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<br /> . • 3.�
<br /> executed for the Qwgase af:ereutmg,secucing or guaraatying the Secared Bebt. A good faith belief t+y Q..ender that �'�
<br /> • Lender at any wne u in�ecare v�rith respect to any per�on or entity obligated an the Secured DeFst or that tlnc pmspeci '��'
<br /> af any payment or t�e value of the Property is impaired sf�eall also canstitute an ev�:nt of default. � '�
<br /> 1S. REhiEDgES ON D�FAUP.'�In some instanxs,tederal and state law�vitl require Lend�r to provide Gsantor wilh �r�
<br /> � notice of the right to cure or other notices and may establish time scheduies for tareclosure artions.�ubjett to thess
<br />_ �:
<br /> Gmitations,if any. Lendsr mnv accelerate the Secnred Debt and foreclose this Security Instrument in a manner ��Y+
<br /> �='�.' prrnnde�by law if Graneor is in QefauiL �,
<br /> A.i We aption of Lender,all or any part of the agreed fees and charges,accrued interest and�rincipal shall become �� '�:
<br />��.+' immediatelg due and payable,aftsr gie�in�notice if required by law,upon the accurrencc of a default or anytime '_
<br /> ther,eafter.!n addition.Lcmder s6n11 be eziiitted to all the remedies provid�d by law,the terms of the Secured Debt,
<br /> this Security Instrument and anq related dasumenu,induding aithout limitation,the power to sell the&'ropsr►.J+. ,
<br /> , If there is a default,TrusteQ shstll.in addition to any ot�er permitted remedy,at ths request of tbe Lendtrr.Aduerlisse
<br /> and sell the Frogerty as a�vhols or in separate parcels at public auction to the higbest tsidder for cash and canvey ---4y�
<br /> 'r.• abr.�lute tidcs free and clear of all right,titte and ineerest of Grantnr at sucf�time and p�1ace as Trustee ales�gtates. -.-��:
<br /> Trustee shaD gn�a notice of sale including th�e time,terms and pluce af sate and a description of tiQe prapErty w bc said ' �`':'�
<br /> as required U}�the applir�able law in effeci at the time of the praposed s�ta. `
<br /> Upion sale of the property anQ to the extent Qot prolubited by law,Tn�stee shall mal:e and deliver a deed to the PropErty �
<br /> soid svhich convep�s absolute titl�to the punchaser,and ahcr first paying all fees,chtuges and casu,shaD pay to l.ender all --=r
<br /> '`; maneys advanced for repairs,taxes.insivance.Gens,assessments and prior encumbrances aiad inteiest therean,and the
<br /> `'.r al and interest on the Secured D�bt ttt�s lus,if an ,to Granior.Lender ma au�c6ase the Pra �.�.�
<br /> . P��F •PaY�g �P Y Y P FenY• -�- ,
<br />� .`.•.,,' 7he recitaLs in any deed of oonveyance shntl be prima fucie evidence of the fact�set forth therein.
<br /> AU.remedies are distinct,cumulative and not exclusnr�.and the Lender is entid�d to all remedies provided at!aw ar �.,�_
<br /> , eq�tity.whether or not expsr3ssiy set fur4h.7'he aoceptan�by Leader af any sum inp�yment or partial paymant on the -
<br /> �scured Debt after the balttur�is due or is acceterated or after foreclosure prar�csdings are filed shall not canst�tute a �';'
<br /> •�. � a��iver of�Lender's mght to nsqnire comptete cure of any existing d�faul4 By nnt exerci�ing any remedyon Grantor's �•=�� ��
<br />,�`���� default,L.endcsr du�s not wa'sve I.ender s right to later consider tha ovr•�a default if it continuos�r happeas again_
<br /> � .� pmlubited by law.Grantar agrees to pay all of Leader's expenses if Grantor breaches aay wvenant in thlf Secuiity �-`'
<br /> . (nr�tyvment Grantor will•alsc►pay on demand any amount incurred by Lender for insuring,iaspecting,pr�etving or �''n�
<br /> atl#�iwis�pmtecting the Fmpstty and Lender's security interest.These eapenses m71 beaa interest fram the date of
<br /> the payment unq'1 paid in fiill at the lughest intetest rate in effect as pravided in the tezms of the Secured Debt. ___
<br /> �' '�, G;antor agrees to pay ail casts and expenses incurred by Lender in collecting,enforcing or protecctiang Y.ender's rights
<br />-y: ,' and remedies under this Secvrity Instrument This amount may iadude,but is not timited to, attoraeys' fegs,court ��_
<br /> cor:i�,and otfaer legal expenses.'I7�is Security Instrume�t s'nall remnu►in etfact.wnii released.Grantor a�'e�s to pay �
<br /> . far any recordation costs of such retease. --
<br /> �
<br /> • 17. Qofy�IiONIY/r,,l�i'd'AI,II Ep6YS AND H�A�OUS SUBS3'A1�ICE�6.As used in this section,(1)Environmental Law
<br /> means,wiif�r�ul:limitarion,the Comprehen�ive Environmental Respaisse.Compensation aad Llslailit�Act(CERCLA, `=�-��
<br /> 92 US.G 4('�3[et seq.),and all other federal.state and lopl lr�►v�,regulations,ordinances,�urt orda�,attorney �.
<br /> gqneral opinfons or interpretive letters concerioing the public health,safety,weifare.envhonment ar a,ln�rdous -- -
<br /> • �ubstnnce;and(2) Hazardous Substance means any toxic.radiaactive or hazardous material,waste,pallntant or
<br /> contantinr�nt which 6as characteristics which render the substance dangerous or potenfialiy dangerous ta ds�pubGc o�
<br /> A
<br /> '. 6ealth,saf�ty.,welfare or environmeni.'k`'ao term includes,without IimitaGon.any substa�ses d�Gned as"�szardous �
<br /> material,""toxic substances,""hazardaus waste"or"hazardoas substance"under any Environ��ntal Lacv °'-_°-
<br /> ` Granior represeats,warrants and agrees that
<br /> /.s„ Except as previousty.disctased and acknowledged in writing to Lender,no Hazardons Substancc is���ar:.11 be �
<br /> ' . . IocatF+d,stored or retoased on or in the Pra�r�ty.This restriction daes noi appiy to small qa.�aiit�es of �---
<br /> Hmn�ln�s Substances thai are generaUy recagri�zed to b�appropriate for the normal use and mauttenance of
<br /> • We t�nn:sty. �
<br /> �-
<br /> •. �• B. Exaxpt�previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing io:.ender.Grantor and evetq�enant have been.are. `
<br /> . and shall remain in full campliance with any ap�lic�ls Environmental Law. �—
<br /> . �. Crantor shall immediatety nofify Lender if�n�r•�.,e or threatened release of a Hazardous Substana:��s on. �-�
<br /> ' . under or about the Property or there is a violation of any Environmental Law concernin�¢l�e Prape�•:in suctt `
<br /> :t an event,Grantor shall take all necessary remedial action in accordance with eny Eae�iroi�ental Law. ��
<br /> D. Grantor shall immediately notity Lender in writing as soon as Grantor has reason to believe there is any �
<br /> p$nding or threatened investigation.daim,or proceeding relating to the release or threatened re���,v:of any
<br /> Ha�ardous Substance or the violation of any Environmental law.
<br />.� ., 18. CONDEMNAT[ON.Grantor will give Lxnder prompt notice of any pendin��a�threatened action,by private or ���
<br /> , public entiries to purchase or take any or all of the Property thrnu,�:ls:ondemnation,eminent domain,or any other
<br /> . means.Oranlnr author+zes Lectder to intervene in Grantor's n��:cr� any of the above dcscribed aciions or claims. �''
<br /> ' Grantor assigru to Lender the proceeds of any award or claim for damages connected wit6�a condemneHon or other �`��
<br /> ,%� 1��:i.h�s�f all or any part of the Property.Such procecds�1�.all be considered payments and will be applied es pn;..lded in --
<br /> �h.rv�Secwity Instrnment.This assignment oi proceed•:.i�.subject to the tertns of any prio�mortgage.de�S�f trust.
<br />;r;,��`. sesurity ageement or other lien dacumcnt. E� '
<br /> 19 INSURANCC.Grantor shall keep Propc.�cT}insc:re�i�gainst loss hy fire,flood,theft and ot}�e�e hazards and risks
<br /> c�`,�`•'•. reasonably associated with the Property dr�.�co its tyRc:a,r�location.Thls insurano.:laall be rnai�i;iined in the amounts �= =-
<br />;:�,;, and for the{seriods that I.endf�r requires.The insurarn:e �:arrier providing the ir�surance shall be chosen hy(Irantor E''
<br /> - . ss:4�ject to Lender's approval,which shall not be un�,��sranably withheld. It G:rantor fails to maintain�It:�coverage �
<br />