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<br /> . }fY, - •—..._
<br /> -��°'''° —_ �
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<br /> ��•.�.:.._ .
<br /> Elizabeth A. Erwin Trust, and Trnstee of the Cl�ristian S. Mehrinq ;,^;:,�n}.�
<br /> , r; ,�.:•�.
<br /> Trust. at the rate of interest and on t�rinci�al sum and interest ��``���.�'-�.-:��N4�..
<br /> set forth in �uch No�e until paid• The p P . , .
<br /> ` sh�ll be payable in accordance with and upon the terms and :`:ti":,:` ;i _,:4:'��
<br /> � conditions of said Note, and in aiay event the eatire principal < .., :• .t.
<br /> " balance due hereunder and any accrued interest shall be paid on F,.;;�`= :; �. ` 9.
<br /> Fe b r u a r y 2 8, 2 0 0 2. All installment payment$ thereunder shall be •;� �.;:... ; .� � :.
<br /> — appl�ed first to t he ga y ment of interes��aonP scti du�.e,a a copy tof ' � = L.,
<br />. . unpaid balanc�, pursuant to an a�ortiza � r;,- ��. _�
<br /> rovided to eacb of the parties thereto, and r`.. '�r;.::.;:�. .: .
<br /> � which has been p p lied to `. "�' �� G ' �
<br /> � remainder o� each payment of Each installment to be a p , ';:,l:-: -,..:�
<br /> 4•� principal. &11 payments due oa said note shall be paid at ��� ,,. :.::,::'.. ,-.:�.,,
<br />' :`�,,,;
<br /> :;. .
<br /> .���:T..r .; office of the aENEFICIARY or as the halder of said security sha21 ��,.7f, ,_. �
<br /> t• ;<;.�.:-,;;_,_,
<br /> • designate in writiing. �r:r•;-:=�-�-�s�__-__
<br /> �� Zt �.s a eed by and between the parties hereto thai ce iof �f`• �-"'�'
<br /> title is nes�ed in the TROSTEE aaid until filing of Noti r, .: �;�,,-_:_-..,
<br /> ��y<,.,-i
<br /> Default, the TRIISTORS shall: „ ,�%"�____ _
<br /> . .' �4 .- �..T.�:,_
<br /> '' A. Retain possession of the prope�ty at all times, escept as may G .yt�;.s����-.'��'
<br /> � �....:.�k<-ir�:Sf�:-:.
<br /> �; eed b the arties in writing. <<<,: ��.� }
<br /> be ofi.herwise agr y P
<br /> .. �.��<�,.''�`�,},
<br /> . H. Maiatain the building aar.�. its improvements and a�ll personal '.`�=.:'.�...,_::
<br /> ; preperty, sold uader the parties' Contract for ��Se of Real �fl�� -..:�t.,.:
<br /> . � ESta�e, in good c�ndition and repair. �,�;:.��,{�„�;_:;
<br /> �:<' ,. `:`..
<br /> � C. Pay al.l g�neral and special taxes and a1Z special assessments ��.��,,_, �,�,���.
<br />'" of every kind levied or assessed aqairc� or due upon said � �•.;�.,--,
<br /> S;'f�i L- .'.
<br /> , property before delinquency, anr.� �a deliver to HENEFICIARY 4Ji�',��n��.,, : '
<br /> � cc�p3es of recei�s showing payme�� o� such �ases. .�����.-,�.,. .
<br /> ; <�
<br /> • D. Procure and maintain policies of all-risk insurance oa said �}¢ :;Ff.::�•. `
<br />' rovements, in sums and underwritten by companies acceptable -�.,; �,�•f . .
<br /> ' �p � of at least Five Hundred '�,'�:?�€''�..`
<br />� . ';��� to �he HENEFICI�1�5t, in an a�uoun '��
<br /> � �'��, Thousand Dollary �,k�00,000.00) , which poli�ies at��l name the '�•��.����
<br /> ' `���� BENF3FICIARY as ��.,:�itional insured, with �he I:u�s proceeds }�,:.:;.�-
<br /> N ��-- '
<br /> �� �� �!: payable �o the pas-ties as their faterests may a.��=ar �
<br /> hereunder. TRIIS�ORS aqree to provide BENEFICIARY wi�En capies ���..� °
<br /> .:. .;r�Y�, of ruch policie� �r certificates of inaurance duriag the term �
<br /> �;���; �g this indebtefi�2ss, which policies of insurance may not be �� ,-
<br />� canceled by said carr3.er v�ithout fifteen (15) d�ys written ��=,:-
<br /> . notiae to BENEFICIARY• `,�;�`:�'
<br /> '�'i.,UgTORS covenaa� and a9rees that a fai.lure to make anY
<br /> payia���, either pri�ci�l or interest, on the Note secured hereby __ __ _
<br /> wh�n c�ae and payatall�:, ar a failiare to comg�ly w�.�� any of the ` _- . ;�,_._
<br /> covenants amd� agreemea�s herein made shall cause tY�o w�ole sum of =_���
<br /> . money hQr�Isvr �acure d to become immediately due and collectible at ��.
<br /> ��._ ,�._
<br /> � �' . the optioxa �� 'the HENE�F'ICIARY� and BENEFICIARY shall have the right �,!
<br /> •. ,`�t< to ca��_e Not�ce of IIofaul� ta be given and the premises to be sold ��_.,l*-.ti4.�
<br /> �'_��`� as p�'4vided �Qrein. • .. °---
<br /> ,,.._ .
<br /> :,: ;.�:��3�;:�:
<br /> � The par�ies mutually ac�ee as followa: • �����1Yr:F_.;_
<br /> ��:a-_ --_
<br /> "�� I�. At any time an� from �ime to ���me upon writ�e� reque�t of �!`� -
<br /> � " BENEFICIARY, �a�y�mt=�� of fees auu� �resentation a� 2�tis Deed of ■�,:,,�___:__����__
<br /> � „�. Trust and thc ic�te �or endorsement (in cz�e of full �Y�;�,*:�:K�A
<br /> � �� reconv��ance, �es ca��ellation and retention), vrit�out ,. ,,.:.,_;�`;;
<br /> ;��,�":.;
<br /> � affectiA� the L�:r'�ilit;c af aay person ior the payment of the ,t.�.:=-:--:_
<br /> indebtedness, T�cISTEE may (a) ec��sent ta �he malcing of any map ���;>;'9:3___�,:
<br /> ' or plat of said ��operty; (b� join in grantinq 3n.� easement or �... - a ..
<br /> creating any restriction thereon; (c) Ioin in any �.�,,,,��x�
<br /> subordination or other agreem�nt affeatinq this Deed of Trust _.�:�:;;;;;:R
<br /> or the lien or charge tl��reof; (d� =econvey without warra tYt
<br /> or the lien or charge thereof; O Y. �`�
<br /> . � • all or any part of said property. T ,=,�LL`� .
<br /> . . B. The�gre$on or persons ntitled thereto"�a and thecr citals � ` �
<br /> � oth p �.
<br /> _2_ r''. ' '-.
<br /> � . � �. . . ... . � � '4.. . ".r , . .. . . . - . .. ' .. ' � .
<br />.. . . . . .7 ' _ .. . , .. . , . _ . . •`,.' . . . ,
<br /> ' . .. . '_ ' _ _ . _ . . ' t� - r �� �1- - . _ _
<br /> , � . .. . . • .... .. _. - , . � •• � . . . . .. � .._ .._ . . . .�.1����. ti_•.. ... . � .. .. � .. . _ ... _. _. .
<br />