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<br /> ` � p�riod+t�t irendei tequirts. 71�e ituunr�cs c�eier poYiding d�e insurs�ocr siWl he chasen by�ia�mwer subjcct w Laider3 �� - ,
<br /> a p p�w�t�rhich sh�ll eot be uereason�blY wiW�eld. If Boaowu faits fo mai�t�in coverage descn"b�ed abovr.Irend�E inay,at
<br /> Leade��o�tion,obtain cav�ta Puoect I.a�dtr�a ri�ts in tGe Prope�ty ia accotdance with p a r a g r a p h 7. .
<br /> AI!in.wrar�oe policies oad ia�ewais shall be accepfabte w l.eader�u�d shatl includc a staod�rd mougage ctai�� �.ender ' , -
<br /> s!a(l l�va dfe right to boid the policies md rentvusis. If l�r tequires.Bortower sh�1 Promt�Y 8ira to Lendtr atl�eceipts ,
<br /> of paid pctmiums and�enewal t�oucea. In the eva�t of loxs.Bnrmwer shall give pw�apt noacr to the inwt�nce c�ier and�
<br /> i.arder. Ls�nder mag malce praof of toss if not made P�!DVY bY B�wer. ` '.
<br /> LTakss Lender aod Bo�rower otherwise�gree in wnting.msurance pracepds sh�lt 6e applied ta r�toration or nepa[r of
<br /> �p��amag� if ihe t+estcxation or�epair is ecaaomicaity feasibte�nd Lendec's security is�t tessa�ed. tf the
<br /> testantion ar�epair is not ecuadnically feubk ar LendEis security wautd be iessaied.'the ms�ar�ce pmoeads shalt be
<br /> .. . Applied to Ihe sums secund by this Securiry instnunen�whether a not thea due.with any eacess paid to Barovyer. U,
<br /> Sotrower ab�ndons the�operty.or does na answer witt�n 30 days a rtotice fmm[ender tt�t•the inwtnnce c�Riec ha4
<br /> Qffeied to senk a claim tl�rn Lender may collect the ins�ance proceeds. l.ender m�y use the pnoceeds to repair or�tane
<br /> t 6 e P�o p a t y o r t o p a y s u m s savted b y this S a�u i ty Instrament,arhether or nat Nen due. 1I�e 30-day periad will begirt wheo
<br /> the notice is given.
<br /> Unkss Lendet and Boaower od�erwise agne in writing,any npplicatioo of pcoceeds to principat shalt not extend a
<br /> postpone tbe due date of the monthtY psYments nfeaed ta m paragrapfts 1 and Z or change ttje attsaunt of the payments. If
<br /> uader parsgn{ih 21 the Property is acquired b3!Lender.Borrower's right to any 'insurance policies aad pmceeds nsutpag
<br /> ���o�e yropeRy pior to d�e acqois�tion shall pass_[o l.ender[o the extenc af the sums sec�ttrd by this Sxudty
<br /> ?nsuument immediately priar to the acquisition- �
<br />— -- ' � f� �ccuP�se9. Pr�at� Maieteuaoce ssd Protectios d tUe Prope�ty� 8orr�owa's La�n Appiicallo�: -
<br /> l,dneiolds. Barower st�ail occupy.establish.aad ase the Ptnperty as Bormwu's principa1 res�deare within siaty days after
<br /> -- the execution af this Sewriry Iasni�meat aad sbali cantinue to occupy the Pmpecty as�amwer's principal tzsidence for at
<br />_-' la�st one yair aRtt-the due of accvpancy..uniess I.ender dherwise agnees in writing, which cansent shall not be
<br />- . unneaso�bly withheld,a unksc ex�enuating cu�c.�tuastarices exist wbich are beyond Barrower's control. Barmwer sfiatl not
<br />- — destmy,duaaSe or imp�ir the Frope�ty.altow the Property to deteriarate.or cotnmit wacc�on the Ptaperty. Bomnwer sh�ll
<br /> _-- 6e in defauit if any,forfeitate actjan or proce�ling.wGether civii or crimina�is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment ----- -
<br /> _ v . couW tesult in faor[eiuue of the Propercy o'r aRtKrwise materiaily Impair the lien created by this Security Jnstrument ar ' ----
<br />_ Lender's security intemst Boirower may cure such a defaWt and ninstate.as provided in paragraph 18.by causing the action ��„�_
<br /> - or pmceeding to be dismisscd with a niling that,in l.ender's good faith determination,P�ecludes forfeitwt of the Bnrrower's ��Y�
<br />- • jatenst irt the Pit�paty a othtr material impairment of the tien cieated by this SecuritY Instmme�t or Lenders security �"�R�':.:
<br /> • inteaes� Borrower shall also 6e in default if Borrowet, during the loan appIication pracess, gave materially false or �-`� -
<br /> s � inaccurate inforn�atiau arstatements to Lender(or failed ta pmvide L.endet with any material infom�adon)in connection with �'��.�'`�
<br /> � . �
<br /> �_��--.:.=
<br />� �_ the toan ev�denced bg t�e Nate.��Sding,but nat limited to,rep�esentaticros conceming Bmmwer's occirpanc.y of the ��-�,::
<br /> . "� •p�operty as a principab resicience. 1�fr�s Security Instrument is on a teasehold,Borrower shall comply witb all the pcovisions ��::�-
<br /> , og the teas�. If gar�vg�acquises€e�aule to the Praperty.the leasehald and the fee ade shali not merge unless L.ender agnees ���=
<br /> � ' to the merger in w�. : --�-
<br /> �. ' 7. Ptuteclia d Lender's Ri�hts in t1�e Property. If Borrower'fa7s so perfonn the covenants and agr�aments - - ---
<br /> contained'm this 5ecuriEy Instrument,or there is a tggai proceeding that may significandy affect L,erider's rights in the �_�-�--�-_��=-�
<br /> ` Property tsuch ac a proceeding ia bankruptcy.praba�.,for candemnation or forfeitun or w enforce laws ac reguladons),ttxn -
<br /> �" Lender may do and pay far whatever is necessary co protect the�alue of�he Property and l.ender�s rights in the Prope►t�r. ��, +�--;:
<br /> Lender's actions may incIude paying any sums secured by a lien afiich has priority over this Sewriry Insplunenl,appeazmg Y.,�..�.�.
<br /> � � in court, a 'ng reasonabte attomeys'fees and entering on the Properey to make iepairs.Although I.ender may take action ��`°�"'�'�
<br /> f.,
<br /> � • under this pa agraph�.l.ender does not have to do so. ^
<br /> Any amounts disiwssed 6y l.endcr undcr this pa►agraph 7 shat! become additia�nal debt of Horrower secured by this ��` ',. • , `.
<br /> � � .,._-�:-.„
<br /> Security Instnimen� L1nIess Borrowet and Lender agree ta other terms of payment.these amounts sha116ear interest from the
<br /> � date of disburse�rtent at the Note ra:e and shaU be payabte.with inier�est. upon nodce from Lender to Borrower reqnesting ` ��...�.v.
<br /> . . paymen� ' . :��r��`-
<br />. 8. Mort�ge Insurance. If Lender mquired mortgage insurance as a conditian of making the laan secumd by this _•�i�,:
<br /> � ' Seeurity trtstrument.Borrower shal}pay the prem6�:�required to ma�ntain the mortgage insurance in effect. If,for any � ''-_`""?`
<br /> - r ::..,�s.;;.
<br /> reason. the mortgage insarance coverage requireJ by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effeet, Borroae¢ shall pay the .
<br /> ,i;: pc+emius�u required to obtain coverage substantially equivalent tv the mortgage insurAnce pr�viously im.e�:et, at a cost { � A"'� ; '
<br />�.;�_�. �,: `r substantially equivnlent to the cost ta Borrower of the mattga=e::,surance prev�ausly in effec�from an aItemate mortgage ::• .;:;
<br /> , ` insunr approved by Lender. If substantially eyuivalent martgagE a^surance coverage�s not available.Borrower shall Day:� �-:.��..:,,.:
<br /> i l.endet each month a sum eyual to onc-twciflh of the yearly mo�gage insurance premium being paid by Borrower whe�s 2.�e �= ��'
<br /> x insurance wverage la;�ed or ceascd ta 6e in effect. Lender w�ll accepe,use asc�cztain tfie.se payments as a toss reserve in lieu _ ' ',��x�
<br />- � - of mortgage insurance. I.oss reserve paymenxv may no longcr be required.a:�;re aptinn of Lender,if mortgage insurance .
<br /> j- cwtrago(in the amount and for the penpd that Lc�der requires)pravided by an insurer approved by Lender again becar.tes .
<br /> . available and is ob�ained Boaower shall pay the premiums required to maintain mottgagc insurance in effect.or to provirl��
<br /> tos.c reserve.until the requirement for mortgage insurunce ends in accordance with any wriuea agreement between Horra�a�:r ; � .
<br /> • �d Lender or applic�ble Ittw. • � :
<br /> , _. r-•}j�� 9 lnspection. Lender or its agent may make rea5anablc entries upon and�inspec�ions of the Prope:ry. Lendef sr^aIl �
<br /> ..
<br /> • •��� `: • give Horrower nouce at the time of or pdor to an intipeclion specifying reasonable rause for ilic inspection.
<br /> : .: .- _•..� •,
<br /> _- � ..
<br /> - � - -=-u:.-=' 10.Condemnation. The psaceeds oF any:swa�c!or elaim for darnages,direct nr eunseyueniial,in cor,r,�etian wi�h�c-cy
<br /> ��'�,
<br />.. ' Singtc�amily•-Faeek 11xlFreddk Mac Uylf(�RN I�tiTItU;qlstiT--Uniform Coveaanta 9/9B �pnge 3 oJb pozc^�� ..
<br /> , a` � .• Paeat Latrs&�eme�vame.lec.� '
<br /> �y�.'6' '.J. ' To(�Mt►GII:I�806S3GCi,."33:J VA%8f6791d13f
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