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<br /> �`��1����!�M MCE�����«i��r��f�0!/!f��!f'0!��O�1��!�K��l��i�M �
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<br /> Z IT�t�M#a���w1At d 1hs Li�iweM eki�esa�ig a�i�Nb a�l ILO i�qeMt i1�e�e��tLs.��t�e�t s� .
<br /> - - �_ v : a1t Mi�r a�i�e��+►ii�i�'fir,tLe�yrst ai�11�a adrasae�ors�sicd�siwitlr�aMs-+�c�_
<br /> �it,.a�,��ttie��t�i al{�t6er y*eoper castq cLasaa�ca�si�oo�.a�d espew�+►tbe a6o�e ie�iled . .
<br /> -- �+�eett iaH I�i idea�ei ad see�a�e�ta�ia a�d u tLe awt oE tLa Gr�� °. . .
<br /> .,� .. -- � . . .
<br /> _°- �.V idailt.i�a�)oE tbe arewaat�or c�iitiwao[tlwi�tr�entorottbeaateorbaaa6eee�oeRt�eeoe+ed
<br />;>,�..
<br /> . ��.��r�wr�r or!�ar�iaea�s��ritl�out aotx�e and�rithont e�snl to the adeqwcy oE aecurity for t6e ia•
<br /> � �seadnd.it�ec�eeiaw�iit�'�i L!auosxg ac.a6est withait bsla�any aeticn or proeeedias,or by s re�
<br /> epree t�►iK�d i1.tLa eowrt*�tes y��wd t�P°�M0°of aaid Peepe'Ky oc a�tY Put tLeewf,a�d do asy : --
<br />_ • . �.�g����pe�p��to peeRaR�iC aeemr�t�bee�eo�sad eitliar�tb or�vithoat takiaa p�aias ot `:_---
<br /> sdi�pug,alte4 a�i aeeeire tLe e�atu..s�faltie�.i�oe��d profits ti�ereo�iaelodia�reitts sccr�ed�a3 u�p�id. ;�;;�,-`,�";-__
<br /> ' - a�d ip�if tLs�,k�s e�a at opeestiaa a�d�vllectioa.-apa��iade6redaes aee�red hp thjs Deed oi Tcas��aid . -iF1=-J—
<br /> +id l�eby ari�ed to 8�r�e6cbsy a�fart6er�ecudt�far tLe psy�t of suc6 ` � ��"� -�
<br /> . ra�i�,,�alde� i�wa. P.�'��b . `' '�
<br /> a�ie�e�i�.�E�er.iMe.#�E s��+�er dw P�t�aP4itial!soE�c�u+e de asire aay defadt ur notioe of def�dt riera . �'� _-
<br /> ,t� : � . -
<br /> �. and�es.r iw�.sa..y ace aoae p�t to.oc�`potiac bat abaal�e auwn4tire to m�.siahR ad.remedy to dec4ne . �E;-
<br /> :: _ a deta�it wd to ea�ie soi�ee of defaah to be nxoeda!as�ie�iosEtee rebvYdea,and c�nutstise t�.�ny other tiE6t -
<br /> �in �
<br /> - �-
<br /> ; ' +:: - --- �i�oreswed�6�e�eunaer.or provided by 1s�v.arid map�e�%iss�.3�ed eoneareendY ee'.i�pe�wlentil.E=P�°k�ia", r•:.0 '� ;_.
<br /> �` �aR+al by BmeSctasy besamder tacladia�ica�oeabfe atton�ey�'teea�tl�e sec�i�gieneby. _ _
<br />•`, � • ' -
<br /> - "�c ?�� : �"'�--_
<br /> . '.,.' .a;. .. . 4.TLe Graatos eovmaats aad s�ces that T�lie s6siq tul to p�y atid indebtedms.or sny part thee+eof,�rhen ~% --
<br /> � _ ,�-_:.� d�e,or ai�sY!a1 to pertae�aa�on�eAans ao aaeeasent ot this iastruems ae a�We pc+a�i►a�soct uote aeaued l�erebT . ... ;�,y�`--` ,",-_-
<br /> a« ' `
<br /> N�'`�'� � t1�e�atie�e�debtaleea�l�nby secand ahsll ima�d'i�tely become due. payablG and colkctibk writhout notic� at ' �-,. ::�'ti;�3= .
<br /> -�_,r�._�-_ .',.'p-� . : � :�� ;'��;. .
<br /> ' �'` . ' t1k opties ot the Beneficiary or�i�.er�srdlas of matnrity.ana the Btnefiefary or a�igns may eater apaa said '-� �`;
<br /> ;. . pe+operty md wllect tLe e+Atts sad prn6b tbee�eof.Upan �uc6 defanit in payment or performanc�,aad before or � '�� ��
<br /> ,.�=-� .r-..T.-_. aher a�ch eatry,tbe TrmteG adia�ira the esecation ot thia Tsust.ahall have the power to eell said property. ;`- ; ,; " :�a�.:
<br /> ;� �:�'"'.�'�',�;�,, ` ` . . �!- ..� ; � :-.��-�.+�.
<br /> a�d it sh+�ll be the Trostees daty to�eli said �roperiY Isnd h� csee oi anp detault ot aay parcha�er.m eraelll �.r=
<br /> '��;�`'�'"`:�s,• . fie�s four �reeka' �otice of the ttn� tenn+. aad place ot wch ��.�. � .''."�
<br /> . . � at p�1ie +wxioa. to the hi6hat bidder. �6 - :�,_:.�`.
<br /> � ` �i , ��adreetirewewt eot lw ehaa.aoo�dtuie�each d�tid fowr Mreeks in s ne�r�papee pablishe�oe di�ulbated'u�' . ��
<br /> 3�``r-,._ : s�,�.
<br /> � • tl�e eoowq os politjesl wbdivi�ion ie wTl�iela a�id psoptrty[s�itwited.all ather aotice beiaa heieby w�sired 6y tUe ;t �', � °�:"_
<br /> � "�"'z��:t - 6raat�r (a�the Heae6ciar�or wy perwo an 6eh�lt of the Beneficisry w�sy bid aed purchare at auch ab).Socb �,. ,` �,,--.
<br /> `� w1e wiQ be held at a iaitsble plsee to 6e selected by the Beaefici�ry«rithia said eonnty or political sabdiviuon.The . .� -
<br /> ee
<br /> ' ' .' Tswtee is beeieb9 aatlioriud to execute and detiver to the puscha�er at atuh sak s su�icient conveyance of wid prop� -
<br /> , � �� � erty.whieh caaveyauee�hal)contain recitaTa as to the happeainR ui a default upon�rfiieb the execut�an oi t6e po�ver • :=r-
<br /> �.•• �..-_=,.-; .:.� o!sde l�er�eia gaated depcnds:�ad the a�d Grantor hercby caosutates sad appoints the Tcurtee as hia aaent itnd ` . -
<br /> .:;'-.,�-;.,-,: �ttee�ey is tace to mat�e saeh eecital�aad to ezeeate�aid eonveyanoe snd hereby covenanb and aarea that tl�e ee� �. . ` ,_-_
<br /> '.r.;':= = eipy�o aade dull be bi�diea asd canciasive apoo the Gantor,aed aid eoaveyaace �hal!be e�ectasl to b�r aA .
<br /> , I ';.
<br /> ' � - .- -_- .. ryoity or si�6t ot e�edeaption.home�tead,dowes,ti6 h!o f�ppra i s emenl. m d �I l ol h er ri�h ta a a d a[em p t i a t s o f t b e � f . '�
<br />, , . , • t',ra�tor,sll uf w6ieh ara herebp ezpraslY w�ived and canveyed to the Truete�in the event ot��ak a�heninsbove � � �. ,. �.�`°
<br /> � - , . peo�ided,t�,t.Grantor.os�n�peeean in po�erioa uader the Gnntor. ehall then 6eeome �nd 6e tenanb holdiaR �`. . - ..
<br /> r' , ;,.�..,��..: , . � o�er md�511 tartliwitb deliver poreMian to the purcfiaier at�uch sale or be enmmarily diapo�ewed.ia�oeoedanee :
<br /> � � : �� ° �rlt�the prmi�iaa�ot 1�►�r applicabk to tenanq ho3diaa ove: The poxcr and a6ency he�eby �ranted ate toupkd • `�'`���
<br /> �,1 y:J:.1: -
<br /> wd�L aa iateeat sad�aee iirevoeaWe 6�death or otherMise. and are�anud as camalstive to�11 ot1ur nmedie.tor ' .'
<br /> � r .�_?r _
<br /> � t�s ol�eetio�d raia ideMed�a�•1be BeO�efieiar�ae Ari�ss�ay tak!�a]otliee appe�op�iate aCtio�p�t to�tate E . , .xs� .
<br /> � � or FeiRd�tawte eitLee i��tate a�'�ederd oa�ee oe otbenei�e toe tbe diepattion ot tLe proparty. i � . � . .,
<br /> , ' ,; '. , . . , !' . .
<br /> �( _ - S. L tLe e►mt e[a yb a��rovided in par�raph 4.the'�'su�tee cliall be paid : [ee by the Bene6cias�r is m � . ..
<br /> . • � amoant eot in exreer ot (xrceat ot ihe�roes amount ot said eal�a�ealee,provided.howtver.th�s the aa�ount .
<br /> . • � �
<br /> ',"•;...:;;;... '� ot�ncb fee�hsll be reawnable sad'sha116e approved by the 8eere�czary as to naeonableaeee.SaiB fee ebdl be in addi. � . ,
<br /> ,. - . .:'.-,:,;:',' tiass to ttie�atts aaa e:peu�ee ineterrea by the Truatee in eaminstiag�c'h eak.The aanouat ot such caste and e:penaee ,
<br /> � ;, .,�',J',� u9
<br /> . �;�;� . . . ;,,'<< ' sh�ll be dedneted and paid feo�tl�e aale e proceeda.It is fu�t�ier a�ee�t�:ax if eaid property rhall be adverti�wd for sale
<br /> ,,•,,, .
<br /> , a�herein provided aod not sold,ihe Truetee e[r�elibe entitk8 to a reaeona�le fee.in an amount acceptabl�ta the Hene•
<br />. • .. '.;f;��;'i; • fieiarr for the serriees so andend.The Truetce ei+a11 aleo be.reimlwrec8 by the Benefictary tor�Il coele and eapensa• � .. .
<br /> " �;'� ineumed in eoneeetiae ivith tbe advertida�of aud property for esk if the eak is eot co�ummated. ,
<br /> . ,,:, ��
<br /> � 6 T6e pe�aceed�ot aey eale of eaia property in aet+srdance with paraRraph 4 aha11 be applied 6�ae to paye�eet '
<br /> � . ol tee�ea�t�.aea e:pr�o!aaid�ale,4he espen�es lncutr�d by tbe Bene6eiary lor the purpoee ot proteettn�oe .
<br /> • � �ihiri���aii pcopeeq and rea�ooable atw�mye'iea:seeandly.w psyment of the indebtedneu�ecmed 6ei+eby: .
<br /> " . a�i ti�icdll•�P�7�l'�ae etaeM to e6e peeeas o�pesea�s leadly mtitkd tlKreto .
<br />� .
<br /> . � T. tn t6e event eaid property ie eold pureuant to the authorization containea in thie instwnent or at o judicia! .
<br /> " - - � - • - tarccioente rate and the proeetde are aoe eu�citae ta pay the tatai indrhtedncse aecund by 1fi� instniment and
<br /> eriierroed Lj► �pr4�iraey �ot�t6e He�e&iuy�ritl be dtfitkd to s de6cieaeg judament!ar the amonnt oi t6e �.
<br /> � • de6eiencjr�riti�ent re�ard to appnleement.il�e Graatot havina waivrJ and a�eigned all��ehts ot appnisement to 16�
<br /> . � TrWtee. '
<br /> ' � T6e Gt,ra�tor eovee�ats a�ad��.a�fallo�rr � .
<br /> _,.-::�___._ ------___ _ .. - - - ------- --___ ---.
<br /> � . _ � Ke w�ill P'anPtt�' Wy tLe iadeLttd�e eriaented by eaid pramieeoiy eote at t6e time� aad in the .
<br /> . � � . . '. __. _. _ �a�er t6eni�peorided � - - _ _ . �-J=.:�is$� . _ .
<br /> � , :_ °.` _ , ` � _
<br /> .
<br /> ;
<br /> _�
<br /> _ ,. .._�_- . -- -
<br />