. _ . . .�;, �.� ._._�:,� ,r ._ . .
<br /> - ;'
<br /> � , �� ��9 C�id°i� --L_`','.-
<br /> ' r•.
<br /> � .;. � ,
<br /> ' :::f�e� .•
<br /> rherein of any matters or facts sh�ll b@ coaclu�iv� proaf o�f _�,�, - .
<br /> ` the truthfulness thereof. �����
<br /> ,�
<br /> ,,, ����_'�
<br /> C. IIpon defauYt by TRUSTORS ox the makers ofc any no�e sQCUred by ��
<br /> tl�i.s Deed of Trus� or in the perfoYmance of any agr�e�aent ����
<br /> �ereunder, B�NEFICIARY may decl�se aZl swms secured hereby l���_�>-_�
<br /> immedistely due aad payable ]by delivery to TRUSTEE of written ��.�„._���
<br /> decl�sation of default. If �E2dEI�IGIAR'Y desises said propesty S..�A
<br /> �,'� �o be sold, i� shall degasit c�ith TRIIS'i'�E �his Deed of Trust �:�_ti;_
<br /> �.-_:;
<br /> aad al1 promissory note� and documents enideacing eapenditu�xes ��
<br /> :� secured hsreby, and shall delives tv TRIISTEE a totbensold1ia
<br /> " o f D e f a u l t and.election to cause said property �
<br /> the form required by law, which sl�a l l bc� du ly f i l e d f o r x e c o r d �`.',.
<br /> by TRIISTEE. ����;�:i
<br /> r�.�-1�•
<br /> �1) After the lagse of such time as may be reqeiired by law -:=
<br /> (presently being one (1) month fol lowing tb.� YecordR�inn �:-
<br /> of said Notice af Default), Notice o€ Default and Notice ��
<br /> � of SalQ having been given as required by law, TRUSTEE,
<br /> wi.thout demand on TRIISTO1tS, shall s�ll said property on
<br /> the date and at the time aaid place desiqnated in said .;-:r;;
<br />:��u{,` Y�Yotice oE �ale, at public auctian to the highest bidder, G�-=°-
<br />'4]54)ff__
<br />.�r..=:�� gge ���� price payable in la�rrful money of the IInited ��::
<br /> >: �• Sfa�es at the titne of sale. The person coaducting the :.:, ;-;
<br /> �;�.�� �� ma�.
<br /> for any ca�ase he deems expedient, pastpone the �
<br /> sale froa tiiae ta �ime until it s��all be comple�ed and is _:.._..
<br />,,:,,;;, every sucb case, notice of postponeanent shall be given by �_
<br />`ti�"'� public dealaration theree£ b�r suah persan at the time and �,.�;:.;
<br /> � place last appointed for the sale; provided, if the sal� ___
<br /> ' •{ is postpaned for lonqer than one (1) day beyond the da� �.:
<br /> � designa�ed in ttse Notice of Sale, notice thereaf shall k►�
<br /> , gi9e$ iz� t:he same �uanner as the original Notice of Sale4 �
<br /> iza Iu
<br /> T�tITSTEL ah�ll esecute a�r� �eliver to the purchaser hi�� �W
<br /> ?�Qd conveyinq said property so sold, but without an� �'
<br /> �cr�enan� or warran.ty, express cz� amplied. The reeitals Il�:;�;��:�'�
<br /> -Mf2CFR�._-
<br /> saa the Deed of ar3� mattc3rs ar ���s shall be con�iu�i�r� . a6 a.���.
<br /> r
<br /> , proag oiE the trut�gulness thereof. Any person, inclu�inc� :.� �,A_
<br /> • HENEF'ICTAItY, may purcltawQ at the sale. TRIISTt►RS nQreby �.,_.._
<br /> covenaat to warrant aa� �:�afead the title of the atoove �6
<br /> . . property to purcl���s �� s�le. --.-
<br /> �� D. When the T�:II9^x�,E sells the tm�t progerty pursuant to the . -_�
<br /> ;.� --
<br /> :;��� powers granted herein, the `1'�t�sEE shall apply the proceeds �y..a,_
<br /> '�'�`"' from the sala of such prape�"�y in the followinq order a�: , ._;..;
<br /> ;��;�� � , :
<br /> prio�^�ty: '� ��
<br /> (1) �o tbe cast and espense af eae��=���en9 fees P vide ce oS `� g��
<br /> � and of the sale, includ.�.ag attora y � �:-
<br /> titla and other sale esg��aases, and a trustee's fee not t�• �
<br /> exceed four perc��t (4�) of the gross sale price; �
<br /> �.�-
<br /> � •� (2) To the payment of� the o�ligatioa secured by this �eed o� � _
<br /> Trugt an� Trust Deed Nmtc�; _
<br /> (3) To tl�o payment of junior Trust Deeds, mor�gagesF or other�
<br /> Ilienholders; ""`.-�
<br /> �� .
<br />�� � (4) The ba�ance, if any, t� the p�rson or �ersons legal�.�,�
<br /> - entitlr�d thereto. �j-
<br /> � � 3�. IIpon the occurrenc� c� any default hereunder, 5���'�:i.�'x�IAts:� �`-_
<br /> �;:�.�;��: shall have, in addiLz�� to such other options �� �aY �� �
<br /> -- granted hesc�in, the furLhe� option to foreclose this Deed cst ���:__
<br />=•���:`�,�� Trus� ia tIs.� manner pravf:��� by lao� foz �oreclosures a� „__,
<br /> .. mortc3ages on real property. F- "
<br /> B.Y°_
<br /> R.�.`._.
<br /> F. BEPlEriCIARY may fro� ��� to ti.me substitute a successor or �-:�,
<br /> e:�-_
<br />� ' successors to any TRUSTEE a�ed he�cein or acting hereu=ader. i1��'
<br /> . Upoa such appo3ntment, and vriLi�out conneyance to the sucowersr —_
<br /> � TRUSTEE, the latter shall �e vested with all title, p �_
<br /> � -3- �°
<br /> �_.�'^.
<br /> _: , s. ....; � , ...� S' . , . . � ... , t 'rr`�`.,::}'�,:,- ' ... .
<br /> • . • • . . • �•.� , +,� . �
<br /> � .r �. , . �' fy'•, .a.
<br /> . .. . . . � . • . . . . . . . . . , . _ • . . _ . � -. _. . :i;� . , . . � .. . . � ..,. . ....ti'. � ' • . .
<br />