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<br /> �' r1�wNUaORM.00YEt�Utrri�S.soso�rrasa f�d�r�ctiia oove�.st a.n a�as fouo�: �: � �,�
<br /> _ �..
<br /> ` ' tL F«i.eMw�t%eri:w if r�.ii.�tr.��ay�wt r r�i..�r.�lr:rr s,r�er:a r..ltrew rewe� �
<br /> �t sYe i�i siq MrrE 1��IS�iR�11M k Ml�k bw.�w�irlYr ie e�llii N eMal�N es�ws M��r'M r.l��� �,
<br /> �lie e�s�ie�`IW.��17,M�■i�,i■1 Mt�r N.awwiie a�r�'tas�ii c�K Illfe e�tiei�ea ,
<br /> �lir pwer�t w�e i�i�s�ir�i,Ttrlee�W r�e�!a rltee�t�t i�ae�t�in w�te!rqr�et st Ire�h
<br /> r I�ealei ri i���ie�1�t a�e!MBc�ci�tk�■w�er/�nl4e�iY f/Ne�Me isw�yrr�wer�M t�tic�e��ee�
<br /> �aaiM rT A�k M►�Ailer iic Nwe w�ie'ei b a�e�ile Mw.Tr�Mee dn��e/diYe Mlke�t�le u 1�e�etw�
<br /> aM Yt�ie��e1 b�M�w.T�ee.wtl�t iew�i�alKnwet.dW�d tre rea�eehr al��c a�c11N �
<br /> ts iM�Id�iaE liNlir aE tM ti�t aM l�s�sies!Me lee�r idt�tN Is_Ne aMiee_d sre_ta i�e�s�nc/�[teM�i
<br /> L�r7 K'ie i�a�e ieie�iits.?nrM�e a4 MMMx�le N�i K a�q�!��I tic PrNarty r!►Iwtilk a�swoe�e�t�t
<br /> . tre dre a�i`�t+e�t a�T Iee�M�l��I.�sier�r i!s/e�ee�s!/�e�e ti�Tr�l�!�W'�• . - .
<br /> DM��M�MT���/r��s TriMee aii�ewre[t�t�t�?nsiee'��ae�e�are�ri�L t�e teoM�r• �
<br /> Tfe neMal�t�d�e TiMleds tee��W re Miw�hde_e�Me��f I�e a�Y�t tl�e�le��ie tMeMt�.Trrlee�1 y�tl,
<br /> .. I�e�MOee�s�t.tMe wir i�lie tM�i��rits:E�)N a�aqe�es�t ttie w1e.Yd�t,MI Nt W�iie�t�.Ts�t�e's ka
<br /> .. a��NW�f►�lM�eaiie In►aii�ew�liie MNnels'tee�(�l te a�w�s see�na!�s tl�SecMrils I�h�st;a�i(el�4
<br /> ,aoaa�l M IYe N.r..r!�k'Pb e�IWei a it. � " . .
<br /> 1�.Le���s�oa�JlPou DaYmeat of a11 wmssec�ued bY tLis SecuritY lnstrumrnt,Lenda sbaU rcquat'fnuta to ra:onvey
<br /> � thc PropertY aad sb�ll wrnrder this SecuritY Insuumn�t�tad al!nota evidea�tin�debt socured Mc�tbis Socurity Instramrnt
<br /> � W Tswtae.Trusta s6aU uconvey tbe Propetty w�ithout wur3tntY aad�vit6out alwr8e to tHe person or persom Issliy auitled
<br /> - W�.Sw�pe�son or persaos shal!pay anY ra�ordation costs. � -
<br /> 1!S�iMN�le'1'�ha IJender.u its dption�may from tbne to tuae remove Tnutee and appoint a su�xxssor trustx to
<br /> wy?ca�t�ac aDPoioad ha�euoda bY an insuameat:ecorded in tGe oo�nlY un wbic6 this Sec�uity Instn�menc i�ra�urded.Whhoat
<br /> e�ouveYanoe of t6e Propaty.tbe saoaeasos trustee st�aU sucooed w all tUe titk.power aad dutks eonfecrad upon Trustee bereia
<br /> aad by applicabk k�v: _ , ,
<br /> . __ �v. - _ - --
<br /> - �.h�e�l iK NMi�es.Horrawdr.requais tTiat cop�s o�t eTi�"�uoa o — � T—sent to�arravver`s aaares�s --
<br /> � �rbicb ig t�t Pcoperty,Addre3�. , _
<br /> ::.:,�
<br /> � .
<br /> , = . AaeekeWo�Cl�ae.Hoim�ru agc�ees that ahooM tlw SecnrftY insteumeat and tlse aote secitrod theceb3►mt be eli�t'61e
<br /> far insusaooe under the N�tional Housing Acc withiu Ninety, days fram the date heceaf.Lender may,at
<br /> its option and natwith�tar�din8 anythin8 in ParagrapA 9,require�mmediau paymen.*_'sn full of aU sums axured by this Savrity
<br />- Inmument.A written statemmt of aay authorized ageat of the Secraary dated snbsequmt to Nine days
<br />- from the date bereof,declining to iruure tl�Security Iastrument aad the nute secared thereby, be damed conclusive
<br /> proof of sucb ineligib�7ity.Notwithstaadin�t6e fotrgoia8,�opaon may noc be exercised by Lender�hm che uasvaitabUicy .
<br /> o!iasurass is wkty due to I,ender's falare tQ remit a mort�e insuraace premiwn to the xccetary. . .
<br /> Xiers to pJs S�eeiqr/�feue��If ont or more ri�ess ue eae�uted by Borrower aad recordod togetlier with this '
<br /> ` Socarity Iastrument�the eovenants of c�ch such ri�d�shaA bt incorporatal usw and sha�l ammd and supplement the co��eaaats
<br /> and aR�anents of th(s Security Instrument aa if tt�e cfi3a(s)were In a part of this Security Instnunen�[C6xk applicabk baa(a)l �
<br /> - �Condominium Rider �AdJustable Rate Rider � �Growing Equity Rider
<br /> - - �Planned Unit Developmeat Rider �Craduated Payment Rider Q Other
<br /> '.r.
<br /> — BY SIGNIN(i BHLOW,Borrower accents and agras to the terms coaeained in this Savrity lastrument aad In aay rider(s)
<br />--- executed tig Horrower and recorded wlth it. �
<br />_ .
<br /> - Witnases: . .
<br /> - . . (Seal)
<br />-�=v::� � , ( Q.. Si � -9orrowa
<br />=_v� '
<br /> �JiW�
<br /> -- . (� 10�'CS /�. � �1S -Honowa
<br /> `.� -. (�� (SC81)
<br /> •Borrown -liarrower
<br /> Poaelof�
<br /> --- ---- — - acxxowLEao��rr� �
<br />...;� husb�nd b ���r�stor").under that certain Dad of Trust dated
<br />,•• �/W�Ryan L. Si:rco:�s !� Dolares A. Simons, �
<br /> , ("Deed of Tnut")�r�entered into among Trustor, Commerciai Federaf
<br />` �_ ' Bank, A Federal Savings Bank ,("'trustce")and
<br /> ��i Pive Point� Bsnk, C�and Island, Nebraska ("8eneficlary'•)covering the following descdbed property: ;
<br /> ' � LEaAL OESCRIPTION:520' of Lot 93 & the N30' of Lot 92 of Hawthorne PI., a sub. ot part
<br /> - . �,�i�,j�W� of Section ZZ in Township 11 North, Range 9,. West of the 6th R.M. Hall Co.,
<br /> e.�o� a.
<br /> � ere�y ac�Cnowledge that it is understood that(a)the Deed oF Truse to be exccuted by Trustor is a trust dced and not a mortgage
<br /> ' and(b)the Dowcr of sale provided tor in the Deed of Trust provides substantially different rights and obllgatlons to the'trustor
<br /> tb�n a mort�e in the event of a default af breach of obligatio».
<br /> -'_ Trusto owledges that this Acknowledgment was made prlar t th execution oi ehe Deed of Trus�.•
<br /> • . Execdted d delivered is '29th day of May • � 91
<br /> - .
<br /> ' Trusta 1.. 5 �� IDotcres A. imons) �
<br /> �state ot Netira�t�. Hall C°�n'"� �
<br /> � 'j'he fore:oins instrurnent was acknnwledged before me thls Z9th day oi, May .19 g� � .
<br /> . � "` �iy�ian L�. 5imons b O�toPef A. 5i1�i6�f�. h�ul�an� �r�d wift. - . - _ _
<br /> . •Witpe.ss my 6and and notarial seal at �rand Is��nd, Nebr,a� s � in said County,the date aforesaid.
<br /> .. . . . , _ . . �� . , �
<br /> : '.' - — -,MyCommissiou.Expite�: -. _ �M�lLM1G�Y--- - -- — -
<br /> . � w�����
<br /> Nd�ty"pu6lic ----. . .- - - -
<br />