_ r--_---_-�,-�--- :�: �---- .- _
<br /> _ . - �__ .; -- ` £�,` _ _
<br /> �` � . "-� ��',_ _ , �_ . . . .� t ' _ . � � --- , `, _, .
<br /> :;- :l �r .. • . ° - ' . �. � .. -
<br /> _.s_r°.. :'4'�-`- - - ' • - - - ` �.s�-- -;. �,�
<br /> ;. - � ` ` . � � _ . .._ . ` ° - . .�� ;. , . .
<br /> _. , . .
<br /> . ; .
<br /> � �� , `,t ( .1�.Hs�tiw�aMta�,��trai�e�M�a�i idwc�d�r a�d�l ai�!!4 i�q ir�' ��
<br /> . l.,�itirr,r�e wWi r+.Li�lr...t tn....i.��.�1.1«+r...�t win p..�a�i�e du..i�w�
<br /> . . . �twwfie rs dr 1�iei�►. . � _ � � ' . : .
<br /> . ' a H��rii�!Mi�s��ws a�i�irs a��►M iwee�i L tW pst�etba a�i'a�i��a �f�rii ,
<br /> . ' �t�.i�eWh4 dii�i�s�arr aM�f�1�1a�'l�ilis Be�eidar)'L�etLewlieetjosatar�oralt ottie �
<br /> - - .-� ' :`i�iii��,�-#u�iq�si; �e wei e�erw a�tee�ar iway 1�i�rre�ia a�f fireet�e�e iaM iT tlrs -
<br /> �`"hi�,�e awes�ae•s aa�e�ar�itipli��r pneeaii��iectL��aid popeeq.a�i aaonets'
<br /> _ - iw t�1�ia�i�i i�7 o1i!e ws7 � . ' • ,
<br /> � . �1ti.:�w eewrd`j t1�ew��ara idl n�ai is fd!fa.s�a�e�eat i�udri�aaT�t '
<br /> � �� . ..�ril�iwirw i ti�ti�e�f tia"�srt�l t�s i�i�er a�jie�aei i��w�os a�r Met d�eew[a�e�� .
<br /> �i!• . .
<br /> � � N�wiU e�ti��ai�taia l�ard i�wraras ot we6 tqpe or gpa iad it wd�a�o�ea a�tia'
<br />- - �4�7 fswa ti�s ti fi�a ressiee►as d�a iapro.e�q�a�o�r or�[cu aa aid prope�t�.a�d wa'D
<br />= !!►7 !�'!�f wrl�ea�e aq pe�i�r_tl�ere[�M Lsaraaee aluQ is eatiied i�oo�wp�ie�aaeptslile b
<br /> --- �efeisy a�i tl�e�awd reaewais tLer�oE�all ie fietd�Bead�:ary and ha�e attsehed tbee�eto ias —
<br />-_- � ' �aTarle dsre�i�ta��r�t aid ia fiR aeee�ts�k to tbe Ba�e6eiar�L tl�e er�t ot las.Gsaator�rill�e
<br /> == �rriiMS aitiee�wrft�t�B�iei�uT+�Be��w�!�T��R'��f lor ii wos a�ds pi�ptl�b� - _-
<br /> Cr�rr.a�i arek i�wea�es o�at aseeewei is 1�ert�ast5eeised ad direeted to ot�e pa�t torweb =___
<br /> ;y. M..�U,He�ef�Let I..te.d.f a erra.tor s�d Beseia.il iai�7.••d t6e iawua�e p�cr,ea.y or any �3 __
<br />�.,5, . .pt!l�ww/.aap M sPlPied�!Ha�iaar!'at optioada��ed. _ --__
<br /> it� 't6er in tbe �daetian of tlre s�de6tedads LeeeLy
<br />- ieei�ei ar ti tLe terte�atio�ar e�ie oE tLe ptopertr L tUe eTewt af a?�+�oes'�aale oe alier . . _ -.s _
<br /> � ' r[�tle to_!f�+i�!��o i t 6 e i 4 d e b t e 8 e r a�eaeed I�et�elT,aD ei�6 t,dde.aqd `;,�,�'�'�_
<br />. . ��. t• C�..t
<br /> - - .,�=.�"�� _ iR.l�t0 Wl�l�11lE pOliE�t�1Elt�totRb��pa�i�t�10�hM�f�1e�� s`"� �'�'.:
<br /> t,�'- ,�. • ���� ' ., _" -
<br />. �.;-;_, `�t�' f.He�E lcaep tie'+�w3i p�ieries ia as�ood�otder�ad ea�dtttas as d�ey are no�r aaa�Il not ea�sit at -�-t;�,�'`'-�-
<br /> ':;. �T;:-
<br /> ,;;=:; :�;� .� �er�it s�t�warte t6ee�f:�eea�onaLla w�ar and tear�oepted.aad in the evea�ol tl�e fa�tone oi tbe Gemtor to . .-
<br />.•r;;:>�.. r� `'c.�:;�''�.:
<br /> :.�:'� ;;` keep iLs liadtii�r oa iii��i�es a�d tl�aae to��red on �i�pie�a, or impeevea�esti tbee+ean► ia ; _• : .-
<br /> :f� �� �s�i e�p�it•'the Besei�s!'asY w�lcesaeli repiin i�is the Be.�aeficiaeF'ar�ce�ie�t tt a�a deew '��fA _
<br /> •; ! ��! �..�`
<br /> � �;` «, lor the p�p�er pee�erv�ddn thee�.a��t���ams paid for aoeh np�ia absil berr iatet+e�t fran the'dale ot ��
<br /> � ,,`�� :` pa�at as tbe sate speeiied is tre�ota.�11 Le�s ad r►talie as de�a�d a�d�ba�be laLy�ec�al by ��;=�'.
<br /> ` diir Dee�l ai Tswt. ��—'�i�-
<br /> j �,�:��. _ -
<br /> Y"' a He will not without the pr�or written cae�e�t ot the BeneBcisry volnntsrily ereate or ptrmit to be ' `�':°�:"'
<br /> Y
<br /> � � � erated sasie�t the pe+operty wbject to thi�Deed ot Teast�ny lien os lkas inferior or wperior to the Uea ot, -
<br /> , tLi�iked ot T�t a�d fartLes that be will keep aad wsiuGun t6e wme fe+ee fe+o�u the elaaw oE all peeioar . .
<br /> � e' • ;. "�' �ap�t�la6or or ieateria4 whieh�rill enter into the oonstn�ctian of sny snd �11 buildiap aow beis�
<br /> eeeefei or a fa ereaea oo..ia pe�ia.. _ . °
<br /> , --n� '�
<br /> � , ��: A. Ha�aes n�t ae�wiaa n�p�rt o[d�e eest d said propecty a desdi�6, iemova ae�sastidly
<br /> ' �. �'�a7 b�di6�rithoat t6e�vdtt��ent of tlw Beeefki�try!• - - - �
<br /> • ' =�#=+:�;
<br /> �_' :��:: 9 Ia tLe ere�t tMe Grantar fails w pay sny Federd.etate,oe locd tax aeaeeuaeat,inoome ta:or othee tsx liea, '
<br /> ' �, e6uae.kt.or ather eapesee ch��ed to t6e P�'oP�Y hcreinabove deecribed. the 8eneficl�ry is heroby aathor�ed to
<br /> pay t6e sase and any auos eo paid bq tbe BeoeBciuy ehall be added to and bawme a pact af tl�e prmeipsl amwet of
<br /> �� tLe i�debtedeas ev�deneed by�id prnsieeory note.li the Grantar e6aU pay and diecht�e the iedebteduwe e�ideac�ed .
<br /> �,�t.: , ,� ��, b� ,.t�l p�+o,.rsor�.oc�, aaa Bban p.y � �u� �� A�u a�huae s���u� �aa �� �ad �u� �ti, r�..na F .. •-_
<br /> •�!•� : peeu� sa�� e�rc� acat�!r6 �,
<br /> '`-:;,'�! ;+..:�i�*`�':�;,: d� of , ,�nd e� t6is �eed of Tn�e t�n tbie Doed of'C�SS �vl be eaaakd and �
<br /> ' .�i�i�;:�`�•,' waadec�ed. eE
<br /> � .::,���`��_,�.�.�;- . -
<br /> ,-;,�,;,�, 10 The Grantor covenanta that he ie fawfully eeiud a�d poereeeed of and has the rl�he fo eell and eonvc�y eaid
<br /> � ., . � � �,;;' peoperty;tt�at tLe�aa�e i�fr�ee tran a11 eeirr�mbnncee except m+he�rina6ove recited:and that 6e hereby hind�him• •
<br /> �;.�.•. �. . '-�`�! �el[ari Lis�tee�wrs i�ietcrat to wsrrweaod dcfend the titk afaa+e�id thereto and every patt thereof s�ainN the � _
<br /> � - .:,_„ ,;;�:.�` tnrfdeLi�otdlpenaa��rl��w�oerer. ,�:.,
<br /> -,�:��;t., .
<br /> _ r.,
<br />_ . �-��a� _- .. f .
<br /> ` w�' , ll. Foe�kttee eecuritr of t6e indebtedeeeb hereby eecured, thc Grantor, upon the ret�aest ot tlie &ae6ciaey, (� .
<br /> � . . . its wooeerors or aMisns. �all execate �ei deliver a�npQkmentat inoet�a�e or mort���s cr►s•erin6 any additions. � .
<br /> ' . ° ;'-. iwproretatate.or betttrtrcets�aae to 1Me property het+ejaabove deecribod and all praperty tequired a[ter the date f ' �
<br /> . ' " 6ereof(all.in fare eatietactosY to Crantee). Furlherm��.r1�ouN! t;r+�ntor fail to rure any defrutt in t6c payment i .-
<br /> ° � � of a prlar oe inkrior enrum6ran�v un fhr pr��rt}� dra�rihpA by thio itwtMttnPnf. I:rnntor hrnrhy AFre�tn�rmit' �
<br /> . � Be�eiei�ry to pne web detauh,6ut BeaefiMary ie aoe obli�ated,to do eo;aed eucb advaeoe�eha8 6ceowe p�K oi ` �
<br /> . � ' �. tiw i�ie�ted�w�ecutrd bY tl�id ioetrument,subjxt to t6e aame terme and�oeditians. � .
<br />- , �. . .
<br /> , �- ' 1S.7LN dl�wards sf daeu�cs in conneclian�rlth aey condemnation tor publIe uee ot or iajury to any ef esid
<br /> • - .. -._ :- pto��lY are IkRby a�i�ed�e6sl1 be�pdd to BeneRciar�.who may spPly t1M eaace ta parment of the ituh4lmeMs - : -
<br />, . . 4�s i�s�wire�sii�n1e.a�tLe Be�eiciuy is hee�ebp aaehorisel.In the�se of t6e Grutor.w eueute md delivee � .
<br /> . , valli aqilt�d�err�t a�d t�aReat t�as as�e�cb aMard. �• . "
<br /> , � , I3.?is in�ruaak ri�t lo a�si�t a wtiNitnte twe��r or Irwtces is 6ercby eapereely�ranted tn t�e&ne6etary.
<br /> , `L wc�wn w�r,t��r�eteLed at�ti�se 6eeraft�r�rithout notiee and withew speeifjrie�any naae t5ere- �
<br /> ____ --= - f.r.�►}�Wi�qct.rterre�i�.t5f.�e��rkerrti.i�isetrwr.wt i.s�+�.r�ie+{s�a isstrn�a�ot appaintascul.'�'tee Cr�ator. . . s -_-_---_..-.___
<br /> . . � , , , am1 t�e TruNee�h�tie aamed or�Wt�a�r l�reeteattrr M eubelimted hereunder espres.•1r waiv�noticp nf the�xeerise '
<br /> • ot tl�u ri�tMt as�rell as anr requiren�eet ar ap�li� 4 i �� cons� for the eeatova4 aPpaintmeat o�e�b�tituriao af . .
<br /> � . __:_... �uuy tr�teebec�e�der. �
<br /> _ . .. . ,,., -- - - .- - . _ _..._ _ ._ _ _. _ _ �
<br /> . � : �; - -
<br />