. - � a'= � . . -. � .- - _ f< . . ... � f �� . . ' . s-�pT - .�-: T '_
<br /> . . � . � ,r ' , y , , " � � - 1�. L� , „a .7,s
<br /> � - _ `` __�_ �–�.--._ _�c:_:= �.�. ........ ��`-��....�
<br /> —.1 �-� --- _
<br /> .— .'��E��-
<br />_ , j 1.�_.. ,._
<br /> . • �� 1�'?�'�'S� . � ��;
<br /> .... o . ,
<br /> In �ddi�ion to casualty insuraaae. '1YUn'tor �hali pay the a+nnuai p��► on ` � �,,
<br />. aa�reh3neive liabili�y insurarice covesi:r.g the nre�'ni�.eee and �rote+cting the ..w,:��=y
<br /> � .Bensficiary and Truatoac fram all elatms. 6smande, invreuite, an8 jud�sat The ca rage r .� .
<br /> og injusy to peroone or dar�ug9 to prcr�sar�y o�cuxria9 on tha �pxcpertY• � �,.,�•
<br /> • ehell be its an 8nt0unt og aot le�B t!'�.an 5100,000.00 9ingle limit !os bodilY injutY e�d .�.3i�-"
<br /> .. f property de;eago• w' - -`'
<br /> . y, �,�*4t7$ A9F8�*+�t3 T1tn1�T �3sTAT8._ Tzusto�c ehall appaar in fus8 aantoet any ��..`_`ti;
<br />� - action or�socaediag purporti� to mf�ect the eecurity hereof or ttie sigh�e or poxero
<br />--�`'-
<br /> of Hes►eficiasg� or �vatee, esi� atc��13 gay ail coats and expen�ea, iaciadiag co�t og ",:� " -�
<br /> ` ` ia any euch actian or proc�eding in vr�ic� ' .'';```''�`
<br /> � evidenco og titlo aad ateosney'o �e�:aa. a t or to do �
<br /> � HeaeEiciasSr or Trustee mc+y appsar. S b:+x s l d T s u s t o r f a i l t o mnke a n y p Y�� _,,
<br /> � �. act as and ia tha se�cuies pravid� ia aay of the Lcaa Instzumentn, SsnsEiciary �_;yr_z�,__
<br /> . � a 8/or �cuatee. emch in its o-�a 8iacratioa, vrithaut obiigatioa, maY m�ke or do the �,.°,:�:�F;�, -
<br /> • same ia suah as�aaer aud to sucii eut�a.t as either may deom aeceaeaxY to protect the �,��u.1
<br /> . eecurit3t hareof. R�vseor shaii, i�B��ately ugon 8e�d th�erefos 2sY Beaeficfeary. PaY -
<br /> all coato aad ex�oASeB iacurre� �Y ���iciasy ia conaection �rith the exerciee by �;-
<br /> • Beneticfasy o� the fosegoing righte, is�aYu�ia9. �itt�out iimitatfaa, coete of evidence Y_l_
<br /> � of �itle, cou�t coats, appraieala, s••arv�ye and attorney'8 feea. AuY ench costo aad �-.:�F.'.n
<br /> • exgenseB not pmid �ithfn ten (10) dB.yN of corittea demand ehall draw intereat at tP:e eF._=._�__
<br /> defaul� rate provicRed in ttce Nate. . �"'*°"`--°
<br /> ..:�,:;,. .. ".
<br /> 5. �NS� Dpt+IAIN. Should tbrv Trust Satate, or auy pazt thereof or fn�ese�t °°i�`:�.�'.
<br /> .�:�:ti;-�
<br /> � theroin, be takea or damagcid Iay r�a+aa of aay public improveacent or conder�st�tfon �._.
<br /> . ��QeQ�yg� � � �l o�er n�r. �sclu8iag 8eed in lieu of Cqnde�.�tiaa
<br /> � {�Cendas�sa�ion"), os ehould Tsustor roaafve suy aotsc�or other iafos�ar.f��regardiug ' � .
<br /> su� proceedinS, Zivstor ehalb gfvo Bra�t �rritten aotica thezeof � �aaeficiery. �-..--v
<br /> � �' Bea�iciary e�all Joe eatitle8 to a13 �apenaatian sn8 caude�at3oa aarardn aad other �
<br /> .-== p,.;�s er �tief ttierefor. and a'ar21 �a eatitled to make aay campraeniB� os �:;�;s.. :�
<br /> 6ettle�ent iri connacti� �rith su� t�i�siag or damage. All euciz camipensation and .�, <<, �.
<br /> coademaatiaa. a�asde. du�a5oe. rig2�ta cf actiaa and prcceeds ac�ar8ed to Trustor ltYie f;;r:
<br /> .. *Proceede"1 are hszehy ao8ignod to �s�a8fiaiasy: aad Truetor agreea to execute sud'►
<br /> .. . further aesigamsr►�e of thc� Psoce� �a SeasfidasY or Truetee m�y rec�ise. -____-�
<br /> .� nuvflrmmrmarnc ea SSO� T�;� Beaeficiaxy may, fr�n time to tisae, by �
<br /> •;��•:"' a writtea itistsvma� es�ecutQd aud ac�.�u3�Q8eJe�bY Seaeficfrssy'.. ma#.led to Tsuator aad y;`'`_�
<br /> )�,
<br /> ..%' • I8C01'@C3d �ri th9 CCUA�► 3A 4t�C� t�lfE °�S118t BHt�te f8 IM.A.o-..@d f�X� � Ot1i�l91�68 . :��,(
<br />.:',`;=::;�.' caa�lYing mf.th the prov3eio� o� � �gplica8le la� of the St� of ReYisc�aks �,;:.
<br /> v
<br /> ':`f;; • eu�stitut�a succeeso� or su�ari��tin�T�B�=' ���ein or a�issg horeuadar. y�
<br /> _''f;5�,{� y ;'•�
<br /> t�
<br /> ,: � 7. �CBSSO� A� A482ffN�. . ThC� Deed o� Truet �nliee to, iautea to �8 vr:�.
<br /> �„=:
<br /> . benefit of and binc?,r� ali parties 2v�reto, their hefrs, legfas�ees, deviaee�, p9rttonal �,,,,;-.
<br /> 9�
<br /> � rapse0entutivea, �aesoss ast�aomia�. The texm °Senoficiaxy" ehall meau ttto o�raer _
<br /> and holder o€ tho �o�e. nhetYuer ox� a�t aame� as Besogiciary bere3n. �• -
<br /> o �
<br /> . �k T:,�
<br /> . , 8. xNgPBG'��:�5_� Beaeficiazy, or ita agenta, representativee or vaoY3annn. ate �,�. •�.`
<br /> �� o� the Tsunt Betate
<br /> au�hhorised to eutes �t any reaflarr�ble time uyan or ir► a:cy sart �
<br /> for the purcpoae o� ����sfozm uu�s the gtesme oY a�aysa� �Lcan Iast�nt�� ..,.
<br /> riz�sr�i to �nf -
<br /> s.. acte it ia autho Be
<br /> . 9. fc��'a OP A�BAIILT. .t�AjP � the Eolioving evente shall � deEmeB aa eveat - -
<br /> . . of de���.tt.3�aaxown8es•.
<br /> �%:.
<br /> . .. (a! SFtruetor �ra+.Lb havo faiae� �o makc paYa�nt oY enY iastellment oF is►teseat. . .,z t.:
<br /> ... priacipei. or priac:c�l anE� iaterosi or aay other s�ua oecu�ced hesaby rhea duet o=. ;� h,.�
<br /> s
<br /> , l�g 7L'here has oc�urre9 a bzea�► or def�ult uades arry tazm, caveaaatc. ��°
<br /> ., a,yy=eemat�t�, �andition, provieion, sogreeentatian. or rarseaty contained ia a�t oE the • r'�="°:':
<br /> Loaa Irist�s;�onte. � -•-
<br /> 10. R�:�?.�JSfiT7[,,a, QPQ�7 DSAfi� ADDZTInzvnr. 1��?n�9_ �ld ea ev6nt oY +3k,�8AUlt �'.,
<br /> o c a w c. L�e s 3 s r d�f:c z�.T'm�!8oclaso alb fadebte8aeao se�vsebl hoa*�La to be 8+�o eu9 p�7"���. � ��:�`---.
<br /> �-s,-..-:�...
<br /> � aad tho a� ��a1.Z. r,�essupaa�sec�.o 8ue and payabie withau= �Y P�E��'.meat, d e m s n d. . �,�_.
<br /> � � proteet, � �atic:e of a�g/ l;.�ur9. �exeafter the Seaeficfasy may:
<br /> (e) 8ither faa pes� ar 1rY �3ent• �� or rithouG briugiag auy action or
<br /> 1•`'._- -`::".;.
<br />_�;_ . �racoB�inq, or b� a. Rr,�e,i.�s ay,�fnte8 by a Caurt au8 Mit�a�t regas� to the a�quacy __.,� ..
<br /> � � of ite �e�ity, �as,�x vl�n a�� t�e Doasession of the 'i"ru0t Sstate, or a�y yare
<br /> . thereoL'� ii¢ ita orsA � o� fa the aame of �ustee. aad. �o anit acts mb9,ch it &teme
<br /> �'�r�° neceeee� a� de�irabie to �trr�se�ve the velue, n�.aJ!cetaL�:lity or zenLa�ility of the --
<br /> • Ticuet Ba��L•a, os part therc3a� or interest theroirn,. iacr�a the inr,�acx� thesefram or
<br /> a
<br /> � gxotflat the aecurity hezeoP, an� with or nithwt takia� �eseseiraz og We Truat _ _
<br /> ' �tato. ono �os or othesv►iso coilect the rente, ieguee au8 Lss:a..ite t2tereog, iTT.cludiag
<br /> � those Dust 8ue and iaipaid, en8 apply the same, leae conte ma�9 expe�aes of apesation - _
<br /> aad colleatfan, includia�t+�2osnoy'o feefl, �gan anY indebtedaeae aecured horeby, ell
<br /> ia euch osder as Ban�sficiary mny detesmfne. The antering u�soa aAd t.,�fa��OBSeeaion ___
<br /> " oi the Tsuet Bstate, th� coliectian of such rente, iesuea a�d �rof te and the -__-��---
<br /> appiication thereof as aforesai8, shall no� cure or araive aay 8efault or aotice of =.-�.--=_
<br /> default horounflor or invalidate any act done in response to sueh 8efeult or pwcsutsnt _ -_
<br /> � � � to euab �aotiaa of BePault an�, not�rith9taadiag the cantinuauce fn Boeaeeeion of the ��=��v
<br /> � � �zuot Botat� or the coliection, receipt an8 apglicatian of rents, fe8u�� O! p=OY1te� --- �r�+,
<br /> Tzuetoe or Beaefioit�ry shali be eatft1eA to exerciae overy right providod for in aay �^`______
<br /> - � of the Loan Iastr��eate or bf la�r upc�s ocaurreace of aay event of dc�fault, faciuding ___
<br /> . t�s right to exercicse ths pover of salot .�,
<br /> � . ':'I:.r"
<br /> ��....�_.o.
<br /> . .. . . .. � .I� ..... _r� � '�- _ . ... � � •.t . . _ _. ' � . . . . � �- , . . . . _' _ " _ • - � ' � . ' 'q�.
<br />