_ i`� , . - . - . . T - . __ . . .. , .s� S .e3,v�, '„x� ... . �
<br /> j ' ° - .. ' �, . , . i� _ `�.t , . .�F , ` ,f_���P�s� a ,
<br />_=-- . _----=--�-�-:.__�'s_ . . -- — -- _�.—_. --�--.�.= _' � '�—` --- — --
<br /> iooaia o�►/a�/sa�s �:� ` -
<br /> �l�u� �i �n��x � � -
<br /> 9.Con�^ttan.T�.°prac�ds af any award oP c�fof����� lapli�f rnndeCm�a�t�re bxcb} �''` ,�,. .�. �... �
<br /> on or otRes af the PropertY. or par[thereof. csr for wn ey .�.�=�.,
<br /> condzma�il �, er K24fi s _
<br />, assigned an�shall be pud to l.er,ster.�v�,{ect to the cerms of aou}+mortgage.deed of uust or n�Uer sectarity a�s�e� . . . . ., —
<br /> _ r.�:,,� ._ ��
<br /> lien whicta has prin�ity over this Beed of Tn�st. ' . , .. _
<br /> 10. Borrawer Not Y2e8case�; Fur�rar�ce By Lm�er Net a Welver. Extensian of the dme €aT pag;�cr. az . -^=J---
<br /> . f m o d i 8 c a�ion of amn�tir�tion af the sums secwred by t63s Deed of Tn�st granc�d by Leuder to any successos in ir�,tsebt o� `,, �__
<br /> Bonower sha11 nsss oP�sate to release.iu any manner. the lIabiliry of the ori g i a a i Barrowee an d Ho c m ti v c�'s s a c c r.�c c r�i n . °
<br /> interest. Lendor sball nat hz c�quir�d ro commence proceedin�s against sixch successar or refuse ro exeend d�cw f�s pag;�r:ca; � .:`�• u _._
<br /> or otltenxise madify amortir�uon�f the suws sectued by this Deed of Tn�c by reason af aay demand m3da by c8m:o�i�t►'� _ __t,<..,,::-- .""
<br /> .. ga�r�Bo��'s�o�in interess.Any farbeaTance by lxnder in exercising any ri�hc or�y 1�:���. -- -�4 ,-
<br />--�.� a r o t�erwise affoided ta y a P Plisable law,shall nnt be a waiver of or preciude the e�cercise af any such rig�2 or eer.z�ec3y. ,;���,r. �
<br /> � 11.St�o�s and Asslgr��Bnimd,Jo9r�i�nd Sevaral ldablltty.Ca-stgmers. The cavenants a n d a r g��'s b u:s c�n __ '.= �:..^�_.�
<br /> ,,� conrained shall bind.and the rights he�nder shall iniue to.t�e respective succe�ors and assigns of I�:a s�Bt+zrmir�. .��.;x�---_-'.,,.
<br />. subject w th�pmvlsions of paragraPb 16 herenf. All covewants and agrcemsnts of Borrou�er shall a:}ra�:�sR4e�s�k. ^..tl�,^ ___ _'_"�."-
<br /> Any Bo�rcotives elita co-sig�t�s DEed of'fmst.but dfles nat execute the Note.(a)is co-sigmng this IIa,�of Trttist u�c�Y ct� : --.--_--"__ '.���`.--
<br /> grant antl convey thzt Hmrnwer's iaterest in the Property to Trastee under[h�terms of chis Deed og snuc. (b)is crr � �yF�°7� ' °�.
<br /> a,,w-..�,., .:.,r;�:��a,
<br /> . person�Uy lirbl�oa th:Note or und:a this Deed of Tnut.and(c)a8ree.s that lxnder aBd any ud�r Bzeamtim�tot�er�cfitt ^_,.-_-�_��=y�"
<br /> U . .� _�-
<br /> � . m�y agree w eatc�d.�odifY•forb�r.or m�lce anp other accommodations with regard w the terms of tk�!]etd��f Znr�t ocs� ` ' `-�',"'�""r��
<br /> , .� ... _:_.
<br /> the Note.arlthout that Barcotver's consent and witharut releasing tt�t Bormwer or naadifjring this IDeed�arF 7iu�t es cc��ue F w ___
<br /> . , ,�:,�s.,�..�. -
<br /> � Bomawer's inteeest in the ProAert�Y• <s..�--
<br /> •-.;��._�---
<br /> . 1Z. Nattce. Bxcept for any notice required under appHcable law to 6e given in anotlur mannar. (f1.ass� aatiy:c c� ,,,;�•""��-
<br /> � Bomnwer provided for in tfiis Deed of Tnbst sball be given by delivering it or by mailing suc�uQticc�y.cetcifi:d�I! .'���''� .
<br /> `•:• • .m,-,,..
<br />;,. F ` add�d w Bonower at the Pmperty Addmss or at sucb other add�ess as Bairower may designzce by ffit�se to Ix�sies� �,�::�,..�,��•.,;^,:�:
<br /> '. pi+avid�d herein.aad(b)anY n�tice to Lender shall be given by certifte�mail to Lender's zddress stated�'eein or w sgs� . :•�.•,.�.,--;.�,.. �,
<br /> othes addr�as Leuctsr m�y destgn�:e by notice to Barrowe:as pmvtded herein.Any�uce pmvided for in this Ueed of -�,;-.:y� -_-:••�
<br /> - 7rast sh�ll be d��o t�ve b�.�v�w 8orm�:er flr IxrstP?r whgn givea in the mann���igmated herein. ,;��R•:.__
<br /> r -
<br /> 13.Goveming l.ew;Sev�lt` ' t�'.The state and lacal laws applicabte to this De�.�ox;Tnut shall be We laws of the , �--;: _
<br /> er�..�T1 =:�z
<br />, � � ,pui5diction in vrhish dte PraPertY is located. The foregoing seutence shall t��imit the a�licability of Federal law to this 4
<br /> di
<br /> �ed of Tmst. In ihe event tt�c any pmvision or clause af this Deed of T�sst or the Note conflicts with aPP9icabte law. ' .��• ��_
<br /> ar the Nate which can be given effect withont th� ��-�} '1� � , .
<br /> . ' y v c h c o n 8 i c t s h a l l n o t a f f e c t o t h e r p m v i s i o m s o f t h i s D e e d o f T n u t , .+ , s.'��
<br /> conSicting pc�avision. aad to this e�the provisioms of this�of Trust and the Note are declared to be severabYe.As ,•:..�a:,�,,F y�,; .
<br /> �ec1 herein. "casts". 'expeases' and'attomeys' fees'inet�e a�l sums to t�e eatent not pmiu'bited by applicable 1aRa v� ' :Yaa• ;•: ,
<br /> ' limited herein. _ ���:'_.` � '�� -
<br /> . .,;:` 14.Borrmvc$"��opy. Bo:rower shall be�inmi�hed a conf+om�ed copy af the Note and of d�is Cr�af�+�f Tra�sT r�.° �e=� � _
<br /> 5�1 �' ,°.7R�1�}.F. ��'!�_s-,._
<br /> "�..,... . ,.t.w�.
<br /> ,:,;�,':;:� time of exe�ian ar after recardatdon hereof. � :
<br /> YS. �buitt�3lon p.aPn �eai. Borro�rer shall fulfill all of Borrower's abllgations uattet any l�s;x �.•.;�}?�'s ?�;`.,�'.
<br /> r', .�,..':. re�abUifiata�un.im}+TOVement.t�€s err oth.r taw agmeement whisL Bor�+nwer eaters inta�w;iYh Lender.Leuder.at I.�7�'s " .�, ..
<br /> _ op&on. u�Y requiTe �uxrotiver to execute and deliver to I.ender. in a fotm acceprable to Lender.an azsignmeflt cf�Y ' _ - �,_..: ;:;. .
<br /> • ', rights.claims or de�.�^.,�es�vHich Boirower may have against parties urho supply labor.materials or secvices in co�e.ction •"�„�,'�,eEp
<br /> with impmvemeats made to tLe ProPertY• - � --
<br /> � 16.Tran�c of the Property or e Ba�7dal interest in Borrmser. lf all or any part of the PcopertS+or any interest _ �:��'•; �-
<br /> Y: "1.. :
<br /> .. i n i t i s s a l d a r t�a n s f e�r e t l (o r i f a be n e f cial interest in Bor�ower is sold or uansfemed and Borrovrer is not a natwal ' ti .
<br /> � �_�
<br /> . . .. peison)with�at Latt°er's prior wriaen coasen�Lender map,at its opdon.require immediate PaYmeat in faU of all sums .,_�'
<br /> . �by this Dc�3 mf Tcust.However.this oprion shaU not 6e exercised by Lender if eacercise is probibited by federal _ �.:.,-_.
<br /> ..�::.�;��;.
<br /> tsw tis of che d�fe af th9s Deed of Tnist. � '.�.,, ... :
<br /> �bead,er acercises this opdon, 1.eader shaU g'rve Bo:ruwer nodce of acceletadon.'ibe narice stu�pmvide a petiad r:.,,,,:,:�_.,.'_
<br /> rc�
<br /> �. of rr�az�ess thaa 30 days from t�:�te tbe notice is cltllvered or m�ited w�thia whic6 Boiro�ver must pay al1 suv�s secured :��,! ,..,..� �• -
<br /> by t�s�eed of Tnut.If Eurrow�zx faids to pay these sums Qrlor w the expiration of t�`is�eriod. Lender may imolce anY -
<br /> �emedies permtae�!tsb•aDjs Deed of Tmst withouc further n�odce or demwd on Borrower. ,�_� '�
<br /> 0F
<br /> � NON-U1V�OIY�a��OVENAN'I'S. Boirawer and Lender fuzther covemnt and agres es follows: f,�,��?�:�,� -
<br /> ..' 17. Aaa�iva► Remeaie9. Except as provid� in para�rapb i6 LereoP. apon Borrnw�'s breach of any ��� �,�:�
<br />' ouuaaat or ayreemmt of B��ep in tl�i9 De�,1 of Trs�, indudin8 Bon+nwer's fa3lm�e tfl pay, by the md oQ 10 ��• _.
<br /> calmdu da8s atter theq are c?rfle,aary s�mas sean+ed by tYtis Dced o!Trast.Leads prior to amceZ�tlon st�all give ��-_-°=
<br /> �� naHce to Bama�rer as provlded in Par�'aAb�2 hcreof spedfyi�: (t`tlee breact�. (Z)t6e actlon reqWrM to e�nre � . �w�1.,,
<br /> such Drdtth;(3)a d�2e.mai le�s than 1A ds:�s Qao�tbe date t6e notice is mailed to E�orrower.l3�t�vvhleb sac6 bmarL . - --
<br /> m�t be cm�ed3 and(4�tQ�fs�dw�e to a��Dreaeh on or bafore tiye dote specit�ed[n tlnE scx�ce may resutt in - �;;
<br /> �on at t�e s�s secauar�by this Ueed of 7'n�st s�nd sale of t6e Property.T�x m�igr�71`urtber tnform �, s. _ . . .�
<br />_`�° �. Bc�o�thr r1�fie to rdas4rft�after accei�ration an�1�he a�l�t to brin�a court c►�',�cm*n�the none�(:�n�e of _-:`�
<br /> o��nI4 os arry dher dete�e ot Bmr�owc�co acceleraCl�rn a�od sade.IP t�e breacb��t cure�am ar befo�t:i�:ate S�f;;:: . ���.. �
<br /> � �',Getd tn the aotta.l�ender,st Lender'a�}�m,mzc��tc�are a!!c0 t�sua3 ses��by Efi�l�ae�of�lYar�t to be _ �:.'::=-
<br /> .ea -
<br /> fs.�atdy due aad p�yabk without furthror�s�cr0 may lasa�rp 4ht po�vea of sile�!a��r rane� _�... _. ��'i;;`
<br /> te la�v. DRce�2r shsll � � ca callxd a!f aeason�ki v�is antl�� �� dn �<'�4�' '�'��'�'-""'-`'�'�
<br /> � � p�1Yru.� by a�lltab -
<br /> ' pf�mll�tUe r�dite provtd�td tn�dds par�e�sP�17,tnc�ar�Y,br�t r+et lirnited 40.c�szsonsb�a a3taaneYs°f�.�. '��`'.`�;;��A..,;• ..�
<br /> .��<i`..,���i't�r:.
<br /> ' ��1C Q O V I�i'O�881C�.9�D40i(E�s�1'IS'SECt��t'000Y1�S�ICC Of��II�2 ID F'd��U�Ii�lq(D iY�ST�t�'�l'R{�Y!£$Y Ol �����`v�i�:l.�i�`;
<br /> . some pari thereof�s located suz�d shall r..� oa,gtes ot sacd notice in ti'�e maaner prescrlbed fzp�rc�ca�tE law to `" , , . : ;.siy�,,;±{..
<br /> . :;��'{����.�.
<br /> • Bormwer and to the oth2r per�.�c►s prescrl6ed Dy applIcaDle Uw.Attei the Yapse of s�xb time a�,ra�Y��4��b� r.`...:;�;,i.�,;,w,,•;
<br /> app(ieabie taw.Tnetee et�al]gS�ro pw6llc uotta of aate to tDe persna9 and In the msrm�Prns�ei6Pd by mpp�tcabtE , : . _
<br /> � Iaw.Trratee.witho�B�nanfl om Borro�ver,�se11 the Prope�4y st pubftt a�tlan Qo the hlghest bt�der at thx tirne . .� . �
<br /> and pi�ce�nd imder tRe terms deslgouted in the natice of sak In one or more paroefs and ln sac6 order as Tnistee ,��?''���"' � `
<br /> . map determine.7Yuctec�y pastpnas sete of al!or aioy p�aQ+ce1 of the PrqpertY b7 PubBc a�aaua�r�3 Et th�4i�� . - . . .
<br /> , . and ptase of an�r�►revioi8ty sc6ednderl sale.I.ender or l.eader's designee me'purcha�e the Proptrty at ury sa4e. -
<br /> ..:`-'- .
<br /> Upon r�eedpt of psym� o!tl�e pdee Dld►Tnatee shall delivar to t6e parchzse*Trus�a's deed�nveyia���e : . - --.—,�:...:
<br /> . . � prope�i9 soid.T�e recitsls im t6e Tnutee's deed ah�l be primr�facle evidenee of thQ truih af the stat�eot�w�de . � �
<br /> •'. tL�xdn.T�tee sI�U ap��y 4�+e praeee�i o�the sule fa t�xa Po1lo�rtn�ard�er:(a)to ell ressona6le costs und expeas�s of . . . Q.,,.--
<br />: -- _ '- __ the s�e,inetuding+b�ct.rtl limi4ed to.Teustce's fera ectua[ly inc+.*�red of not�ore t�an 5�of the gross s�le prlee. • .�; . . .
<br /> .. reasonabie attomeps' fces an� wsis of title evtdenc� Ib) to ari sc�ns secm�m uy i�is�s,�'!:�:; a:.� (s1 •'.---'° __----- .- �y,
<br /> . exom,�f aQey,to t�e persQm a�petsors legally e�t[Ucd thweto. �� `. :
<br /> ' . . . _...
<br /> . ' Nebmsae 2687M2 S195 origiaai(�ecosdadl Copy(sranch) coeY(Cuotoaor) v��s ors . � ,.
<br /> • • •l
<br />