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<br /> T8i3 DSED OB TRIISa fa raads ara o€ the ist day of Octobsr, 1996. Isy snd ama�n8 _..�'?`�'��'--
<br /> a --
<br /> � DpIIt;LAS v. VOCf3I. and �liC7! S. V�4�. �°'1`RIIS"Pf}R"1. vYaether oae or mo�co, m}�nas� ,.�. -
<br /> � m3iling addreae fe: 112 S. i3iemr�te Itoad, (3rand I�beund. Nebraeka 68801; / r--_° ,,_._,,,_
<br /> oa
<br /> `o �,,� ...
<br /> .` and DIIIL� A. B'OR1�S. Attcrnr3t• ("TRIIST&B"). �1068 mtif.liag addrBnB f e: P. O. Box \O _ �"
<br /> "`j•- 2300, Grand Ielc{md. Nebr3cIc�. 68802; � •�-•-:-y'=.
<br /> 1 SL _.FirY.i�cc..��-�•_;�r'.
<br /> ,:zctd VZCPOR L. �A and �.SOLA M. GCSDA, each in hi.a and her own rigkt and aa the -;����°'��;.����.;-z=
<br /> �:.r� of @IICh a+t�2s, (°HSNBFECYARY°), �OSa m8�.li�g 8ddr08fl iB: P. O. BC�s 522I► ', �., '.;yf.{�%_�,..� .
<br /> � �lan8, Hebre�Blca ��302. 2� `.` ' .�;: _tr
<br /> ,',���`�t�E'��
<br /> . ,. ,r, ,,
<br /> . . FOlt vALIIABI�B CO�7�'"iATION. T�ustor irrevoc�bly transfere. convey�. aad '°`�:.`��,..:;..�•
<br /> . _ wsaigne to Trustee. IN 3�?:'ST. Wi'i`8 POWSR OF SAY.B. fos the benefit and sacurity . � �.*�� -
<br /> of HeneYiCie �+ � Aiti�ns of tLia besd of _ �_�. . ,. _,�.`. .-
<br /> zy. uuder and subjeat to the ea�.;� an.. �-__ - --. .: :':
<br /> . Tzvat, the real 8raperty located fn the C ity o f G��d iflland. Coum t y o� 8a11. ',::� •. �•- _ %______
<br /> '�' State Of Rebraska► a�� ���ly 8�csib8d 8e f011otrH: (the "PrapertY"� : ' - -
<br /> (:. . _ �T' '"t�
<br /> �,�>'b}���,,= � Weaterly T�'-tr�aa S�3) Feet of Block Sevoateen t17), aad a11 ��.�. . �"';,"r����� �.;',
<br />`�,•;�`-z- � H3ocls 1��'at� (f��. in LScehler SubBivioion in the City of (izazcd . •' '''��' •
<br /> ,. •
<br /> "�°�k'�� Caun ?�abXa�. Coaimon�y bior�u ae 112 B. HiBmask F.r,t� �`:� ' `�.. ; .
<br />'s;:;y S L�3a=sd. ff�P1 ty, nl . �
<br /> �'z5it� sx� eait� City. .�;� �-, , ,.�,� �.
<br />�.:._�r,,f ,
<br /> �' .,i
<br /> ,:}.: �f .. ..,. . ...x=� ' .
<br /> ,•::.�; �WITH all serrr.rao eaaemante. appuxtent�naoe. heroditamoate. ixatoreetsfr� � �z �r.... :..,
<br /> a8join�roade. streeto ��lleys, imsravemento and ]bu�.ldin9a oP anY kfn8 sitwaec�i_ , �•���'%`:,<: '+'
<br /> tineseaa aad all pereonal ��ma;artY that may be os heresfter becaae an integral paz�
<br /> •t_ ( , •x�.. t�....,��.
<br /> of suCh I�uildings a�t�9 ia�s+csve:aents. � . '#'r,*.f
<br /> <f,: � i;ct ` .•_`
<br /> -- -- T�S prcp�rty aad t� ¢ntire eatato end iatcroet caaveyed to the Trustoe are �`�'�';`:' .._
<br />� refersed to collectively r� +:ae "Truet Seteto". � ' �'�{= �
<br /> �:s� ,•
<br /> 3tt?,.� Tt� BIIRB038 OF 38C�tdYkCO: � ..-'.y..�-:-; ,� �� -'
<br /> • �' . �i•�.
<br /> a. Payment of iadeLL•2�neae ia the tot�►7 prir�cipi►Z amount oY S40.50Q.00. vrith j�.�'". .' `��:��,��,;
<br /> iaterest thcxean, a9 evia�.ad hY Wat cextain Pramisaosy xote of ec�s dm�e tthQ < r�f.. -==�. y �_�S`..
<br /> "140t@°1 tiith A meturity &3tt�Of OCtC:te7t 1, 1001, @ueaut�d by Tsvt3tQS• w2a�.C1a pt88 bes�rs .�.,.F�,':--
<br /> deliv�m�ead is gayable �is•t�s ord� � Beae�icia�,*, ea$vhich hy ehie reforoa� f.ES� .�-,°�si{y^<<,'��..
<br /> . hereia� mrz�8e a pare hereog. ��l aw;r �r3 all mo8ificaticaaa. exteneiou� aa� renexaitb .�. . ' ��z i`�r:..
<br /> ua
<br /> tt�reo£; the pravieione og tup Ag�t �os Salo oad aurchase of Real eo�agQ eateret� . �':,i�:::!`,,•
<br /> iato by the Partiea under 8a�o m: October 1. 1496, ezo iacorporatfld �e�ein by '�,'.�•�;:�
<br /> ;...:t;,;,-,:.,-
<br /> rePeseszce: aa�, , �
<br /> ��ith�i�
<br /> �;; .�-:':�.
<br /> 1�_ Paymeat of alY awnra a8vanced hy 8erieficiary to protoct the Truat Seta�o, �:.,;, s�.4.�.-
<br /> vith i.u`�ereat thereaa a� fi.�e rate og t�reive caasr� aorceac Ber annum. � _� •:.,,a�,<�;�,:.:�s_,:
<br /> f t;�, .•r,�il} ,. t_.:..
<br /> • Thie Deed � Truet, the Nose� and auY other i:notrunent givea to ovideaco ar ¢��� " • ; »3
<br /> further securo ¢i� Pay.soenti aa8 gesPOSmeace ot amy ob3igotion securQB horehy a9ns .�`;� . .. .,�. >���:.
<br /> .,;-;���: refesz�d to Co1�.eZtivel},r as the °Loaa Iaotameatd°. . .�;...`;, ..
<br /> �} ,. ._„r
<br /> P.�y . TO BR� T� SBCQRITY QD' TH8$ DIiSD OH TRIIST: ' , �:�;;e;.ib�
<br /> ���:_,�.,.-
<br /> .������i' �, c�n Truetor aAall ptry +rhen due the prianaigal of, a�D �'�
<br /> ' ��,:,:+)a:
<br /> ,i:>;';��..f �}x� �azaazeet o�, �e i�debte8iaeee evidenced by tho ttotm, chasgea, feea aszd aii o'thor " _,,�1�. _=
<br /> tn;,'�t uuwxt rsts ]qraviee8 in tthe ?.�an IaBts�eata. �"--�`�''�"_ -
<br /> ;;'����i.; cie�l - '-:
<br />� ��i: �. Truetor ehall yny ths reai eetate taxes ead anY ap� � ^
<br /> `���'� asse�mmr��te lovlr_ agaiaaL the property dizeotly to the Couaty Treaauicor or Cit/ �"�"'"'`
<br /> Treaeusor as tbr� r.ase may be, before the e�me bacaeao dolinquent. Trustor e2ta1]. ������..
<br /> pravide Benefia�:rsa.y avith a copy og the treasurer�A receiDt ehatiing paymont o£ all ,,�:
<br /> real eatate taxea erlthia ten (10) 8�ye eftor the trixa� have been paid. :��:�:�_-�
<br /> e-�=•-ls�rrma.
<br /> " �, �N3DRAt3 AND �PAi�3 Tsueto�c shtill pay ttte annual premium coflt !or liYO �•- , - .'--
<br /> an8 exten8ed coverage ia�aurance, ineuriny the bui.l8iags caaetituting tt:e tzv�t
<br /> ' eetate, for an amount no leea thaa ttie replacemeart vs].ue of tt� buildingo aa� ehall �' �� �" ,
<br /> provi8e Tsustor vitB evi8eaae of insuranc� prem�ua paymenta each y�mr. fiucP� ;'••-„`�':.;� ... � _
<br /> iasurance policy ahall cantain a etandesd mort5�3e clause in Yavor of BenaYicsic►ay aad '' "� ` '
<br /> ohaii not be caaaaiubio, tora�iacsble. or mc�i�i+lbio pithwt ten (101 daye ps3or '.. : : --
<br /> h
<br /> vri�tea aotice to Seaeficiary. Truetor shail ps�a¢4otly ropair, maintain aad re�gl$Ce ��.�'�T`°�:.�,;,,�,
<br /> � the Trust Betate or any pazt thereof eo thet, exc8�gt for ord3nasy �reauc en8 tear, the ,�, _�f,.aW.�.
<br /> Truat SBtate ehall not deteriosate. in no evaat epiail the True�or ca�mit Ka��o an .�.�.,�;r ...
<br /> oY to the Truet Seta�e. ..
<br /> :,,��::., , .
<br /> ' —°------ ..
<br />- . - -: � .�.-- - ,_
<br /> . �
<br /> � . .�, .---
<br /> } -- •, ^R • ' :�'., :,. �_ • �_ , : .. . . ,. .., . � • . • .,� • . , . .
<br /> � . ,..�,� - . ., j . .� �. .. k � . . _ .,. � ' •!5� .. ' . . . . ... . • �'. .� ��� � ' � ' i.. ..� .
<br />