. �X � � . f'�i� f . ` � �.c. xy"_--
<br /> . - . _ ''- _ _ __ _ '- - ' _':z�� ' _ ' '_�' '
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<br /> �x.��_3.i1 ��. �. , _ _ _ V __-__ _ ` ` ___ ' : .. - .__ .
<br /> ��. � . � -� - - - - - _=- �- � � � �� - _92...� -- -�= -- - -
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<br /> ' �' ,�,��rmay�►c���e�o�.��d��«cyw���y�«����� . �
<br /> seaaity�am�a ro�mtrr�=i��'�g sws s«�uicy rn�n�L ThosC co�iHoas s�e�mc B«ro,�er: c��
<br /> pay�I.eadet all s�mc which thm w�ould 6�dae under this Se�ity Inswment'�od tbe Na�e u if po accetauion hsd
<br /> ' oocuned:N}cy�es aag defaWt of�ny other ooveaana ar�gronnent�t�>WYs alt expenses incumed in wfo�c6�g this Securi�r ''
<br /> Iascnnnenl,iecludio�.6ut not limited to.tszsonab�e auarays�fas:aod td)t�kes such actian as I.e�r may iawoapYy
<br /> � t�eqait!e to�ss�t td�t tlfz lidt of this Secwrety lnstnunent,I�ender�rights in tl�e Ftoperty and Hatowec�s obligatian to pay ti� _
<br /> s�uus sxtmed sy this Security la�um�ent a1isU cmt�ee unchanged lJpon reinst�tement by Bonower;�t�iis S�aairy —
<br /> ' _ iasonm�nt ai�d tbe oblig�tions secured benby sl�ll tem�in iuity effecdbe as if no accxieration had uccumed. However,tItis
<br /> .. ziabt wniastaoe sh�B mt apgiX in the case of acoekr�tian under p�r�g�aph l7. �
<br /> � I! S�te d Nate;Cl�e Dt 1�o(�I�-Se�xl4er_ Tbe Noae,or a pa�tial inte�ese in tLe l�Tote,(taBetJ�et with this Security"
<br /> [rafinnp►t)may be sold ane or=��wid�t prior not�e to Baruwu. A s�Ie may rcsuh in a ci�ge m ti�e entiry
<br /> � (Icnown'as the"LoLf Senricei'7 th�collaxs mauttJy�ayments due ur�the Noto�d this Secvrety Insuuunern. There also
<br /> may be one or mae changes vf the Lo�n Servicsr�nreluod to a sak of tl�e Note. If Were is a chauge of tLe Loan Servicer,
<br /> � Barowa wt�t be�ivcn rvriqaA n�ottea`of tLe c6�oge in accondarrce wit6 paragr�pd 14 above and applieabic law. 1Ue zloticx
<br /> — - . w�!sute the ma�aod addercss of�he new Lo�a Setvicer and the add�ess to wldsti paym�ts shoWd 6e made. The notirc w�71. .
<br /> atw cant�in any uther inform�tioo raryi�ed by applicsbk Isw.
<br /> � 21� Baaria�S�ida�oes. Aat�uwer s�11 not cause or permit tbe pRSenx:use.dicPosal•st�age.or reIeasc Qf any
<br /> HuaMous Subspnces on a w the Ptape�ty. Harrower shall nat da,nar altow anyone else to do,�anytiung affecnng the
<br /> PmQecty th�t is in violadon of aay Fnvimnrtiental Law. TLe pn�ding two sratenres shaU noi apply to the pRSena,use,or
<br /> atonge vn tbe Fropetty of sm�U qnaatities of Hn.atdous Substances that are generiUy recagnized ta be appm�priate to n�mal
<br /> _- cestdent�i uses aad�io mainta�ance of the Prapert� . � .
<br /> • Bo�mwa sl�all P�P�Y&ve l.ender,wtiuen notice of any investigatiat,claim.demand,tawsuit or other actia►by any
<br /> . govennnaKal a tiegutatay agmcy or private party involving the Propeity and any Ha�rdous Substacroe or Ei►vimnmeatal
<br /> � i.aw of ahich Bo�mwa ha4 actual imawkdge. If Bomawer lams:oc is t�odfied by any gov�ental oi regulsteKy
<br /> whwrity.th�t any renwval a other nmediatiun of u►y Haz�rdous Substance affaxing the property is r�ecessary.Bamwer —
<br /> �P�PUY talce aU nxtssuy trmedi�i ictions in�ccordance wnh Eavizauunenta!L.aw. • .
<br />---_ - - - � •h:T�,a�?n�Iazardaus_Suhstances"a�e.t�sula�tances_definal_ac tn�ic_c�r ha�acd�us sulsstances�t►y.. ._. _-
<br />- - Envimnmenwl LavK and tAe foliowiag suDstances: gasoline.kemsfne.other flammable or tosic petroteum products,toaic
<br />---- pestIcides and her6icides. vola6le sotvents,materials containing aabestos or t�srmatdehyde,and mdioacdve materials. As� -----
<br />=' • " used in thi.a pa�graph 20."Flwimnmental Law"means federal laws aad laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located -- -__-_
<br />_ � that ieTaoe to hea�th;safety a emicnnm�mal p�otxtioR. .- . : _ .. - ----_u
<br /> � NON-UNIFORM�COVENANTS. Botmwer and Lender fuN�ercovenant and agnee as follows: ` • — "`
<br /> 21, Accelerattoe;Remedies. Leader s6W gtvt nMice to.Borro�ver prioi�to accekratlaa fdb�ring BorroWer's — -_
<br />- . tiresch of�ay covesset or sg�ameet in tbis Security Iagtrameat(bot not prior to�rala�tion m<der P�u'a�Pa N ---_-
<br /> a.le�s app�icaMe IAw proviaes ahenrk�). Tbe notke s�wn spectry: ta)t8e aetautt;(b)aie actias rrqnlrea so cuse ene . __-
<br />= defs�i�(c)s dstti sot les4 tha�30 days trom tbe date t6e notice is given ta Barrowa,by wtiiclr�detAUll musl be �
<br />': c�+ei;s�d(d)tlat tsii�rr W cwi+�the defaalt os ar 6efore tie date s p e c i t k d in t6e�o�e e maY rssult iA sooekrattos of _
<br />=� �� � tic s�secared by tbb Secer+ry U�strament aad sde ot the Property. T6e natioe�ai furllkr ietonn Borra�rer o� ----
<br /> • . tlie'ri�Mt to cei�stah atter�celeratloa aod t6e ris6t to brLg a eouA actba to as4ert tbe nton-exisienoe ota defiwlt ar =_---
<br />� �."T . any otrer dekase�F Baro�ver to s�ecekeation and sak. If 1he detaalt�eat cared an oc beta+e tbe date specified in -- --
<br /> � ' t�e natke,l.eader at its option may reqairo immedfate payment in taA otAil sums sccared by t6's Security Instrnment __ --
<br /> : wit6out fartber dempad aad may invoke the power of sak and nny Mher remMies permitted by appiipbte law �:� _.�
<br /> I.ender s}�atl he entitkd to coUect alt expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provWed in this paragraph 2l, --� ;';�';;:;-
<br />. inctudins,6ut not Umited to,reasonabte attorneys'fees 9nd costs o!titte evidence. -'�''.^>
<br /> � U t6e power ot sate is invoked,7lrustee shall�ecard a notke ot detault in eacb caunty in wGich any part of tbe ""�;�"r''���=
<br /> ' Property is located and s6a11 mail oopies o(such nMke in the manner prescri6ed by applicabk law to Borrower and to • �°��..-, �.,;;v.
<br /> tie Muer escribed b A icabk IAw ARer the time required b a licabk taw.7lrustee sNsO give pnbUc �-' '`''��., -
<br /> P01go119P�' Y PP� Y PP --.;r.::':�::�' -
<br />'` . notice otask to the persons aad in the manner prescribed by applkabte law 7lrustee.�Ithaut demaed on Horrower, `-'�^ x;�..
<br /> �;Y,-�. �L_
<br /> �`.
<br />- sball ssell tUe Property at pablic auctbn to tLe highest bidder at the time and place Aad under the tenas desiRnated in ,,��.,-...r
<br /> the ndia d sak in one or more parcels and in any order 7lrusta determtnes. 7tastee may postpone sak of al!or any ;��:���;_;,-
<br />- parcel d the PropeMy by public announcement at the time and ptace of any previously scheduled sale. Lender ar its � �
<br />' .. �i'.�<� designce ms►y pucc#isue the Pcoperty at any sak. � .,�'-;a�`.�
<br />_ ��";;:4.: Upan receipt mF payment at the price bid,7lrustee sh�ll deliver t4 the purch�ser 7Ynstee's c�eed canveying the • ._,��}�:�';_�-
<br /> - ; Yroperty. The re�als ln tbe T�cstee s deed shall be prlma d'ack evidence of the truth ot the statemeets nwde therein. _�.w.
<br />= • 7Fusta s6a11 appiy the pcoceedsvE'the sale in the foltowing�rder: (a)to ail costs and expenses of eaerctsia�g the power �
<br /> . • � _���°
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