}< ` '•1 . . �' ` , . 1 . .'l. . . .j . �� . . . a- ; .,w`°�r+�1`3�'Y�C'� ..
<br /> t� `�� y.. ' " • , . . . .S - � �- . � � ' . ,�c'! v" .', t l4F•,
<br /> • .
<br /> ' , ' �� , . . . . - _ _..5._ __�,c £- , . • ;i - - ..
<br /> . c �
<br /> . L,. ' - � ' � - � . �V' -�'__+_I.�S�.Y.." _ � _� . .. i " . _ ` '
<br /> � . .. . . - .�.v.+t.�.� . . - �•
<br />� " �. - _ � � i; . . ' -' . n ... � ,. .(�/�. ' � � ;^+n4�r��•,�. `{T f..rr.• .tre-..-`a.,w ' S.`:
<br /> � � .. .. . _.._...__ ._._.�'__d_r .'_ .�... ..'_'.__.__.._.__'_'__"��i�"' . _ .w...._ ._......._...._ , , . . , ��_
<br /> - 9�. ����� � :� ���� �_.-
<br /> . ?,._
<br /> . .n_ ��.ti:
<br /> P���Y no longer be ra�ui�d,at the option of Leader.if mnrtga�e imsurancc wverage(in ths�un+otwt ar.�far�Yec pEriod . _ ' . ,',` `�•' �`, �' .
<br /> ga
<br /> � �..�
<br /> thaz 1.endEr requires)Pmvided by an iasurer appmved by LEnder agaia brromes available aad is obtain�d.Bozro�.r silall pay .. . ,,
<br /> � the premiums required to maintaia mortgage insuranse in effz�x.or to pmvide a loss n�erve.until tha rcquiseffi..°ns far�ort�age . .: ',;� .� �" s`:,���
<br /> • imsurance eads ia as�osdance vrith any�rrltten agceemsnt bet�veeu Borrower and Lender or applieable lc�w. -..--- " .-
<br /> 9.Ias�Ctl�n.Lender or its agent may maks re�omabte entdes upon and i�-peaions of the Froparty.Le�.r shc11 give •� F�� R _
<br /> Borrower aotice at the time of or priar to an iaspecHon sp�ifyitsg ceaqo�ble cause t�br the insp�etion. ' :^ ;, '-
<br /> - I0. Conda�naatton The pmoeeds of any awnrd or clflim for damages. direct or consequenti�l, in comr.,�c�witb any - -� - - - �
<br /> condemnation or other taldng of aay part of tl�e Pmpeity,or for oonveyaace ia lieu of condemnation.a�e he�y assi�a�and � . � ` -=-
<br /> � � _��.�f�
<br /> shall be pai�to Leader. • ,
<br /> In the event of a toral ta�ng of the Property, P aPP Y � ,�`. ��
<br /> the moee�ls shall be lied to ths srams secured b this S�csuity tn9uttmeat, �`�� �„� � �, .--
<br />` whether or aat then due,with aay excess paId to Borrower. 1a the eveut of a pani�l ta{�ng of the Pc+operty ia crsisb the fair ,�".�._f�"_�..�._.::�,�. -
<br /> :=��;-����:,_r�=�.
<br /> market vatne of the Property� ;ar Iy before the taldag is eqnal to or greater thtn the amount�f tDe sums se�red by tfils .�;�''r�.�:._
<br /> S�urity�s�ment imm tazply befo�the takimg.vnless Bormwer and l.euder oYherw'tse agtee in vv�tutg,th�suu`�st�q�ted by �_•*ex.+,..�•.-:_; ' ._ ""
<br /> � tLis Se�uiiry Instrument shall be�duc�by the amount of the proce�,ds maltiplied by the fouawing frsuxio�: (r� the tatal � '� ' _:=�--�_�_i—�•�
<br /> su
<br />. amount of the sams sec�ued immediately befone the talring,divided bY(b)tht fair market value of the Pro�eaty i�imzdiaiely „��.�;�`Y�`-`..;.�,;��.'
<br /> i�efoie the taidng. Any balance sball be paid to Boaower. Yn the event of a partizl taTdng of the Pmg�ty in g�stista the fair --;..'�::;���;;_
<br /> markei value of the Property I�iately before tbe taYing is less thaa thx amouut of the sums s�immedi�trdy bEfote the .-s�_r.;_-._
<br /> �� �dking,unless Bormwer and 1�nder otherwise agcee in�vziting or tmtess applicable law othe�wise provides,thr.prtr^�W.�ds shall - --- _
<br />, be ap�sli�w the sa�s sec�ed 6y this Se�:urtty Insanmeni w�ether or nnt tha sums are then due. . . ---
<br /> If the Progerty is aba�adoned Iry Barrnwzr.ar if,�rmsice by Lender w Bflaorirer thas the ooademaoi off�tn make an .,_,=:c: _ _
<br /> ...�, av�ud ar seute a claim foT damages, 8naocsrea fails ur�and t�Leader wit}un 30 days aRer tke dz►ie t�:mo2ia�is given, '"�°y�_----
<br /> :if:' I�ender is autho�ized to oollecx and apply die piaoKds,at iss option.eithsr to zeswrat�oa or re�►air of the Propesty�ea the saras =--- - � ° ,R�„ _ -
<br /> seciued by this S�.vrIty tnsuument,whether or not the�►n�. ' ��` '
<br /> `,�f' lJntess Leader affd 8oaower otheiwise agree in arriting, anY�PPlicativn of�rucee�s to pr�scipal sh�l mat emend o= �k ,�,A:� �`'�'-'
<br />� ,,> pustpoae the due date of the mondilY Payments referred to in puagcaphs 1 aa�d 2 or�g�the amo�t of sucD payur.�ts. ..�.,�.., "�..a�,���
<br /> 11.Boraowea Not Re�eased:ForbParanoe By p.ender Noi n Waiv�.Extension of the ame fnr paymza�t o���diSca�on - �..•;�i� " • `?. .� .
<br /> .en �. .. .. -•�<. � .
<br /> of amortiratiaa af the sums saau+ad by Wis Secuiir�+In.,�uument graated by I.e�dez to any saecessar en fntensc of Btrrr�ver s�rall ,. . , : �.: �_
<br /> , ? noi vperate tu m3�se the liabiliry of thr origfnal Borrower or Bonowe�'s successors in interest. Leatler sl�all�i bs m�uised to . . . •�''• �`�
<br /> ����&S aS��Y succ�ssor in inLer�t or c:fuse to extend rime far�ayu�nt or othacwis�e mndif�±eato�on :,, . . � �` �. ��4,
<br /> �" � aC fi�sums �d hy this Security Instrument by �uv�of airy demand ma�fs� the ori�i �rrav�t-as�oiraacr's ,. . . . � ..�-.' . '.
<br /> �,�,�,�� se�orsso�s in u�t. Any frsr�earance by Lender us srr.�r��m8 any r r�i or r e�d i g. s h a II not be a waive3 0���I u d e t h e ,�r .`:�,�, - '
<br /> zv�t.' exe�ise of�.p,•ra�tc c�s zem�.�s:- . -
<br />.�x:LN�:.-: � :h- ,�.
<br />�:�h�!�ts::; lE. 3�sm^��£8�,�A Ba�.mr�Srdlnt artd 3everal Id�6l�, C�l,gn�. The wv-a��s aad�SS of tbLs �. �.;��` �;.
<br />'""r'`�;F Serariry Insuu�t st�ail L�i ztad beaefitc ihe suca.ssois and assigns of Lmder aad Borro�aves,aabject w tbrr ps�visiona of ;�a�- � ..,.,, f.
<br /> .,:, " :,
<br /> .:�.. �.
<br /> � Paz�h 17. lBormwer's o�s�nants and ap�eemenis shaU be joint and several. Any 3oimwer u;ho w-si�a tTuis SecueIty •r,-,..,.��;'"•:a! � .:,.;
<br /> � Instrument hut does aat exeaue the Nate: (a)is co-si8nmg this SecuntY Iaguument only to mortgq,ne,g�s and canvc3►thac F� --
<br /> :: �� +e.�
<br /> '��; Borrawer's intemst in the Property under the terms of this Security 1nst�u�nt:(b�is aot persnnally obiigated io pqr the sams •"�'�r�s:`'.. �''
<br /> 6
<br /> >" ;Y�.,�. ...��::.•,
<br />' secur�ed by this Securlry Insuament;and(e)ag[ees that Lender aad any other Bomower may agree to extmd.moddify,foibear or � -
<br /> make wy aocoa�tnodations t�vltb re W the terms of this S2curIry Insuument ox the IJote wIthout ttttit Barmtirea'e��sent. � `•,�.�-_
<br /> ms 1
<br /> 1 3.La�n es.If[he lo�by thia Securi ry lnsuumeat is s u b jxc w a law which sete ma�lam c�ges. -��'.,��-
<br /> �� n ,�--=_- '--..
<br /> ,�;� � �;.-�;�.: .. :
<br /> . . aad that law i�finaUy Inteipnted so that the intenst or c�hsr loan�arges oollcctsd or to be coUected in wmecdam wlth the �,1:':::;.t•. ., .
<br /> lo�n eaceed the pe�mitted limits.then:(a)�y suc�le�c.�arge shall be reduced by the amoimt nc�acy to raxlu�e the aharge �.;�,;:� .. . .
<br /> ',,;�'�`�"' to the pesmitwd L�iipit;and(b)aay sams�.�coL��rom Boms���r�ic�exceedEd psrmirf,�flmits w�il h°.iefunded tra '' �. . • �,._..Y
<br /> �Y��;:�• Borrowtr. Lec+tl�may choose to maSre t�s refimd tt;� rtducing t�� ar�.�:!uac{�i�e Aiote os by a�TC1ng a di�tt • • ` ��{_�"'.,- _-_
<br /> �. ,�s -, . '�_
<br /> ga;�ent w 8ormwer. If a nfuad reducxs priacigay. t� rednaion wi;l rsx �� as a F�� P�F�� �� �Y ;k, � .,
<br /> '� i. ; .--�r•,:.,. _ :
<br /> � , t �ayment cbarge uader the Note. , `....._' -
<br /> 14.NoNce�.Aay noricr,to Borrower pmvided for in this SeauIry In9uu�.�:�bs givea by dr,live�it a�v�by mailing � __
<br /> . :��.��.. �•: .
<br /> • It by first cl�a5ail untess applicable law ioquiies use of anothss method.Tlie aarice shall be dinc3ed w th.Ptoy+eaty Addnz� ;,
<br /> or gaates by nodce co I.ender. �;�.'��
<br /> � airy other�tt�s Borrower desi Aaf�uce to I,eades shall be�iven Dy 1�3 c�ass ma�to ....,,. . _
<br /> � ��t's add�.�,e stated herein ar any other addness Lender designates by notEce to w�rcower. Any aot�ce prnv;&ed for in tbls :�,,�•;�-K== p�`�
<br /> �.:���-��
<br /> �'c:ta�y Ias�aa�eent shall be,desmed to have been given to Borrower or I.ender w;c2a��en as pmvld�in this�b. ��;a" . '^""
<br /> nt
<br /> � ' YS.Ga�a�sning Imw; SeveaabiQity. 'i"3�is Secu;iry Insmiment shall be govemed by fedeiul la�x ac�l tba law of ttie " � .��-l._`,� .' �;-k
<br /> : 4V �
<br /> L k,� jurisdiaioa izv�v1L;�the Property is lacatncd�.In the event that atry pra-�-�.sion or clause of t}ils Sewrity Insuu�¢t oz the Nat� �`��•�`•',�:�_ ,.
<br /> ,��,::: �
<br /> oontiicta witTa a�lli�ble laar,sue�oonftirsr�all got affect other pmvi�;irsa of this Seeurity Insu�nt or the No¢�which c�1ux
<br /> given effect wit�ant the oonflicting pra;�ssion.To this earE t�e pmvisia�s oY this Sa�-:�?ty 1nst:umeni aad the Na�are dec2an.^� ��y�:'•,•.... ".'°=,°_ .�,..
<br /> w he severable. '�r"�,.>-`��'"''•`-'`�'..`�
<br /> � 16.F3o�+x+��r's Cog�.Dt,tr�wer sir�EE be given oae canformed ccpy of ths Etrr,a�;�d of thLg Sos�uiry Ia�tau.meut. .����,9i. •"""''•, _. .
<br /> ������
<br /> ,t,i Fxrn 3020 3jfft�} ' • --�'.�_�"--
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