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<br /> � �eniMfwe�i�rriitiaa"�+r1!�••.,. ; �
<br /> � «r�...aiiw.��r 2204 1t. Sta�e Street, 6r�tnd Islan�t. Nebraska, � S�Eepl�en !1. Grau�er` �
<br /> �[I.e nl�e��i ts as"'F+M1!e`"�i�he Ai■i�i�t�.tl��t tV 5�1,1 H��s A�tr�tir,�aa a�e�e�aE dre
<br /> � C�wie�it.�[eir ITii���i�w at�eie�,lwwi�llrc�f�ir ' ;��ist�ir�w.�:a`i
<br /> ?� �t.ei.tl�.�i.u::c. .tti45 lH11 1t�'E�'q► Road,,q�e�ha, llebr.aska 68�. .: . �_ � �
<br /> w'tlf�sa!eiR i.t fie..i js�.:ii:es��:..t��1.N aiii.�d�er�..i i.i.ai..ite z..:�leeati...ree�ai�lt.t�
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<br /> :.;�,�.,,■�.wi��,.��iitlli.t.i.�.:s�a..e.�iei`!�*�et�.iaubi..iLai�jE�.u�sc.�a�.at, •-Aalt ' . .
<br /> s�:�'it�.lkbTaska:_ .'. -.--- - -. __ _ . , '. . _: . . - - -- -
<br /> - • ..�� .r Lots Fiw (5j,�SevN+ f7�: Nine �(9), Eleri� '�il)�artd Thir#een (13}, Black Thirty- . .
<br /> (3Q). �it�ia��Park,��n Addition ia #h� City of 6rand Ista�d, 1laEt1 f,aunty. ltebraska: � •
<br /> .. ' �. . _ . . , . .�(:. t � � " • _ ' ' �
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<br /> Atl. sua�s secured hereby_are withou� recourse in respeat to aeiy amoc��,s�evidenced bereby,
<br />` : whfcb ��ney be in excess �fi ady���c�very ma�e �froni the�dispasitlon o�,�"ie collateral herefi��.
<br />;.,.:: aescrit�ct: Upon patyl�ent of�tt�?3ua of .i�►e ana I1o1100 tbltars t��.t��,�er year, t�e ir�s�r, _-_-
<br /> 3fi�1.1. �dn�inue to have attl rig�ts as o�mer in and to the properb► far hfs life, or until : _----
<br />- tAe '►rustor ao longer pl�y�fcally occupies the real. es�a►te as his personal t�esidence. Real =�-- --
<br /> :.`.. Estate ta�aees �111 be paid by,t.he Trustor and a fa�t ure to tf�se7y pay the��res1 estate taxes �_—
<br />�_��ht sha11 operate as a breach of tl��� agreanent and the.entiret�r;af�the��n re�naining due �., _____----
<br />.;:r��,� . the Trul�te� sbatl beco�e 1��ately due and,p�lY�►4�t- Trustor sha�1�� provfde artd �fnta�r��
<br /> diiring the.life of thts loao �razard tnsura�nce on tt�a real es�tr seca�ing this loan for. ,;.` �`_
<br /> ::�r,� tu11 value ot the bu11d1ngs, Mith a loss payable ctaust 1n favor. of 5�11 Business '
<br /> � Administ�ation. Fatlure to obtain sucfi insurance �ha�lt operate as�b breach of this agree�nent --,__ --
<br /> . and the entirety of the sun remaining due to the Trustee sha11 becane inn�ediAtely due and ��=_y,�=
<br /> � pdYable. . . ��- — _
<br /> ;r;e:��.�
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<br /> �• Uoon the death of the Trustor, ar tAe Trustor no longer ohysically occupi�s the real estate ��.�:=�;��.,:=
<br /> '� as fiis Qersonal residence, the entirety af the su�n remalning due to the Trustee sha11 �_ '�'�'. -.=
<br /> � beea�e in�nediately due and payable and the beneficiary und�r this deed of trust n�y invoke �=�'�3`-
<br /> � thase rdnidies to wfilch�it n�ay be entit le d. It is spec t f ica l ly here tn prov i de d t ha t Trus t o r's `.���;�_
<br /> � � es�ate sha�:�' �ave no personal �iab111ty in excess of the collateral herei� descMbe�l. _ �'�--
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<br /> r Ti�MLer NitL a�d i�eladi�all Loildin�.a115=tnre�►indndiaa but not limited to all plambia�,bati�,N�tias, ,
<br /> , - - -__- --- vswtiLti�.xfti�esatioa,idciaeratio�air condittoaiaa sppaeatae.and elevstols (tl:e Trnetor hereb�deeluina tLat ;-- - .
<br /> co
<br /> `- it i�iw�wiei.tliat tLs i1e�r tieee�a�aaerated�6sll be deemed to hsve been permase�dy iaNalkd as part of the ,
<br /> eealt7).�dl i�re�ore�wb ao�r or 6ersafue�ti�thereaa:the henrlitaments aad appurteaaaces aed all otLee .
<br /> . ri�}b t�ere�t��e1e�,a�is a�rri�s appereai�i�aod tLe ravanioa and reree+or.re�aiader aad rensiaden►
<br /> � . a�i�i�s.re�tti iMe�a�i p�uiu at tbe above de�ril�ed p�vperty.To have and to!wW tbe a�e uato the Tru�tee. ..
<br /> . ,_� -, a�i tLe w�earoa ir i�ee�are a�tbs Ti�te�tenerer.is fee�impk or�ueb otBer euata it aar,s�i�etated henia io
<br /> - �e,*.�tti j.�t of a pea■i.wr�aea d.ted February 10, 1981 f . .
<br /> �T �.dr�d.ei�d.■:df I04,200.00 .«�reaD� F. Grant Falmlen aad frederick Falmleo,Margaurite M.� � . ,
<br /> ± i YWt.at F.6rant Falmlen � Frederick Fa�lmlen, A Partnershlp Falmlen !
<br /> ' ' °�' 71r jri�.+id owMS�i Ipidrs ot wii aote a�d ot tbe i�deb�ed�er e�iae�oaa t6eeebj i�t6e Be�e6ciuy. �
<br /> . ; ..� s
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<br /> �=z�;,;,�.z ��� .. l. Tiis�oane�aoea is asde�pa�aad wtiifeet ts the tartLer tn�t 1l�at tire..id Gsaetur at�.lt�ers�an quiee _ �. .
<br /> ' ��;=_ .. ;,c a�i l�Ws lew�ie�ot ihs aLore�ra�ted aid deaeri6ei p�s�iu�a�i sa�ce tire�eal'ib 1heTeot to Li�o�n We undl .
<br /> �`�-�='�"��� ;� de[aMle�a iaie ia aar �r��1wt at a�iewl�t due oe wid eote o�in tt�f�dor�eance oi oi the covenmts or �
<br /> a�-��;�ir,' '.:F- 7�7�� r' �
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