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<br /> - . _ ., ��° ���"�`ly' 100�312 09/26�1996 '�a;, �' '
<br /> �� ��1IKS.f. ,TfP�S��RN =.��. �' <� •..
<br /> i8. Bu�row�r's Rtgffi to ReSn�Ta4e. Notwithsta��ing Ler.�ter's�wet��arion of t�e svm�s�cnr2d by this Deed of ���.: :.�:; ::
<br /> a
<br /> Tiust.dus ta Bormwer's b�cash,Barm�er sh311 have t��ri�hht eo have aaY P�nSs�bY E.e�der to enfo�ce this _ '.
<br /> s 1 .T�
<br /> D�sl of Tn�s dtscontina�Ed az any d�pr�or to che earlier to aavr of C) the fifth�nfo��'n�t�h'is B�of Tcust i� . �'v:-�;� ```
<br /> pu�svant to t�pa�ver of�le contai�d ia tbis Deed ef'I'mst or(ii)enuY of a judgme .;.'��� _::
<br /> Bunower pays Leader a11 sum3 whicl�v�ronld be then due uader t�is Ueed of Trust at�d th:° NcTte had no acceleradon .:,._�<` :.�-:x�:
<br /> . �..:.... �.:
<br /> aacuned: (b)�a�wer cares atl bieaches of any othes covenantsi�n�ler andRTtust�e inµenforcin�the covenants and _ ..i
<br />: '�'rust: (c) l�m�wer PaYs a11 re�nable eap�nses i�su�ed bY ;`t ';° . � .
<br /> agteeuxnss of Bflrroar�r wntained in this Deed af Tnist a�in enfv�ing Leoder's wd'Cnute�'s remedies as provided in .
<br /> �aph 17 heaeof. iusluding,but not limited ca. reasonabt�attorneys� fees: and(d) Bormwer takes such acrion as �"=-:��=•x.�r-:
<br />� Let�der may reamnabty rsxiuin m assurts tlm� the Hen of thgs D�2d af Ttv�. IBnd�r's iuterest in the PrepenY � _;��:��_�,��;
<br /> ��r,_,.;..:.
<br /> Borrower's abligas�on m�ay t�e sums seccued by this Dced a�Ttust sLaU contimb.unim�air�d. Ugon such paymeat and �' f ... .:_r.
<br /> wre bY Bolrower. this Deed of Ttust and ttte obtiga�ions secuied hereby shell remain an full force and ef�x as if ao .` :, ..S. ,
<br /> +'^�y..,::�`
<br /> acceleiarion 6ad occuried• ,� �'�_ ��:
<br /> 19. Asslgr��iz�t tsf Pte� Ap���t of Rere6vc�t; I.end�r in Pa�ssfon.As addidaasil secaritY h�mder. ��<,,_ ,-
<br /> rinr m arr.eter�r��r '` - =J;::
<br /> Bo�wer h�ehy assigns to I.eader[he ce�ts of the Ftapert�l. pmvided thr�t Borcowzr shaU. P ��
<br /> 17 hereof or abandonmeu2 of the Prapen9,have the si�ht w cullect and icrain stath reats as they beco��.... ��r��;��.,�F.
<br /> ysaia$tapf� , ,;--�;��;-:-.
<br />� paya6le. ent or b v' .,. .',
<br /> Upon acceteration nuder ParaB�aPb 17 hereof ar abandonweui of th�PimpeztY.Lender. in p�n. bY ag Y �, . •' :"•'..`:-
<br /> 1� Y��eives s2ia11 be entitled to enter upfla.tat�e possessian of aud mrnage the Pcaperty amd to caUect the j••;. ,.
<br /> ciali be lied 6zst to `'`'�_
<br /> "-r'-,,-i.'...
<br /> rtnts of the PropettY induding shose past dae. ALI renls colle�l by l.ender or the receiver shall aFp t:,�_
<br /> • piymenT of the wsts of manaSement af the Property and collectian of renis.i�ludin8.but a�tthis�d o�Tmst.,1� `�.:�`��`r`
<br /> pre�amg on raxiver's bonds aad reasonabie aaam�,-s'fees.an�d then w the swas seGa�by �,.�
<br /> and the receiver shaU be t3�le to accoani only far r�renls actuallY receiv�. �—_...�--
<br /> 20. ReoonYejanoe. �Ipon paymtut af all�s :secu� bY this Deed of Ttust. Leader shall recic�'�'�F° �.:�.,�.. .—
<br /> s�cured by tI�s I!�•::3 er�' �- -
<br />:,V��q- �r„�r the PcoQr�eity and ysl�2U suirender this Deeti�f Tznst and atl ao and withouc charb���or pci�i-�� �`"T':`.Y';,�`
<br /> ��Q�aliaarr� l�W��a.rL�1Y�l�Q���� •�J �WUUa� _.
<br /> entided thotow.Snch p�or persans sball paY all casts of recordation,if anY• ,� � _
<br /> 21. Sabetitute'�'m�.��.Lender.at Lender's opdon.may from dme to t3sre n�mave Trastee and appai'.:t a succe�sor � :. � :::
<br />' � to any Tn�stee �ppointed hert�nder by an iusunmeut mcorded in the r,aunty in which ¢hts Qa�d of Ttnst is �;�,.,••:.`.: . .:
<br /> rccurded. Without comreyame of d�° PropertY• the successar uustee sha11 succeed [o all the atYe. Poc�er and duties : j' ,•:., '.: :�"'
<br /> �������r
<br /> confe�ugan the Tsastee l�erem and by aPPllcabte taw. J'; . `.,".��r"�
<br /> •�:;;,:Y..
<br /> � xL. Itequcst [ar �io�ices. Barcativer reclue�s r3�at capi�of the�tice of dcfaWt aud aotece of sale 6e sent� . �,,�. ::-om�:
<br /> y>.
<br /> Borrower's�+ddrzss wI�is the Prapecty Address- c�¢��ease of an �r"�-'-I.."`�,'°�
<br /> 23.Baata�db�S�.Bortower shall umr�aase or petmit the presetue.�se.dispos�l.storage. aft'ectiag tfi,e �
<br /> Hazanda�5ubstances on Qr In the Pmg�ny. Bc�-�v.+tr sball not do.nor allow anyons el� to do. anyt�:g �.�,.�
<br /> • ptoperty�ant is in vioi�tion of�r�;�mnme�7�.�_�'I1se�ceQing two sentences stmll mat npptY u►t�e Br�ence.r�. .--
<br /> .. or sto�ge an the Pea;Y�s'of sma13��es rf�tazaz�us�ss6�t�u�s tbat are geaecal�y re�,.�*gaiz.°d to�apg�mpriate ta ��-�, .,.
<br /> aoaanl iesdential t�s m�t�.to ma��ea�nce o f�.°�.-�p�t y. f'.�.�...�„,:•.:--
<br /> ' Bo��:1��aY 8ive d�ud�r writte�matice of ai►y imresdgation.clsim.demand.lawsait or otlaaer action by ,,.
<br /> �Y 8�te� � ��01Y �Y pr private Party im7ohring [he Property amd any Ha�c�aus Substs+nce or
<br /> �ry��.
<br /> &m�romnuui}.#.aa���ich Bojs*s�n�r.Las act�l lmowledge. If Borc+nwer leaQns.or is a�tificd ipy u►Y 8avemmenal ar ��==::.�•
<br /> 2s �ered:r..,
<br /> � �S�fliY �ur'sty, .r,'aui aay re�s'�l or other reu�edintion of any Harardous Substwce affe�ia8 tl�e ��Y is ��,�;•
<br /> nec�ss�ry.�urtower s�dFl PrampuY mlce all nec�'�r.v remedi�l actions in accordznce wit�6nvlramaental Law. — ,�,
<br /> As e�in Rhis Pat�aph z3• 'Har.u�ous�ib�tu�ces'are those sa6stwces defined as toxic or hurrdows substances
<br /> ' b 8av�aate°nql Isw uW thc fol!cw3ng sabsta.�xes: gasolin�.kerosene.orher tTammuble ar toxic petro�e� ���..
<br /> Y
<br /> wsic�ccides atd hecbfcides.vofaul�:so3wents.materials contaxuin�asbesws or foimatddi�f,�.�nc1 --- --�._:._.
<br /> As used in this para�aPb 23.'Emiro��t�11�w' meanv federallaws aud Iaws of the lur.s�r�ion where the Fminec!r3r� ,,,,:----
<br /> .. _�. �.;.-=;•.:
<br /> locatsd that relate w heaIth.s�fety or emtimnme+�tnl.pmtecdoa. , . --
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