. .�r •� a . ' � . . . . . ' . ..._. -� .��s-.�. �.. .
<br /> ' . , 1`� . .C3 �.}� ' . . .s � � � . , ':�, .• t �. _
<br /> . - 4 ..��.._.r.....__.f._'_""J_"....._... �"_"'_a. --"'--"_r.i�; .
<br /> �. . � . . :
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<br /> � . ' . :
<br /> . . . � .�. . . . . �. ...i.....���
<br /> . .. . .:. . -. . . . •. �.. .
<br /> � . ...
<br /> - . _. .. ' •...._�.._.�_._....�..'�"'...."' _.__�.....y..._�_ . _��� . .
<br /> _ _ ___ . _ �, "�%+�' —
<br /> �.-, _-_
<br /> __ —_',._'�'__'T._
<br /> • S. .
<br /> .� •
<br /> .. � . . . • ' .�+
<br />� '� ,:.f:,i..�c_
<br /> . 9m� i�� - , . . ..�rY.;,~r-�
<br /> �-� -�:-�--
<br /> and coll@atio�, iacluding attora@y fese, upon� �.� �, .�:r,,;�`, =-
<br /> . �uy indcs�Ledn�s� secura�i hese�y, all in ancY� `<�; . .` ;����'
<br /> osa'er aa ��xaoficiasy may deteamine. Tn�a ,;.' : �' :.... . , . . . .
<br /> entc�sing upoa aitd takiaq posaession of tlaa �� ..� •. ,..
<br /> �:::.:
<br /> trus�. e�tatQ, �he collea�fon of such xeYn�s, ;:�,>•.-�. ' y.�.
<br /> issu�o a:ad profite and applaca�ion thareof a�a � '. " i` _,�
<br /> aforeeaid s�na�b not cure or waive atty dafa�alt _ �. '' ,. _
<br /> or aotice of default hereuuelc3s os �nvalid�to ----��.-�?�°4%-�` `
<br /> , .�.�� _.,;�,��.,.:,:_-.
<br /> an� ac� and in res�soa�a@ to c�ucks dafa�lt oa .;;�:;;�:"'_:;,. .:'.: .; —
<br />, p�es�saat to such aogic� of dofault axad, �:�%:'�`�;�:�;':' .-` _., � -
<br /> � `� ao�witheta�ing tl�� cantin�aanc� i.a poa$��aiosa �s`` �r'� x ' , ,. ,
<br /> � f of thQ Prop�3P o� t T a� a o l l e c�i.o n, r c:c e i p� �',� ' ;s"f,za�,� _
<br />� a� applicat�3.o�. of reats, s.���3 0� pso�its, •��Y�` '�• '," �P _
<br /> - Tmtst�e or II�t��iciagy may }�Q �a'ki�led �co ~I�ri✓�;s�F�`;}�?��--_°
<br /> � f..,3...,;,__.,_.• �v._+° �..
<br /> ��� e9cerciae ev�ry� right pronidQd fa�r i�. any of '� ' .�m
<br /> ; �s 1 f,��s%m,.� .n
<br /> the loan instruments or by law ugson �r�,-�.. � �,,,�.. :-�=-
<br /> occurrence of att� event of defaulto inclurling �����..�:,'��-
<br /> the right �� exercise the powes of eale; �'°-=�-----����"
<br /> ;� ....:�_:
<br /> �:iy.;.,."":�w.�. ..°-. !
<br /> �. f.. , _d. •...� �,
<br /> �b) ce�ence �a acti.on to foreclose ,, �;..y,
<br /> this Deed m� Trust as a mort a e, a oint a �,�: �
<br /> �3 g Y�P � ��i�^�;i��;.:..
<br /> - receiver, o� specigically eafosce anp o� tla� �. `:�.� '-=�:':�¢ :::�.:
<br /> ..��sewnnl-o 6nmsonf• ,��-#-�-'���
<br />, ,�Jf. ..... ..r. ��._..��� .°`� F,�,.!'. _� ... .
<br /> :" �"=�:,.�
<br /> (c) deliver to Truatee a written decla- ���"�;
<br /> � ra�a.on of default and d�maixd for sale, sud a 1 �`�, �"��=�:.t
<br /> ''�� written notice of default and election to '""�"�`" °'�•
<br />''!r';:;, cause Truetors intereet iai t�e Property to . . �_
<br />.`�`'s be �ald, whieh aotiae Trus��a shall cause to . '.�� . :���'' � � � 4.
<br /> �.��,, .:.�.. . ��,:; ; �-_:_
<br /> �- 1� :�r,aly filed for s�cord in the official r�c- §?'b. • � a�� -: :
<br /> :�. �
<br /> � or� of the county iaa v�hich the Property is � `�� '�:� � ;'�:�`r.
<br /> ;.v located. :� �'� ..r .,,,: !
<br /> ..Ff `E 'J�;,.�: �'.,''
<br /> �i :t. "7e° 6� _.
<br /> . ;f � Power of Sa�ee Should Bene�iciary elect ��' �°"
<br /> . Foreclosuz� )bk `,<.` �'`.
<br /> to foreclose �i8 exercise of the po�reg of a�e herein confiaiaed, '�g��; ;°.;�-�f«:;r,. �'�"°.
<br /> Heneficiaay sh•�11 notify Truatee and sha31 depoeit with Trus�ee �r: s�;��;;;;�... -;=
<br /> thfa Deed of Trust and tha note and such recefpta aad evidence of .r:�. :.
<br /> � expenditures a�de and aecured hereby as Trustee may require, and � `"�`'� = �' �''
<br /> ,:M �:���...
<br /> upon r�qusat of the Heneficiary, the Trus�ee ahrall file for rea- �:�• ,t _. _
<br /> � ord, in the �3�gieter of Deedm office in the County where the •��
<br /> � Property is l�cated, a aotice of default, settiag foxtb the name 7``� `";.'
<br /> ' of tho Trus�or, �h� Hook and Page or pocument No. of thie DB�d of ;-,.��.;�� , � __
<br /> Trne�t �s recorded in said Regist�r of Deeds office, the legal de- -;,;._�: �'��
<br /> scr���,u.�n of t�e a��a-described xeal eatate and tha� a breach of � ` �`��::.�' '-;_-
<br /> an obligat3.on, for u'h3.ch esid real estate v�ras conveyed as secu- �-�� °_-�'
<br /> rity, hae c�sred, aad se�ting forth the nature of such breach ^' '�°�
<br /> '.R�-:
<br /> and t3�e Trus�c�fl eleation to eell the real eatate to satiefy the -- "'*"'� �
<br /> obli�ation; a�d after the lapse of not leee than one (1) moath, . � � ::� , ,�
<br /> � the Truetse ehall gn�� written aotic� af the time and place of . �� -�-
<br /> � � sale whfah ma�y be batweea 9s00 a.m. a�:d 5s00 p.�. at t�e prem- � . . ��.
<br /> ises, or at �h� Courthouee in the Coua�y whereia auc� Progs.ti.'"ty ie 't�� �' ��� ; -.-
<br /> � loceted, deseribinc� the Prap�s�y to be aold by its leqal ei����rig- �' �• �.�rcr���• y=-
<br /> '���% tiorca esid notice to be publ�.shed in a newapaper of generm3 ��ir- -- ���;°—
<br /> '����'� cu�.��a.on ia the Cou�t�y wherein sucl� Property ie laaa¢fi,�rl, �g�c� a ' .". ...' ,� - .
<br /> `. , T = PL.:�.
<br /> v�te�9a i�or five (5) cm�secutiv� weeks, the laet publi�a�a�a t� be �` ,.��<•��s���; „��:;
<br /> � at Eeaet ten (10� daye, but �� more tD�aai tmizty (30) daysd �ara.or --�-��;",`��Y�•,.:._---
<br /> �cy t�te eale; and the Truat�� ��all then sel& vaf.d Property �a't �thv •?<=��• . ��`
<br /> ��m �.ud place desigYaated ir� xe�e acL�.�ce, in �she m�nn�r prov��',�3 ����``''��'�'``'-"`�`'
<br /> .,.; �_.
<br /> ...�,:�.ari»o�;,�.'.".;
<br /> , �"f'J��, Tal� La�,r in effect at �e ti.� of fil.i��.r� eafd notice, a�t publs� '�, --• .,�;,9,�r.;�... --
<br /> �:��.:n to the �igheat bid��� for eaah anri ahall cHe�.��rer to su�h t,� ,,.,;�;•� �.
<br /> . purchaser a c�cQd to the Pra��ty sold, conoiotent with tla$ �.�� fn �" �= � �• � � . _._
<br /> effect at tiv� �i.me. "�h`�•'' :.� � `
<br /> . , �`'°'+:'��'=�?'�`-�'
<br /> Upon receipt o� payment of �he price bi.d, Tnaatve ehall de- � � 1'�"''��
<br /> .,o,_ ,�;.,��,,;::, _��"'`:
<br /> " liver to the purcha8er, Trusteea d�ed eonneyi�g tYae Property .:;;;;;,;;,�,;�;�,;;,_.�
<br /> sold. Recitals in the Truat�es deed ahall be prima faaie evi- �. , �._
<br /> denae of the truth of the stateatents made therein. Trustee ahall :-:�;�;k,.A-,,;_:: . '`;
<br /> apply the proceeds of the sale in the following order: (a) to : ��
<br /> . all reasonablo coste and expensee of the sale, includinq but not •..�. � _ . � ,_
<br /> . limited to, Trusteas feea of not more than 1.58 0� tue qroas �
<br /> eale price, zeaeonable attomey feeo and cas�a of tit].e ovidence; : . ��� • i:-
<br /> _ (b) to all aume oecured by �hie Deed of Trus�; aaid (c) the ex- � ---
<br /> .�_ .
<br /> -- .��_..__----—
<br /> - -�--- -- _ �
<br /> . . : . �:-_:
<br /> 4 � • �.. ���`
<br /> • .i . ,
<br /> <� • ' `.
<br /> .� . ..:rr'���%'lh,`-a.�-
<br /> ---: . � • ;7; . . . . . .,.. .. „ •• .. vi:(. , . 1;t�;. . i4
<br /> . ' ' ' � '. - . .. • ,• ... -i.' , . . • . . . ` .r . � . �h�i�. . . s�, ie
<br />