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<br /> � � � �-_.
<br /> _ �u ���*�
<br />�: . D�3t3� �Yr '�RT,SS`P ��f�
<br /> 1946, `�`"` '
<br /> ' `�� da of � "--=�
<br /> -:�..� THIS TRQST DBED made this�_�, Y ¢� �d g�band; � !�-
<br />':�...:,.;, be�ween REBBCC� L. t�HLtI17G axtd DONALD D. MBHRYNG, �,,_
<br />_,,, ,
<br /> DOa7ALD D. MEHRINtf, Trus�ee of the Nancy a. Erwin Trust; DODTALD D. —_�
<br /> 1�HRING, Trustee of John M. Mehring Trust; DONALD D. i9EHRING. �,-�-
<br /> Trustee of the Elizabeth g. Erwin `�rust; DONALD D. 1�lEHRING, Trustee �;_SFF::
<br /> of the CUristian S. MeL��'in9 Trust; all hereinafter collectively �,;�:;_:
<br /> .;� ' referre� to as TFtIISTORS; FIVE POINTS SANR. B. Neb�aska Sanking >•..:F.
<br /> ..�_t. Co�Qr�t��m� a$ ��L�STEE and BENEFICIARY. It is the inten� of the �;
<br /> TRUSTORS to cr�m�e � construction security interest in accordance P,-,�_--_;
<br /> with the Nebras�llu� �onstruction Lien �ct as v�ell as to create a �_�
<br /> �' ¢irst li�n interest in tine property described herein in favor a� �#__:
<br /> �, BENEFICII�E{Y, FIVE POIIdT� 3ANR. • �==�v._
<br /> i��. '• WITNES3ETH: v.
<br /> �..
<br /> T�at TRUSTORS herekxy� grant, bargain, sell, com�y �d warrar•a�t �,.,y.
<br /> f ����.�I�, to TRUS�.�t IN TRII3T, �� sucaessors and assicyns, vrit� ��wer of --__
<br /> .'.r;:::,;: sale, �ca ��311ov�ingrdesc�::bed real paoperty: :t��
<br /> �%���:�: � Conestoga _�.:_
<br />~��;:,;;,, � �.u��t of 1�d lc.catefl within Lot One (S.�u , �
<br /> Nc� Eleventh Sufx�.visian in t�e Gity of ��'��d I�1and,
<br /> :-�,;:•� Ha��1 County. Nebra��c�r as mare particularly dt�scrih�d on �
<br /> attaahed Exhibit °Z�'". —�-°--
<br /> . �� . rovements and appur�tenances �;--=`.
<br /> together with all buildings, imp assa ewa �
<br /> .�,�;,. thereon, includi.ng fixtures, streets, alleys, p g Y n _ _
<br /> � easements, rights, privileges, and appurtenances located thereon o�
<br /> .' � �y r��r pertaininq the�eto, including the rights of iggzess and �":V:`�
<br /> � egress, �nd the rent�� issnes and profits, reversions and -
<br /> • remai�ders ther�� and ��uch persenal property that may be attached
<br /> � to the ��xone�=��`-� sO �� �o con��.�tute a fixture, the &omestead or �__;
<br /> ° � ma�i�a1. .n�r.teres1ts, if a:�r��� whic� interests are hereby released and ____
<br /> waived, •ail of which, fui��u�iing replacements and additi�a�s thereto __
<br /> � are herceby declared to � a part of the �eal estate secu�d by the �__._
<br /> � Ilien of this Deed of Trust, all af which is hereinafter referred to __
<br /> as the ��Property"• Trustors fu�tcher grant and convey to Trustee �.
<br /> all of .T�ustors' rights �of ingre�s and egress and parking Conestoea �`'"`-'``-`
<br /> � o� oL �,��ssess conerincy �.and located wi�hin Lot One (1), 9 �_,_-:.,
<br /> � North L1t�eventh Subd�vision in the Ci�y of Grand Island, Hall �
<br /> � �ounty, �:ebraska. �...
<br /> Titc� TRIISTORS he�ely�r covenant and agree wit� the TRUSTEE and
<br /> BENEFI�YI3RY that TRUSTf�}�� aze lawfully �r��zed and the owaer o£ the __-_.
<br /> above-de�cribed prmpes���•Q and that REBGC�� L• MEARING e����;:tes this
<br /> � II�ed of Trust as spou�e of DONALD D. E�IEHRII�G fot ��m�$es of
<br /> conveying and pl�dging b�er spousal inter�st in �ls�� ��bove �escril�c��3 _
<br /> : . property; the remaining TRUSTORS covenaat and agr�� and wa�traat.� s� �,-_-
<br /> t�e x`T�.IIf�TEE and BE2tGL'ICIARY that th.e3; hav� �,�cd a:ru� S.aar�ul _
<br /> � authorL��Sa to sell and �avey sai.d p�emts�� and t8at sa�d �S=e�nises
<br /> '� ase free and clear of all liens and encu�r�ns�:�ces� rind fu�l'�2r, th�t F �
<br /> � TRIISTORS will warrant and defend the titi.� to said premises forev�r�r � ,__,.
<br /> . � against the claims of all persons whom�s<aver. ��
<br /> �y�
<br /> � This Deed of Trust is given for the purpose of securing �he �,,.._
<br /> �� .. payineat of THREE �iL1NDRt%D THIRTY-TWO TFioUS� DOLLARS ($332,000.00), �.-
<br /> which sum is to be enidenced by a Promi.ssory Note to be executed by =_
<br /> � . . DoniAd�Dus�eh�r�ns� of �he John M2��tehring Trust�Trust eaof the �
<br /> Erw
<br /> �..
<br /> . ... , . .�: ., . . . . � � . . : � .
<br /> :.�..�;�i . ._ . . . . .. . � :t .�. �'. '. . . .' ., � . . . . � -.�. „ :; .'t' . . .
<br />