, � -'�n� .. . . . " " - . . "' . ' ' y ' . . _ . _ : .
<br /> , ' . u.. . . . . " � � , �.- _ . • . . ' .E� � - _.
<br /> , . .
<br /> � . .•' � ' ., r.' . . ��. F.` .:ti:ctF!=:�-`=�`� - � ,ti�'r . I Yi.e�'✓.
<br /> � , ,- ... ....,, _ .
<br /> . ..._�_._ - .. . . � , � :. , . . .
<br /> ._—*—r�--'T-,----^�—'---��— — _ . ... . _' __--- ..
<br /> - --- '��-._•_ -' ,Ci_�:�����T—
<br /> -�e�':{5'�'..':P-.— �
<br /> ,�IRB � TII�,II�3R�AN (�fi�, 100412 Q9/25/1996 ' �� , _
<br /> '�a'...::;- .
<br /> • UNIFOl3M CO�+ENAtV'i5. Borrovrer and L.ender cove� a �folluwo: .�`� •,<.°r'``Y.�-,_`:, `
<br /> u<. --.., . ,
<br /> l. Paypnezct of Pei�rf�A and iniert�. Borrower shall pmmpsly pay when due the princip� and interest : :,.:.�•-�-"�-
<br /> iIIdebtedIIess evidenced by the Mote and late cUarges as provideii iu tlae Nate. `�r��`���.t�fi�.-
<br /> , .. F�r..�,
<br /> � �.�nsi�Bor Tiaues and�re. Sub,Ts�ct to applicab�e lav�r or a written v+aiver by Lend�r.6orrower shall pay w �• `. ��.�__
<br /> ct ` . .
<br /> ...:,a,,;;.-=-�
<br /> Lemi�on the day mou3tily paymeufs of painsi�al aad interess are payable uncier the Nate. unril the Note is paid in fic41.a � >�,��:`--,,,.-.:-.-,�.�-
<br /> ': yvm(he�ein•�a�ts')eq�nal w one-tweit�of the yeariy taxes and assessmenss tinclv.ding condomimum and planr�d unic - _- ,�.�.:. , .,�„-.:=.
<br /> T�-L--'•:�-..� :
<br /> develr,pment a�essments. if any)wtuc6 usay attain priUrity oeer thas DeeB of Tmst.and gmuAd reuts on t6e Propeny.if = .: ..� .�,-" .'�-.�a
<br /> airy.pl�as on.�twelfth of yeariy premium iassretla�nts for hazazd in�vrance.plus cene•twelfth of yearly premiwm installments ' r �- r;_-`.�.<ti-_
<br /> for swrtgage inssirauce. if a�►Y. all as teasonably estiroaied inidally and fram time [o time hy lxuder on the lsasis of . ._ .-,. . . .
<br />:s;: ass�egts and S�Is and reasonabie estimates tkereof. 8nrrower�hail av!be ubligat�d tc�areice such pay�uss of Fu4ds -_�yt_:_._,�� _._ .�: .
<br /> J. .i-rt,,�, •."
<br /> to Lender w the extent t6at Barrower makes sucb payme�s ro t�e holder of a prinr mortgage ar deed of vust if such hnlder ,,..!..,
<br /> is an insdtutianal leuder. '�. �.`+�: : ".
<br /> if Bottower pays Fnnds to Lendet. ¢he Fuads shaU be held in un itisti3utian die deposits or accounts of which are _ ':��:��:�;-�+,^��•;��: .
<br /> ';r N'r.�=",-_
<br /> < insu�d or g�aranteed by a Fe�eaal or state agensy(incluaiin�Lendet if Lender is suc6 an institutiun). Lendrr shall apply - ::•`;r,`c•^�'�:�"�`�ti-;
<br /> thg Fnrrds w pay said taaes.assessusents. insura�ce prem'sn:ms and grouod rents.Le�der may not charge for so hol 'dhn,v aud •1:` � ;�`�`r.'.'`-"�' _
<br />. appl3ring the Fnnds. analyang said r.ccouint or vesifyiu� a� campilit�g said assessments and bi11s. �s Ltnder paYs �����, . ' r�--._-
<br /> Bmy+nwer inrErest on the Funds and appli�b'.c law permits Le�er to make svch a charge. Boaower and I�nder may agree �� .. -
<br /> in vvriang at the time of ex�ution of this Deed of Tmst tbat interest on the F�ds sl�all be paid w Bnzm�ver.aud anless ►•�"--::�,�',---
<br /> � such agzeement is made os appt�cable law requi�s suc6 interest m be paid.L.�nder s6a11 not be r�-,:�ed to pay Bmrower ��'�__�_
<br /> �.�'. any intere�t or rarnimgs on the Fm�ds. L.euder sl�aU give to Boaower.vrithout c�arge.an anttnal accan�.�of the Funds =- - -
<br /> arg tna
<br /> ' sho�v�n�credi�and debits N dt� Ftu�ds and tbe putpa.se for which each debit to the F�ds was made. T6e Frmds are �_ „e,_-_'T'�
<br /> p�edged as ad�'T�rr�l security for the saias secured by t6is Dexd of Tcose. � ''� ... �' � :-
<br /> . „ , ' ,t��---
<br /> . �ti�e a�^.�of the Funds hel4 by I..en�ter.tagetLer witb the fattue momhly installmenrs of Fun�ds payable prinr to '.' •,-� - =-w«�:-�,-;.
<br /> - ��uz 3ztes of taxes.ass�u. :^�•�^°P pnmiums and grouad reats.shall exc,eed the autoum requized W pay sai�l ' . . �;�-.�;�,r„
<br /> t3.�, .��,,s in�,•a�_��--�,+n,�o ���r� as they fali due. sudi excess shaU be. at Barcovr�� aption. �r —
<br /> accrnvn
<br /> �_.=..v..��_-,-;-
<br /> � eitheZ pro�pdY tePaid W Bac4.n,,��or cre�.t�so Barra�a on montWy installmenis af Funds. If the aanount a�tiJ:�unds � .�s_,..:..
<br /> hetd by IxudEr shall mt be��ent t� �cT �xes.�ents,insurdnce p:emiumv and ground�nts as theq fall due. ,.,;;,.�; `�,.
<br /> ' Borrower shall pay w l.end��}ama��ra�sarY to�ralce up the de8ciency in one oz mnre��ents as Lender may • �`�-• -
<br /> .-� :�..r..,..
<br /> �• s�.�, � �':�± :_�
<br /> :. •r,.,... ..
<br /> • Upon payr�sent tn fiill of a�sums sec�ued by this Deed of Tcust.Le�er shaU p��s��d to Borrower any Faads . � .�,..;,;. �� r., �,
<br /> held b L�ender.If under h 17 hereof the Pra Ry is sald or the Property is or�h�s:ss a�,r�..-�d by Len�der,Le�
<br /> -s
<br /> ''-� shall apply. ao later tban�mmediately pYior ta the sate af the Pto�rty or its acquisirion Isy II��et-. �q Fuuds hetd by � : ;�: :
<br /> ater•' � .�r. . �
<br /> Lender at the fime of applicaaon as a credit against the svms secured by this Deed of Tnut. `-^
<br /> . F 3.Ap�lsaW�a of Pa�s. UNesc apglicable la�v provides athezwise.aU payr��ats received by Leadec under the •.,i�
<br /> .. Not��d yarr�xp7�s 1 ard�i�f shall Ise ap�lied�y L�der fi�ss m payruem of an��rts payable to Lender 1�I�c�axower �� �.�
<br /> . �I�S�F�2 6ereof t�i��nterest payable on t�;�1'�,re.and[hen to the princi��:ttze Note. � • , �,��. �'
<br /> � Ideag. Borrower shall�.�:�s a10��urco�rer s���as �...'. ,f;i,,.
<br /> ,: � 4.Prtos 111YYo�and 0�of '[r.�t Cbasgt�; ..: ;,.; ''�_ ; '.� , .
<br /> 1
<br /> y:,.• :r,��•,-�..� i;�. :::
<br /> ander anp mnrt�ge. drxd of tcast or a'�ee�urity ag�ement with a lien wlrich t�f*ior:t� oz-�s this Bes�fi�i.�ust. � .;,�.
<br /> ir.+cl�ding Bomnwer's coven�nts w m�1ce paymears whea dve. Satrower shali pay or ca��w be paid aU taxes.�� � ;�,'r;,' ., fi�.,�_<,,:�...; �
<br /> � ` �othcr chuges.6�s am impo�tions attributabte to tim Property whtcb may au�acf.�priarity over this Dee�af Trast. � :'y..;-., ,r= .
<br /> � aad leasehotd payments os gsu��nd cents.ef any. �_
<br /> ,.�. SS t�':�:-�=`
<br /> :� S.H�d Iastusuee. Botmwer s�ll iceep t6e impmvemems aow eaissting or hereaRer erected on the Ptoperty --.--
<br /> . imured ag�st toss by fire.f�arlyds I�taded within the term'exte�el coverage'.and such other ha�nls as ixnder taay . -- ;F-�::.,,.�,..�..-.
<br /> � � require and in sucL�mo�r.ts and for sach periads as Lender may requlre. �� � yr�.,; ,:-
<br /> � �-.i.•- �.
<br /> � The ias�ance cat�ti:r�a.r.sv;ding the insivaace shall�chosen by Bonowet snhj,�to approval by Lender;pmvlded. . ^��s , ,; �
<br /> � F tIts3 such ngprov�il shall a,¢i�unreas�omably wltfihelA. All insurance po.licies a�fi c�aewals ti�ereof sLall h�s':�a form �;`:•-_ ��'., : . <: ,:'
<br /> ,••'.� aceeptable to Le�er wd s6alI include a standar�awrtgage ciaase in 6vor of znd ia a�oim acceptable w I�rm9s�. Lender !�„'��.-;-;��-.�"'..
<br /> :�s shail�ve the right m hoId the golicies aid rem�vals theieof.sabject to the teims of a�ry�songa�e.dPed cf�t�:si or otIter ��R�"'��-''�..�
<br /> � �� s�urity agteemeat with a lien w�ch ha.s p�iority over this Dee+d of Trust. ���'��:
<br /> ,`. ., In tLe event of loss.Boaower sh�U gtve pmmpt notice to the insurance cariier.a�s.,3 Leader.Lender u�ay�rmt:ce proof ��'�� .: �, ,
<br /> � �st�ih�s if toot m�de P��Y�Y Borrav�.�r. _ _ , .r..
<br /> tf the Pro�erty is abw�cned by Borrower.or if Borrower fails to res,�ond to tiender vrithin 30 days fma tGe date ���=
<br /> mtice�S mailed Ay Lender w Bomower dut dae i��•*�^�P carrier offers to settle a claim for iassuauce benefits.Leader is s-1`�"�::
<br /> . anthori�d t�collect a� 1y ihe 1ny�uance pmceEds at Lender's oa either t�n�esioradon or repair of the Pcoperty ar �
<br /> to the s�s secated by t�rs D�xl of Tnist. � - ---' �t "�.�'-_
<br /> i. �on and &c9i �+� of Praperty: Lasclwids; Condaninlcmrs: Plaaned Unit Devdopments. �-
<br /> garrowot s�tl iceep tt�e Pcoperty in good repair and shall mt commit waste or pe�t impairment or detedoiation of the s'a"�T`�''-•=�
<br /> .�''�
<br /> properiy an,d shaU oomply wi3b the pmvi�ions of any lease if tiils D�ed mf Tn�t is on a leasehoId if this Deed of Tn�st}� _ -__--
<br /> . on a unit in n candaminium or a ptanaed zmt�developmetu.Borrower sball perform aU uf Binrower's aioligatlons u�der dte - -
<br /> d[�'.z'.�don or caveaaats creadng or gaves�II tbe eoudrr.�aium or pinnned unit dcvelapment.the by-laws an�d re.gWationg ------��°°�+
<br /> aL ti�s conduarimvm or placued unit develotccemt.and aat�ticuent documents. �°"•�_�`-
<br /> � 7. Ytataxlmtu ot I.enff�s•a Sec�it5!.ff �orrovrer faiLs ta geifoxm the covenaats and agteements contain�d in tLis -
<br /> Deed of Ttust.ar if a�r asdon or proceediag is co�nced which matr.s�ally affects l.ender's interest in the Pcaperty.then - .�
<br /> Lender. at Lender's option. upon �tice t� Botrovrer. m�y urate svch appearances. d➢sbuise such sums. iactuding -. � �'.
<br /> � �sonabte atto�eys' fees.and ta[ce such udon as u�cess�ry ro pmtect L.eader's interest. If Lender tequired mortgage � "'•"`r�
<br /> ' insrua�e as a condidon of makin�the laan sesuted by this Deed af Trurt. Bom►v�er shall pay tl�e premiums required w � . ��.'`
<br /> u
<br /> maiat�in such imwaBCe in effect until suc6 dme as the requirement for s�6 ituurancx termin�tes in accordance with ���
<br /> : Borrawer's and Lender's written��eement or applacal►le law. "" ��1���
<br /> • •s: �...
<br />, A�r au�nunis disbursed by Lender pursuaut to this paragrap6 7,with interest thereon.at the Note rate.sha116ecome _ '"" . '""'a"'.
<br /> �cWivaaal i�bteilness a!Borrowet secured by this Deed of Ttnst. Unless Bormwer and Lender agree to ather terms of ;_:��¢,=;,=',--��.-
<br /> . payme�i. such amau�is shall be payable upon nniice from Lender m Be�rrmver requesting payment thereof. Nothing =- -
<br />. . contained in this paragraph 7 sball rtquire Le�ter to iacur any expease or ake any action hsreunder. • ' . , —.-r ..
<br />, ..
<br /> 8. Il��essien. Leader m�y make mr ca�:se to be made re.�sonahle entries upon and inspections of the Progerty. ' - � '
<br /> :. �.. nr�vi�d�h�t iznder shall give Eom►wer notsce prior to any such i��ection s�ifying reasonable cause thetefur related m • • . "'" .� '� �
<br /> , -_ -- - -_ ��
<br /> l.endar's interest in the Property. - ,.�,;��;.:
<br /> NeemsYe 26876-2 S/95 Original(Reeosded) Ce$rylHranChl CopY(GtistO:nat1 Psge 2 ot5 ;�:..•. • ,� - _
<br />. �. � ..-' ���. ' • � .. . . _ _ : �' .._' ..._ . .. .r:-' . .a.- . - �- . .. , .. . . � . -� .,_ 'a,: ..• . a.` .. ..�
<br />