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<br /> � � � ` �a��ore�.�cor��►. Ni����,.u�ee�ae�►a�s«�i► < .� . �
<br /> . . � � I,�a�m. Alr ar nie fc�oia,�is nefa�e+a'to maris savritg rmava,au�s a�e'Propercy.': � � ` - : ,
<br /> �BOitROVNER COVENANTS tI�Batow4r is b�vfully ae�sed oE the est�ie Meby oonroyed�ntl l�v ti�.ngbt b gant-
<br /> " aod cat�iey t6e R�opat�r add tf�at�t�e Prop&ty�is�c�nbend exoept forakau�biaocss of reo�d Baru�vrt.wsr�ts and .
<br /> " � rvill deEaa�t�ene�aity Ibe3itle to d�e Ptoperty sgainst tll claims�nd dent�nds,sabjxt ta ffiy e:ncumb�oes oE�cad. . .
<br /> . . `fHLS SECIJRIi'1� INSfRiJMENT comb�es wdfam covm�nts far oatianal use iu�d aan-unifom►c?a�eaaots with. .•
<br /> limited�by j�n9sdictian to ca►ttinue a unifam security iasauateat covaing eral propeetY. • .
<br /> ..�
<br /> . UNI�ItMG'4VENANt'S. HoROwcrandt.tade�cav�fs�dagtees�foliovr3: ; - ---=
<br /> ' • L �j�e�r dPeiieip�l a�t Ltenest:!�'spa7i�e�E ad Lsle Cl�e�a��8onuwex s�II P��Y P�Y when due tAe � .
<br /> . princip�!of aod i�aest,on tbe debt evidenccd by the Nate�d aaY P�Y�?�tate chargss due ut�fer the tVate. � -
<br /> � t FL�tar'4�es a�d Le�es�t�a Sabject to applicable Iaw or to a wntten waiver by I.mder,Borrower sbaU pwy to
<br /> . t,eadet�ca the daY moeu�ty QaYmaMs ate du�under the tVate,um'1 the Nate is puA in fuU.s sum("Fisds"�fac:{a}yearly `
<br /> ta�[a apd a:saanents wliich may atta�n ptio�itY over this Seswrity Tnstrurtrent ss a liea ao tt�e R'ope�ty:(b)Yar1yla�6old -
<br /> payrmdrts ar grnuod raus aa the Ptopecty,if�y; (c) Y�Y ���P�P�Y insuraacx�mim� f�y�y�
<br /> i�uc�nce p�emiomn,if�ny:te)Y�Y�8�8��P'��•�f aay:and Et?u►Y�PaY�b5►�'�m
<br /> I,ender,in accondaace vrith the povisioas.of puagrapA 8.in liw af the payment of moctgage insutaace peauwns. '!]nse. .
<br /> . . itams m called"E�crow Items." Lender maY.aE anY tin�.caitect aad bold Furtds in u��ouat not to excad the muimum
<br /> amoimt s la�der fa a feder8ty�latat moRsage Iaan may trquitie for Bamwer's escmw aocauac�dzr the federAl Reat
<br /> Fstate Settke�au H+oCSdeues Act of 1974 as aoxnded fmm time to 6me,12 U.�C�2601�t acq.("RESPA'�.uniess uwthar
<br /> taw twt�pplies W�tlee iimds sets a lesser art�oun� If so,I.eiWer tnay.at any time,collxt at�d lwid Funds in an amouat not to
<br /> exoad tbe ksset amatnt. I.endet may�the a�tiouat of Funds due an the iz�sis of aumeaC dua ud nasans6k
<br /> ` aqm�ta af expa�diprc�cs of futu�e Bsc�aw iteas ot athecwise in�acot�dance wiW app�icable taw.
<br /> : 'I]fe Fw�ds aball be.6eld.in an iestitudan wbost deposits at�e iawred by a federal agency.insaumentaiit�,or entity.
<br /> (iactudiog i.eoder,if Irender is aac6 90 inaitution)or in aay Federat irlame W�n Banic. I,en�r s1�U apply the Funds to PaY
<br /> _ the Escmw Ioems. tender may noi charge Barowa far laldmg a�d applyjng the iaunds.a�a11Y�Y�S tbe ascrow : --
<br /> - atxuwiti a i�eeitying tiie Pacrnw Itans.unkss I.ender pays fiarrower intaCSt on the Fonds aad applicable taw permits __
<br />_ I,ender w rn�Ce sucb a charga However,Lender may i+equme Borrower to pay a a�eaime charge for an independeM resl ,
<br />= esmte tax rep�cdng service used by Lender in connection with this toan,unless applicable law provides otl�erwise. Uniess an .
<br /> "��- sgneai�is made a applicable taw c�oqnires inte�est w be paid,Lenckr shali noi be negaired ta pay Borrower aaY interest or , ---
<br /> 1 _2� eaznings oa tbe Tvnds. Borrower a�id Lender may agtee in wnUng,however,tt�at inte�est shall be paid on the Funds. Lettder = _
<br /> - shal�give to Boirower,witl�out edarge.an annual accounting of the Funds.ahowing credits and de�ts to the Funds and tbe _
<br />- p�ripose for which eacb debit to tb�Piu�ds was rnade. T i�e I�r�d s are p l e dg t A as a d d iao n a l sec a r i t y for all sums secured b y =--
<br /> thisSecurity Llsttument. --
<br />;:,,.'$` If the Funds tieid by L�ender exceed the amountc pem�iued to be heid by applicable law,Lender shall account w _
<br />:��'. Basnwer foc t�e exces4 Funds in accordance with the�equic�ertkau of�applicabk law., If the amamt of the Plmds betd Dy
<br /> :-,�.:; Lender at an�same is not sufficient W pay d�e Escmw Iums when d�e�I.ender may so natify Borrower in writing,ar�d.ia
<br />'wY-�:�? soch case Ba�e�xstr shall pay to Lender the amount nocessary w mai�e up the deficiency. Bonower shaU make up the
<br /> '., ts,at I.eaderis sole discrepon.
<br />.�:.F:: deficien�y in naino�.U�an�velve monthlY P�Y� - -
<br /> UP�P�Y�nt in fu1F o€aU sums secureA by this Security InswrtKn�Lender stiall prompdy refund to Bambwer any --
<br /> , Fvnds hetd hy Lender. If,�er paragraph 21.I.ender shall acquire or sell the Fi•operty.l.ender,prior to the acquisitioa or =_
<br /> ' sa2e of the Praperty.shall appty any Funds held by Lender at ihe time of acquisirion or sale as a cnedit against the sums
<br /> secuced by this Seturity Instrumen� <;:
<br />° 3. Applkstioa o�Pltyments. Unless applica6le law provides otherwise, aU paymems rrceived by i.cnder under ',''"
<br /> . � patragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to any prepayment charges due under the NMe:second,to amounu payable nnder • __
<br />-_ paragraph 2;thiid.to intenst due:fourth,w principai due;and last,to any tau charges due under the Note. i_
<br /> ''� '. 4. CMarses;Liens. Borrower shall pay a11 taxes, assessmenta.charges. fines and impositions amiiwtable to the ��
<br />`-`�����. Pinperty which may attain prioriry over t his S e c urity Instrument.an d tease h o l d pa y m e n t s o r g r o u n d rents,if an y. Borrawer �:�--
<br /> _ - at�ll pay these tabligations Lt the manner provided ln paragrapb 2.or if not paid in that manncr,Botrowet shall pay ihem on ��"_
<br /> � time directly ua�,�person owed payment. Borrower shail prumptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under =
<br /> ' . � this puagaph. ��Hormuer makes these payments ditectly.Borrower shaA promptly fumish ta Lender receipu evidencing
<br />;, : .:� �e p3ymCntB, ti,r,...
<br /> • Bo�rower shalt prort;ptSg discharge any lien which has prioriry over this Szcura��bs,strament unless Barroa�.{a)agrees '!�,;;;
<br /> in wrlting to tUe payment of the obligatian s�ured by the I'en m a man.��xr accepG7b���o Lender;<bl contests in ga.�cF faith tt�e ;.�:`_.;
<br /> tien by,or defes�ds against enforcetnent aE d�.r lien in.legal proceedi�r�s which in the Lender�s apituon operate to prevent tt�e .. _
<br />- enfarement of thc lIen;or(c)secures frar..�e holder of the lien an agreement satisfactary to Lender subordinating the lien `•,
<br /> - to this Security Inswment. lf Le�dec determines that any put of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain prlority � �'
<br />- ' over this Security lr�strument.Lender may give Boaower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take
<br /> • one or mane of the acuons set fath above Kithin l0 days uf the giving of notice. ,..
<br />_;.:�:?`�t': S, H�ra��or Pr�erty insu�� 8orrower shall keep 1he 3�provcmeats now existing oc hereafter er�'.ed on t� ���-: .
<br /> �r.� Properry insu�d against toss by fue.hazG.�inciuded within the terta"extended coverage"and any other hazards,includir� ,
<br /> '����°:� ' i� ftoods or ilooding.for which Lender req�ires insurance. 'fhis insac�.�.ce shall be maintained in the amounts and for the
<br />. i'ore�3�28 f1f� I➢aee 2 oj6 pagell
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