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<br /> � . 4. .� _
<br />� , i; k , r . ..
<br /> ��� �.�d� " ,: . . .. . ��
<br />.., to the pesson os persox►e lega�lly entitl�d �t►oreto. `.. .� ,;. � .
<br /> ce�s, if any. � �cha�e aaid Property at •,�`, - .:' -
<br /> Aay �essono iacludiag Beneficiary, Y P � �f,�:�-��
<br /> _�
<br /> eai� eale. . � ' "�;~ --- .
<br /> `�:.->��:�'�:;,
<br /> The pereon aonduatauig the sale map, for any cause he or she ,, �. : .�:�;:>�_z �''
<br /> dgems �edient, postpone the sale�uah cas��notice of postgone- "
<br /> ehall be aompl�t�ed and, irr every =- 4 `;; .
<br /> ` t¢ent shall be qiven by public declaration thereof by euch peacson .`�:�}:.+.tiu�._.: .: ' .
<br /> .. '..
<br /> • at tlhe tf�e aad place last appoi.a�ed gor ��ie eal�'v P=ond the dat� �� -�.: � ,
<br /> the sale ie postponed for longer �han one (1) dap beg ;�:r. •�.. ;. ; ; : -
<br /> desi g n ated in the notice of sale, no�ice �hex�of shall be gi.vett ;,t..•- . �.� 4� ... .
<br /> �y-�,'��'-• - ..-�.i.ir`... ,:�-
<br /> in the e�e mannor ae the original notice o f s a le. „�'� . ( �'"� : ,...;..;:;.;,;�'
<br /> :�. � � rr�c�
<br /> c�`:;:- , �.,,
<br /> 13. R�aediea Diot Bxclusive. Truatee and Heaaficiary, and r�••t ��« �`
<br /> � ,,., , <<�t�ti�h�.-`
<br /> �I� of them, eh�11. L�e entitled �� enforce pay�eat and perform� , , e�.,.t.,, _
<br /> � . ������u�tt`.'.��=::::-:.
<br /> ;,. ence af aay indeb�c�ese or obliga$ivn secured h��ebp and to ex° . . '.;F;.,;�;"'_r:_
<br />_` ercise �11 righta a:ud paa�ssr uud� this Deed afE Trus� os tuzder `. `. . ;..f��31•-_
<br /> .. any loaa 3netrumeat or ot)aa� aq�e�ent or any laws aor o� hareaf- ~ '.::�:y�:rt_�-='•�_
<br /> _ ,,,..���__-.
<br /> ter eaforced, noto�ithstandinq +�� or all of the iadebtedxieas and ;-;.�=;=-.�.-----
<br /> � �I��igations eecu�� hereby whicl� ��' nmw or h�reafter be other- .�. ,..
<br /> i� led e, lien, ��`���
<br /> . vr.is��e secused, wh��r by m�srtga�j ��d of truet, p q ,,;;.._a� •� `a�„��;
<br /> as�ignment or otheroviee. Neither 't�s acc��atanae of tbi s l J e e d o f _ ,��.`
<br /> L _a�_— 74.... s-k a�+r1f1R AY !lUrB�at td � � ��-'-,�
<br /> T=I l S t A O= 3.�9 @ AYOrCeIItenc.v vitue�-ucs ary :.:..^.►-� c
<br /> the power of eale or other powers hereia con t a f ne d, s h a l l p r e�u- � :;-` ��° . -��.:�_
<br /> dice or in any m�m��s �Fect Trus��s or Heneficiarys right to ;.,�� :,,:•. ��;.., � �, `'�'�:'�:.
<br /> realize upcan or e�ffarce anp other s�curity na�w or �e�eaft�r held . • ;��,.-,.-,,;,,,. ._
<br /> by Trustee or Hen�ficiary, it being ��reed that �rustee and Hea+e- ,..�:4• ,::�.,..•.:, : •.�
<br /> � ficia�, aad each of theffi. eha11 be entitled to enfosee ti�i.s Deed , ,,,
<br /> 't; �;,:
<br /> of Trust aad any other security now or hereafter held by �� r ��f'',� +, Y
<br /> �e�iefiaiary or Tsa2stee in �uch oraisr and manner aa they, og ei- � ,�� �ti;�. �,;.., ��:
<br /> ' t�h�r of them, mag� in their absaa�� diacretion determine. No � �•�; .�- .j! . `
<br /> ' r�medy h�rein coa fe r x e d u p o n o r ��e r v e d �o T r u a t e e or Benetic3.- •: ��.;'�' .. :
<br /> ary ie fun�$ed to be exclusiv� a�E any othe= remedy herein or �� ���•: ;
<br /> la� prov�.�I,a� or permittecdv but e.�h �3a�II3 be cumulative �� eha�. ;:;�...
<br /> �� hesceunder or now o� �;..
<br /> be in ad�i.tion ie.+�+ e�ery ot�er a�me�� q' - • ,
<br /> � hereafter existb�� at law or in �.c�'�:it o� by statute. B"vesy
<br /> ��, .
<br /> pauer or s,�edJ ��cea by aay of tbe loan iastrumen�s to Tsuetee _ . . ,�.'.' .
<br /> .. or �enef f���:ary �c� to whi�1� either of the� may be otlaes�as.ee entf� - �_•
<br /> . .:_.., , �_
<br /> .,. ; tled may � exe:sa.sed, c���curreatly or independently, �rom time . ' A�-
<br /> to tfine aad as ���n as aray be aleemed expedieat by R°rustee or �,r=-�-�°-°-_
<br /> :;. �. Seae�a.afary,.an�d eather ot the� m�ay pureue inconeieteat rer�s.edi�o. C=�"._��A=��:. ;
<br /> ::"h� tdotl�ing ��defiaieac� �udg;�nt a�3.nstpT sto�ito theefes�emtyaucb :,
<br /> seekf�e� Y ] :--�-,..w.. „a.._.
<br /> # action is permitted by 1��. - =
<br /> : i 'i; .:. ,; ,.
<br /> . 14. Rex�ueat for Notice. �ator hereby requests a copy � �,,;; t,, :�.
<br /> ce of default and that a�y notfae of eale hereunder be , , ;. .,_..:. '�.
<br /> any noti , :.
<br /> . � mailed to Truetor at the addsese se�t fort1� in �ho firet para�s�.!»i� �ty���;Y�
<br /> � of this Dsed of Truat. _ "�
<br /> . ""°�;;.
<br /> � Y5. Av�o.�r��irent of Snccen��� Tru�etee. Beaeffciary mayr "�'�
<br /> written iztsts�ent executed snd aokaow3- •�'�
<br /> from. time to �'r:�e, by ,�
<br /> edqed h� �enefi.ciasy, mailed to �ruetor and reaorded in t�ae _ __ ___ �;_�.
<br /> Count ila: s�bich the Pra�,�ty is locateei �nd by o�herc�ioa campl�p� .� �•��
<br /> , �g ��tH� g�A �srs��.sions c�g the a��aicab3e law of the Sta�� o£ Ne- 1. ..�a��'���
<br /> . �' l� ���ska, suyat��s�i:c� a succeasor dr aucceseoxe to the Tresatee na�r�c� ��t�}'��,l:...,:"; `
<br /> �;.2�weim os actas�c� 1�9reunder. ;.,y., ��,�;�1`�'tv''-.
<br /> ; r.�5 r,��1R;..�:.:�.::�,.
<br /> I�.a Succeagore and Aesiane. This Deed of Trust a��J.ies to, �� ';,_.
<br /> �d in��s to the benefit of, and binds all psrties her�r.o, their .�-�������_-�_
<br /> . �. �, �.�,
<br /> �'• MI. ,
<br /> E�efrs, legateee, devisees, peroonal representatives, sucaeaeorr� ����,_
<br /> and assigns. The term Beneffaiasy s�alY mean tYaO o�ener and `��:.�,r���_ : _
<br /> holder of the note, whether or not named ae Beneficiary hereia. �,,:�;:';''�°
<br /> - .�w'.WlrrRy4�(y�Yr.
<br /> .�7.^�r.._.p'°�•���°°_
<br /> �� 17. Beneficiarv's Powere. Without affecti.ng tho lial�ility � ;��_'.�';;,~f=
<br /> � of any other persoa liable for the paymen� of any obliga�ion ��: ��T����°
<br /> herefn aontioned, and without af#ecting the liea or chsrqe of .;�;�,,;,.��,,,.;,�,_
<br /> � tbie Deed of Truet upon any por�ion o� tha Property not t�en or - �;<l,. ;.
<br /> theretofore released se security for �he fnll payr��nt of all ua�- __ . �
<br /> ,. paid obl�gatios�, Beneficiary may• from time to �i.me �d �i.thout � :. .
<br /> .
<br /> notice s � . '.� -
<br /> - ;
<br /> �..._..�-�:�:..•:. -.: -
<br /> . 5 . : -
<br /> ' _ �`,..�..�,;r:.;;:
<br /> . ._ ' �• ' .. . . _ . ' . • . ' • . `,j•. . .
<br /> . _ ... . �. . - ' ' . . . t . - . . , . .. .. . �..\ .. . ' . ' . . .. _ .. . _ •• ,.. _ .
<br />