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.�r��-��..-.���� ----- rr^` _� �p�.''l��y,;.�;7i: •�, ..- __ .._ <br /> .Fn `c'�_ <br /> � . � <br /> . ��,� c�� <br /> . . .-�rr.++�T <br /> - - . =��r_..... <br /> . . ...�._._'__ <br /> .'_� I _. _ __ <br /> __ ___ <br /> ___._ <br /> . �:_"_ _ :..Wa�rreo111 ... <br /> _---_ -__ . 92-- 1Oss�� <br /> � opp8c�bk I�w m�y�peciiy fcx rcineWtemen�)befao xale of the Propetty pursuAnt to nny powar of rule cuntained in Ihi� <br /> � Securiry 6uwment;or ib)en1ry of a jud�ment enforcinR thir Security Inxtrumem. Those condidonr Arc Ilwt Borrower. (a) <br /> p�y� l.ender �II rums which �hen would be due under thfa Secut�ty Instrument wid ihe Note a� if nu xceleradon had <br /> — accumed;(b)cures pny deP�uit of rny dher coven�s�nr pgrcements;(cl lwys oll expenses iocumed in enfbrcin�this Securily <br /> -- Instnunent, including,bu�nnt Ilmited to, �l�e anameys'fees; ond (d)tukes such�clion os L.ender moy re�son�bly <br /> = n�quirc 10�asurc Ihat Ihe lien of thia Secu�ity InKlnuneat,Lender's r�ghts in Ihe Pmpcny�nd�omawerk obligatlon tn pay�ho <br /> ,�����;,�� �ums aecurod by thie Security Inawment shall continue unchonged. Upan �inatnlemenl by B�xrower. Ihi: Seeutity <br /> �------�- --- � lnstrument and the ohligatlans securM herchy shnll remnln fully effecdve as if na wccele��ian had occurted. Howeve[,Ihis <br /> ';� r��ht to reinat�te stwll not apply in the wse of�ccelerntian undcr prragroph 17. � <br /> ��, 19. Sak of Nok=Cbap�e o�I.oan Servicer, The Nate ar p�iul interesl in thc N�Ne I�ugethcr with thiR Sscurity <br /> I n s t r u m e n q m p y b e�Id one or mac limes without priar naice to orrower. A sule may rctialt in u change in the entity <br /> ��"��� ({u�own�s tix"L.oan Servicer")tlwt collecls momhly puyments due under the Note and�hia Sccudty Instrument. 7'herc alsa ` <br /> m�y be ax or morc changea af ihe Loan Servicer unrclated to a sale of the Nae. If therc is a chunge uf�he Loan Servicer. <br /> _=�=°=`'""M�' �� Bormwer wlll be given w�itten notica of the change in uccordance wilh purugrnph 14 ulwve und opplicable IAw. The naiee =_-. <br /> "�"�`�"r"";'''� ��� w{N statc the namc and uddr�ess of the new Lom Servjcer and the wddresx to which pAyments Yhauld 6e mude. The noticc will __ _ <br /> �`�°� A�o conwin�ny oU�cr information requircd by applicnble law. <br /> -�''"'�'�`�?"��'�' ' 10. Hsuardaut SubWoaces. Bormwer�hall nat cuuse or permit the presence,use,dispasal,sioroge,or rcieasc uf any <br /> ����� Hazardaus Su6stuncea on or in 1he Property. Borrower shaQ not do,nor allow anyone clse tu do, anylhing Affecting Ihe <br /> -- Propeny tlwt is in violation of any Envlronmmtal Law. The preceding two sentences shull na upply to�he presence,use,or <br /> ---=--W��:�`; storage on�he Property of small quantities of Hawrdous Subswncex that are�enerally recogoiud to be approprirte to namal _ <br /> -� -- .=� residendal uses and to mAintenanc2 of ihe Properry. <br /> -.�;.., �:;,r, � Borruwer shall promptly give Lender wdt[en notice of any inveatigation,claim,dema��d,lawsuit or other actioo by any =_ <br /> _'��,ri:�t_:�,;d�: � g o v e m m e n t a l o r re g u l a to ry a ge n c y or p r fvate p a r t y invaivin g tiw Pru p ert y Nnd uny Ilnwrdaus Substance or Environmental � <br /> ' Law of which Bcttrower has actual knowledRe. If Bortawer leams, or is notified by any governmcnlul or regulutary <br /> _��r���' " � �-- <br /> —. ,,_,� :..",� aWhodty.Ihut any nemoval or other remediatbn af nay Hazurdoua Subslance affecting the Property is necesswry,Borrower <br /> —. •��� • �,;,;;. shall pmmptly take all necessury remedial actions in Accardonce with Environmenlal LAw. --- <br /> ;~��'���,r�:� ' As used in thia parugraph 20,"Hazordous SuMtances"are those subslunces defined ua toaic ar hsizardoua sub�tanccs by --- <br /> . •�;,,,,,,,,,, ;,,•: Environmental Law and the following substancea: gosoline,kerosene,other flummable or toaic petraleum products,roxic _ <br /> ___�����,�, Pesticidos end herbicides,volatile solvents. materiols cantaining nsbestos or fonnuldehyde.ond radivactive materiols. As -- <br /> ��.,j„ ,�;,,�.,�. used in thia pi►ra�ph 20."Environmental Law"means(ederal laws wid luws of the jurisdiclion where the PropeRy is lornted <br /> `t��•• '- •�'� that rclate w henith,safety or emironmental protectfan. <br /> -w���i J1F.3 �:'L�..vwl.�..:i.' . <br /> ' ��.� ,.:..� � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. 9orrower�d l.ender further covenant und ag�+ee as fallaws: <br /> :'�"�''e: `�� �'� 21. Accekrntion; Remedtes. [.ender shall give aodce to Borrower prior to accelerAtlon following Borrower's <br /> _ �. ,�;*i�v��� 6reach oi any rnvennnt or�+grcement tn t6Ls Security InstrumeM(but not prior to Acceleration under para��ph 17 <br /> —' �'s�'�--=��. uoles�ap�licable law!►rovldes otherwise). The nodce s6a11 specify: la1 the default;(b)tbe AcNon required to cure the <br /> - ��"'�'*'^'`�`':��:`�• � defpult;(c)a dwte,not less than 30 days irom tbe dpte the notke i�gtven to which the�eiauit must i�e — <br /> '�,-�� . '•'��' � cured;nnd(d)that failure to cure lhe default on or before Ihe dete specifled in the notke may result in��celeration of <br /> � " �"''`\ � the sums secured by this Security lnstrument wad sale of the Property. The notice shall fu�ther intorm Barrower oP <br /> =��"�.•:�� � � the right to reinatate At�er Acceleration and the right to bring a court AcUon to wssert the non-existence ot a default or <br /> �.�:;� � � I Any ather defense ot Borrower to acceler�lbn and sale. IP the dePault is not cured on or before the date specifled in <br /> �;; ��� n ,: "` the notke,I.ender At ifs option may requirelmmediate p�yment in iull oi'all sums secured by this Security Instrument ��;;�- <br /> . 'r�. �• i without furtber demand And mAy invoke Ihe power of sale and any other remedies permilted by applicable law __ <br /> '•' � ��- -+� l.ender sludl be entitled to collect All expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in thEs parwQrnph 21. <br /> _ � '' including,but not limited to.reasonable atMrneys•fees and costs of title evidence. -- <br /> '�.� � -� .• . - • If Ihe p�wer of sAk is invoked.7Yustee shall record p noHce oP default in eACh county in which any part of the <br /> Property Is Iceoted nnd shall mail coptes otsuch notice in the manner prescrlbed by applicwble Iww to Bor�ower And to �,� <br /> � ;� ,"•� � � , !he other p ersons prescribed by applicable law. Aiter the time required by appiicable low,'I�ustee shall give public — <br /> . •• :�:,,,��`, aotice of sale to the persons And in the maaner presc�i b e d by app l ica b le Iww 7 1 ru s tee.w i t hou t demon d on Borrower. � <br /> � • `;,,:•:.: shAll sell lhe Property at public auction to Ihe highest bidder At the time and place and under Ihe terms designated in <br /> ' . � � . " .. the notke oP sale in one or more parcels and in s�ny order 71�ustee determines. 'I�ustee mny pnslpone sale of All ur any <br />, ' "�'^:.: � ' pprcel of the Property by pubNc Announcement ot the time and pluce of any previously scheduled swle. Lender or its �_ <br /> � �� , d e s iQnee mAy purc hose t h e I'rope r ty�t anysw te. �____. <br /> • � ' Upon recetpt of payment of the price bid,Trotitee choll deliver to ihe purchaser 71-ugtee's deed conveying the :�, . <br />:•°,� " Prope�ty. The recitals in!he 7Yustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence oP the truth uP the statements made therein. �` <br /> . ':: d'-�'?;,k 7lrusfee sbpll ppply ide proreeds of thc ru�le In the foNowing order: lal to all cocls and expense�c oi exerci.ging the power `-- <br /> .. �, , <br /> �- — <br /> ;�' -- <br /> . • ,;.; <br /> Yo�n Jo21i 9/9D qw4�S��l�lwx�'�I l... <br /> ��'.r <br /> ' ., . �. <br /> 1 .• <br /> , " � � . .._. --. � _.._ . . _ . . _.. - . . . .. ti.�,..v.. n:.,L,���,` <br /> �J�;�r'+ic� . • <br /> . 1 <br /> .. , <br /> � .. . ' <br /> ' <br /> . � <br /> .. <br /> � �' �. ' <br /> . !}'•• , <br />