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<br /> • . �or o�her tatciq�uf s�h►P�t of d�e Fio�ertY.ac forc�nvey�na in lieu af c�a�dea`tiuuion.�e i�esebg assi8ned and�_ `.-
<br /> ' s1�aU be paid to I.e�der. ' . sh�lt be Kd,to�the sua�s sec.�ured!ry t6is SecuritY� � ` �
<br /> � � � Ia 1he eveat of a tatal rsicin�of 1he Yrc�MY•�P�� �
<br /> ' ta�a�n�wAedkc or ea dxn dae.with any sxces.s paid to BoROwer. In U�evertt pf�putial taicin8 of tbe Propettp in
<br /> ` whkb the tiu rr�arkct value of the Pc�opeccy immediscely befae the taking is equal to or g�rater than the anwunt of the s�ums . � �
<br /> � sacmod'by t6is Sec�rity lrtswm�t im�nediately before th�taldng,tviks3 Barmwer and Lender ottxmis�agtee ia writing. �
<br /> the sums secure@ bY tbis Security Instrwaa�t shali be�educed by the atnount of tHe pmceeds r�tuitiptied by th�following .
<br /> � fraction: (a)the totai�a�o�t of the sums secmed imit�ediatelp fxfote the taking,divided by(b)the fair marlcet value of 1he
<br /> Ptoperty imrt�diately 6efas the taking. Any b�lance si�aU be pud to Barawu. IQ the event of a putial taiting of ihe •
<br /> ��iti wTiicb the fair muicet valuc of d�e�topecty inmtu�aLdy befobe the talcsng is[ess lhart the aun�nt of the swns
<br /> secucod`unmediately befae t6e t�lcing.unkss Bamwer'and L,ender ofherwise ag�m writing a unk3s applipb�e law - -
<br /> . ql�wise p�ovida,tLe pcnceeds si�tli 6e applied to tde"sums secund by t6is Sec�riry insuumeat wlxdxr or not the sums are
<br /> tl�en due. • .
<br /> . . .If We Propeity is abaida�ed bY Hocmwer,ar if,after.aotice by Lender to Boaower tUat tbe copdemnor offers to m�lce
<br /> an aw�d or seuta a claim foc daiaages,Borrower faiLs to nspo�d w l.ender withia 3U days after the date the notice is given.
<br /> �lendet is aothorized to colkct and appiy the p�ocoeds,a►its optioa;either to restoration or repair of the PropertY a to slie -
<br /> sums secured by this Sxurity Insttument,wtrether or�t then due. .
<br /> Unless Lender and Bomowa atherwise agree in writing,any applicuian af procads ta principat shaII na extend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthlY payments ceferted to in puagrrphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> 1L Barrower NaE Rekaied; Forb�suce BY i.eadn' Not s Wsivtr. Fxceasior� ot tye time for payment g `
<br /> modifi_cation of amarti�ation of t6e swns secund by this Security instrumem granted by l.ender to m�y succtssor�n interest
<br /> . of Borrower s1�aU not aperate to re-lrase the liabiliry of the ori$inat Barrower ar Borrorver�successors in inte�est.Lender
<br /> si�all not be ra�uired to commence p�ocoedings against any successor in inurest or nefiue w extend time for payment or
<br /> atherwise dtodify amoRization of the sums sect�ned by this Security Instrament by teason of any demand made by the ongiaal
<br /> Bamwer or Barmwer�s successars in inte�s� Aay farbearance 6Y Lender,in ezercising aay right,or iemafp sUalt not lx a
<br /> waiver of or ptectude the exercise of any right or�y. ° • � -
<br /> - _. and A�ta_8qand;Jd_at md Several_I.i�bility;Co�ai�e�e. 'i'he covcnants and agretmenu af this
<br /> Security I�►mumrnt sh�ai!i�ind and 6enefit the successors anr!ass'�gns of LeoOer arrd 8ortower,snbjxt tvU�provisiorjs of : ----
<br /> � paragrapli �7. Borrower's wvenants a�agr�eements shall be joim.and several.My Hocrowa�who co-signs ti�is Security
<br /> Instnuncai�ut das not eaecute the Nate: (a)is co-s�gning tftis Securiry Instrument onfy to morcgage.grant and convey that
<br /> :.. Borrower's interest in the Ptopeny under the terms of thls Security Instrumea� (b)is not personally obiigated to pay the sums
<br /> -, � secuced by this Stcurlry Inswmenfi and{c)agees ihat LenAer and any other Borrower may ag�ee to exte�t�,modifS►,forbear
<br /> __ . or make any accommodatia�s with regaid ta the teTms of this Security tnstrument or the Note without that Borrower's
<br /> ---- . cansent. .
<br />°=- 13 Loan Charges. 1f the loam�cured by this Security Insuument is sublect to a faw whicb sets maaimuT loan
<br /> -= � • charges.and thpt law is finally interp��so that the interest or other tuan charges coltected or to 6e coltected in connectian �
<br /> �;,:4 • with the loan eaceed the�ermitted li�:�,Ihen: (a)any such Ioan charge shal!be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce
<br /> -_ � the charge to the peanitted�mix and(b)any sums aiready colfected fmm Borrower which exceeded pemiiaed iimits will 6e
<br />-- � refunded to Borrower. I�r3er may ci-�Oase to make this cefund by reducing the principal owed under the Note ar by making a
<br /> - Aroect payment to Borrower. If a re�r�d teduces principal,the reduction w�l!be treated as a partial prepayment w�lhout ac�a
<br /> •='�c prepaymea��harge under the Note. - .
<br />-�- 14. �otices. Any notice to Borro�er provided for in this Sewriry Instrument shaU be�.�.�s by delivering it or 'L*x
<br /> • mailing it 6y first class mail unless applicIIble law requires use of another method.The notice s:ta::�'be directed to ihe Property
<br />- Address or any ocher address Boaow.r designates by notice to Lender. My nutice to Lender shall be�iv�.6y first class
<br /> . mail to Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any rA�provided for
<br /> ' in this Security Jnstrument shall be deemed to have 6een given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in ihis
<br /> a
<br /> _� �15 Governing Law;SeverabiUty. This Security instrument shalt be gavemed by federal law and the Iaw of the
<br /> ? ��: jurisdiction in whicb the Property is located. ln the event that any provision or clause of this�eeurity Instrument or the Note
<br /> ' conflicts with applicable faw,such conflict shall nat affect other provisions of thic Securiry Insirument ar the Note which can
<br /> ��^^'r be given effect without the conflicting provision. 1b this end the provisions of this 5ecurity Instrument and the Note ace
<br /> °��`. declared tobe severablo.
<br /> "� � 16. &�ower's Copy. Boaower shall be givcn ane conform�3copy of the Note and of�:y Security[atitrument.
<br /> �',;:�t,.; 17. Traaster of fhe Property or a Beeeflclal interest in Borrower. If all or any part Qf cf�Propercy ar uny interesc ar
<br /> � it is sold or transferred(or if a beneGcial interest in.8aaower is sold or transferred and Borrowcr is not a natural person>
<br /> " -- without I.ender 4 prior written consen�Lender may_zi its option,reyaire immediate payment in full of all�.m�s secured by
<br /> ' this Security instrument. However,thic aption.shatt c��t be exercised by Lender if eaercise iti prahibited by�a:eral law as of
<br /> ttie date oi this Security In�trument.
<br />- � � If Lender ezercises this aption,t�4:r shall give Barrawer notice of acceteration. 7'he natice shall provide a period of
<br /> . nol less than 30 days from the date the natice lc delive{ed or maited within which Barrawer must pay nll sums securcd by ihis
<br /> , 5ecurity Inswment. If I�rrower faiis ta pay thew sums prinr ta the ezpiration of thi�periad, Lender may invoke any
<br /> ;� remedies pertnitted by thi5 5ecurity Instrument witheut furthcr natice or demnnd on 8onawcr.
<br /> � • ; • 18. Bocrower•s Right to Reinstate. lf Borrawer meets cenain cnnditions, Borrower shali have the righl to have
<br /> _ enforcer;�eat of lhis Secunty Instrumer�t diccontinned nt any tirne�Srior to the eatlier af: (a)5 dayti lar wch other period��
<br /> T �;� 5ingle Famity--Fannk HaelfYeddk l�tnr 4�7FC1R�1 I�STRL'�iF.ti7'•-Unitan Covenanty 9/90 (pa�P 4 olh PQ;��
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