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<br /> ' . , coodanration a utikr takiaE 4f�Y P+K�the Yeo,perty,or for canveysnce in7ieu of condemnatiart,are f�reby assigned aad ..
<br /> -- . slw!!be p�iid t�[�tder. :• . � . ;.
<br /> .� In the event of a tafat tal�ing of tbe P��opeity,tbe pmcads sfiat� be Bpplied to tbe sums sec�tr.d 6y this Security .
<br /> • ' tnurument,whether or nat then due.`with any txcess p�id to Borrowtr. In thc event of a p�tial tatcing of tha�'tvpat�in, •
<br /> ' . which t6e fair awicet value of the Pri�perty immediuely 6efae the tatcing is equal to or greater th�n tlie armwat of tlie sums _
<br /> ` < seceu�ed by this Se�curity InsRUmeat immediately tiefane the taking,unless Barmwer and Leader aherwise agcee in writing,
<br /> the swns socuied by this Savrity�nst�ument sh311 be�educat by ttte anwnnt of tix piocreds muiapliod by the fotlowing
<br /> � �� fiactian: (�)the total,amount af the sWns socured immodiatety 6efore the taking.divided by(b)the fair marlcet value of the
<br /> ; . Ptoperty immediatety befa�e the'talung. Any b�iance st�alt 6e.paid To Bomawer. Gr the event of a pa�tiat ta�ng of t!� ` � _
<br /> Propeety in which it�e fair mu�et v;lua of the Property immediatety 6afore the tai�inr is less than tite amount of d�e_sums �
<br /> �. secuned immaiiatety befae the taking,uakss Bomfwer and Lender othecwise ag�ee in wricmg or untess appticabie►aw.-
<br /> ` oti�erwise p�ovides,the proceeds shall be applied W the sums secured by this Security Instrument Whether or not tiu sum.s art
<br /> thea due. .
<br /> I�the Ptoperty is�b�idaned by Barrower,or if.after notice by Lernder to Borrower that the condemnor af�ers to make
<br /> ` ' an awud or seuk a ctaim fa d�mages,Bamwer faits[o nespond to Lendcr within 30 days after the date tl�e notice is given;
<br /> t�e+fdec is authorized to coikct and appiy t6e pnocuds.at its optian,either to restoration or repair of the Properry or to tbe
<br /> sums secucat by this Securiry Instnumen�wheYher or not then due. � - `
<br /> Unless LenAer and Bortower othenrise agree in writing,any application o�proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> poRtpone the dae date of the monthlY PaYmmts refemd to in paragraphs t aad 2 ar change the amount of such paymenu. �
<br /> 11..Bano�►er No� Relased; Po�6aranoe By Lender Not a Waiver. Factension of tbe time for paymenc or
<br /> modificatian of sunortizatton of the sums secured by this Security Insuument granted by Lender to any successor in intecest ,
<br /> , of Barower stsaU not aperate to retease the Ciability af the original Barrower or Boaower's successoes in interese.Lender .
<br /> , siwli nat bo��eii W commence prooeedirtgs agtinsrt any saccessor m mterest ar refusc to extena time for payrttent ar
<br /> , othen�rLct modtty amo�timtion of die sums secured by tHis Securiry Insuument by reas6n of any demand made by the originai
<br /> Borrower or Barower§aicccssors in intercst. My fort�rance by L:eQder irs exe��i�irrS anY right or rbmedy stialir not 6e a
<br /> __ wa�ver of or pseclude the txucise of any right or�y. . . , . .
<br /> - 12. S�eoators aad A�s Bou�d;Jotat aad 5everal Li�bility;Co-signeis. The eovenants arid agreements of this ,
<br /> _ Securiry Instrument shall bind and benefit the svccessors and assigns of Lender and Borrower.subject to the prcivisions of
<br /> : paragraph 17. Barower's eavenants and agreements shali be joint and several.Any Borrower who co-signs this Security .
<br /> -'-• , /n�*�.•,,•.^�but does not execute t�e Note: (a)is co-signiag Wis Security lastnuneat only to mortgage,grmt and convey that . '
<br /> gorrower's interest in the�Property under the ternu of this Security instrumen� (b)is not personally obligate�ta pay thc sums
<br /> soeured by thls Security lnstrurne�h and(c)agnees that Lender and any other9orrower may agree to eatend,modify.for6ear
<br /> --- • or malce any accanmodations with iegard to the terms of this Security Instrument or t6e Notg'withaut that Borrower's .. _
<br /> ;'�.- consent. • -
<br /> - 13 Loan C6arges. !f the toan secured by this Secariry Instrument is subject to a law which sets maaimum loan
<br /> -- charges.and that law is ftnatly interpreted w that the interest or�thec loaa charges tallected or to be coitected in connection ,
<br /> -';` with the loan excad the pem�itted limits.then: (a)any sucb toan charge shafl bc redticed by the amount r�ece.s.sary to reduce
<br /> ``-�_- the charge to tt�e permitted Gmix and(b)any sums already collected from Bomawer_which eaceeded permitted limits will be
<br /> _--_ nfunded[o Bamwer. L�endar may choose to make this n�'und by red�rcing the principai owed under the Note qr by making a ' .
<br /> ' dh+ect payment to Bomnwer. Ii'a tefund reduces principal,the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment without any
<br /> pr�epayment charge under the Note. � -
<br /> ' 14. Notfces. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Securiry Jnstrument shall be given by delivering it or by
<br /> `` � mailing it by fRSt cfass mail uniess applica6le law requires use af another method.The notice shall be directed to t6e Propeny
<br /> .. Address or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to l.ender shall.be given by first class -
<br /> mail to l.ender's address stated herein ar any ather address Lender d�si�ates by notice to Aorrower. Any natice provided far
<br />- in this Security Inst�ument shall be deemed to have been given ta Borrower or I.ender when given as provided in this , -
<br /> .- I�ars�B�aPh• �
<br />; . IS. Govereing Lstw;Severtt6ility. This Security Instrument sbaU be gavemed by federal law and the taw of the -
<br /> - jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In the eveat that any provision or cJac�e of this Securiry Insirumerri or the Note -_
<br /> � � conflictg witi�applicable law.such contlict shall not affect ather provisions of this Security I�.ctrument or the[�iote whicb can =
<br /> be given effect without the conflicting pravision. Ta this end the pravisions oi this Secnrity[nstrument and the Nate are =
<br /> tfeclAred to be severable. _
<br /> ' 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrawer shall be given ane confarmed copy of the Note and at'this Security lnstrument. -
<br /> � , 17. 7ti'wnater ot the Property or a Beneflcial lnterest in Borrower. If all ar any p7rt of the Praperty or aay interest in -,
<br /> it ty u�W or transPerred(ot iP u bencficiAl interest in Barrawer is sald or transfcrred and Horrawer is not a namral person)
<br />• withnut l.ender R priar written consent.Lender muy.At i��aptian,require immediate payment in fu11 of a11 sums secured by
<br /> thls Seeudty lnstcument. However.�hi�pption shall not be excrcised by t.ender if exercise is prohibited by federnl!aw ag of -
<br /> • ' thc datc nf thi�5ecurlry Instrument. _
<br />'�� IP Lendcr exerci+ew thix option.Lender sha11 give Borrower notice of acceleration. The notiee.rhall prov"id�a perial oP °
<br /> - � ncK lerr�hun 3(1 d:�ys fmm the date�he natice is delivrred or mailed within which&,nower must pay all sums se�cured fry this -
<br /> Sccurity Intitrument. If�ortaWer f�its ta pay thcxc sums prior to the expiration af this period,Lender may invoke tu►y
<br /> remcdicr penuittcd by this Srcurity Instrument withnut funhcr nuticc ar demund un Boriower. �
<br /> _ IN. Hurruwer's Right tq Reinsts�te. If Borrowcr mcetti ccrtain canditians. Bor�owrr shall have the right to havc �
<br /> —__ -- - cnfoRemcnt af thi�Sc�urity in�lrum�nt�iisrantinucd ut:�ny time prior tU the e:�dicr af: (a)S dayx(�r tiucb�ihcr pericxl:iti =
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