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<br /> , <' : 1+oGE7'F�t,wm�att tAe in�no�emeats now or i�ttas enctea on we popaiy.aod ab.as«ne�s.appu�o�ocrs, f
<br /> ' wd Yu�a eow ar LaaRes a p�t of the,p�opaty. All tepLcaments swd additions sTi�ll alsa bt r,waed by tbis Seciaricy
<br /> • . �. l�Of 1�IC�01�,Oplj�f 1�f1�Q W�R dMf�ECllft���iS tbL.'"�OQl1fSl.� `
<br /> : soweowFlc oovetN�,`t�rt�s tha sonowe��s lawfuuy se;se�a of tt�e e�i�b}►o�,��yed ana has a�e r�ta to gcanc
<br /> �od convey tbe Qmpeity and th�t the Ptopetty is udettc�imbeird.txoept f+or ea�umbia�es af recoid. Bomnwer wariants ynd _
<br /> will defend�ty tbe atk W the P1+operty��ainst alt ciams and demands.sabjxt ta any rncumbtances of rocord. �
<br /> � i'H1S 9ECfIR�'Y INS7RIJM$NT cambi�ea �nifam ooveoants for natlonal use aatl aon-uaifadm covenants wit�r
<br /> . � Wpited varLtioas by►jn�isNction io can�titwe�unifam aavrity itimiana�t covering seal property. � .
<br /> � — = IJIQIFORM QOYEN�Al�17'S. 8a�mwer�nd L.enQecrovea�at and agc+ee a4 follaws: � ` -
<br /> L lf�j�e�t dlrintiMt a�INle+pli�eNl�e�t a�I.ateC�a�es Bamwer si�all P�P�Y PaY wlx�t due ti�t
<br /> princip�l of and iMenest on tht debt evWenceO.by.thc Note wW anY P�DaYmen�aud la[e chargac doe under�be Nae. . � .
<br /> Z EywU IK 71�t�es�■i IM�s�ca $ublecl ta applica6te law.or to a wtittea waiver by Lender,Borrower shall pay to
<br /> . . l.eader aa the daY�Y P�Y�s ire,due wider tde NP�e.unti!We Nate:i��aid ia fu11,a sum("Fuads")�for:(s)yqrlg , `
<br /> u�a�a�s w�r,�y,Kata�cy ovec�s s�;cy`t�a��t�s-��an tts�Ptaperty:(b}Yra�Iy'te�ehold
<br /> p�tyipe�ts or�,no�md ients on the Ptopecty.if my; (c)9�Y � �P�P�Y:.�� P��ms;,(� Yeuly flood
<br /> in�u�nee pemiums. i(any: <e)Y�Y�i�l� �e prcmiums.if any;wut�ang-sdms.payabt4:fzy Ramwa m
<br /> ' ' ' Lender�in sccantmce with the provisiona ot puKnph 8.in lia►of dre p�yment of awrtgage i����p�miums. These .
<br /> iteins arc pilod"Escrnw Items.° L,�adK msy.a1 sny time.cdkxK aad hold Fbnds in an anwunt not to exceeA the maximw» . _
<br /> amowit a lender fa�fe�slty revfed mort�s�e lan m�ly.nquirie fa Bamwer's esciow acoount under tbe fedeial R�rdi
<br /> �e Settkn�ent P[aceduns Act of I974 ac art�nded itan time to tinte.l2 11.S.C.$7.601 et seq.�°RESPA'q.untess anather � -
<br /> law d�t appiies to the F1uWs sets a ksser anwunb If w.t.et�der may.at any tune,colkct aod hoid l�u�ds in an amoum Twt to , .
<br /> .exceed the ksaer amoum. l.ender tn�y estim�te the•aaxwnt�o(Funtis due on the basis af c�sent dara anii reasonable
<br /> eatira�ues of expendituies of fu[ure Escrow Itans or atlxrwtse!n accood�ncc witb applirabte,'�avr. � `
<br /> ' The Fun�s ah�ll bt hcid ip an.�in�titutian whose deposils ace.insured by a federaLagency.instrumentality.or en6ty
<br /> fmcluding i.aKler.if l,ender is su�h an IastiaGaa)ar 1rt any Frdenl Home L,onn Baak. I:ender.shaD apply the Fimds w pay - .
<br />� - - --the E9crow Iteajs. I.ender may not charge Barower[or holding aad applyins�Fn�rds,aanealiy aaalyzing ihe esaQw. - . .
<br /> �ecount,a veritying the Esecavir Itena. unkss t.ender psya Borrower interest on ihe:Funds aad applicahle law-pemnts
<br /> .Lendei w m�ice�uch a chuge. However.Lender tnay requir�Borrawer to pay a aie�charge for an independent neal
<br /> --- '. actAte tax ttpaeing service used by Lender in cannection with this loan.unless appiicablelaw piravides otherwise. Unless an
<br /> --- " agreemeiu fis made ar appticaMe taw ieqaires interest to De paid.l.enckr shaH not be requn�ed ta PaY Boimwer any interese ar .
<br /> __ ! pmings on the Funds. Bormwer and Ltnder may agrec in writing.hawever.that interest shaU be paid on the Funds. Lender
<br />_ shall give to Bonower.without cfu�rge,an annual accountiag oP Ihe Fund�.�howing credits aad debits w the Funds and the '
<br /> - � purpose for which each debtt to the Fi�nd�was m�de. The Funds are pledged as additional.socurity for atl sums secu�d by
<br /> -- this Secolrity insirument. � �
<br />= - If tGe Fundq held by Lender cacecd thc amaunts permittcd ta be Ae1d�by applicabte laa,Lender shafl account to
<br />�_- Bor�nwer fa the excess Funds ut accadance wlth the rcquiremenls oi applic�bk law. Ii the amount of the Funds held by
<br /> - ' Lender at any time is not sufficient ta pay the�scrow Items when due.l.ender may so notify Borrower in writing.and.in
<br /> _= ; such.case Bo�crawer sh�11 pay to L.ender the unount neces to m�tce up the deficiency. Borrower shall malce up the .. -
<br /> � $o r
<br />-,_- ' defciency in ramare than cwelve ma►thty paymems,at l.ender�sotc discrction. �
<br />;�;'� � , Upon payment�n full of al!sumg securcd by thiw Security Instrumcnl.l.ender sha11 promptiy refund to Harmwer aay
<br />:-- — Funds held by Lender. If.under paragraph 21.Lcndcr shall acquirc ar 4e11 the Prop¢cty,Lender,prjor to the acquisition or
<br /> s�le of the Property.sha11 apply any Funds held by L.ender nt thc time af acquisition or sale as a cied'n against the sums
<br /> _ � secund by this Security/nstrument.
<br />" . 3. AppUcation o�PAymmic. Unless�pplicAble taw pmvides o�herwice.all payments re'can�ed by l.ender under
<br /> __' � paragraphs 1 and 2 sdall be applied:first.to any Prepayment chargeti due undcr the IVate:second,to amodnts payabte under
<br /> __ yaragmph Z:third.to interest due;faunh,to principat due::uKf ias�tn any'1•rlc chug��s duc under the Note. _
<br />=����Yi 4. C6ar�es; Lien�. Borrowec shal!pay atl tnacs. uxc�ysments. churges. �oes and impositians atm'butable to the �
<br />= Property which may attain priarity aver thi!+Se�u�Ity Inst�umem.und teaschold paymerns or ground rents,if any. Borrower
<br />_= ahall pay these obligatians in the manner pravidcd in parAgraph 2.c►r if ncN paid in that manaer.Borrower shall pay tt�em on _
<br /> tinte Qfrectly tp the person owed paymeni. Horrawer shull promptly fumiah ta Lcnder all notices of umovnts to be paid under . -
<br /> ' this paragraph. If Borrower m�(ces these payments dirccAy.Bnrrower.rhall pron�p�ty fumish to Lender receipts evidencing -
<br /> the paYments. _
<br /> " Horrower shall promptly dischargc any lien which hax priari•�y avct�hi`Security Insirument unless Borrower.(a)agrees
<br /> in wiiting to the payment of the abligatioa secured by tbc licn fn a muoner urccptable ta l.ender.(b)contests in good faith the =
<br /> . lien by,pr defends against cnfotcemcm of the licn in.legal pr�KCedingc which in ihc l.endcr g opinion operate ta prevent the
<br />.' enforcemcnt oP the lien:or(c)secures from thc hatctcr uf thc licn un a�rccnxnt•ati.fuctory to l.enQer subordinating the lie» —
<br /> = to this Security lnsvument. If Lender dcterminer +:�ny pan uf tAc Nro{xny i..uhjc�t ta�lien which may anain priority =
<br /> over this Secudry Inswment.Lendcr may give 8 wer u ne+Uce idrnlifying thr licn. Hcmower yhaq satisfy the lien ar take
<br /> one or more of the actiona set fonh above withia l�ys af tlx givin�of n�►tice.
<br /> , S. Hazard or Property Inaue�nce. B�dwer tihall kcep the improvcn�rntr now exi�Nng or hercafter erecie�on the -
<br /> ' PrapeAy 9nsured against tass by�re.harards inc�lcd witlun thc tcrm"cntcndcd cu�cragc"and any ather hazards.inctvding _
<br /> floods or flooding.for which Lendcr rcyuirc5 in�urancc. Thiti inrur.mcc �h,dl h� maintaincd in the amounts and for the
<br /> iiv�n M28 �J'!0 I�XV I nJb ynges) _
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