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����V���� <br />(2) nor more than (3) cars, and one (1) outbuilding incidental to the residential use of the Lot. <br />No dwelling shall be erected for occupancy by more than one family, nor shall any dwelling be <br />used for occupancy of more than one family. <br />7. Dwellings erected on any Lot within the Property will meet the following <br />minimum square footage requirements, which minimum square footage shall not include garages <br />or open porches: <br />A. Any two story single family detached dwelling erected on any Lot within <br />the Property shall have a minimum of one thousand two hundred fifty square feet (1,250 <br />sq./ft.) on the ground floor. <br />B. Any one story single family detached dwelling erected within the Property <br />shall have a minimum square footage of one thousand three hundred fifty square feet <br />(1,350 sq./ft.) on the ground floor. <br />C. Any townhouse erected within the Property shall have a minimum square <br />footage of one thousand fifty square feet (1050 sq./ft.) on the ground floor. <br />8. No flat or mansard roof shall be permitted on any dwelling. All dwellings shall <br />be roofed with wood shakes, wood shingles, or asphalt shingles. <br />9. Portions of the front face wall or walls of each dwelling are to be covered with <br />clay fired brick or stone even if a portion of those facets may be perpendicular, or nearly so, to <br />the affronting street. The portion of the front face wall to be covered shall be no less than <br />twenty-five (25) percent of the front face wall axea above the foundation, not including garage <br />door area. <br />10. Any outbuilding shall be constructed of the same quality and materials of <br />construction as the outside finish and roof of the residential structure and attached garage. Any <br />outbuilding shall not exceed a size that is greater than ten foot wide by ten foot deep (10' x 10'). <br />The plans for and location of any outbuilding must be approved by the Association prior to the <br />construction of such outbuilding. No outbuilding shall be constructed of boxes or other <br />unsightly material. <br />11. All dwellings and outbuildings shall be placed back from the center of the front <br />line of the Lot at least thirty-five (35) feet or more on all Lots. <br />12. All landscaping plans for any Lot in the Property must be approved by the <br />Association prior to the installation of such landscaping. No sod, earth, sand or gravel shall be <br />removed to the injury of the value or of the appearance of any lot, and no unused building <br />material, junk or rubbish shall be left exposed on any lot except during actual building <br />operations. During construction, builders are required to maintain the project and surrounding <br />area in a tidy manner. No trash fires will be allowed on any Lots in the Property to dispose of <br />discarded construction material or other debris. <br />0 <br />