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<br /> ;�_:-. .�:' .' m.," . - .�- -. . ' ' . , - .• -,�?, .
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<br /> ' ,,� �aden�o�ian a od�s.to��o�any p�rt of ttie ptapnty.ar for cawey�aoe ia-lieu of candemn�tiae.ace Ger+ebY�8�� '�, .
<br /> �< �sli�l[be poid ta l.�ender • ; �: ,
<br /> ee
<br /> tn t6t tevent Qf a tot�1 tiking of the Pioperty.the pcocadt sball be applied.to tbc s�lats secu[ed by tUis Seevtity `
<br /> inst��mrcnt,whetl�er a not then de�e.with:any e�ccess paid co�Boanwer._tn the event of.:Q�tial tatcing of the PtoptrtY in .
<br /> � wliic!►tde fsir n�rlca value of the Ptope�imaxdiately�before the t�tcing is oqual to�r g�e�trr than the amouru of the sums
<br /> ` . secozed`byr tUis Securiry Insttument immediatcly txfine the taking,�udess B�onower and t.tnder atl�wise agfee in writing,
<br /> ' tLe sums seciii�ed by this Securiry 1n5ttumeat.shall�e reduced by the amaumf af thc procsod,�s mu![iptied by the fottowjng
<br /> f�aetion: (s)tbe total artwm�t of the sums seruted immediately befoc�ti�e taking.divided isy(b)the fai�mutcet value of the .
<br /> P►�apeety lmme�atety trefote the r�lcing. Any 6atanoe sball be patd to Bamnwu. In the evrnt of a'paniai taking.of the
<br /> m ivfieh��tHe fanr martcetvatue of the groperty i�mne8iatelyr befin+e t1x talcing.is!s�tlian tt�a�ount of the_sums . _ _
<br /> si�imraediuely befae tbe talciag,unkss 8orrower aad Leader otherwise agree in writiag or untess applicabk 1aa
<br /> �r�p�vides,tbe�Cncer�s Sba116a applied to the sums sauced 6y this�ecurity In�tiwneat whether or twt the swns.u�e
<br /> then due. .- . .
<br /> � if the Pivperty is aba��doned by Bomnwer,or i�after notice by Leader to Borrower that ihe candemiwr offezs to make
<br /> an avv�'d or settlt a claim fot damages.Bosower fails w respond to Leader within 34 days aftec the date the notice is given.
<br /> Lxnder is antl�orized to coikct an�appty tbe p�aceeds.at its opuon,either to�nstoration or repair of ttie Ptapetty or w the .
<br /> - sums sa'��ad by this Scc�ity Insdtarut►b arh�dur or not then dae. .
<br /> Unkss Lender and Barower abe�wise s�nec in writing,any applisation of proceeds to pincipat shalt cat exund or
<br /> postpone the due due of the monthlY paymeats referred to in para�.c 1 and 2 or change d�e amount of such payrtx�nis. -
<br /> � ll. �a�row� Not Reia�ed; Fur6araace B� Lendtr Not s Ws�veG Extmsioa of tbe time for paymmt a
<br /> . modification of�moaization of the sums socund 6y this 3ecurity Insuument granted by Lender to�ny successor in intenest - .
<br /> of Barrower sJ�aU na operate to release the IiabiGty of the original Borrower or Bomawer's suecessocs ui interes�L.ender �
<br /> ' sitaq na be�+equized to commence praceedings against any successor in in[erest or nfuse w e�ctend time fa payment or
<br /> otherwise modify amo�tirrtion of tIx sums secured by this Securiry Ia�ument by reason of any demand made by tbe origaial .
<br /> - Bamwer or Bonawer's succeswrs in intenes� My fartrearance by E,ender in e�ising any right a remedy sHa1!no4 6e a
<br /> - waiver of or paclude the exercise of any right ar remedy. . ' '
<br /> t2. Succ�ssara aad Assi�s Baond;Joiataed Several Liability;Co-si�eers. The�wvenants and ag�ee:�ia=lts of this
<br /> -= Scc�uity Ins�ument�shall bind and 6enefit the successors•and ass,igns of Lender aad Bor�rower.subject w the�a�is�ans af
<br /> _� paragraph !?,-�arrower's coveaants s+nd agrcements shall be joint acr�i,severai.My Boirower wha co-signs'�t'rs Sec�rity
<br /> "`.. insuument{a��es not eaecute the Nate: (a)is co-signing this Secr.�Instrument only ta mortgage,grant and convey that �
<br /> - '�d , g4rrpwecis.ir.x:est in the Property under the te�ns of ti�is Security I�su�men� (b)is not personally obligated to pay the svms . , �`
<br />. se¢uted by this Secuiity lnstrume�sutd(c)agrees that Lender and an}r other$orrower may agree to extend.modify.furh�."`"'`� . _
<br /> or make any accommadations with regard to the tern�s af this Securiry Instrument or the Note without that 6arrawer's` ' °—_-
<br />-==-` rvnsent. _-----
<br /> l3. Lo�n Cha'ges. If the loan secu�ed by thGt 5xurity tnstrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan --___
<br /> charges.and that law is finally interpreted�sa t'hat the ir.'.erest ar other toan charges coAected ar to be collected+�r connectinn --___-
<br />.�;:_� , witb the laan exceed the permitted timits.then: (a}ar�scieh loan charge shalt he reduced by the amount necess�as}Yo mduce .
<br /> - the charge to tf�e permitted limit;and(b)anY sums atr�y collected from Homower which exceeded pem�iued�miss will be
<br /> nfunded to Borrawer. Lender may chaose to make t�s refuad by reducins the principal owed under the Note or 6ti�making a ��._-.
<br /> �'_��r, diroct payment to Bonower. If a refund reduces princFpal:the reduction will be ueated as a partial prepayrtsent without any
<br />:,;f;, , prepayment charge under the Note. �
<br /> ` ���` 14. Notioes. Any notice to Borrower pruvided for in this SECUrity Insdument shall be given by delivering it or by �
<br /> "�-�"4�{ .�. mailing it by fiYSt class mail untess applicable Ipw reqaires use of anothzr method.The notice shap be directed to the Proper�ty . . �.:";��;::_ __
<br /> Address or any other addrzss Horrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender sdall be given by first class •�;_,�,�";�': -
<br /> � mail to Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by noace to Borrower. Any notice provided far - -�-��r.�
<br /> � in this Security lnsaument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in thls . �""''�' _
<br /> � PazagraPh. 's�'�.�`"•'"-
<br /> ,�f�:�� IS. Governing l.uw;Sevesabllity, Thi�Securiry Insaument shail be governed by federal!aw and the !aw of the ���•.,,,�y;_
<br />- ' � jurisdiction in which the Property is lacatcd. In the event that any pravisian or clause of this Securit;Instrument or the No'te - L�r5__
<br /> ooi►flictg with applicabte lAw.such conilict�hall n�t affert ather provisions af this Secuary Instrument or the Nate which can `�'�"'`':°-
<br /> =��;` --
<br /> � ,' be given effect without the conflecting pmvision. Ta thix end the provtsionc of this Security Instrument and E:�a Note are , , R . ,,,
<br /> ': declared to be severabte. ,, .'� ;
<br />- :�:>':+.�•� I6. Boerower's Copy. Borrawcr shall be given ane wnfarmed copy of the Note and of this Security lnsttument. •-�-,�.�
<br /> �''�;;`����'� 17. 71ra�er of the Pr rty or a Beneflcial lnterest in Borroicer. If all�r an arl of�he Pro or any interest ic� �-'�� ' `
<br /> ope YP' P�9 `-;:;{ •rv�:��
<br />��`��''�:''' it is soid or transferred(or if A beneficial interest in Barrowcr iti so.'��r transfcrred and Bcrtower is not u natural perxon) n. �.:_
<br /> - ' _ wlthout Lender's prior wriuen consen�l,ender may.at ity option.require immediute payment in full nf all sums secumd by _ ••�-=�.
<br /> . �' this Security Instrument. Howcvcr.this optinn xhall na►be exercired by Lender if exercise is prohibited by feder�l law a.c of �";''�"�'-�` —
<br />- .... � the date oi this Seeurity In�trument. • �'��`��
<br /> c . o...;
<br /> ' ' lf Lender exercise�this optian.L.ertder�hall give Bottower notice at acceteration. The notice tihall pro�i�e a period af . . ;
<br /> not lesw than 3p days from ttx:datc Ihe notice iy delivered or maited within which Borrowcr must�a,�al!sums secured by thic , .
<br /> - ' _�`�� Sccudty InstrumenL ff Bortowcr fail.r ta puy ihese s::.-ns prior to iNc expiration nf ihit periact, l.ender may invoke any ._ . ,
<br /> � remedies permitted by thcs 5:curity Inswmem withoa��unhcr naticc or dcmand nn f�a-rower. •
<br /> � '���. 18. Borrower's Ri��k to Relnstate. li Barroa•er meets ccnain conditiun�< �cxrawer tihall have th:cisht to huve �
<br /> � �� :-"����+'• enforcement of this Security Instrument discantinued at any time pr�or to the rarl:e>of: (a�5 days�or Such o�er periad as � _
<br /> --�- •
<br /> ,,• - �° � --
<br />. l. , . : - 1• :•: :.. :.
<br /> '•+ 5inglc Family--V:umie�fadYreddk Sfx Uti1F(18�t I�STRI%Stti�7'•-Unifumi C��cr�t�.9/90 Ip�tc 4�/b prr��sl
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