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<br /> ` �bst9iqs to � i�diatfly� iad paYaLlt i!: . ' �. - •
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<br /> - dNO�nt or aparation o! �avj by torrowfr ta a purcLas�s or otbfr trsasisr�rs: �
<br /> � . �i) . rba caanot r�a�aeablx b� �xp�ct�d to ocwpY t1w PsopRrtY as a pniacipal rNid�at ,
<br /> �. . ' ++itAin s ssa�onael� tia� s�t�e tbe ssl� os transt�r, all ss 'pro�id�d ia f�ctiat
<br /> � • - 2�3�a� �ad 1�3tl.�t2f aae t1� Iitt.wraa2 �t Co� ot iSS6, as a�ndd:`cr • . .
<br /> �ii) vA� haa l�ad s ps�a�r�t oina�ssAip ial�r�st it► s principal r�aida�sc� dwcinq auY piit
<br /> o! tA�th�e�s-yra�r puciod a�ding on tbs dst�ot tb� �al�or truuf�r, sll as pto��d�d
<br /> iit s�atioa l���dl:and i�3�ift�) o! tb� it►t�snsl 1ae�m�a Cad� (�crept tbst t1t�
<br /> . : ' �saq�a� '�'100 pis$�qdt" sHa21 l�"sul�stitut.tl 1ot �95 p�resnt ar aar�• wAtrw.th� • -
<br /> litl�c a�pp�ars in i�ation 1�3�d�(1)s or
<br /> (iii� � at aA acgaisition cost`vbfch is gs�at�r tls� 901 of th� av�raq� ar�s pureba"ss�ric�
<br /> � {qr�atir thsu 110t tor tarqrt�d ar�a s�s3dwc�s). all�as provfd�d ia�S�ctloa 3�3t��
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<br /> (i�)� v2w Aas a qsos� iawily iAaow� iu uc�ss oi t!� applie�tbie p�rc�taQ� ot appiicabl�
<br /> � �diaa tasily •3ncow� as provid�d in S�atioa 1�3(f� uW 1�3(i),(2f o! ttu 3nt�rnal '
<br /> .., ._ -, Ra�au� ccd�s o� ` . . , _ ._ - , .
<br /> �b� 8orsow�r t�.ls to caeupy Ltse�prop�rtY ascrib�d ia tlu xortgaqs wittiout prior �rritten ,
<br />- coASU►t ot Lt�r os its succ��sors or assiqAS: or �
<br /> �c) sorsaNr owits or aisr�presrata � lact that is�tirial with r�sp�ct to th� pro�isioaa
<br /> _ o! �ctioa 143 0! tts� Int�rasl R�vusu� Cods �a sn appliaation tor th� llortqag�.
<br />- = R�t�c�tta�s �s� to th� 1986 Iat�saal Rw�nu�;Ccd� i» �t tect oa th� dat� o! �x�autioA"�.� ' �
<br /> -_ — o! t!� 1lote,Qaq� ar� ar� a�d eo iaalad� th� w�ntiuq r lstions. �
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<br />-=�"�' trat�st�rr�d by susrou�r �rithout L�ad�r�• prior writt�n con��nt, oth�r than a tranat�r hy
<br /> �-'``j Qsvis�, disc�at or by op�rstioA ot law, tD� L�ad��e �ay, at L�ndsr's optioa, d�clar� all th�
<br /> -.�•'�. ' sw i�cur�d by tls� 2fortqaq� to b� ina�diat�ly dno and psyabi�.
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