, ; . . . . .. . < . . g'� z. . � �.�:�----
<br /> •t� ' . . r � , � . .. . ._ . . '
<br /> �',� + rsf"_'-
<br /> � .
<br /> . .' _. . . ,. ' ' . . . , c � ..�. ' • r _
<br /> - . �.. . . ' _ ' . - 4 ' " " -• -, � '_ - . . , . ` (`�` -` - ,E ' t c} _
<br /> -- _i:_�,.r_.`�_—�._ __ " _ ..«.1,.-_"-_..—_--.q.__..�1-..-��.�._--._�._�,.�.�� ._`_ ��_.._-'"f 4 t� _�ricr Si`-S
<br /> � •. •__-_.�.,—�.��_-._-. "- -:. 1
<br /> �f : , - . . � � �r� . y`� . `r'... � ' . . ' . . C.� . - . _ 7 eu �}"'yt . .{ "
<br /> � ' ka. � " _.���-.�— . . ._. ... .....__� _�___._.i_....�-._.... • if�n ��• •
<br /> � ,
<br /> . _— _,._� ..._..._�_.... '___.S-.____-Y..._�. . _...... t._..., ._�... � �I�{��lsal.�Jl..w.. .
<br /> A6_ ��'�8�6 , I: ..,�f���A.��`c�- —
<br /> ,yf" ' V '_. -f S�. .. _
<br /> � S. Hs�ard or PrnpPriy Insmrance. Borrower shall keep the improvetneau now eustiag or hereafter e�ed on the '�.`:.`." , �'. '�
<br /> a .,,
<br /> Properry insured against loss hy fire, hazards inzluded aithin the tezm'extendQd coverage° and any other hazards. iaclading ' ��'`...
<br /> floods or 4looding, for wlrich Lender nquires iasuraace.This�„�,r�ROs shall be m�intain�in thz amuunts and f�r the periuds �� � '? -
<br /> ,"'`.. ���''
<br /> ' that Leuder requic+ES.'ihe insuraace canier providing the insurance shall bII chosen by Bormwer subject to Leader's appmval . _;� � _
<br /> s:x '•,
<br /> whir�shail not be unreasonably withheld. If Boarower fa7s to maiIItam coverage descn'bed above, Lender may, at Lender's r, <`,�. ��..< ; �._
<br />. option,obtain caverage to pmtect Lendet's rights in tha Property in acoordance with paragraph 7. . � ,;r�fi;`:`�.' �:
<br /> --�.> All insurance policies aed reaswals shaU be aoceptable to Leader and shall inciude a standard mnagage clause. Lender . '•�,;,•;�;;:: . -
<br /> - shall have the right to hold ths policies and re�ewals.If Len�er reqnires.Borrower sl�ali Pro�P�Y P�W[.ender ati eeaei�►ts of `;:•.�;.�';;•'-�_';�;`:.--;, `` - -
<br /> Le
<br /> t.:�,:�::;:��,..�'� �'
<br /> paid premi�ams aad renetival nouces.In the event of loss,Bo:rower shall give grompt notice to the insuiance carrier aad Lender. :.s „a;�: -_
<br /> . l.endermay make proaf of loss if not m2de proTUptlY bY Bairower. ;�;;:;'�`:,- :
<br /> Uniess Lendsr and Boimtiver otherwise agree in writing.insuiance pracceds shall be agplied to resmration or repair of the `:=?'�;%!:� , `•`;,'. . ,' . �
<br /> •;�_...,:.:�,..•.�;��T�,:1���.i'..��
<br /> �P�Y��•if the mstaration or repair is eoonomioally feasabl�and I.ender's securiry is noi lessened. If the restorasitm�ur. �:;'_�.�,, ; ..
<br /> ..:,.a. ;
<br /> repair is nr�t eo�nmically fea�le or Lender's ses.urity would ba lessened,dte insurance praceeds shall be applied to tkve sams .;..•x•.,:.:. . . ;:.; -, --
<br /> � thisc�M�' Insuumeni, whether or aot theu due, with exoess aid to Bormwer. If Borrower abandons tho .i.':,:�
<br /> � �"""`7 � ,`r.Ni,�'�. "-:9.... . _
<br /> �Y P .� ;, --��.
<br /> Property,or does�ot a�swer vvithin 30 days a aotice fxom L.eader that the ins�uance catrier hac offered to s�tle a claim,th� y:;:3i;4�f{�,_'�_-
<br /> Leadcr may collax the insnraace prooeeds. Leader u�f nse the praceeds to repair or restore the Pmpany or to gay su�s '��;`ti+�1`„':,:.:-_-•-
<br /> � s�by this Secvriry Instrument,whether or not thea�u:.3he 3�-day period wUl begion when the aotice is given. ;`.=�,'�b f -_-� _
<br /> Unless I.ender and Borro�ver offierwise agree in w�, aa�� application of p:oceeds w principal shall not extaad or � �;�-`;� "-�•�r...-.�
<br /> � , ';��,;';`.`. '�',;s�,.-r�,,.; � -.
<br /> Fostpoae the due date of the monthty payments iefemed as in�Bs 1 and 2 or ch�ge the amo�mt of the paymenta.If�mdes :,�.,:.
<br /> pazagraph Zl the Pmp�.,rtY is ac�Nir�d bY �.ender, ffi�r�sssv�`s�t to any u�surance policies and pmcee�s resnitin8 fmm �i;;� ;,_+�`_ z�._ •''
<br /> ffi ....�., ri___ . :'
<br /> `,,.�.'_---
<br />. damage to t�re PmpenY Prior to the ac�nis�tion shall psss t�[r���rn the extent of the sums seaired lby this Secnriry Iam�2ni s"`�:'; ��s�_•.�.�.—
<br /> D y�p�
<br /> �....��/3�.�,�� ♦�•t « �f.i f�Y�( -'Y�c!n' ts
<br />-. ,. yili{37p{{IWS;Y��W lLL�i��MDn. : . -7i�11 1'r� �_
<br /> ' 6.�up�ncY,Pi�ervatt��, ain a„anrg SIId P[620L�:��f�1C PfOpCt[y:Bonow�'s Loata Appl�cafion;I.�n3cis. '� •.r-����___ .
<br /> Borrower shaU occupy.estaUlish,and use the Propetty�s Be��'s priacipal residence within sixty days a.fter the exec�tion of �<<:, �: ;�•.; -
<br /> this Saurity Instr�ment and shall oontinue to occupy�Progerty as Bormwer's principal residence far at t�st ane year aRca `�,j'-,i,;:'':,:;:.-..—� - . -
<br /> ` - the date of unless Leuder ot�erai�se ees m whicb conseat shall not be unreasonabl a�ithheld.or imlt�s ::,:�:�. : � ,•�,_ t , �;=,.,
<br />:'r`? exteauatmg circum.�staaces eaist which aze beyond BoraowW enr'sg�:ntrol. Borrower shall not destr�y, dama8e or impAir,tho I��j;;,;�. .;,�,..;:r. "' `-_
<br /> s • , , .
<br /> Propesty. allaw the Pmpeny to deterIorate,or commit waste�,ie Progerty. Borrower siiatl�e ia defanit if any forfaiitua ''?;�, .r�;� �A� �Y-�,
<br /> actioa or prooeediag,whether civil or criminal.is begun that�1�der's good faith jud�t oonld sesvtt in forfeitura af�th4 `�`�• ` ,f}�},+�''sf'� ;r, 1 ?
<br /> Fto or oiiterwise m�aall air the lien a�eat�d b this Ins�t or I.eader's�cur'sty�oenest. Borrower ms.y �';.•��.�_� . -+... ._: _
<br /> P�Y Y� Y �tY .�--� : _;
<br /> e u r e s u c h a d e f a u l t a n d r�e,a s p mvid e d i n p a r a�s a ph 18,b y c�sin g the acaon or pmceedin o to be�with a mlin8 , ;. ; f''�`
<br /> . that, in L�crdar's gaod faith determin�z;ian, Preclndes forfeitia�.-e af:�e Bormwer's interest i�.��Pmperry or othez mttt�irl ,����`�'° � 'y r,..
<br /> `v;,';:, iaspai��nt•�the lien created by��s�a�rIty Inst�am�t or C.�r'u�dr's security interest.�dara.�ac�tr shall also bs in�itc�a�a if t .,,-r.;!.;,�;j��t ;; ._ .
<br /> � ' Bormwer,during the toan app l i c a i(o��e�ss.&zvx m 2 r e�a llY 'f�..:�e v:Inaccurate info�mation ez�'tatements w Lender{ar�d F�,�' " � �°� �
<br /> s '
<br /> w pfovide Leader with a�►mazcrIal i�armarion)�a,s�nection with the lo�evidenxd by the Note, inc2r;�zg,6mt nnt limited� �;.;,;; ' � �. -�!��
<br /> �S� L ����L�
<br /> to.rep�eseatattans canceming Bosrmwet's occupa�cg oft the Property as a griucipal residenoe. If this Security iastrumeau is on a •:�;�.�„_,;!: ,.� s =
<br /> � leas�old, Bormwer shaU comply u�-*..;�,all the rovisions of the leaze. If Boaowet fee tifle w the ,•,.rl'. ..� �i(, .5 �
<br /> .., p acciaires ProPxstY, tttv - s�.��„••,�.. � ,. ._ .
<br /> ' �' leas�hold and t�e fee tide sLall noi�ergz unless LendEr agnes w the ffierger in writing. "; ��'�`- .
<br /> 7.Ptotectlon of I.euder's Idigt�fs in the Pmpa3y.If Borrawes fails to perform the covenants and agreements contah�ed�in � r >' „'�— -_
<br /> this Savrity Ins�nt,ar there is a legal praceeding that may signiflcantly affect L�nder's ri�jus in the ProPertS►(attir3 as a ,.,;.-��
<br /> � , � pmceedmg in bankrapt..�+,�robate.for coademnat�o�os forfeitnre or to enforce lawa or ngnlations),thsn Les�der may du and� `
<br /> '�t l�i� ' �.�..,.
<br /> � ' pay foi whatever is nea�ssary to pmtect We value of the Ptop�cN aad Lender's righta in the Property.Le�der's actiuns m�Y, ,r��'�1�4�`. ��..�,. 'x
<br /> ',:.,..;' �� 9�1�R8 �Y sams secaied iry a liea whis,h has prior� ��¢� Ihis Seturlry inatrg_�n_,;, aPP�aB � ��► ��& ----
<br /> !f��__ �„;-
<br /> reaqonab�s.attarneys'fces and entering on tha Prapert3►to make��.Although I.ender s�r s�t:e action uader thla P�SI'q�rh '�
<br /> � 7,Lender does not have m do so. ;;;�°r-:,�v ,.�.,,�v,.�.r�:.:�;.a�-
<br /> � An}r amouais disb�used by Lender uader th:���:agraph 7 shall becoms additional � :.f Bor�ivuu seQarod by thls . .,,=.:::.._
<br /> th' vuu
<br /> .. :i Securlry Instrumeffi. Llnless Bozmv�er and Lender agee to other termv of payment,these a��sS�all b.�at intereat from th� �� �r:;�'"`:�,
<br /> a r� t. ._ .y'i��t
<br /> daze of disbu�sement at the Note rate aad sLall be payable, wIth intenst, upon notice fmim�.+�der to Borrower reque.s4iag r;�*�,�.:."='--�;���i,';.,�;...","'-- .
<br /> . .. � pay�- :�;,,r..�r �;;� r,:. r �
<br /> S.Mortgage Inst�tisnce.If Lender r�q+ilied mortgage insurance as a conditi�n of making rhe loaa szcured by this Seauity -���'��"�,
<br /> .:1. .�++�.����. _ t
<br /> . Instiumeat, Bosower shatl pay the pnmiums requited to maintain the mort�rt: �+��,*�,ce in effect. it', for an}r :easoa. ths =•,�� :r•.;-.--�:;,—T•.. .,.�R��_'
<br /> _, _�.iv�,�-
<br /> mortgage�n�,•a„�wk�e required hy Leader lapses or ceases to be in effect,:.�orrower sbaU pay the p�+emiums realuirod to ��:�. i�;�;.:,.;';.•:...�_---
<br /> aU
<br /> obtain cossrrx;e subs�i�:ty eqnivatmt to the m�rtgage;n�,*�R�prevlously in effect.�I?t�x15t Sobs[eIUI811y equ�v�mYt[O tll0 'Yiv<��<'�R:i=:,,'�,�•.w••:•:�:---
<br /> oost to 13�c�wer oF tje:�ort e insurance mvious m eff'c�ct� ��an aitemate mo snsurer ed I.eud�. If �"�it�`i'�!'�s�°�fi�.jr:�s;'''..
<br /> Ba8 P jY � ��z� a�F�ot+ bY '� �r t�r . .
<br /> V�'h l �
<br /> �. substantiai2y equivatens msrr:gage insivance coverage is not av ' ,�ro �ursoNer '�,all pay td L•srlcr eac�month a sum oqupl w r�r� ��;� .r._
<br /> .: �� one-twelfth of the ear! nv�rt e insuraace remium bein aid Bonav-c�•xsi:�n the iasc�::�ce cov ,.1 sed or ceased w i•,�. , . ' • : i!�����;°
<br /> Y Y 'ba8 P 8 P � �Y �'° � mr! ,��.„,,,,�„
<br /> . f be in effect.Lender will accept,use and retain these paymsnts as a loss reserve'� :ieu af r�a*.��ge insunmoe. Lass resenru �;t ,Y. :..:,�4!�7'r�•.,
<br /> ' n �.�',?�* ...i.
<br /> FotR130YZt f�l .'. ;"'=Pi �`)i e�:�:.T
<br /> ,'r.. "�:n,.-.+,P,.,.,�
<br /> ;�i,li .v:-a..„-. --
<br /> t,� ,r r �fML�'�'J� M1=•
<br /> , ���BRGVEI(941lIA/ �9of0 pm . ±1�,• '..�`.! .�'.#k �..t�
<br /> `y t,x,.
<br /> "��J. ``3��Y��
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<br />. . • ' . " . .. . .. . • . . . � . . !�. .:a'SL-�'i1M C��": _
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