph. ' " tFiW
<br /> 15.�vgrning L9t�; Sever�Diltty. This Security Insuur¢ent shall be govemed by federal law a�: 1f� 2�zv,of ahe �':�� �::'_.3=,=
<br /> _��. � jurisdictioi�,ian�x'hich t�e�ropetty is located. In the event that any n:ovision or clsuse of this Security(nsuunvt��'or tirc t?Cestt� - - - ;.. =.�;;;,
<br /> ° : �� . Contlicts wu'�::Frrpticzb�fiew.such oonflict shall not affect other pmc�sions of this Security Instrument or the NeU�+uhir�x�c�uii li�r '�:Y:���:'i;
<br /> .. �aven effect without t�•�asm9icting provision.To shis end the provisions of this Sura�rity[nstr+rment and the Alr�e�e declr,�ad '•�'` ��`�'� ` •
<br /> , � ;,,�
<br /> � �'� ��o be severabie. • . , ..:. .: `,.,;,.:�;.;;, •�:
<br /> � • ��,.�.t,<�•f.i:'
<br /> �. 16.Soriower's Cory.Borrower shall be given orr oonformed copy of the Note and of this Security lnswment. ��Sr�:,;�,.,,;��•;�x;;,;t•;j;�:r.
<br /> 17.Trunsfcs of tdie Property or a Bea�ctal Lutere�t in Borrower. If all or any part of the Property or any interest in it ' �`�� r `Y4`•;j.'.'t:
<br /> is sold or vansferred(or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a natwal person)withaut "#!'.��'��-sy' '���';;';: ,•,
<br /> • • Lender's prior written co�sent, Lender muy. at iu a�tion, require immediate payment in full of all s�ms secured by this �
<br /> � � Security instrument.Ha�w�+r.ies,this option shall not L*c:�.�ercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of the dtite ;'-;:,.�,j��.
<br /> of tl�is Serurity Inswm�.. ===-
<br /> If i.ender exercises ty:s�ption.Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration.The norice shall provide a period of not � `�':�s.:
<br /> mm, :���.
<br />' . :�: less than 30 days from the date the��cxu`4a:is delivered or mai!�vJ tvithin which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this "'' ...� Y;.�,
<br /> �� Securiry Instrument.If Borrower fails�a�sy these sums prior M Q��eapiration of this period.Lender may invoke any re�c+�:i�s '�,��_�•'%:. "''°�`-
<br /> • ��� permitted by this Security Instrument e;irl5ntt further notice or demssnd on Borrower. ` ' �y��
<br /> �; , �.iz:.,,.,j;,�_�.
<br /> �.�j� 18. $otrower's Ri�� to Reias7ate. If Barmwer meets certain condiuons. Borrower shall have t� xight to have '•:r��' ',��,,i��;;;�,
<br /> ,�.1 �. . �lr'1�.�.•
<br /> '• ti enforcement of this Sacurit.y Autrument discantinued at any time prior to the earfier of: (a)S days (or sur.lr�seli�r period as <;;, , �; `31�i��i'.,'.�'`'`:;'��'
<br />:.�� .�; , .. ,;��,'}��, .a;--.
<br /> Lea� •.�,:t--=_-.
<br /> applicable law may spei:ify for minstztement) before sate of the Propeny pursu;uie to any puwer of sale �a3ntairte� in this .,:.:.;-�-�-°•, q�.
<br /> # Security Instrument:or(b)entry of a jud�ment enforcing this Security Instrumenc.Thase conditions are that I�o�r►wer: (a a s � ar'��•. • ,-
<br />,����. : . )p Y ;�;,.. .:._-=
<br />��::��:';4,)� 'Leader all sums which then would be dae under this Secvrity T�istrucnent and the Nate as if nu,�ecreteration had occurrcxl; (b) R�,,':. �•
<br />-�:�`yi�;i` cures any default of uny ather covenanu or a gretments: (c)pa ys all ex p enses iRCUrre6 in enfurciag this Security Insuvment. ��' ;• '+��' _=
<br />