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<br /> . , , , .
<br /> : • �:. - . � • , ,•
<br /> .
<br /> • .._..._.�.- �.-...__,T_..� �._,_---
<br /> .
<br /> =.--�'-=,:�—�`.. � . . ' . —.�. — '- — - _ , ---- _--'--.��=__-.-� - — :.
<br /> .. ' . . . .. �c c � .c ,. ,, � ti- � . " i. � , , _r-xr_.__-r �—�� v .._. cf � . � .
<br /> .
<br /> .
<br /> . . . . � . . . . .. .
<br /> �� . . . � � _ � � • , � . .
<br /> .' ,
<br /> .�.-, . . . , . . . , , . . � - � _ ,
<br /> . . . _ , . .� . . , .
<br /> . , , . . , �F ' - � c . . .. . ..,.�_.,� . ._._.._.__
<br />. . .'___."._._____�:__._.__.. _.. _.� _�' `_'_�... . . _ .,__. .. .._____ . _. . ....�... _ . - ' rt `; v �` �2.�F,.
<br /> 9�° �0'�2� � �. � .. •`
<br /> • k : � .. � --.
<br /> 19.T�nsfer oY the Prop�ty or a�ea�Tula!Iate�rest in Barrowee.If all ar any part of the Property or any interest in it • '} • �: ` �
<br /> is sold or uausferred(or if a beneeficial interesc in Bouower is sold or t:ansfeired and Borrower is nat a nstitutal peisoa)without . . ,. �:��_
<br /> n o immediate ia fiill of all sums sewred by this .
<br /> Lender's prior written oonsent, T.e�d.r may. at its option, requiie Paymsnt • , , ,: ;:
<br /> Security Insttument.Horrever. this aption shall nat be eaeicised by 1.ender if exe�is�is Pmhibited by federai law as of che date
<br /> of this S�arity Ia�tsL�+t. . ..
<br />- If Lend�r exerciscs this uptioa, Le�udrs shall give�otrower notice of acoeleration.'ihe notice shall P� s�lry dris . • - �
<br /> - less ti�aaa 3U ctays from the dat,e th�noiice is delivered or ma�ed within which Borrower must pay -- _
<br /> . a .
<br />. _ ��,�,�go�ooye�}�i�s�o pa}r ihese sums prior to the expiration of this period. Ixnder may invoke any ram�dies • , -
<br /> penniue�by this Serurity Inscn��+x without further natice or dem2nd on Borrower. -"- _----
<br /> u
<br /> 18. �oraower's R�t to Rc3mtate. If Bonower meets certain oonditions, Horrower shall have the right to have --
<br /> enfoic�meni of this Securiry Iast�nt di�continu�d ai a�r time pcior to tr,e eailier of: (a) 5 days(or such other periad as . ,
<br />. applicable!aw may sggafY fos remstFtemsnt)before sale of the Property Aiusuant to aaY Powar of sale oonraiaed In thss . _ ' �',..',,•`•",-.
<br /> �ty,ro�rr+,.r,enc;or(is)eatry of a juflgrn�t�tbis S��nty insv�i-7ttose oonditions are thai Bormwer.(a)PaYs � �. �:��'`"" ,� _
<br /> I�der.^,l!s�nns whic�h then would be dns uatl�r dlis S�y�►suufficnt �,' . ��. -.
<br /> g and the Nate as if no acceteration had ooc�d; N) �":�_,�w-r_.._.��_
<br /> cures any d��'aalt of any ather cov¢�anis ar ag�ts:(c)F��expenses incumed in enforciug this Security Instiumcnt, .�� :
<br /> inclnding�but aot limued to.reascaable atwmeys fees;and t�y takes snch action as I.eader may reasonably r�equue m as�art -3-��,��:_ _
<br /> that the he�of this�niry Insu�.t.I.ende�r'�ei�his m the Property aad Borrower's obligation to pay the sams�wred hJ+ :. -
<br /> this seauiry Ins� shau ooatinua nnc��. vpon reinstaseme� by sosower, this seaniry Iasuam�az and the .�:::=�.:�..'�.�.
<br /> obliga3iams seaued u�by shall m�in fiilly e�ve as if no asceleiauan had ocxurred.However,this right to nein�sase shall �"� Y _.`.
<br /> , not ag�ly In the case c�accclerada�z under paragraph 17. ��f:�---- -
<br /> 19.3s�e aY l�i�i C��r�Loan Ser�t�. 'Yhe No�oY a partial interest in dae Note (togetlier with t&*��'c�rity .<:;:�;;:...---_ *
<br /> Instcum�ut)tnay be s�i*�oae c.t m�umES arithout prior notice t,v�ormwer.A sale may result'm�a change"�,�re alsn m€cg b2 ouc ��
<br /> ag the°Lozn Servicex"�i:xs coLr�s monthtY Paymeats due under the Nat1 m�thia S�titY re ,.�� ��. �. ;T_
<br /> ]�o �.cz w�l be
<br />. or more c�ges�f tii���vioet�elated to a sale of the Note.If�i�a change of the I.oau Sc�ri�ar, .:..,. ,;:.�.�._-.,
<br /> --= g{ven�vtiu�n notice��'�i�a�i:�p.�aa�o�nre�rith gazagraph 14 above�:s�pllcab2e law.The noti�s c+x�state:��Ysme and _ .:.,_ _ �.:,=�;
<br /> addr�ss of the new I.oan Serviter�t the zddtess to which g.^r�s hcr�3 t i e m a de.The aodce w�l r��a�"�...��r-�ay othsr ' ;����;:'`�
<br /> . informaiian�equired b3+aPPU�'-�T•'�. '°"-t` �...
<br /> 2A.Ba�rdons Snbstanoes. Bonower shall nnt caas� rs�sermit the presence, use,disposal• st°r�g, or r� af any .. .�, � -----
<br /> r��
<br /> Hazardaas Sbbstaaces on or In th.Propezty ffarrower s�»:: �at do, na�allow aayone else to do, �:thing a✓�� . '� � �:�• .
<br /> P m p e r t y tAat is in violation of any Fa►vimmment�:Law.'l�s pe�g�u.r sente�ces shall nnt apgty uz�se pres�se,nse.or �'^ :�:�.��:�'
<br /> . storage on the Property of small qu�utie.v of Hazardous 5��:.ces��•y�E n e r a lly t e o ognized w he a P P m Pr�e to normal �,,;.�., _„�,�;....,y��.:.;
<br /> t�sid�aiial.uses aad[o maintenanoe of th�Pmperty � . T ���
<br /> a.
<br /> ' f�aesmver sbali promptly give Lender written notice of a�'�res�;���a, daim,demand.lawsuit or other��"sy arnl ��'- , g •'.
<br /> � � IIIYOIV�II 1'l�E 1�''_"Q SIIf'.'.3IIj+ " $11�15CdACC OI EIIVII�"�19'�+ �w '',il:$�f F�r f �'���
<br /> . g�v�.or c�-'�atoiS+aSeucY ar Piivate party'� S � �
<br /> • of w�tic� k�. I s s�a c t u a l 1 moR+l e d g e.1 f B o r t o w e r l e a m s,v^r i s a a�.f�:i� an y govesr�ntal or regulatory�u�y+th� :��Y
<br /> any�rr,ral or o8��mzdiation of any Hazardons Substance affecang�C��nY is necessary,Bo��r shall F�LY take �F' , :�`,.
<br /> ��y re�medial aarons in accord�nce with F�vironmental I.aw. ��-`,� �r;.: �";',
<br /> ,;� �ixi cued in this par'dgr�Ph Z0. 'H�rdous Substances"are those sabstences defute�i�toue ar 1����:m��5► .; :,
<br /> g,nvimnmental Law and t�e follav�img subst�ces: gasoliae� kemsege, other fla�nab','$&+7 t0A1C pC�Tii2tlm jSt^��]lS13, toxie � :`u :E .::�
<br /> . pestic��4as and Ilerbictdes,volatite solvenu.materiala containm8 asbrsws or fmrmaldehYde,aad tadloactive materi�L:,...�ss nsed in � �
<br /> th�s pazagcaph 20. 'Environmeu3al law'means fedesal laws and laws of the jurisdicrion whece the Property is i�ed that •
<br /> nelate 2o health.eafet3►ar tnvisonmeatal protect�an. follows. �
<br /> N�AI-UMFORM COVENAIVTS.Bormwer anQ Lender further covenant aad agree as , .�
<br /> 24.Acceiert�tton;@a�nedic3.Leade�r e�D give notice to Ron+oWer prtor to ac�r2astlon toIIowIng Borrowa'9�mtesa -�=`��
<br /> ot aitg cavmant or�� in WL4 SxaritY I�am�t (but nut P*�tor to acal�oa ander p�rugtaF� ��„�. --
<br /> A t�
<br /> � s�ppiitu3le law piovIdes othe�wise)•TEe natice sh�specEfis (a)tde dda�it:@)the action reqcired to amre df�deta�E� _____---
<br /> (c)s�dute.aot le�t�n 30 dqya tY+nm tbES date the�tice La g[vea w Bon+awer�by�vWc6 the dctaWt ma�t be c�d;� --- -- t}�,�
<br /> (�8i�u!Yatt�+e t�ca�e We d�ult on oe betose the date spectiie8 in�e notiee m�y r�sa[t in�cd�raUon of 4�sumo '°^�;
<br /> ca o
<br /> sa�d by tbis Sa�f2Y Ia�r�m�an�sale ot the Pe+ope�Ry-'I1�e cat�s$aU fmt6er in4or�n Bonuwe af the dgLB to �f���1%�;-
<br /> n
<br /> �r ������� .
<br /> ,� r�to aft�acoef�tlon aa�tbe rlght to bring �oa�u►t stenc�ru�rt�t the noa-�Lstmce ot a ddRatt or�►d!� '. ,+.•.. , yy�,,_..,.
<br /> - ,,�,�'. dde�se aY�reowes to xceta�lion and sala U the de3�rtiY:i�r Qaf:csr�tl on or 6�r�re the date spedGied tn 4t�e mtkt+. ��� �---°-=
<br />. Le�r�r,at its optlo�,maY eecluire � Iastrm�m4 w[t6out �°�'.t�-��.':'�'"�•'�••-:
<br /> imfficdiate p4ymeut i�finll n8¢L}�umis see�e�� t➢�S�ih' ��;.,:�'�._,�s�d��;"-'
<br /> Unther d��aur,�mmy i nv o Y e t h e pu w t r o!s�i e a n d a�g c���S i e 9 p t r m i t t t d�y o p p l lca..i'�Iaw.l.ender s}m1D be
<br /> au b Zl, �'''�;-
<br /> insaurod[n prusatnS t�e e�e�le9 pro�dlraS in tbfs pasage�p fm�t�g�btrt aot limittd ,�' ��,.,:.;
<br /> .. mt[ticdto cofleM aJ�eYp� a .
<br /> to,r�sonable attr�easys'[ee9 anil oosYs of tttIe evideaoe. �'��%t";';
<br /> �t t�s po�+er ot sWe is invoYed•Teusiea shaU reoQ��notice of ddaatt in eac6 connt9 i n �v h k h an�gmet ot th�e •�, '�A
<br /> t
<br /> -- Ycu�a.��locate�n��7 st��il mnil copi�af sarh a��Gr t9�mannv�rsa�ibed by applicobie!aw w Bart�a�F�and to ..,.�t�'�;�-t,t;�_'-,.,i;:::__�_
<br /> � cable[aw,Trastee shall g[v+e�tf�c aottse =.,.,�``�,°,".".,,"..-�=----°"""—.-'
<br />� the ot�r pzisoa9�cribe��y aPPllc�ble Iaw.Afta thc ti�u.requiral bY aPP� -�°°'�-°�
<br /> ot s�fe to the pa�nr.s and tn thr mxnn�D�bY�bLe law.'1 rostee. without d�nd on Bosro�,shaU sell t'-- .��:
<br /> nn
<br /> the Pmmpert�at pu�TiIi�c nartian to the highcsi biddv at t�e�me�nd�and�mder the terms�.(gaated in t�e nflt�ce ot �,•
<br /> sale Pn one or ma�parcds�in any or�er 1lrusta��nlnes.'lle��x m�y postpoae sate aY�rLU or any pa�ot t6e . .
<br /> ay :.
<br /> Pha�¢y bY Dnblic anno�cem�e at t�e time and pi�aL4�ny prevl�usiy 6chedWeif s�ta L�dr�or its dr�°.�a¢e�y ,�, ' ' ..
<br /> nt �a9�. `y'� '�
<br /> pIIt+cltnc�f�ePro��Y �Y '�'r�x;vt;.,��.�... '.
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