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'N�i�r-�naa :p�;. ' r �..s_ �,::M' <br /> I, � � u.,�—...1___°�:.-.. - r . ,,...��_��,s�a�... __ -. <br /> - ------ <br /> . . . ,. <br /> ,, <br /> � . <br /> .. ' <br /> ��� _ <br /> _��. _. _. ,..___ �.. .-----•-- — - _- <br /> - w.�w�--�-- • , __ i� Y . <br /> �� ����..�-�.� ,. <br /> --�.�...,�..... --- .1.�. �fjflZ.',;�A �i.. <br /> . �..:.`'•- �.. _'r�- •_. <br /> . , . "�•.";�C4',�� r�'P'Y�wr' � iif� ' o <br /> . .. . . .R � .�MI�.. .. <br /> ' � . __ ... . ___.. <br /> � . i . <br /> -___-_--- -= -� 92- 10554� <br /> :,i: <br /> candemnalion or dher lukin�ui'+uiy puh uf�he 1'�upcny,ur I'or cunvcyunce in licu of cundemnution,urc hcrcby us�ipncd uiul <br /> - --_ _-_----- clwll be puld to Lcndcr. --.-° <br /> h► �he ev4nt uf o qdal wking oP�he Pn��ny. if� pnKecJ� �hall Im opplicd to Ihc +um. +crund My thi,S�curity <br /> '� Inrtrument, whcthcr or nrn�hen duc,wilh +�ny cxcrs��id k�Bom�wcr. In Ihc cvcn� of u paniul wkin�t ui'�hc PnKxny in <br /> �� which Ihc fuir ntarket valuc u(�hc Pn��xny lmmcdiu�cly tkfi�R thc luking i,cyuul�o ur grcatcr�hun�hc umi�unl ui'�hc�umr i <br /> � ncrurcd hy�his Securiiy Inylrumem immcdiutcly Ixti�rc�he tukinR,unlc„Sorruwcr:md Lrndrr oih�rwiu agrrr in wri�ing. _ <br /> � �. Ilx Kums�cumd by Ihi�Security Inswmrnt�hall F+e reduccd by thc amnunt�rt'Ihc pnxrcdti muUiplied hy Ihc f��lluwing <br /> - '�.--- � �f•�� fiz�c�ion: lu1�hc tutul omuunt oi'Ihe swn�Kcured immcdiutrly ixtim�he tukinF.Jividcd by(h)�hc I'uir m►�rkrt vulue uf�he <br /> Pmperty imtncdiulely befiirc Ihc luking. Any balancc xhall tx:puiJ w Burruwer. In Ihr c��cm of a purtial taking ��f Ihc � -_ <br /> : �� piropcdy in which ihc tuir market vulur ut'the Pro�x:hy immcdiutely txforc ihc�uking i.I��.�hun Ihc um��um ��t�Ihc .umr � - <br /> ` r;ecured immcdiu�ely i+eforc thc wking,unles� H��rrower und Lcndc�a�hcrwixc ugrer in writing ��r uidc.� upplicuMr luw <br /> ��s=����t' o�hrrwihe pmviJra,ttK pnKCedx shull t+e uppiied to fhe tiumx rwcurcd by�hiti Sccurity Inctrunxnt whclher or not Ihe xumx arc <br /> �.s°x.,��'�: • Ihen duc. _ <br /> ,-;,�Q±��;�� " If the Pn�peny i+uhanJ�►ned h�•B�xruwer.��r if.uf�er notirc hy Lendrr lo Born�wer thut Ihe cunJcmnur uffcn to mukr <br /> �"'=�`��+ , an Awurd ar r�tUe u claim far damuge�.SoR�wer failti la respond to l.eodcr wi�hin 30 d��ys ufter�hc dutr ihe natirr f+given. _ - <br /> e���y-�-�..r:.:r.��-" Lender is uwh���i�ed�o c�illrct und upply the pnxerdx,ut i�s iiption.either�o re.axu�imi ur rcp.iir ol'the Prapeny or to Ihe _ <br /> ___..Q.,s„�m,. <br /> �,����a;; . Kumx nccur�d by thi+S�curity Instn�mrm,whether or not then due. <br /> �=��.;;, Unlesti Lender und Bo�rowcr��thcnvi+e uRme in wriling, uny upplicalian of pr�ecd.l�►principal �hull nut cxlend or <br /> ='� ,,,. po�tpane thc Juc dute of the m�nthly puyments refcrrcd to in purugruph�I and?or chungc thc umi�um of+urh puymcnt+. �-,.: <br /> �`��r�� JC '' r '' ll. Barrawer Not ReleASed: Forbearunce A Lender Not u WAlver. Extrmion af �hc �imc for puymcnt or __ <br /> _�,�.,. ,. ., n . . <br /> .d.- <br /> �� -�,;,_��;.;:�.:'^`,�, , modificulion af umonizu�ion af thc sumw sccurcd by thix Sccurity In+trument ga�nled by Lcixler la uny,uccex,ar in interest ,g._ <br /> �--�'°- .,:. <br /> --u,m of Bormwer shall not operute ta releatic the liability af the originul Barrowcr or Barmwer�tiurcc+snn in imetL+l. l.ender �' <br /> _ :_,.,�-,r� . <br /> --- _•:�;=".":—.: �'� �hull not t►e rcquircd to commence pruceedingti ag+�in�� Any�uccessor in inlerezt or mfu�c to ex�end time for payrnent or <br /> - • ,s'`' �� �� otherwise modify umortinuion af the sums tierured by�hiti Securfty Imlrument by rcu�on of uny demund m•rde by the originat <br /> —��''"�`••� �`�' Borrower ar Barrower w xuccesson in interes�. Any fatxumnce hy Lendc�in exrrci,ing uny right�x remcdy tihull not be a _, �_ <br /> ��,.,.. �- <br /> - wuiver of or preclude thr exercise of uny right or mmedy. �:�; <br /> — � 12. Successors und Asslgns Bound;Joim and Several LiabNity:Cagl�nens. Thc covenums und ugrcem�nts ot'�his R_,,{ <br /> ' �` �`x� ""� •. Securily Inslrument tihall bind und benefit Ihe succr,corti und usyigns of Lender and Bum�wer.�ubject ta tlx provitiionx of = <br /> "� , • .+;.. parugruph 17. BoROwerK covenumx a�xf Agreements�hull he joint and xverul. Any Borrower whu co-,igns Ibis Security �,,, <br /> �.—_: .•,�.•°•.� ; iyr� .a�_:,= <br /> :�� . �,-,,,�°. •,�; lns�rument but doe+not exrcute the Note: lo)is co-xigning thi+Security Ins�nimem only ti�monguge,grunt and convey 1 ut @-,_ <br /> _ ��+�».•''•�' Borrowerk intcrcy�in�he Pmperty under thc ter►ns oi'this Securi�y In��nimen�; Ibl iti nat pcnonully ubliguted to puy the tium. <br /> V°��. . �� , , secured by thix Securiry Inx�rument:und(c)ugrees thul Lender nnd smy othcr Borrowcr muy ugree ta exlrnd,nuxlify,ti�rM:ur �.... <br /> �r,# ,, or muke uny uccummaiu�ions wiih regurd ta the �rrm+ of 1hi+ Security Inytrument or the Nate without thu� [ion•owers —� <br /> �"��.rd�:�.:..:,.. consent. _ <br /> -�=_• ;;,,•,Y;;,_;,;;_�,,�,�... _ 13. l.oan CharRes. IF�hc k►un secured hy �his Security In.trument i+ �uhject�o u luw which �e�x maximum loun <br /> - - -- charges,and that law is inally in�crUictr.l�u ihai th�intcrest or c�ther lc�an charges ro!lrrted��r tn Ix collected in connec�ion <br />__;��_ ��,, , wi�h thc loun excecd�he permnted limils,then: lul uny�uch luun chur�r+hull br reduced by thr umuunt nece�sary�o rcduce <br /> �� the chargr to the permiued limil:und Ibl uny�um+almudy c��1lec�eJ fr�im Burrxiwer which excredeJ�xnniucd Ihnits will Ix <br /> - ' rcfunded to Borrower. l.ender muy ch�x�.r a�mukr thix rcfund hy reducing the principul uweJ under�he Notr or by mukin�u _ <br /> � •�� ^ ` 4{� 'St`3.. direct puyment�o Borr��wer. If u rrfund reducex principul,thc reduc�i�►n a�ill tx�rcutrd us u panial prrpuyment whhou�any <br /> - _ ", �""' ""'�` ° prcpayment churge wxler�hr Notc. �._, <br /> ��:,;, ,°, •� 14. Nolicev. Any noticc to Bormwcr providrJ fur in thiti Scrurity In��rumcnt whull Ix� Fiven by JclivrrinF i� or by <br /> - . muiling il by firtit cl�ss muil unlctis upplicublc lua�rcyuiR+u.c of unrnhrr mclhuJ.'fhc notirc.hull ix dirccted lo the Pmperty =_ <br /> -.-. '_•� • . Addresti or uny o�hcr uJJrr.s Borrowcr dcsignutes By nuticc ti�l.cndee Any noticc to Lendcr shull t+e given by fir�t clus. � <br /> ,=�;.,,+ ,.rh ,•.:�•,� . mail tu Lenikr:iiJdr�ss xtuled hercin nr uny o�her udJrcti+L�nJcr Jr.i�nuir�by m�ticc io Rorruwer. Any noiirc pruviJed for � <br />��ra• - � . in this S�curity Intilrumcnt �hall Ix Jcrmcd tc�havc Ikcn�iven �a Borrowcr ur Lcndcr when given a� providcd in Ihi� __ <br /> � � •• purugruph. — <br /> ` � l5. �:overning l.s�w: tieverAbiOty. Thi,Sccurity Imtnimcnt .hull Ix guvcrncd by fcdrrLl luµ und �hc luw ol'Ihc __ <br /> . .,:;,.,. jurisdiction in which thc Pru�xrty i+I�xutcd. In thc cvent that any provi,ion ur cluu.e of�hi�Securiry Insirum�nt�x thc Notr _.Y <br />- conflictx wi�h upplicuMc law.such contlict,hull n��t id'fcc�uihrr pruvi,ion,of�hi+Srcurity In�mimen�or thc N�nr which cim � <br /> ' � he given effecl withuut thc contlicling provision. 'Tu�hi.cnJ thr pravi,i�m� oi'�his Srruriry In��roment und the Nolc urc <br /> declared to Ix.everuhlr. -- <br /> : �� 16. Borrowcr's Copy. [iorr��wcr�hall Ix Eivrn i�nc cunti�mt�d r��py��f Ihr Nutr anJ of thi.Serurity In+trunxnt. _ <br /> ' �� ''� �' 17. 7Fpnsfcr aP thc Prnperfv nr u Heneficiul Inlrrc�l in Itorrnwer. II'ull ur any purt of ihc Pr���xr�y ur uny in�rres�in <br /> : ',." „ it i�suld cx trnn.fcrtcd lur if u txnrliciul imcrest in Bc,rri,w�r i.�old ur �nm.frrrcd and Burrowrr i� m►t u nuturul Fxr.ron) _ <br /> � � ',�',�.. , without Lendcrk prior writtcn r�m,cnt.L.rndrr may,at il�optiun.nyuirc immeJiatr p����mcnl in t'ull uf,.r�ur.d by -- <br /> ° „ thix Security In�trument. Ho�vevcr.this cipli�m vhull i�►t Ix cxcrci�cJ fiy I.endrr il rxcrci�r i.prohihiteJ by Icdcrul Imv u�of <br /> the date nf thi,5ecuri�y In.trumen�. � <br /> ,� , IP Lender rxrrci.c.thi�optiun,l.endcr+Iwll Eive Horn�wer ni►lirr ul'iicrclrrali�m. 1'hc noticr tihuU proviJr a�xri�xl of _ <br /> not Icss thun�(1 duy.from thr d��tr�hc n��tirr i,dclivcred ix muilyd wiUiin�vhich N��rrowrr mu�i p:q•idl+um,.cruRJ hy Il�i� �..+.' <br /> ^ 'r Securiry Instrumrnl. If Harrowcr I'aih �o pay prinr t�� Ux rxpir;ui�,n uf Ihi,�xrio�.l. l.�nder muy invoke any � <br /> remcdic��xnniucJ hy Ihi.Scrurity In.�rum�nl with��ul t'unhrr no�icc i,r demund un Hurr�►��er. .,, <br /> :: a 18. Borrower'x RiRht to Reimtute. It'Norn,wcr mcrh rertain r�,nditi�m+, R��rru��rr •hidl ha�•r thr right tu huvr <br /> � enforremem of�his Scruri�y Imtrumrnt di.rominurJ a� an�• timr priur t��Ihe e:ulirr ul: lal S da�•.�ur,uch��hrr�kri�xl u. �� <br /> tim�leFamilp•�M'unnk�fueiM'reddie�tpclVIF11N�11\tiTRI'�1EX"1' -I�ml��rm('���rnam. 4��)0 �p��„l��p��e�•�� � <br /> � . <br /> , � . <br /> ,. <br /> � <br /> ., . r <br /> , ' y <br /> . � , . <br /> ► <br /> '� -� -- - - <br />