� . . . . . . . . • , . �. . .- . . .. .-'nr,.—f4: _
<br /> < c , � . .. . .. .. . « -`�. ' � -
<br /> . �t%c , _ . _ . . . , • . . � .. . . ){. . , t . ..
<br /> �� y -'---'-- - ... ...____.»—�-..._._,_.._._f' '�,,�z.Y �,- � r t t�i:s.N.�=�
<br />�4�`_'_._�-' - --�'___�...._--__�-. - -T=�_.�:.__— -_ _. _ . .....
<br /> . N ` 'Y, 'r' _
<br /> . t .. ` . „ ;�73�� . � .
<br />..C. , � a _'
<br /> �m ��� r. y '� �', y�i�
<br /> ing, Heneficiary, as a matter o€ �righ� and Fsit�iOUt a►otice t� ' ��-.
<br /> Trustor or anyone c3.ai�in� under TruBtor, and without regascl to ���
<br /> �he valne of the tr�st �s�ate or the iaxterest of the Truatar . ��; .-
<br /> ' therein, slaal3. hane the righ� to applp to any aoust haviag juris� . • ° �� :
<br /> � di.ction to appoint a receiv�ic of the Propexty. , . �.`"`°""'�"'�" .
<br />= 8. Iaisnectiana. Beneficiarp, or iits age�ts, rap�egenta- -�=='=='�=_I
<br />_` ,� tives o� worlc8cea, are �uthorized to enter at any reasanable �s •� , -: _
<br /> � upan or in any part of the P�operty for t'he purpose of inspectiaq r `�; : ' --
<br /> the sa�e and for the purpoae of perfo�mi.ng any of the acts it ia _ •`-- �
<br /> a � � •,:.. `'. �. � �:
<br /> aut�orized to perfosm under the terms of aaiy loan instrumen�e : �' ��:Y:=��:<�, '-�
<br /> executed by Trustor. ��;'"�'�=��
<br /> �: ��
<br /> ;'r-.� :,..
<br /> ;,'''� .---r�;.-
<br /> ` g. Ts�nsfer of �ropertv. If all or any part of t?ae
<br /> � P�o�erty or aay interest of �rustor th�rein i.� sold tr�£�rQd c , -=f?�-u
<br /> og �urth�r �ncumbered ��ithcu�t the express or writte� can�em.{t �f �,%Y.�;=-'.�`��..- ��
<br /> ,; ��`,��' •_,-
<br />- Beneficiary, Heaeficiary may, a� its sole optioa, cE��are a3.1 :. "�F•' '�f:--�;, .
<br />=. su�s secus�c� by this Deed of Trua� to be immediat��� due aad pay- • r:+•--�""'-s�'"�'`�-
<br /> .!.. F.,
<br /> , abae an� �oased to the reucedies available to it uader the de- _ _��_� _
<br /> fan:�� �as��sions contained herein. •-<�'�'~��'�:�"`� _ ,
<br /> 3�D. Svents m� ^e£anit. Axa� � the following events shall -�.,�,,:¢;,,��_�.�+�.�
<br /> be ci`aamed an �ven�. �a� detault he�rea�aert ,•,�;r :., ,
<br /> . (a) :�ust�s shal l have failed to matce ^i' < ,� :.k ',:
<br /> �. :I.r;n ..� •r,...�i..
<br /> " - papment avs any a.nstall�ent og intere�t, r�x�ia- � .,, r;,.: .>�'�'=�,;;'�-.}�_:-
<br /> cigal or gxiricipal and iater�st or anp m$A� ° � ,�.1-�� . ,: .;�,
<br /> enms secur� herelop whea due; , ;.;�;r� �s`
<br /> .,. �i =-_-
<br /> � (b� There has occurred a breach of o� ::,., , y� �:�-�;;� ^�'�
<br /> default under any term, covenant, agreeuent, " �t�,�
<br /> �' � �`_..
<br /> cenditi��n proviaion, se�reaents�ioa or �:�- ..,, -':� � ��- -
<br /> ranty c��t,ai�ed in thbs ID�ed of Truet, � .,' ;�„ ,:: L �
<br /> .�. n�te or anp oth�r 3oarn �.�tstrumn_nt secure� � '�'� `
<br /> �,{
<br /> � hereby; b;. ��._
<br /> � -'�:t�;, .�
<br />��`:� (c) There has beean a default by t3� � .�5� �";%i��_-�.".
<br /> �• Truator in the payiuen� �fc any prior or ���e- --=—
<br /> cjuent �fen or encuuibrance in reageat to all ����`�
<br /> •..� or aay part of the Property; . , . ��,;
<br /> ; _:y-._'.
<br /> ,, ��,
<br /> � ' (d� Truetor ahall file a voluntarg pe- _ ��
<br /> ' �� tition .u�n bankruptcy or �hall be adjudiu���ed �" "W.`r- __
<br />" -r bankrup� �r insolvent, or ehall make an �,�s- �,, `�'����." � �
<br /> .:.
<br /> � ,`� siqnment for the banefft of erec�itore in re- - R ���
<br /> � ' �pect to the Property; or an action to ea- �"� �:°"-
<br /> � � ' �orae any lien or eucwabrance or judgments ����"
<br /> against �':e Proper�y ia commsnced. ____�:_'�_
<br /> . . . ;.-
<br /> 11. �Accelerat�.on Ur�Qn Default. In the enent of any de- �� ��--
<br /> ' fault, Beneficiary may declare all fndebt�daeea eecured herebp to � �
<br /> � be duo and payabl�o and the eame shall ther�upan become siue aad ���
<br /> payable without a.n�� presentment, demand, prateat � aotice of any !"'��`�°�" _
<br /> � kind. Thereafter, Deaefiafary may: ��"�-::
<br /> :. -�;'�. _:
<br />' � .'� (a) eitJhas �,n parson or by �gont, c�ith ��:�.�--..��,...
<br /> �. or without b�i¢��t�g aai�+ aation vr proceeding, !�'":'
<br /> ; or by Yr�-..�ivor 4�¢�aia�s t�y a court aad wi�b� �,. �
<br /> out rec�m� �a i��ia ade�y of any 8eaur3�y, :�.,,���'
<br /> '. enter up�n aa�d 1.r�Is� poESesefon QE the •:..�;�:��a;;:�__ -
<br /> , E+roperty, or a�►� Par� thereof, iaa� i�e own ���*r..�.:-..��- :_ � _-
<br /> naaEe os in the name of the Trustee, and do , .��,�Y.. ��
<br /> . any acta which it dee� neceesary �nd ..,„.�.,,;,:._...,
<br /> . dee3rable to preeerve the value, ;_�;° ���•�����-�
<br /> marketability or rentability o£ the Property, ��.��''�`�� —
<br /> . or part thereof or interest thereixi, increaso :;;,;a;,�.;�;r�:;;. .;
<br /> . the income therefrom or prot��at th� secnrity �•�;�.�, :
<br /> ""'�t-'�=,:t"��.
<br /> heseof, and, without gak�.nq poeaeseion of the .. ..,,..., . ....� �
<br /> � Property, sue for or othoru�iae collec� the , . ,,. �
<br /> • reate, iasuea and profite thereof, including � �
<br /> �.hose g�aeSc due anc� unpaid, and apply tho � ' � -�
<br /> _ �� a�a, 2a�� ca��:. �nd ��grns�s �# ��ar_¢i�A �--�- .. .- . -,,:`�'
<br /> ' i.
<br /> , � r�-.
<br /> �.�:�,�: . i„,;.�
<br /> 3 � . --
<br /> ' �;.- �� � .
<br /> � � „ .. . . . . _ , . .
<br /> .
<br /> . ,. , � • �... . . . �,�
<br /> .,
<br /> : , ..
<br /> _
<br /> . : � , . . . .. . . . �:.;�. , � . ,_ , , , � ��;
<br />