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<br /> -.x.
<br /> . . . _.�;�:.�
<br />_ . 1 i-...L _
<br /> �S�
<br /> TRUSTEE herein named mr ac�ing Ac: . L ��_.��
<br /> ' and duties conferred upon angr , ,; .. . _
<br /> hereunder. Each suc h appa i n t m e n t a nd substitutioa shall be , , .:� .Y� •;
<br /> . made by written instrument and esecuted by HIIL7EI�Y�I�.RY. '�'�°"'-;.;'
<br /> containing zeference to this Deed of Trust and its pz�ac� o� r - :.f.- ��;,,�-:
<br /> � record, which, when recorded in the office of the Registe� af .;:,�R��_;.Nf.
<br /> Deeds o€ t3�e county vr coun�ies in which said p�cogQrt�l b� -�,•,,���,��:�r;:,;
<br /> :.�vr;<r;:�,.--_
<br /> -�:' , situated, shall be conclusive proof of P�e� ofPsubstitu�ia� ��°�.��r''�`y'i
<br /> - the successor TRUSTEE. The foreqoing p
<br /> and tbe procedure therefor shall not be esclusive of the gac�ex -- ;. ;.._
<br /> ` � and proeedure provided far by law fer the substituti�sr� Q�� a =�;,j��=_,
<br /> n
<br /> ace of the TRUSTLE named herein. 3� --
<br /> 1 �:�'=-_=_ -.-
<br /> . TRUSTEE in the p �,.�;:=,.;��:--;_
<br /> . .,��_.---�._
<br /> � G. TRIISTORS covenant and agree that upon any aticem.��ed };,;�;,�+,i��;�i�?'
<br /> coaveyance, assignment, pledge o�c transfer of anl of h�s �.. ,L
<br /> �.3 '
<br /> interes� in the prem.i.se� during the teran of the loan secu�cr�d �__�`r.
<br /> hereby, the BENEFICI&RY s�ll ha�re the option of declasing '�he �` i."'.T :��,c�_:-
<br /> '.4�..: unpaid loalance immediately du� �3 payable, and if sai� su�� . -
<br /> � remai.ns unpaid for fifteen (z�; �:�ys thereafter, Bi�ses bQ .5`�t .�y ,"„
<br /> . �, ,..,. ':;..
<br /> � can cause Plotice of Def�.u.�t �� �?e gi°��'- and the p << �� _
<br />- � sold as provided herei.n.. '':'' __
<br /> . ���� .g•��:_•;LL-
<br /> g, As additiona]. and col�a�eral security for the l�an, aaid ��,� ;
<br /> effective �orthwith upoa filing of a Notice of Default, this .
<br /> instrument shall serve � aa assiqnment by the TR�ST�DR:3 �r� the -�,rt�
<br /> T R U 3 T E E, of all ren�� and revenues resultin fram �he ;__.`ry
<br /> � ro ert , �ud TRIISTEE i� su�harized �o t a ke posses s i�a o��t�o T ..,�,�;�'
<br /> L� P � '�'�°=_--
<br /> �roperty, rent or lease the same on terffis he deems best an _..�;.�Jf _,
<br /> p the sam�e u on ua aid . �..
<br /> � collect the rents and revenues and a p1Y � � . � ;.: i
<br /> � interes�, principal, Y..�ses or insura�.ce premiu�s mr �flt rd3 ,. .
<br /> .}±�' .. .
<br /> maintenance and presez*r��ion of the pr�.ses. x.. :, . �;
<br /> :,�� �.�...
<br /> `,,-:�� `�dJS�'8E or BENEFICIARY of any defaul�t �^� �=-�-�---�r_.
<br /> ,. I. The waiver L�
<br /> TRIISTORS under �i� �� of Trust, on one e o�he=n o� s�laac ' � ����'��
<br /> '� be or bo dee�ed to I� a wainer og aay � .- ��
<br /> . .x„�. ,
<br /> ' � defaults subsequentlq a�r_�rrin9• � I -�_w,
<br /> � '�+ J. If title to any part of the pzoperty herein shall he talcen in ���'� ����A
<br /> -�.-�-�-..,
<br /> `�' condemaation proceedings, by right of eminent dar�m n„ or N „�,;�
<br /> �� � similar a�tion, or shall be sold under tP►reat of conde�n�ta.Wn, .•n;'.. . . ..
<br /> � all aw�zd�, damaqes and proceeds aro hereby assic3aed and sh�a�•1 f;,�. � �
<br /> such a n�o or �..�. ��. .
<br /> � ` ' be paid to the BENEFICIARY, who shall apply p Y� , •�� .
<br /> ...r;;;
<br /> x�� any part the�c-r,�f, ia their sole discrotion, to the s� �u�e�y �.
<br /> ' t.•, ':
<br /> � �.r�,,� that time on �y Deed of Trust and Trust Deed Note, ,v`.^_,
<br />: `. ,, bal,ance above the amount c�ue hereunder payab]l� ta the
<br /> . TRIISTOI�.. • ����� .��-
<br /> �
<br /> R. The BEI�IEFICIARY, its agents or representatives, axe h��e�� � ��`' "_
<br /> " authorized to enter, at any reasonable timQ, upon any p
<br /> �d..�...e�-.;--_-
<br /> � the trust property for the putposes of inspecting the s�a and �-
<br /> � for the purpose of performing any og �he acts theY ase
<br /> �. �. :�•:.
<br />' : ' authorized to perform under th� terms of this Deed �� `Y'rust ���.:._
<br /> � and other accc�panying documents. �f����y
<br /> . �. �..
<br /> � �. 'This IIc��d of L�st and all accompanying docwnen�s are su�ject --��;.`.; ;`
<br /> t o, c i a��:s t r u c t e d a nd q o�.Qrned by the laws of the Sti�Ce of ��..
<br /> � Nebrasi�a for al.Z pur�usr�s. ��
<br /> .,.,: �T
<br />.,;.,;;{�i:" :, t�. In th� event ��� one or more ot thQ provisions con�a�ned in �- ,_ _�
<br /> :�+;t�'���:. this De�d of T�--�st, Trust Deed kt�tes, or any other insL•�uraent
<br /> . .s.i i}:r _.....,�...::,.—
<br /> ��.:',_,;•{�.,:,: given ia connection �vith thi� transaction, shall •ur anY
<br /> '��� ���•� reasan. i�� held to be inwalid, illegal a� unenforce�b��a i.� anY 1� - ,;
<br /> �i 1�Jt�y. ..
<br /> ��, �}�t respcct, such invalidity, il�.egalitiy► or unen�araeabf.lity 6���� -�
<br /> '`�"�� sh�ll, at the option of the H�L�rICI1�RY, not affect ainy o�her �� ^---_-,s=
<br />. .�..4.. ' _._
<br /> �tovisions of this Deed of Tru� or Trust Deed ttota, buti this �:,;��v�-
<br /> Deed �f Trust and Trust Deed Note shall be cons�rumd as if ��.;;;,�:��:m�
<br /> such �nvalid, illegal or unenforceable provisfon had never <���:��...,
<br /> � been containeis ons of� this Dee�tof Tx'ust tare d�c aaed�oibe ..�. � -.
<br />. that the prov ����-•� �
<br /> - severable.
<br /> � -4- ''_ ' '
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<br /> . . �.. �.F.� .�. . . . ..:Z. � , i. _ . . < • . . .. . .�L.�.�_ ... . ..r_... .�'� - . _ � .. . - � .
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