'C.� C _ ' t . � ,.( C .t . - _C • _ `,. `_ ._
<br /> �`e F / �;""���.�st�rr.�'� ..•,rr'�.. . , . s , • - "�'i- . . r" —.`•` .
<br /> � t(-so��_.� ;' `.3.�.�' . . ' . . . - . _. _ � .
<br /> � ' i
<br /> __-- A . L< . 'a - . _ � . . — _
<br /> ... ` _f- --`�"a'%l'v;: . . - , - .. � - _ . _. .__ ._ .._... � �� � .��, ' i.'a . . . �
<br /> . ..4' . ck,,`` .''�';``��.,?', ; .. 'c��„ � � .� . " _ ,. -.
<br /> � � 'fhe ias�uanec carti�r qovidi�the ins�umcc st�aU be chosen by Borrower su6ject�o t.endeci�
<br /> i�� "�"�?'�'?�- .
<br /> � . ;,"::;ya1- s't�]I i��ie IImasaa�Wy witbheid. if Barower faiis to mauntain coverage des�abeti�bave.[.ender msY•°at ,
<br /> � � 'r,;;' ;. �p�ZpCOYCrdgC IO�'t j.E11dC[S t1�f.4 W f!!C P[O�l.'[1y 1fl�CC01�W It�t pff��lU�1 T.
<br /> ;,..',,..'�°�t,..,.
<br /> � .::�,:=,::�:�p�ticies and t�wals st�ll be acceptable to l.ender and shait ioclude a st�tdacdmortgsEe clwse.� I.endet
<br /> �3i fl�v.0.:�'ii�it'f�old tix policies and csnewals. 1f ltndcr nquires.Sarrowes shali�rnmpUY Bive to Lender atf�ceipts
<br /> < ` �,... . _; an�s+enewat nat�es. In tt�e event of!c�'ss.Buemwer shaU give prompt nWice w the inswruka carticr�rid
<br /> �P���:.�.�tia7ce f of to�s if not made wer. . �
<br /> �rimtS?: ... A'w P�PUY bY�'r9
<br /> ,::.:�,:
<br /> - ``t�-_fi?nics�,l��B�rrowu otherwise agne in wnting,�ncurance procads shail be appiied to testotatian ar rcpair nf _
<br /> t��:pc�.�_d�magqed,if tbG cestaruian or repair is aonomicully feasi6te ancf�mder's secarity is nnt t e x s e t�t l. 1f the
<br /> � �;c�.:a�-�vr is not etaoomically feagibk or Lenda's secu�tity wou'.d 6e lessened.the insur.u�ce pucads shaq be
<br /> .applied'ui,tl�e,su�s°sa�by this$ecariry IawumenE,wh�hcr or not then due.with any eicccss pud to Borrowes. It _
<br /> Hoirawer abandon.4:t�`l�rapertY•or does not answer within 30 days p notice kom i.ender that t[x insur�ttice rartier has
<br /> �:offeiedw.se�tk a claim;'fhtn Le�der may coAect the insuru�ee procoods. i.ender may use the procaeds to rcp�ir or neswre
<br /> � tIi?.�ic'!i�tj�oE w�i.3q�ms.secured by�his.$a�aity Insm�meru,wlxther or not then due. The 30�daY.Periad wiB begin wlxn �.�.--
<br /> d�ea�tic�isgive�r: �.�: :
<br /> . - �7ni�ss;Ikndrr�2Qia Barawec othe�wise agnae in writin&�Y aPPfication of proceeds ta princip�f sh�ll not e�Ctend�x ', � .
<br /> post�o�.�e dne dat���F?1ie monttily paYmeets zefemed tb in p�aragiaphs I and 2 or rhange the amaunt of the psymrnts. �f " �
<br /> �.P�-7���?��Y is a�equiral by.E.ender.Borrower's right to any in�ucance policios aM pcoceeds trsulting
<br /> frodi�aisSggF tu lFid�eitg pri�tb the acquisition shali pa�s to Lender m tite exunt of the snms secured�by this Security
<br /> Ir�st�ene�atety,.prnnFta.The,acqui.dtion. . �
<br /> � ��!::`:.�P�9+:�� Maiatea�u�ce snd Pentection of tUe Property; BoROwer's Lan Applk�tion:' .
<br /> L�iii$.::Basipwer sitaU aecup}�.establish,and use the P[operty as Bnrrower's•pnncipat tesidence within sixty days after
<br /> tl�e ezeci�tiqn of tIiis`�e�usitY Insu�ment and shali continiie tn accupy ifie P�uperty as Barrower's principaE rCSiderue for ae
<br /> - kast ane•ve�r �e"s:�date of occupancy,.untess I�ender othetwise agrees in wriung. whtch consent shafi no1 bc
<br /> un�pat�ty.�rtt]iheli�:".aoe unkss cxtenuatirig c�RVmstances exist which a:+e 6eya�d Borrawer?s contml. Borrawer shail nat
<br /> . �:• . to de ' Iiarowcr sh�li
<br /> — _-d�cn'};��a�-t�e�t?ge�t�.allQ�th�_Pmpenl'- - teripcate..a cantuut.vrastc on the Propertl�.. --�--
<br /> = bt in�aeztr if�ry farfeiwne action.or proradiag.whether civ�or crimmal,'is liegun that in Lender�s gaad faith�udg�ttent��-
<br /> --= couW res�tt�n�ps'feit�re of tHe Property or ottierwise macexially impair the lien created by this Security Ia�trumen�or
<br /> _ L.ender•s ssc4iity:urt�.8orrower may cure sucli a default and reinstate,as provided in par.�p~aph 18.by causins the xtlon __
<br />- - oc piao�ntgiu'I�rd�nissee}wii�a iuliog tirat,�iri•Lender's goad faith detccmination,pcecludes forfeiture of the Hormwer's —_
<br />- intecest i�thz Pr�y ar aifier material impairment of the lien created by this Security instrument or LenderK security
<br /> � intecest. �rm�e�':slialY also he in default if Borrower, during the laan application process.gave �naterially false or �
<br /> � � inaccurata ii►�mmauoa or s�tanerrients td'�.ender(or failed to pmvide]xnder with any material iufarmatian)in connectio�with �_.-
<br />� the toan evidenced..iry.the-14`ote, iaciuding. but not limited to. rcpresentations conceming Borrower's cecupancy of the �t -
<br />--- - •Property as a princ'spai r�sidence. Ifthis Securiry Insuument is on a leasehold,Baaower shall comply with alt�he provisions
<br /> `�.,�� af the kase. If Bc�erovvesacquires fee titte ta the Pc+nperty.the leasehc�ld suid tbe fee title shall not merge unle�s Lender ugrces
<br /> to the merges in wziti�sg: �
<br /> ' �: 7, proteetioo of�,epQer's f�g6ts in tht Property. If Barrawer fails to perfocm the covenantc and agreements
<br /> - e.ontainee!in this Sec�ity tnsdvmear. or the�+e,is a legal praceeding ttwt may significantty affect I.enAePs rights in�t�e
<br /> Property(such as a prnceeding in banlcruptcy,probate,for wndemnation ar foffeiture or to enforce tawti ot rcgulationsl.then• � `
<br />- " Lender may do and pay for whatever i.s necessary to pmtect the value of the Praperty and l.ender's rights in the Property. -
<br /> � Lender:s actions may inctade paying any sums sccured by a lien which hac priority over this Security Instrmnent.�ppearing
<br /> in coun.paying reasonabte attomeys'fees nnd entering on the Praperty to make mpairs.Although Lender may take action �``;_
<br /> • under this paragraph 1.Lender does noE have to do so. -=
<br /> � Any amounts disbussed by Lertder under this paragraph T shall became addittona{debt of Bortawer secured by this
<br /> Security Instrument. Unless Bonawecand i.ender agree to other terms of payment,these amounts shall bear interest from the -
<br /> date of disbursement at the Note rate and shati be payable.with intere�t,upan notice from Lendcr to Botrower requesting :��
<br /> �'Y '
<br /> : payment. _
<br /> 8. Mortgage Iesurane� tf LenQer required mortgage insurancc as a candition of making thc laan sccured_by this - -
<br /> ` Securiry Instrument.Brnvower shai{�ay the premiums required to maintain the mortg:�gc in.tiumnce in effect. ]f.for any
<br />� reacon, the mortgage insurance cm•erage required by l.ender lapses or ceases to 1� in effect, Boaawer shall pay the
<br /> prcmiums rec�uired to abtain coverage sub�thntiAlly equivalent ta the mortgage insurance previausty in effoct. at a cast
<br /> • substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mnrtgage Insurnnce previausly in effect,from an altemate mortgage
<br /> ' insurer opproved by l.ender. If xab�tantiaity equivalent mortgage insurancc rnvcr.�gc iti not available,Borrower shall pay ta =
<br /> -�....c:�c:ach n�o�th a sum eyual to on�twelfth of tfie yearly mortgage intiurunce premium being paid by Borrower when the
<br /> ' , in�urunce caverage lapsed ar reased rp be in effect. Len�er will accept,uxe and retain these payments ac�lusti reserve in lieu _ ,.
<br /> - of mungage insurance. l.oss r�er«paymcnt�may no Innger he reyuired.at the optinn oP l.cndcr.if mongage ir�..urancc
<br />' coverage lin ihc amouni and for the penod that[.ender reyuires)pravided by 1n insurer upprc>ved by l.ender ngain hecomcs
<br /> •� avaltAblc and iti oAtaincd.Borrower tihaU pay the�remiums required to maintain murtg.�gc imua�nce in effect.or t�pravide a
<br /> : � • � f�►wti rescrvc.untii ihe requirement far mortgagc insurancc cnds in ucrardancr with any writtcn agr�cmcnt 6ctwccn Borrower .
<br /> r�� uncl l.cndrt ur upplicable luw. • ;
<br /> 9 InspeeUon. l.ender ar its agent may make reasonablc emrics upan and inypcc�ions uf�hc Pu�perty. Lendcr.rhall .
<br /> " _ __ _ - __ _ gi�;���srrau•cr aatice at the tim,:of ar pric�r ta an inspc:clion+pecifyeag re��vonable causc for the in.prctinn. �__
<br /> � . •� 10. 4undemnatiun. The pmcetdy af any award or claim far damages.ditece��r comcyuentiul.in cannecuon with uny -
<br /> � � Singlc Frmity--Vunnk Msc/Frcddie Myc I1�IY1)N�11�tiTit1.�1F:r'1'--l%nifor�('avcn:mi. 4t9s IM�er.�n1 ti/ui.c�•u
<br /> , . .a .
<br /> fmd It�k+Bu.10l�i'unht tat■
<br /> ... tnlKdrt(:alt fAUD5:f69]!Y3L7YA�G11i�7J1•11:�) , .
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