.... . . . .. . . . � ... . . . __.�_--�-- _s..... r�5��... . .
<br /> . ,... .t' .�.,�- .� , _ - - �_ .i�tr�''_�K 3f-.
<br /> r�._ —_ ,;.._ <,�,,...,`,
<br /> <_
<br /> . :� — — .. -
<br /> • �Yey/r F'�� � ` t �4�-.
<br /> � . • V�� ��g Y w� liti: �[ . � 4 .
<br /> ., ,y ' ;
<br /> .L �'�."� .�.°(! �'�.� ti�
<br /> {b) C�eace aa action to forecloDOf tha cavenasctsr hereof a mortgsge. aPPaint i,, '�f, << 4 ._
<br /> �` a receiver, or ep�ci€icaily enfo�cce any v,.� � � �'' ' � ;-
<br /> �i :��, �.<<.. ` R,.
<br /> �1 (c) Deliver to Truatee a ccrritten dsclaration of default and d2mead for e a le. �. f:S�,J •�
<br /> `%.:;� A�•�.�: ;�-_:
<br /> • aud a �rittea notice of default �nd election to cause Tsuetor'� i filed for ecozd in � . `;+�• . .
<br /> u
<br /> Satate to he sold. rrhich s�atice Trustee ehall cauae to be duYy
<br /> , the appropsiate Official RecorBt� of the County ia �bich the Trust Betate ie located. � !��-' � ' ��` . _
<br /> D tr ',
<br /> 11. AARRCL�3IIRB BY P��R O� S�+B s��d Bengficiary 81eCt t0 fOZ@C1080 � T� _ __ _
<br /> exerciso of the Paerer of Sale herein contaiaed. Beneficiary shall notify Trnstee au�
<br /> -'- _ eHail d�poait with Tivstee this Aeed �hereby�as�Trustee may requ�frc ceipts an� --,;�i�--`-=--i--,_-;
<br /> 4 ` � e�dor�co of expenditures made a�nd secwc .�'��.' .
<br /> . . ,`�r ' .c.F:
<br /> Tri13t@� 8h811 C3118@ t0 bC� . :y1"; .; . ;
<br /> b
<br /> (a) �poa receipt of such notice fram Ee�egicia�y, .., ,,�,;,� ,
<br /> � _
<br /> recosdrad, publietu3d aad delivered to Truator suct► 2aotico of Dsfault and l�oeice of y...Y�, . ., ..•�•�,•
<br /> � Sale aa tben sequired by ls�r and by this DeeB of Trust. �rustee ahall, �►ithout .f:hf�,.�..�..:..r;.�.=-
<br /> ._,; . be re rec� by lap and after �:=�.;,..,�- -��
<br /> . �ra�8 on Truacaz, after auch time a8 may than 8� j �%�--;
<br /> '��;`. '-'`�•'•-01�;:�MS�.^,._...i.,.�._
<br /> °+�rr seq�u�ired b�y 1ac��sellaWe Trua�ss ateat cneet3matana pia�e�of�e����Y it ia � ,1 = _
<br />'"�4,'Y+t�t¢ :�j�tf
<br /> �„,, su c h I do tic e o£ S a l e, e i t h e r a a a srbole, os i.n segarate lote or parcels or itema ao `�'t��f�.Y���3�,��.,.
<br /> Txustee ahall 8eem e:cpedient, and ia euch order as it may d e te Y m i n¢. a t p u b l2e �°�a s.��,
<br /> �'�'e �uction to the higheat �iii8der for cash, in laovful mcney of the Uuited S�atea, BaY� ��y1�-!,�r
<br /> `'•'•. : at the time og aale. �xustee si�all delives to �uch purchaser or purcha�ebut �vit�^Lt t�}�F{` •� �'
<br /> �s:.:: � its good aad su�fici� deed or deeda, c�r.�yin.9 the p�caperty so sold, k'�.;..�. a v;,. �.,:`
<br /> :�;�:• any covenant or �asz�seY, exPaeas or fr,�T�a�3. The recitale in such deed a� � h.:., ; � ,,:, h ';
<br /> matters or facts shali be conclusive prc�s � tlie trut��esa thereof_ Any pesr��� ;':``;, ,i •. ,_.,,
<br /> aoathout li�itaticn. TruBtor, T.ctastee. �d Benef i e iary, �Y P��B@ $� ' �.=
<br /> includin9. aad defead tlae title of such t��r .,
<br /> S3^.+ft �`stL��«�' t1AYehy Cov2n8At6 Lo � .j+ ,r ta
<br /> 'E• ' 6L1�1 8d1A� �w���`tt�t•• . ..
<br /> � purchaser or ��s��'-�+a. f� r`7.�!�.� _
<br /> � � ocv a� f.taslc 9�}}/�inr/f t _ _.
<br /> tb) As may be g�xmitted by law, a�r deduating ali costs, fees, exgc�u__.. �. �tr , . . ` .
<br /> Tsustee aad ::� thie 'Tsust, iacludiag coste of evide�ce of titie in coaaeection 9vith ,"`.��;•., :`{H�._•
<br /> .:,�, s�1Q. Tzysv�e ahall apply the �roceede of �� ag��dtiatereata at tv��elve�(12tra '..
<br /> �,. uud2s the t_sms hezeof, not then repaid. ....--�.f..,,'� '.,
<br /> �K,� ,. '. g�-�.t per aautiun, tii) ali ather aums th����8these�to�.and (iii) the remaiadzr, •� �
<br /> ,.'"P'- • i� �*, to the persoa or pereons legal y � ?br ',.: �.
<br /> x
<br /> 3e�- ' n�� '
<br /> `; �'� .� (c) �rustee may, ia tha mannes pravided bY laav, postpone eale of all o� �'� r (, y� �., ,;
<br />-i�' .. . -���•��`•,.�jr` t-^
<br />. gortioa o� � �at Bstate. f '`
<br /> ' , 12. R&a381�IB�L Rc7►,�SXCLIISIV3. Truatee and��'icii.�adsb edn es a: ��J� � ��, 1 :
<br /> _�� }� r�.z t i t l ed to eaforce paymeszt aud Pasfa�u�nce of aay��r t h i s D e e d o g . " ° �
<br /> :%i�v¢. �,,
<br /> r;;�y° � eer�..se8 hosehy and to exerdse a l l ri g?s 2 r s e a d P a Y e r e .;,��,�;;r; ,
<br /> � - uader any Loan Inats�uneAt or other agre�t or any la�ae no9v or hereafter ius fc�a. - - l.;
<br /> not.rithatandiu9 saa�e os all oE the such in8ebtedness and obligatioas secure3 1rtis�`�sY . . :
<br /> may aov or heresfter be otherxise secured. vhether by mortgage. d2ed og tst:st, ', . �,,;:�;:. :.
<br /> „ � pledge. iioa, assignment ur othes�iee. Nefthar the accePtauce of this Desd o� Tzuat �:.'�.i.,,,y�;,.;��..
<br /> ae� its e�azcemout rhethex by court ac�a°� °r B'�'tBUaat to the po9rer of eale or other • _
<br /> . .. g�i�esr�� righ� t�r..�sresiize up a or ��¢rce any o�the���uritlteaov osgheeerwa��t2r ��� t..::=',�;9'V--°
<br /> • S�nrs �Y it �� ��reed that Tru�s`�a and HeneYlcfartr„ r�n8 .:�'�. `T °
<br /> • ' helt� bY T�-'-tee os rz�9ficiazy, . �• ^'�. ...-
<br /> . ench oY thr�nn Gh911 II7� 811titl@cu tGC�`�-'•^��'8 '�0 ��EC�o� Tlu�^':and anY other sec�'1tY �,.;��__=_;
<br /> ao�r oz her���r he1.��Y Beae�«.��..'Z�c�'�'s'�9tee. � ca�y�ts or8er and mac:sac aa they or ,,.,.�,��•�i•;__-_
<br /> . ` ' efther of tkem mag za their a3�so1:;�:� ��i.eosetion detezmfne. xo a�me�Y harein , •
<br /> . caiagetred upc�n or reserve� to Txustee cx�7Eeneficiary ie iat�a8ed to De exciusive of 'f'.;, #3 ' �
<br /> but each aha11 be emuulative !�`�' -�-.. `
<br /> . aa�y ot2zer zemad5/hesein or by lavr provia�.�or pesmiveaahereun8er or nosv os hereafter 'ti?�;`r•`�..-:�+��•---:.
<br /> � aad ehali be ia additian to evesy other r2�nedlt 9 , ,
<br /> � axiating at lar or ia eq�aity or by Stetute. Svery paxer or reaiedy gs�ea b7f �Y og � . :' __
<br /> . : �e T,pen Iastru�¢onte to Truatee or Beneficiasy or to vhich either o� them ma�y ba - -- '.-.�
<br /> � otl::�sa�iae entftled, may be exerc3sed, cso�currently or iadepandeatly, fsom tims to �—���•-_--
<br /> �,-.�,,:-
<br /> Ll.m�, aa8 ae often ae may 1�e deemed es�`�`Se�t �Y T�Btee or Beneficiasyj aad efther ����.
<br /> • cy r.y«,�+ maY PuxESUe inconeistent reme6�.�.r�. Rothiag heseia shall be wa�txv�� ee ��=
<br /> ; p�.,,��,,,}�y�g Beneficiary fran Beeking a dsficiency jnd�aeAt against the Txuator�a t� �•r••�•
<br /> � ex�ont �ru��: action is permitted by la�.
<br /> � ' 13. �$�ST a� �z�'. T�IItor hereby requeate a copy of aay s:oLics Of ._.�•::<,;,_
<br /> default. snd that aiay aotice of eale v�aeundez be mailed to her at tke ac�rer� �at - ����__
<br /> � forth ia the fiset patngraHh of t.lsio II�d og Tsuet. . ��*.;-.--..
<br /> � w�=_
<br /> �., ' ' 1'�. ��N �w- T�� A� �`� T�saviDlon osgClause�of e�e of�thAgLOan �`-�a�==-
<br /> State oY Kebraeka. 7aa the e�t: et�.�t. �siy D �•__r=..
<br /> • � inatsumoate cenllicto �►�lth appi��Z� Lax�, eueh conPlicts ehail r�t atfece oihor
<br /> � � �sovn.oiano oF such Loan Infltrumente aS�.ca'�can be Siven effec�rithout the canflicting � �
<br /> ; . �zovioians: an� to tbio ead, the pro��i.ona oP the Loan inc�trumente ere 6ecler.�ad t� �,,,�„g.-,
<br /> n
<br /> be sevesabio. Thie inetrument cannot 3�0 �raine8. cha�sg��. �s�asgefl, or tesmf:s��.t:2d �_
<br /> �i�L�
<br /> . ora]ly. but anly by aa iasts�uia�at in �rriting eigne� b�I tYse pasty againat ti,lrcan . : -
<br /> .. � eaforcement oY aay vrafver, change, disctmn3e or tesmination ia sought. r:��
<br /> � 15. °R�'�'"N���-���- II9°n�rritten sequest oP Beaeficiaxy etating the�t _, -
<br /> ,=-.w,.,�,•r
<br /> " ' all s�� aecure� hereby isavo �een 8ei8, and uposs surrander oP thie �t� °Tsustorof _ '
<br /> � the Rote to Truetea fos canceliatioa aad setention end u�en PaY� hY �- �
<br /> ' � Tzuatee'e fees, Truatee ehpil zeconvey to Truetor, or the person or pereons legally . ,-n,,.,��;,.�'.
<br /> • � • entitle� thereto, aithout warrantY. �31 &ostion of the Tsust Setate thon ho2d _.:..a .,
<br /> horounder. �e recitale in such reaomreyance of eny matters os s£octe shall bo ::..;. ;,
<br /> Gancluoive groof of the tsuthfulneae theYeof. Td�e grantee in a:►y reconveyance mmy �,}.'�.°�`_,,y�':.
<br /> . � bo doacribed ae "the person or peraano l�guliy eatitied theroto". �
<br /> • �
<br /> ��:.: : . .� .
<br /> � : . e
<br /> . . � -------- �-•--�----� . �.. ; -
<br /> _____._.�—.--,--, ------- . . , . _ ._. . . . .. .
<br /> �.._._._
<br /> .. . _ .�:: �� . . . , . .
<br /> _�� _ , ..
<br /> � � , ' �r. � , ' . ` .. • .. , _ r • . ,� . . . �� � . _
<br />