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<br /> TOGE'i'HER WITH all the impmvemenu now or herea4tea erect�d on the propeny,ur.si al[cascmcnts,appurcenances,and `''
<br /> `� fututes nnw or hemafter a part of the propeaty. All replacements und udditions sh3U also bc covereA by tiiis Se�urit� •z-'
<br /> � Inswtnent.Ail of the foregoing is referr�ed to in this Secvriry Instsument a4 the"Proper►y." -
<br /> SORR01iNER COVENAN'fS tfmt Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hcreby comeyed and has the right to grant astd _
<br /> convey the Froperty and that the Praperty is uneacumbered. eacept for ensumbrances of record. Borrowe� warrants an�wi1� ._-
<br /> ,� def';nd ge�erally the title to th�Property against all claims and demands.subject to any encumbranees of m�card. ; s.�
<br /> 1`� T H I S S�C U R 1 T V 1NSTRUMBI3T wmbines unifor+n coveoants for natinnal use and norruniform c�venants with limit�
<br /> varia*.ians by j�uisdic2ian t�oonstitute u anifmm securiry instrument eo�ering real psopertY•
<br /> � UMFORM COV8NAI3TS.Horro�ver and L.ender w�enant and a�ree as follows: p p Y �y _�--
<br /> l. �yment of Ptdndpa] and Iatei'es-� PrepeY�nent anil Late C�es. Borrower shall rojn tl when dae[he �r:a�:_-
<br /> principal of and inte�esc an th=debt evide�6y the Naie and any pr�aymaat and late charges due under the No¢e. �-�==y;_
<br /> �' � Z.Fands ivr T�'s anti�ttsuran�e-Suhlcct to applicable law or to a written wai�er by Lender. Bor�vwer sbalt pay to �
<br /> Lender on the day monthly payments are due tin�er the 1Vnte.until ths Nate is paid in full.a sum("Fimds")for.(a)yeariY tax�s �:�_:'°:
<br /> • and assessments which may attain priority oves Wis Security Instwnent as a Hen on the Property:(h)Year�Y teasehold payments -
<br /> - or ground rents ou the Pro�rty.if any;(c)YeazIy hazard or pmpeRy insuiance ptemimns;(d)YearEY flaod inswanoe premiums,
<br /> �.' .
<br /> Lif any;(e)Year1Y mortgage insurance p�miums. if any;and(�any sums payable by Borro�er to Ixnder. in acxordance cvitt� --
<br /> ��. `.
<br /> the provisions of paragtaPh S.i�lien of the gayment of mortgnge insurance premiva►s.These items are�a11�"��Ow Items." — _
<br /> � l.ender may, at any time. eollect and hotd Fands in an amc►ui►t rtat to exceed the maximum amount a lender for a federally �.•--.
<br /> . related mortgage loan may require for Eorrower s escrow account under the federal Real Fstate Seutement Pro�u�s Aa of �_
<br /> 1974 as amertded from time to t��ne, 12 U.S.C.Settion 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"),unless anotheT law that applies to the Funds �:_�
<br /> s�c.s a tesser amauni. If sfl. l�dec�may, at anp cime. coUect and hotd Funds in an amouni not co exoe�l the lesser amoun� �—-
<br /> •� I.eader may estimate the amc�t of Funds due on the basis of cuirent data and reasonable esti�aies of expenditures of futuie ��-
<br /> Fscrow Items or otherwise in accotdance witn appiu�ie iaw. `__
<br /> :..,�, 'Y7ie Funds shall be h�:� in an insdtudon whose deposits are insured bY a federal agency. inswmentality, or entity __
<br /> q 1 the Funds to a the ��-=•
<br /> � (includiag Lender.if Lender is such an institution)or in any Fedesal Hame Laan Baa�s.Lender shall apP Y p y �,—
<br /> � " �"r�� Escrow Items. Lender may not chazge Eorrower for holding and applying the Funds.annually analyiing the escrow ascouat.or . `..
<br />, ,,�.;�, veeif}+ing the Fscraw Items.uwless L-ender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and agplicabte law permits I.ender to make such �`��,
<br /> ; a charge.Hoar���r.Lender may nQuire Bc�nr•�wer to pay a one-time c6arge for pn istdependent�1 estate tax reportinS seNice _s�_r
<br /> a -'
<br /> ••. • „� by ��m ���ion with this':��,, onless applicable lacv provides otherwise. ifi._t�ss an agreement is �ade ar.
<br /> �� �p�piicable lav�requires interest to be paid,l.�nder s5all not be required to pay Borrower any inc�:.st ar eamings on the Fum's: '.
<br /> I
<br /> IPbp�mver and Lender may agee in writing,however, �'nut interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to Bortow'�.. _
<br /> x�thout charge,an anuual atxapnting of the Funds, s➢»rwing credits and debits to ths Funds and the purpose�*r which each _____
<br />.',.�.;�t!� debit to the Funds was made.Tiie Funds a.�:pledged es additional security for all su�secured by this SeruritY Insuument. ���-
<br /> ��? r:, --
<br /> .� If t�e Fwtds held by Lender e.4oezd.�he.amounts permitted to be held by applicable law,l�t.-rLL:r shtill account to orrower �.;
<br /> `s%�• for the excess Funds in accordarr�.e witb:2+�requirements of applicable law. If the amount of tirr Punds held by I.ender at any _--.
<br /> ��.� time is not sufficieat to pay�^+t��Escrow Items when due.Lender may so nodfy Borrower in writing,and,in such cass Borcower �..,.
<br /> . • m
<br /> f:�._ .�,,..._-:
<br />";,�� shall pay to Lender the ar,z.�unt r,;,:.cssrry to ma.+ce up che deficiency. Borrower sha:d make up[he deficiency in no more ��,��;°
<br />�,.�,1,��.
<br />�,���,�¢ taelve monthty paymznts,at 3.ender's sole sfiiFCmtion.
<br /> `• ',. ugon�.���ment in fiill of all sum� s�ccuYd by this Security In�ument. l.ender shall p��� dy refund ta Borrower any
<br /> ' � Punds held tsr+�.�nder.It;under paragrat�h='1•,7zndxr s�a�1$�4u����r sell the Property.Lender.prior to the acquisitIon or sni�� -
<br /> ts�+
<br /> . . +a�:the pnyperty�shall apply a�y Funds helr��y Len�=r s�t ure ti�ne of acquisirion or sale as a cre�it against the sums�secured�sY
<br /> �s Security Insttument. —.
<br /> .�'•� 3.Applicatlon of Pn�rr:ats.Unless applicab4e law provides otherwise,all�Snr�ents reeeived by Lender under parag�"aphs
<br /> ::;;��[5��, I and 2 shaif be applied• fiist,to any p:�YInent charges due under the Note:se:.:?r.d,m amounts payable urtder'paragtaPh Z: •�
<br /> ?:f�� third,to interast due;fourth.to principa�due;and 1ast.,to any late charges dae undet the Note.
<br /> ,.,<< . .
<br /> � 4.Chasges;Liens.fiorrower sha11 pay all tawes.assessments.charges.fin�:�nd impositions ariributable to e roperty •
<br /> � atrich may attain priority�u��e�?this Security Insvument,and leasehoid payme�t�.�sr..ground rents.if any. Borrower shall pay ���.
<br /> .`'��F� these obligaeions in the mailner provid�;::in paragcaph 2,or if noa paid in that matrrn�r..Borrower shall pay them on time directiy �,,,�.;;.
<br /> :�tii��f
<br /> .,..��'�,� w the pessca�;a�a•Pd paYment.Boao�ver•s1Yt�i{promptly fumish to Ixr,�i�,:all noticts of amonnts to be paid uttder this para�h. � :.;
<br />• �:�r.. � If Borrower s�rnrlces th�e paymeau diret�Py�..Borrower shall prom�tFY tiu�ish to I.ender receipts evidenciqg the paymenis. —
<br /> ' � � Borrower shall prompUy discharge any lien which has priority a��-er this Securiry Instrnment unless Borrower:(a)agrees in —
<br /> .' arsitin�to th�paymLnt of the obligatioa secured by thr[izn in a manner acceptable to l.ender.(b)contesu in�nad faith the lien ---
<br /> ..;;'�ir.,, by. or defends t�itut enforcement of ur: tien in. legtil prac�edings�vhich in the Ixnder's opinion opera� to prevent the �"'
<br /> �'r�"�x enforcement of the lien:or(c)secuces fn,r:��iio holder of the lien an�rcement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to ---
<br /> %r�:�:,, ,,-:,
<br /> ���f"•�' this Securlty Instrument.If Lender deter�es thut any Qart of the Prop�rty is subject to a lion w)liah may attain prioriry over
<br /> � this Security Instrument.Lenlor mny give Borro�ver a notice identifying the lien.@orruwer shull satisfy thc lien or take one or
<br /> � more of the actions set fotth above tivithin 10 days of the giving of notice. �'z;
<br /> Form3028 9/90 �_�
<br /> • ` r;��" Dago 2 ai B —
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