- - - .. � k � y,� . ���, . � .
<br /> . r ----`- '"- _ . �- ' r�. ��1 _.:.L•'s'+ �M1 �t��.�r� ? 4' .<s- ` a�r. �t: . .
<br /> � . - �^ `� • � �� � ��. , k c` '
<br /> '. . . -- . ------,.c.=.-.- ----t-�. �-
<br /> ` , j. � , . .. ' �.. �' ' �l� � , .l' � � ' ` � `Y. ` , •�C•,_t — . .
<br /> 1 ' . �-.�' .:f� 9� ��'$� _
<br /> J -' � • /� a f�C • _
<br />�.1 � �V���.S M� _
<br /> '
<br /> ) payments may no longer be required.at the aprion of f.ender,if mvrtgage insurance coverage(i�the amount and for the period _ _
<br /> ; thzt Lender reqnitrs)provided by an insurer approved by Lender again bernmes available and is abtaine�. Borrower shall pay
<br /> � the premie►ms required to maintain mortgage insuranc�in effect.or to provide a loss reserve,untii the requireraent for mortgage
<br /> ` �L .
<br /> irnuraase ends in accordance with anY written aBTe�ment(�env�n Borro�ver and Lender or appticabte ta�v.
<br /> ` 9.it�pectlon. Lender or its agent may make reasonabl�e enuies upon and inspectians of the Psoperty_ Lender si�alD give �'° '
<br />' ; Gc�raster aatice at the cime of or g�ior to an i�sertion specifying reasonable cause for the inspecrion ��,`-,V:._`;;'
<br /> G -°---
<br /> � 10. Conde�natafla 'The praceeds of sny award ar ciaim fos dam�ges. direet or coasequeatial.in conerection witb any �,,_-_:
<br /> ' conde�narion or other taking of any part of the Property,or for mnveyance in lieu of rnmdemnation,are hereby assigaed and
<br /> �� shall 6e paid to L.ender. �'_-�-;;.
<br /> •' I n t h e e v e v t o f a t o t a l t a k i n g oF the Ro g e rt y.the Qr�uceeds s6a12 be applie�to the sums secured by this Securiry instroment. �'.-__,
<br /> 1 whether or not then due,with az►Y eacess Paid�°Bonov,rer. I¢�ite event of a parti a l t a t s inP,o f t h e P r ope�t y i n w l u c b t h e f a i r �:
<br /> 4
<br />'`�s market value of the Property immediately b=fore the taking is equal to or greater than the auaount of the sums seaued by this
<br /> � �-
<br /> geaurity Instrument immediately before the taking,uniess Homower a n d I.e n der a t herwise agr e e i n w r i t i n 8.t h e sums secured b y
<br />'.'�' t�is Serurity Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the pro�eeds muttiplied by the foltawing fra.ction: (a) tlte total r�
<br />-� <• .�:__ .,-_.:1_.. .. .L, —•-__,.
<br /> ': amount o€the sums se�vrzd i;cmcd�ata:y b�for��••,�,ta:•����,��e fair�narket value of die Property imme�iate g _
<br /> um
<br />.;`,�` before the taking. Any balance shall be pa.*.d to Borrower. Jn tbe event of a partial taking of the Property in wbicA.�he fair
<br /> = market valae of the Property imnrr�ediately before the takiag is less tI�an the amount of the sums secured irnmediately before tiie _
<br />;�s� taiang.unless Borrawer and Ixnder othenHise agree in wr►tr�g or unless applicable law othernise provides.the pmceeds sha11 `�
<br /> be app&ed to the sums secured by this Security Instrume�t whethei or not the sums are tl�en due. �'-:-.-
<br />;'.�: If the Property is abandoned by Borrower.or if,after notice by I.ender to Borrower that the candemaor offets to make an a-�-�!
<br /> .j�� award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower faits to respond to Lender within 30 days after tre d ate the notice is given, �.._
<br /> :; T oxt�';�anthaeonad to collect and apply ths prtscee'•ts,a3 its option,either to restontion or repair of the PropertY or to the su�s ��.j'_�
<br /> °s: �ured by this guurity fnsmiment.whetheY or not then due. �" �`
<br /> �: UnIess Lender and B�z�vler othenvise agree in �vriting. any application of pmc.eeds to principal shall not extend or ¢�.:-�::
<br />..,i
<br /> postpone t�e dne date of the mnnt�ely payme�ts ref�rred va in P�Br'dP�1 and 2 or change the amoqnt of such payments. e;= -�„_
<br /> �• 11.Bomas�l�tot lielesse�;Forbear�ce By 1.ende*1�Tot a Waiver.Exteasion of the time for payment or modification °'�
<br /> ` of araoriization eR the sums secured by this�acurity Inscrument granted bY I.ender to any successor in interest of Barrower shall w�.� ,
<br /> ,�: not operate to retease the liai�`�:ity of the osp�al Borro�a�er or Borrower's successors in interest. l.ender shall nat bB requirecl to �_
<br /> : p��n�p�t��,s,a�a.ir�any successor in interrsB�r c�'fuse to extend time for payment or othenvise modify amortizatiQn ��
<br /> o�'�'u'�ce sums s�ca� by cY�..s Securiry Instrum�nt hy r�.�'-'' of any demand madc by the original Borrovrer or Bor�wer's �
<br />.�.�t sucxessors in'u�rt�*tst• AnY farbe�an�e b�` L�nder in eRercising acy r�ht or remeQy shall not be a waiver of ca preclude th.e �
<br /> �, e�cercise of any r�:t or temedy ��
<br />' :�?. �. gc��� �� Assiguss Boynd; Joint aad Severzil Lia�i4#y; Co�signe�s.'ft►e covee�nss and agreesnenu of tlri.r �
<br /> '�,'•. Security Insaurrient shall binr� arrd benefit the successars and assigns of Lender and Borrower. spbJect to t�provisions t�E� �`,,:'
<br /> •� garaorapH 17. Bonower's c���ants and agreements shafl 6e joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Secuiiry {�R�;,.:
<br /> � �� Instrumeat but does not execute the Note: {a)is co-signing thls Security Instrament only to mortgage.�ant and oonvey that
<br /> t.
<br /> �4 Borrower's int�in the Yroperty unda��,cerms oI c�iis Scx�►rit-�r u�.�ment;(b)is not petsonally obligated to pay the sums ---
<br /> :..�a secured by this Securiry Lnstrument;and(e��xes th2t 3..ender and aci�>��:�.er Borraw4r may agree to extend.modify.forbear ot -
<br /> a
<br /> t��i,:e any aacommadations with regard to the t:rms of t�si::&ecuriry Ias�+:mem or t,`.�CL�te without that BorroweT's consent. �
<br /> '�� ' 13,Loan Cha¢�es, If the toan secured Ly this S�a�e:cy Iasm�m�.t is subject ccx a taw which sets maximum loan charges, �:-
<br /> � �; . aad that law i.s f naL�y interpreted so that tk�e:nterest or other loan cf;,�es collecc�or w be collected in coanection with the . _- ,
<br /> loan eaceed dv.�emvtted limits.then.(a)uny such loun charge sRa:f C�*�dueed by the amaunt uc�essary to redace the c�e �
<br /> ���•� , ca the pemutted limit;and(b)any sums aln'ady coilacted from Borrower which exc�xded permim:�Hmits will be cefunded to
<br />