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<br /> 1�.��yy-��r oithe pro�eriy or e Beae�icial Interest in�on'°��'•If all or any part of the PropeRy or any interest in it �����;p�
<br />- is sold or trnnsfe�e o�f�£°�c�e����� option�srequere 1'mrnsedia�P Ymentin full oftall stums s�ecured by this �
<br /> '� Lender s p
<br /> ' gecurity Insuu►nen�Hoviever, this oprion shall not be exercised bY Lender if exercise is prohi6ited by federal taw as of the date
<br /> � of this SECVrity Iit,-trument. ��-'+�;�
<br /> Yf Lender exerrises this option. Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleracion.The nntice shall provide a period of not .: ,
<br /> -� less than 30 days from the date th.is i nce�chese�su��is pnar o��ex�puauo�o€th period, l.ender may nvoke��medies �;,�_:.
<br />=�r�� Securi►t}r Instcument.If Boaawer fat paY �.:_.�;�',�-
<br /> cur .
<br /> • permiued by this Security Iastru►Qent without fu�'ther notice or demand on or�uwer.
<br /> 18. Bare+n��''s Rl�� 4o Reanstn3e• If BorroN+er meets certain conditions, Borrower shall have the right to have " ,4^^.•
<br /> enfairement of this Secwiry Itutnunent discontinue�l at any dme prior to the eartier af: (a) 5 days (or such other period as _..i�.,
<br /> unuant co any power of sale wntained in this ,`•
<br /> � a p p i i c a b l e l a w m a y s p e c i f y for ceinstatement) befor+e sale of ths Pro���t ,I.h o s e rn n d i t i o n s a r e t h a t Borroaer:(a)P�Ys _;:'_-�
<br /> Security Instn�ent:or(b)emay of a jud�ment enforcing this Security
<br /> Lender all sums wiuch t�en wauld be d�ae under this Security lasnument and the Note as if no acceleraiion had occurced:(b) ���;:
<br /> �e s all ex nses inturred in enforcing this Sec9uity Instrumeut.
<br /> cures any default of any other covenants or agreeotents; (c)PaY Pe ���'
<br /> includin$,but not limited toj�ep�e�nder ssrig a in tke Prop rtyuand Borm er s oblig naoArto pay�tt'.��ms�s��by t�'�.:.
<br /> that the lien of this Security �_,__
<br />� this Security Instnunent shail ooatinue unchanged. Upon reinstatemeat by Borrc�wcr, t6is Security Instrument and the �,'°�;'
<br /> obligauons secured hereby sha11 re►na►n fully effective as if no accelecarion dad oocurnzd. HoweYer.tlus right to reinstate s}►all �;F_.
<br /> not apply in the case of acoeleration under paragraph 17• ��"`
<br /> ra
<br /> 19. Sate of 1�Iot� Ctr�+:t4r.of Iaan Servicer. The 1�Iote or a partial imerest � result in a o�hange i the�aty(known �_:-__
<br /> ' �ment)may be sold or.e c�.-ciore times without prior Qoticc to Eorrower. A sale maY ';;f._
<br /> �����rscer^�t�;�;,(.'r.cts monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instrum�nt•There also may be one !A
<br /> � or more cliangcs o���►SeMrer unrelated to a sale af the Note.If there is a��ge law.The no�wil!sta4e the na�ne a�d _..'_.
<br /> - aine -
<br />; .� -; given written aots���i c hs c h a nge in acca�;.c^.,.e with paragraph�4 above and app --__-
<br /> addse.cc of the ne��.oan Serricer und the s.�ii�.'°as to which payments�uld b�e made.The notiee wil!a lso contain any otY:er �:
<br /> infvrmauon required by applicable law.
<br /> Z0. Ha7ardous Snbstarzces. Borrov;er s*sI! nsrt c.r�s� ar pem�t u�e presencr, �se, disposal. storage,or re��e � the ���.
<br /> Hazardous Substances on os in the Propen�• Bor.o�.w v.-s�11 not do. nor allow anyone else w �o•���ace,use, dr -r--
<br /> • � property q�at is in violation of atry Envim.*�:u.'�1 La's+'-�i:'•�P��ng two sentences shati not appay� F �e to normal �{a
<br /> . , storage on the Property of small quaunues��lazardous Substanc�s that are generally recognized a�'1�'i' �__:j
<br /> • • residential uses and to maintenance of the ProPenY•
<br /> ' Borrower shall promptly Sive Leader wntten notice of auy investigation,claim,deunand,laa��-�=a:�, �={"�T actian by any ��"�'_"�--"��`_'__
<br /> . � govemmental or regutatary agency or private party involvin�the Prope�ty and anY HazaTdous Subs�::��.:�r.�*^��!'onmental Laa+ �-�,
<br /> of which Borrower has actual knowledge.If�orrovrer lesins.or is notified by any govemmental or szgiL^=G«�`��thority,that r�y_
<br /> �s nscessary,Boanwe:3`s��:romptly ta�e Iti'?_.
<br /> � any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property �:.x.
<br /> ' ' �1��ry�emed;al actions in accardanc:�c�i3h Envimnmental I.aw.
<br /> �-1� As used �a:t�;�paraUraph 20. 'Ha��+`��.:s Substances" are tha�e substances defined as toxic�a�:'wa7ardous iudbstan��t
<br /> Environmental E:e:� and tt►e follovriag sYs��=�?oes: 8��• �e10� °�er flammable or to�r: p�..ra'�::�s P
<br /> � pesti.rides and hetbicides,volatils solvents,materials co�s�?ng asbrs.�s or formaldehyde.and r�fc�a�a;e�a''-�ls.��>��� ■[`__=s'
<br /> �his paragraph Z0, "Envirorsmental Law" means fed�r.,L i,:�a s a.-td taws of the jurisdiction where'�..: Pro�� cs located'.�:�t
<br /> . . �� relate to healtla,safety or environrnental pmtection. ��.
<br /> NON-UNI�'ORM COVENANTS• Borrawer and Lender further wvenant and agree as falioa�
<br /> n.�r
<br /> 21. AcoEleradon,Rereedies.Lendee s�aU}�ve aottoe w diorm�n�'Pxior to acceierauQn z����a�Sn�Bo:a���1T u�.[� .��.. �
<br /> of stay cove�aut or ag�emeat in this Secartt3' lnstrument (but cr�t prior w soceleisSEou �er par�rap
<br /> (D)the action�quired to cure the defaailt; ••�.-�:�
<br /> uPy�itca6te law provides ot3aerwLse?.Tp►e notice shall specii9s (a)tLe defaniN, _ ;
<br /> ' � (c)a date,not tass tban 3(9 days from the date the nottce is given to Bor►nwen�,by whtcl�the defaalt mast be c�+and �;,;�f::'
<br /> (�tbat faitenre ta eare the defauit on or beiore tbe date apecif�ed im the aotice may r�vlt i�acce2gset�on of the sams __�i' __
<br /> sewred 3►y t�is Seeuritq Lnstrument�rA sale of the Aoperty.T8e aot�ce shall farthes i�Ca�Borrc�wer of the right to --
<br /> .. , reinswte aiter acoeleralloa aad the rF�lis�!o bsing a court acttaa rm a�sett the aoa-exist�oi a defa�� t�Y�� �`,�.
<br /> � defense oi Borrower to acceiesution anD's'ale• 1f the deffautt is rr:r�k ai*�ed on or beforet���{p���t witErs�t il�b
<br /> � � � ' I.ender, at its optidn,u�y reqaire immedi�te PaYment in f�ll o!all sums secu►�ed bY t3'
<br /> '"' f���er�aud aad may involke t6e power of saie and any other remedics perm�tted bY b 21�ctusdtng,but aot L►mited �
<br /> • entfu�d Co coliect all expenses iacurred in pmsuing the remedies provide�[n thls ParagraP �..-__
<br /> ' to,reasouabi�r�ttocnE3's'fee�and oosts of t�tle evidence. ai'tlLe
<br /> � � ' U t h¢�c�tir o t s a t e i s i a�o k e�H,7 i�s�s t e e S h a l�r�*d�n o t 3,c e of defantt In each co►u�1�t�in wf�cb any part
<br /> • property is 1�'ite�l aaa sh3U mail coT�it���f sucb notice in the mrinner prescr3bed by apFQ r�l 3 l:e Iaw to B orrow e r a u�£1�¢•
<br /> nn
<br /> . the aWer persaas prescr�b�d b y a p plicab7e taw.After the time required by appficable taw,'�vrnstee sha11 give pn611c�ati1� ��
<br />� ot sate to the person9 ead in the manner prescribed by appiicabie 1aw.'i'nuiee,without demand on B orrower,shall se11
<br /> ' ' the PropertY et pabtic auctlon to the Wghest bidder at t6e Nme and ptace and�md�th�e�e oT�ail�or any tparce�of the
<br /> : •- sale in oae or bl e a�nnounccment ai tllr 41me und pfaoe of anY P�cusl se.h�ule�al saJ►A Lender or its desigrtee m�y �..
<br /> property Dy p
<br /> ' purc,�ase the Property et any ss�le.
<br /> ' Form 3028 Q/90
<br /> i�,_�'.
<br /> P�4o 5 tl G ���-
<br /> :.�:.
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