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<br /> of�k,aad the sak.IaclpolnQ the p�ymeet of the'IY�wtee'r ke�wctuAlly incurred.aM to raceed 2.0 `��
<br /> �by�fr�wb)�to wuw ucured by tf�8ecurll�'latf umeati�ad�a p y exoas to tb�penua or peyarsaw kWdly�atitled
<br /> W it
<br /> - 22. Reca�nveyance. Upon p�ymcnt of all suros securcd by this Security Onalrumcm.L.endcr shall mquesl'Jhislec ta
<br /> recanvey thc property and eh�ll surrendcr Ihis Secu�ity Inswment pnd ali notcs evidencing dcbt �urcd by thie Security
<br /> Instrument to 7lustee. 7Yuatce ahall rcconvey the Property wi�hout warranty and without chu�e to tha penson or pen�a►r
<br /> - - - --= � icy+�lly cntiticd ta it. Such person or perscmg 4ha11 pay eny recordaiion cosGw.
<br /> ?3. 3ubstttuk 7Fustte. L.ender,at its�ption,may f�om time to time remove 7tustce and Appoint a succesror[ru�ec tu r
<br /> eny 7tu�tee appaintod hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which thia Security Insirument ia recorded.
<br /> Withaut convey+u�ce of�he Property,ihe sucassw tru�tee rho�� suc�ecd to all the tiUe. pow:r and duties conferred upon
<br /> 7tusteo herein wid by epplicable law.
<br /> 24. Request far IVodces. Borrower requests that copies of the notices of defpult und sate he sent to Barrower's address _
<br /> "° which is�he Property Address.
<br /> --=;,.� 2S. Ridera to thls$ecurity Inslrumen� if one or more ride�sue executed by Borrawer und recorded together wi�h _
<br /> � thfs 5ecurity Instrument,the covenaats:u�d agmemen�4 of eACh such�ider sholl 6e incorpomted into and xhull amand und __.
<br /> -- supplement the covenants and agrcements of thi�Securlty Insdument as if the rider(s)wene a part af liiis Security Insnument.
<br /> -_ (Check applicable box(ea)J
<br /> _ �Adjustabie Rate Rider �Candominium Rider �I-4 Family Rider
<br /> - 6��� �araduatut l..yment I-..�ier �Pi mned Onit Development Rider �Biweekly Payment Rider -
<br /> W°,�a;, �
<br /> _�``•--, =<.�, �BaUoon Rider �Rete Improvement Rfder S�x:uuJ Hume Ridcr !
<br /> -.�
<br />�' ��- �otheKs)[aP�i`YI
<br />'�°"'.��•'_w:'�� '
<br /> :�:����.�
<br /> "�,�";�'° BY 5IONING BELOW,Bomower s�ccepts nnd agrees ta�he terms and covenant�cantaincd in thia Secudty Inattument -
<br /> _�:...'. �..�. -
<br /> ,�- and in ony dde�is)executed by Borrower end�corded with iG
<br /> �I��i��t,•
<br /> _���`
<br /> �:•," Witncnces: _
<br /> ��.�.:�.:z,a lSeal)
<br /> --�r�'_:^� Pemela B. Haeussler -��
<br /> ��.��:,: — Social Security Number 378 6Q 764�
<br /> '"�..,�j1:-.q�.
<br /> •�+Ll'.i�r{;1.;�:a'
<br /> . ... . lSCal)
<br /> � � a{' .Botrower
<br /> :�ad�:�..�'_
<br /> -•,#n�h�, Sacial Security Numbcr
<br /> ,.. s.
<br /> .,K q�i.�._.c.•,;.: ...�' COUIII SS:
<br /> STATE OF N6BRASKA. H811 y _
<br /> '. '`�""""�"'°�°' On this 26th duy of June� 1992 ,before me,the undersigned,a Notary Publi�:
<br /> � ;,� ,. duly commissioned and qualitied tor said caunty.personally cane Pemela B. HaeuseleT� en unmeTTied -
<br /> -�"°�`�''"=-�' • � person .to me known to be the _
<br /> .���"�•`�• '� identicul persons(s)whosc name(4)ure subsciibed tu the forcgoing instrument and acknowledged thc execution thercof'to �
<br /> ���}'�•`"�� . � her voluntary uct und deed. . _
<br /> ,�a��.r.y..... ., .
<br /> .� •: ;.:; Witness my h�nd and nouuial seul ut Grend Islell � Ne eske ���GrL�I in suid county.lhe -
<br /> � -�•�=:.* , ;. date aforesaid.
<br /> ..'. ,�:.:,:- . . My Commission ex jre ����«�w
<br /> _�,s�,;�. ..., ' JOJINNE G.ROUSH Noury Public _
<br /> -' � • ���'E"a � ? FOR RECON V EYANCE
<br /> `.���;.-.
<br /> �,�•.M:,��.. ,r:_,f: TO TRUSTEE: -
<br /> - : Thc undersigned is the holdcr of the note or notes secured by this Deed of 7Yust. Snid note or notes,tngether with ull _
<br /> ,•� ' • other indebtedness secured by Ihis Decd of 7iust,hnve been pnid in full. You ure hcmby dircctcd to cancel soid note or natcs ,
<br /> und this Decd of 7tust,which ure delivercd hereby,smd to recanvey,without wnrrunly,ull the estale now held by you under -
<br /> - '.. � this Dexd of'11ust to the person or persons Icgally cntitled thereto. °
<br /> . _ Date: =
<br /> '. ' Fb►mlO=B 9/9Y ��xea.�fapaxr�i `
<br /> . -
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