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_ _ ,.._ _2. , <br /> ��_ _� . <br /> __� . -� �: — --- - - — , -t --- — _ -�_ <br /> �_��� <br /> � -; :� _ _ - . . . � ` . . `_---_ <br /> >:. -' =<_�.. ": _-- _ -__ <br /> f L�:�__;� � _ . _ � _ 9� __._.__.__---- :.� . _ <br /> • _ . . . • . ���' -- iQ32�� . . <br /> �� ',i� � • of the.p�ooeeds tc the pc�ac�p�Wd sL�llpot atend a�postnone the da[r of x&woat6lY P�Y�ES.� <br /> ° u�e •- ta i�e P�nQ+yd►�.ar chao�e thc uao�nt of suc�e DaYments.Any exoas D���over aa amamt reqwrad w p►Y <br /> ag out�aodi�ind�andec the Note and this Senuity.tnstrument ahall be pud to tbe entiri►1et+�UY el�ide3 tfiaao. <br /> . < _ t:F�.Isndes msy oolket fas and chu�es aat6vriied bg'tbe Sscrduy. . � � <br /> ' !.Grswi�ior AadaaNe�et DeN.. - �_ ' • - <br /> (s)Od�lt.Leader maY.exapt as limited by re��Iations issucd 6y the Saraar3►in tt�e case o€paymsnt defaWts.require <br /> � , immediate psyment in fuU of aU sums sacured by tWs SeCUritY Instrument if: ` <br /> - (i�8orrowa defiults 6y fa�ng fa��t fu1!anY monihiy paYm�i rt9u�d by this Socurit�'Instrument Prior to <br /> . . -or on the due date Qf tbe ne�t irwnthlY payma�t,or ' - . <br /> �i Borrawer defaults by fa�ing,for a period of tiiirty days,to perform any othcr obllgarioas coatained in tGis <br /> � S�e�curjty tnurutpeat. , � <br /> � - (�?SMe Wit�t C�eiit A�ro�ai.Lender s1�a11,if pamiued bY aPPlicabk bw and witI�tt�e prior approva!of tl�e <br /> � Seccetar�►.re4uire immedi�u PaY�E�n fuU of all tbe sums secural by this SxurIty lnstnunent if: <br /> ' (i}All or part of the Property is otherr+►ise naasferrcd(otha than by devise or descent)6y the Borrawer.and <br /> ' t�'i'he prpperty is not occupird by ti�e¢urchaser or granta u Uis or hu primary or seconc�ary residence,or the <br /> pttrc6a�or granta does so occupY tl�e Property bat his or l�er cred�t has aot ban approved in accordance with <br /> the reqwrements of the Seeraar�. . . <br /> � (e)N� If cireumst�urces accur that woutd P�t l.eader to require immodiate paymenc in full,but Lender <br /> - doa not mlvire such psY��s.Lender doa not waivrits si8hts with resPax to subsoquent tveats. . <br />- - - -_ - [�R�.4�is_�saf HU�S�cret�e�..In_maay carcumuanca reguulat[oas issued 6Y the Stcretarl�v+dll limit�,+ender's rights — -- <br /> �in tbe.i�se of p4yment def�tuhs torequire imnxdiate psymeut In ful�a�forec7ose3�not pa�"�.-This Soa� <br /> - � daa nat�athoriu aa ccleration or foreclosure if aot permittsd by regutatioas of the Socretary. � . , . <br />-±:y' l�.��e�t.Borruwer has a r�ght to be reinstated if Leader has required imraediate payment in full becaus�af _v_:_� <br /> '"-' Borra9ve�s fu'lare ta�pasr au antouut due under the Note or this Securitg Instrnment.Tbis right apP����ur fored�ur� �T� <br />`_":.�:. <br /> proc,adings are institated.To reinstate the Security Instrument,8 orrower s h a II un der in a Inmp sum a l I a m o u n t s r e quired ��_=-�--- <br /> to bring Bonower's accouat current the eatent tbey are obligadons of Bo�ower under this Secucit3r insuumeat, _ ___ <br /> -- forectosure costs aad reasoaabk and customary attomeys'fees and eapaBes properlY auoaatal with the forecfos�e�:�aceeding. _ --__ <br /> Upon reinstatemeat by Borrower,this Security Tnstrument and the obligatioas that it secures shall remain in effeat as if Lender �—�_______ <br /> had aot required immediate paymrnt in fuU.Hotivever,Lender is not req,uited to pem�it reinstatemeat if•(�Lender has acre�ted -__ <br /> reiiutatement sfter tbe commeacemedt of fotceloswe pracadings with�n two years immediatdy precedins t1x cammencenaent <br /> of a current foreclosvre proaeding, (iil reinstatement will proclude forxlosure on different grounds in t6e�attue.or(iii) _ <br /> reinctatement vr�71 adversely affect the priorlty of the lien areatcd by this Security Instrument. --°°--- <br /> ll.�omuwer Not R�Sed;For6earnace By Le�der Not s Waivtr.Extension of the ttme of payment or modification �--__ -- <br /> ■,�-- =— <br />- of amortization of she suws secured by this Security tnstrument gca�te�by Leader to any successor in interest of Borra�ex �._�_----. <br /> • shall not operate to release the liability of the original Borrower or Borrawer's successor in interest.Lender shall not be require� �;:�:;--—.- <br /> to commena proceedings agaeast any succes.wr in interest or refiue to exter�d time for payment or otherwise modify amortization _-.�_�.o•- <br /> � of the sums secured by tbis Secadty Instrumeat by reason of any demand made by the ariginal Bonower or Bonowtr's successors � •.r.�i�:. '- <br /> � �� jn intaest.Any forbearance by Lender in exercisin$any right or remedy shali noi be a waiver of ar preclude the eaercise of •:=;`'�'=��� _ <br /> „ti any dght ar remedy. � <br /> ;:;� ��,-��-` _ <br /> 12.S�ccesors aad As�ipa Bo��d;Ja�t aad Sevenil LiaMUty;Co-6lgaers.The coveaarlts and agreements of this SecurIty ���1� ��:�; -= <br /> Instrumedt shall bind and benefit the successars and assigns of Lendr:and Bonowev,sabject to the Drovisions of paragaph ��;1 -�.,�,_ <br /> 9.b.Bonower's covenants aFSCt agreements shall be joint and se.weral.My Borrower who ca-signs this Security tnstrament . �{_= <br /> bat does not execute the Noce:ta)is co-signin$this Sec�city Instrament only to mortgage,grant and convey that Bonower's �`'�.""'�r:� <br /> � lnterest ln the Property under the terms of this Security Instrnment:(b)is not yersonally obligated to pay t8e sums secured , .,`;�.:. <br /> - by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrees tE:at Lender and any other Sorrower may agree to extend.snodify,forbear or make •. T-:�-�,;r-; <br /> any accommodaaons with tegatd to the cern of this Security lnstrument or the Note without that Borrower's consent. - ��'::�. <br /> ,• <br /> 13.Notices.Any notice�a Borrower provided for in this Security lnst�ument sha11 be given by dellvedng it or by mailing '•- °" <br /> z��g first class mail unless ap�Zicable.taw requires use�f�nother method.The notice shall be directed to the Property Address ' ��xg..��__;� <br />- c�a�y other addtess Borrower designates by notice to L�r�er.Any notice to 4ender shall be givcn by�rst dass mail to Lcnder's T� .��--f��: <br /> , address statai t►erein or anp address Lender designates by notfice to Bonower.Any noticc provided far m this Secnrity tnstrurnent ' ' "� y <br /> f shall be decme�tv have been given to Bonower or Lender when giE�en as provided in this paragraph. :' ' . <br /> � � '- 14.Goveniss LaM;SevenbWty.Thls Security lnstrument shall be governed by Fedcral taw a�d the law of the judsdiccion � '. <br /> . �,� , ' in which the Property Ls located. ]n the event that any provision or clause of thss S�ecurity lns2rument or the Note con�7icts , � � <br /> _-_-' _ •, �:_ with applicable law,snch conilict shall not affect other provisions of ihis Security tcstrument or ihe Note which can be given _ _ <br /> � - effect withoui the conflicting provislon.To this end the provisions af ihis Security tnstrume:�t and the Note are declared to 6 '., <br /> be severable. � �- , . <br /> � lS.&►rrower's Copy. Borrower shalt be given one conformcd ropy oP this Security Instrument. �:. .. <br /> � .. <br /> . . .. �,. ., : <br /> ' - 16.Assi�ne�eet ot Reets.Borrower uncanditioaal6��asigns and tranyfers tn Lender all thc renta and revenues vf the Property. i <br /> � Borrower authorizes Lender or Lender's agents to eotiecc►he rents and revenues and hereby directs each�enant of the ProQerty �. . <br /> • • to pay the rent9 to l.ender ar Lender's ageat9. However,prior to Lendcr's notice to Rorrawer of gorrowcr's brearh vf any . <br /> ::..�: covenant or agreement in the Securily Instr�ment.Borrower shall coltect and recelve ait rents and sevenues of the Pro�erty ' <br /> ' as trustee t'or tht 6ene�t of Lender and Borrower. This asslgnment oi rents constitntes an absolute assignmcnt and not an • <br /> asslgnment fbr additional secudiy on1y.. � � <br /> ' ^rv �=�'��� li Lender gives notice of brcac6 to Borrower:(a)aU rents received by Horrower shall be held by Horrower as trustee for - <br /> �' .:�_.,.-;: bene�t of Lender only,to be appticd to the sums secured by the 5ecuriry Mstrumcnt;(b)Lender shall be entitled to collect F <br /> -- . - -- -- -.- - and receive all of the rcnts af the Properly:and(c)each tenaat of ihe property shall pay�lt rents due attd unpaid to Lender `_ � _ . . <br /> , �xp;-=�h'�� or Lender's agent on Lender's written demand to the tenant. ' . <br /> �, ����:r.. ,�_ � • <br /> • '�.�r-�' Bonower has nos cxccuted any prior assignment o£the rcnt�and has not ancf will not perf�rm any act th�t��outd pre�•ent �. , . <br /> ' r;_ Lendzr from exerrising its rights under this Qaragraph 16. ! . <br /> � ��;�; �,'.';�,:..„ Lender shall not 6e required to enter upon,take contsol oi or maintain the Property before or after gi�•ing notice�t't+reach ! <br /> .�`�.:-i.�=� . to Borrower. Mowever, Lender or a judicially appointed receiver may do so at �ny timc there is a brcach. Any appliration ! <br /> ' • _�-'�=�-�'3=� o�tenis.sha�nc+E crire or�vaivc any default or invaliclate anv oWcr right or tcmcdl�f Lendcr.7his assignment vf rrnts af � _ _ <br />_--- _— <br />° ' ' � ` the Property shall terminate when thr debt srcurcd by thc�ecuiity Incfrumcnt is paid in fuT1. � � � � � <br /> , �.. ' '_'�ii' � - '' - - F <br /> • i.a.— 'y, --- ---- - �._ . . - - - _.__. . ._ PuXC�xoja - � - - - - - __ _ _ � . <br /> .� � <br /> __. '_;.� <br /> - .- .. -'-y = . <br /> . � � <br /> �- ,-:.� � . . <br /> '. �rr,.as�� <br /> - ' - -' <br />