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<br /> S. �'1azard or Property Insnrauce- Borrow+er st�a!! }ce�P � improvements now exis6ng or heceafter erected an thc �,^�:.
<br /> praperty insured against toss by fire,hazards included within the term'exaended coverage" and any other h�rds.insluding �>
<br /> flaads or flooding. for afiich Lender requires insurunce.This insurance sha11 be*naintai�ed'p the amounu and for the periods
<br /> that Lender requires.'f'he insuzance�rrier providing the insurance shall b�chosen by Borrower subject to Lensler's upProva]
<br /> �vhich shall not be unreasonably withheld. If Borrower fails to mai��;n coverage�escribed above. Lender may> at Lender's
<br /> aption.cbtain caverage to protect Lender's righu in the Prapert7+in acc°rdance�"nth Paragraph�' `
<br />— All insuranse policies and renevrals shall be acceptabfe ta I.enrter and s#�di enciud�a standanl mortgage clanse. Lender ,
<br /> shail have the right to hotd the policies and renewaLs.I�'L.ender requires,Borrower shali prompdy give to Lender all receipts of �,-�..-
<br /> paid premituns and ienewaZ noFices.In the event of loss.Borrower slialt give prompt aotice to the inswance carrier and Lenster. �'�_
<br /> Lender may make praaf of loss i f not mst de promp t ly by Borrower.
<br /> Unless Le�er and Borrower atherwise agree in writin8.ins�uance Pro�s��e aFPlied to restoration or repair of the „� __
<br /> propeny damage�i.if the restorarion ar repair is e�onomically feasibte and Leader's security is not le�sened.If the restoration or �;':
<br /> repair is not�onomiraliy feasible or I.ender's serurity would be lessened, the insurance Prac,�ds s1�a11 be applied to the sums
<br /> secured by this Securiry Instniment, whether or r,nt then due, witt� any excess paid to Borrower. If Barro�vet al�andons the "- =
<br /> _ p..,�.ry, nr dnes not answer within 30 days a v_�ri..�from Lender that the insurance carrier 1ia.s offere�to seule a claim. then y�a_
<br /> -�_-,..
<br /> Lender may collect ttte insutance praceeds. Lender may use r�praceeds to repair or r�store the Property or to pay su� ,.
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument,whether or nnt then dae.'f(i�2?�-day period will begir�x�;.en the notice is given.
<br /> Unless L.ender and Borrower othenvise agree in wrir.�.,.;uLY aPPU�^° of pz+:��:to p��P� shall not e�eQd or .--
<br /> postpone the due date of the ironthly paymenu referred to i�._���xap� 1;;� 2 er.���,�the an►ount of the payments. If :,:.
<br /> under para g r a i ph 21 the Pro perty is acqnIIed by Lender.Borro�s�'s rig,':c�il?�''�r�r���i���►�and proceeds resulpng from �• _
<br /> . _ damage to the Properiy prior eo the atquisition shall pass to E��to the exter.t of the�vs�c�ured by t t us Seruri ty I n s w m e�t _µ
<br /> immediatsly prior to the acquisition. .
<br /> v.�;�,;�,°�,..�reatlun,Main4enance and PraL�tii�ar the PropertY;}Yorcr�x+�t�'�Loan AppUcatIont I.eas�haldv. �,;,;
<br /> Borrower shall aca�f,establish,and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence G�'+�in sixty days after the esecadon of �.
<br /> as Borrower's rinci residence for at Ieast one year atter "'"`-
<br /> this Securiey_I�.�*�mr.t*t and shaU coniinue w occupy tt►e Pcoperty P F� �-.,-
<br /> ■�.�_J
<br /> the date af ae�cy,untess Lender otherwise�s in w�ir.�r��3,which consent shall not be nnreasonably withheld,or unless f,�,-_.
<br /> � � extenua� rircumstances exist whicb aze bcyond Borroa•�r`:�ntrol. Borrower st�a1J,rot destroy, damaSe or impair the ,�.4�,
<br /> j property,allow tha Property to deteriorate, or commit wasn��the Property. Borrow:��ia11 be in default if any forfeiture _�_j'
<br /> action or praceeding,whether civil or criminal.is beg�n that in I.ender's,���4d faith j�{,ti�ent could resuit in forfeiture of the _ _�
<br /> property or oiherwise materially i�pair tl�e lien created by this Security E�±art',�r•.�nt or�.endec's security interest.Borrowes may _u�*_�
<br /> ? cure sucfi a default and reinstate.as provided'ut paragraph 18,by causing'�ae.n��a oc,�a�ceedinE eo be dismissed with a tuling ��_.;
<br /> that. in Lender's good faith detems��.-�:,�on. F*xiudcs forfenaaan:of the�r:��.> . s us+;�.in the Property or other mnterial 'T,`�
<br /> f . impairment of the lien created by�,us�.�.cr�:_� fi:i.ssroa►ez►t rc�:'r�:ender's sc3:i:��r :rs:��:.�iF�orrower shall also be in defcwlt if ��:,,_•
<br /> Borrower.during the loan applicution proc��;�ssK�e:nateriat.y,{atse or ir.�aa�:$�infor:�..�an or statcments to Lender(or faited' _y^�s
<br />%— to pmvide I.ender with any material infomiupc�>>.s'.connecqion with the Ie:��videnoed by the Note.inciuding,but not li�ited ______
<br /> to,representarions oonceming Boaawer's oceupancy of the Fr.+��ecry as a principa!teside�ce.If this Security Instrument is on a� ;�,�
<br /> teasehotd. Borrower shall comply with all the provisions u�:i�e tease. If Borrower �iires fee tide to the Property. the �-_-
<br /> leasehold and the fee title shall not merge unless Lender ag+ees to the merger in wriung. � `
<br /> 7.Protectto�ou 3.ender's Ri�ts in th�PropPrty If Borrower fails to perform[F��°t��L�ants and agreements contains4 in _ -
<br /> t63s Security Instn;�i:.or there is a tegal proceeding that may significandy affect Ir��'y���s in the Pr+o�n'ty tsach as a �_-___
<br /> proceeding in banktuptcy.praba:�z.for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws�ac n�.ilations).then Lender m�►y do and __,.�.
<br /> PaY f�r whatevar is nocessary trn�,a.-�tect the value of the Properry and Le�er's rights itt 1;,'ie Fraperty.Lender's acrions may -
<br /> inctade payinr* any sunts sectis��: hy a lien which has priority over this Securiry Cq�ument. appEaring in court. paying __,
<br /> reasonable attorr:eys'fees and entering on the Properry to make repairs.Although Lender may take acrion under this pardgraph ��F�.
<br /> T.Lender does not have to do so. __• •
<br /> •,-,�y amounts dis6urse� by I.ender und�ii_:s para�ph 7 shall 4�ecam� additional debt of Boaower secuied by this
<br /> Sectu.ii�;instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender agree tv�:a�i7i:�terms of payment.there aawunts shall bear interest from the •�:•..:
<br /> date of dis6visement at the Nate rate and shall be pay�G:.. �urth interest, upan aotic��om l.ender to Borrowet requesdng :_��•.
<br /> ;: payment. ___-.
<br /> � 8.Mortga�:�1'ir�;:rancr.df 1-ender required mortgage insurance as u r.nndition of making the loan secur�by this Sesurity ___
<br /> '`' Instrument. Bor.r�u.ar.s�al��u,y idfls premiums required to maintain the Ta►srtgage insurance in effect. If. for any reason,the
<br /> �• morreage insu�.�'�e�'���na�uirr.d by lAender lapses oT cea'ses to be in effect,Ba�m�vr.a shall pay the premiums required to _ _
<br /> y obtaire coverage stY,°�.;:,t'szti:p e�+siu»u:nt to the mortgage insurance previously in effect, �u=�n cost substantially equivelent to tite
<br /> wst to Borrow�er af ri%�mcrt��'y tss4'ran�e R�eviously in effeM, from ats.�tsroate cnrrt�ge insurer approved by Lender. if ___
<br /> .� su6stantially eq>li,�alrt��mortgage 3nsurance a��=rage is noi availab1s,13arMSa+er shal!pay to I.ender each mdnth a sum eguai to
<br /> ,,�, one-t�,slfth of the yearly mortga?:insurance premium being Rnid by Bo,��aer when the iasnrance wverege lapsed or ccasad to
<br /> ;;;, be ir,.�,L:YCt.Lender wi0 accept.��:and retain these paymeot:x»:s a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss resenre rr.•..:
<br /> �;� Form 3028 8lfl0
<br /> �:;. Pago 3 d A
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