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<br />�' (d) rel�ase or re-convay or caus� to be ° - °
<br /> � rel�ased or re-conveyed at any time at �ene- .��-_Y :_
<br /> : f3.c�ery's cp�ioa, any parcel, portioa or al1 . ---
<br /> _;,
<br /> � of the Pzo�QStyi ��;:;:,
<br />;::'::,.r (e) tit�IsQ a� �leaae��Y��t han�. herein _ -_---
<br /> I �-.
<br /> tional ��u.�i.�cy Ea� r�.� �I•_'�.��?-`==�
<br />" meation�;. cs� - ."
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<br /> ;�,.E; (f) malce c��i�aoaa �s atk� arrange-
<br /> - mr�ts H�it� d@btcr�� in relation ��oto. ::..�� :_;;�
<br /> "<�s,;< 18. Govemina &aw. �hz.s De� of. Trust shall be goveraed by �'
<br /> ('` �I�e lawa of the 3ta�� of ID��3asa�tsa �d. in the event any one or —___
<br />._.,.?'t� �<__�...-
<br /> �:::__=..�-�.
<br />:�.f�;; �ore of �he provisions ccu,�,� in thse ��ed of Trus�, aY e n
<br /> _ ��`a �� � �t�M.� aa�.,�3tQ• �z�nt a�i��n iY► connectioa with �,.� �.
<br /> z t;;� �t.ir� tranaaction ahall bs Eca� an3� reason Lu� Iaeld to ba invaiid, �-
<br /> - 3;�;��a1 or uneafozcemble in any r�s�$o �� �►°alidity, ille- ��
<br /> other rav3.sione �. -�
<br /> ��y or uasafo�ceability ahall m.c� r�f� �Y � .
<br /> �°�;r=� c� �-.J�is De� of Trust, but the De�� cr� � eh�ll be coaet�cued
<br /> ::;::<
<br />•�_���� as �� am�t� 3.�avalid, illeqal or ea¢o�r��� I�ovieion had n��c �,,,,�r,t -
<br /> _�:� bee.� aox��adr:r�� hereia �r thereirr. ��'"
<br /> �`' I� �os�8araaae l�� �enef3c�.a� �""F�_
<br /> r: 19. ��fea�r a� Fmrbearanaea �
<br /> or Trustee in exezcising any rlg��: �z re�a�dy h�Yeu��l�P. ox othc�-
<br /> � wise affoYdeai by applicable law, shall not be a wsiver o€ o� �e�- ��-.,�
<br /> �� �, clude the exexciae af any m�h r�-9ht or re�sdy bereuader• 1�ike'
<br /> �,��_
<br />'"�:;'� wise, the waiver by Benefics.arp or T�nastee of anp default m� tl�e _ , .
<br />`'��'��' Trustor under this De�:d of Trust e��ll not be dee�ed to be a ��
<br />.��.
<br /> � waiver of any other or eimilar defa�:3t �ubsequen�ly oaeurrinq• ��'.
<br />� 20. �'�°^^°"°"A^''" t�° !�ruatee. Upon �ittea requeat o� the r---r.,-�-.
<br /> that � aums secured ��eby have been paid, ���-
<br /> � 8enefcicia� �atfng �'
<br /> . and upoA stsrrende� �g this �eed of �uat atr�t �he�a�ote �o�thT�s-
<br /> Trnstee for cran�el��tion and retea�.ion and ��a _ �me Y ��`
<br /> � � tor of Truetee'e fees, Truatee shall re-�csnn�Ix tr.ca `�1°�8tor, or �he ---�
<br /> � person or pe�sona legally entitled theseto, o�i,thont warr�u'!t.�, any �;,,���
<br /> � '``� � portioa of the Property then held hereuader. Recitals in ��
<br /> .. �� k re-conveyance of any �atters or facts ehall be co�r.cclusine pr�vf �...
<br /> � � of the truthfulnees thereof. Gramteea �n the re-c+�nneyance may __
<br /> be desarfbed se "the persoa or ge3sons legally eastitYed �-:..
<br /> •� � these�o." �
<br /> .;.,:•:... 21. Accenta�n�e bv Trustee. '�astee ��ept� �his `YQJ�Y wh��. �.�„�.�}
<br /> thia Deed of Trus�„ de�ly executed �� acknowledg�R �ia made a �-
<br />�'�;��'.��� � public record as �sovided by law. , .
<br /> ;,;, z.
<br /> ;5,:.,..., �'"": '---
<br />��'s_;i•`...i` °--._.
<br /> :sk��s,{. IN WI�NESS Wl�REOF, Trustor hae exeeuted this Deed o¢ `�rus
<br /> �:.
<br />�r`�Y.f�. .`
<br />_„>j{' ,` on the date f�iret �x�ted abcrve. ��
<br />�;+'Siy'.. -
<br /> �tyta:,.. ------..
<br /> ' TREE HOUSES� INC., A Nebras� �"'��•=;
<br /> � Cozporaticn, .�___ _ --
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<br /> .. � _ �/�--�s'i.J^sL� �"-�'- :..
<br /> s-_
<br /> lan D. Bish, Presidea.�
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