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<br /> � � B. Aq futura advances frum 1�ader ta Gxantor or other future obligations of Grantor to Lender under any promissory �-
<br /> � noic.contaact.guaranty,or ott�er evidance of debt executed by Granwr in favor of l.eader exccuted after t6is — �--
<br /> •..� S�urity lnstruntent wheth�ar aot t6is Security Instrument is specifrcnlly referencEd. ff more thaa one getson
<br /> ,'.';,.v.;; signs this 5r.cuiity Insuument,eash Gsantor agre�;that this Sec�ity InstaumPnt wiU secure all future advances and ;`_•�.
<br /> �.; r ititure o4�ligations that are g�on to or iacuraed hy any os►e ar taore Grantar.or any one or more Grantor aad '-s°`
<br /> � othen.A!1 fniw�advances and other future abligations are secured by this Security tnstrusnent even though all oz
<br /> , pari may aot yet be advanced.All tntare advartces nnd other future obli�ations are secured as if made aa the date '•�
<br /> , of this Security lnstrumenG Noip►ing in ihis Security Instnunent s'hall constitute a wmmitm�nt to make additional :A��
<br />.y� • ar future tzraus or afirances in any amount.Aay sucb commitment must be agreed to in a separate wriuirig. [�:�{�:�.
<br /> ,,�, �� � C. Ali flbligations Graniar owes to I.ender,which may later arise,ta the extent not prohibited by law,inclading.bua �-; .
<br /> noi iimited to.liab�ities foz overdrafts relatin�to any deposit account agreement benveea Grantar and Y..ender. R.-;>...
<br /> D. All addirional sums advanced and expen�os incurred by Leader for insuring,presetving or ethemrise protectin� =_�-__
<br /> �_ the Progerty and its vaSuu aad any other sums advanced and expeuses incurred by Lender uader the tescr,s of �°`:".°�"
<br /> thiS SCCUltt�+IAStIU11i0Di.
<br /> ''•��``� T6is Szauity In.,ruuraeat wi11 nsr aaaure any other debt if Lender faiLs to give any requirad no�ce of the right of rescassios� �
<br /> S. PAYMEAY�S.GtAnYar agrces thai all payments uader the Serured Debt �+•iIl•be paid when due and in accordance ,,,,,,,_
<br /> with the cerms ai.�t�u�'ured Debt and this Security InstruTnene.
<br /> ,•�• , 6. {�y�lgytAN�l 4b�3'�I'�&II.�.Giantor cvamants thai Grantor is or will be latv[ully seized of the estate canveyed by t6is �'
<br /> �;::,,.. Security Ias2cumont�tsnd has the right to irrevocabty gran�coavey,and sell the Property to Tr�.siee,in trust,�vith
<br /> . �r'°-,.. = power of sale.GranYar atso warrants that the Prog:rty is nnencumbered,except for enct�nabrances of record. (":':`_°
<br /> �'•�` '�` �: 9. PRIOR SEC�1�'b�SYd'EBES'I'S.�ih regard to any other unortgage,deed of trust,s�c�rity agreement or other lien
<br /> ��...::
<br /> �• doc�.nneat that caasi4ad a prior security interest or encumbraaoe on the Praperry.Grantor agrees: ,,,
<br /> ,;.. `` ':
<br /> . A To mabe nU•pt►qments when due az[d ta�erform ar oomply with all co�enants. �: �
<br /> �::_.
<br /> -.!`t B. To prompUg deliver to Lender any nodces that Grantor receives from the hotder. �
<br /> C. No2 to allow any iaodificntion or extensior�of,nar to request any futnre advances under any note or agreement ��.;
<br /> -:-��'.;, •; secured by the lien dacumeat wflthout Lender's prior written conseaL o'�°
<br /> ' S. CLALi�AGAIIV�7f T[1'�.E.Grantor will pay all taxes,assessments,liens,encumbrances,lease payments,ground 1�
<br /> '�` � rents,utilities,and other charges relating to the Property v�hen due.Lender may require Crantor to provide to Leader �c.
<br /> . capies of all ecatices that suc6 amounts are due and the receipis evidencia�Gtantor's paymen�Grantor will defeed �,�:
<br /> � 613e to the Pruperty against any ciaims that woutd impair the lisn of this Security Instn,meen�Grantar agrees to assigts �
<br /> . to Y.ender,as requessed by Lectder.any rig6ts,ciaims or defenses Grantor may have a�nst pazties who supply lai��sr �•��'_
<br /> 'or materials to maintain or improve the Property. ���=
<br /> . � DiJE ON SAI.�tAt��NCU1V1�1dArICE.i-ender may,at its v�tian.declare the entire balaace of the Sectued Debt to � ��--
<br /> .:� be immediately due and payable apon the creation of,or ccaaact far the creation o�any lien,eneumbraitce,transfex � �
<br /> ' ;.�,�: ' or�ale of the Property.This ri�ht is subject to the restriction�imposed by federal law(12.C.F.R 591).as appxicabfe. �j
<br /> ,%�;''!{�:. This�venant shall run�vith We 1'sngerty and shall remain in effect until the Secured II�ebt is paid in fiill and this
<br /> :s,�at��,_
<br /> ,,;.�--s,r, Securiry Instrument is released. �R_-�
<br /> � 10 PROPER'i'Y �O1�IITTO1�T,A3."i'ERA'I70NS AND�ISPEC'fiON.Grantor�n11 keep the Property in gaod
<br /> � condition and m$��:all repairs that are reasonably necessary.Grantor shall not commit or allow any waste, �"�
<br /> impairment,or dett�iaratian af the Property.Grantor�vilt keep t�e Properiy free Q€noxious weeds and grasses. _
<br /> '�•;;,", Grantor agrees that the naiure ef the accupancy and use will not substantially change�vitliout Lender's prior writtc-n -
<br />. wnsen�Grantor will not permiC as�y change in any Hcense,restricdve covenant or ea�ruent without Lender's prior �
<br /> �`�'°;,' ,� writden conseni.Gr.-�u2ar will aoiify I.ender of all demands,proceedings.claims,and act*_ons against Grantor,and of _
<br /> �
<br /> , • any loss or damage t,sti�e Property. �- -
<br /> � � Leader ar Lender's agents may,at Lender's opdon,enter the Property at any reasoaabte tims fn�flle purpose of � �.���,
<br /> ' inspecting the Prmperty. Lender sh�ll give Grantot notice at the time of or beforc�an 3nspeCtion specifying a -
<br /> ' , reasasal3le purpose for ths inspeciion.Any inspccttan of sl'��+:Property shall be en.ti�lg:�or Lender's benefii and - -
<br /> . G�-.ai�ns�ill in no way rely on I.ender's inspection. , �'�'
<br /> 1L Ali'PiiORpi'Y TO PERFORM.If Grantor fails to perform any duty�r any of the covenants contained in this ---
<br /> ''• ' Security Instnune�►;t.ixnder ma ,svithout notice, edorm or cause them.u�be erformed.Grantor a oints Lender � '
<br /> Y P P PP �.
<br /> ..:.:.;<<'�; •� as attrn'ney in fz.�t�r g�n Cisantor's name or pay any amount necessan,:6?��erformance.l.ende�s right to petfom�far _ _..
<br /> .,;;r�f,,;,,. Grantar. shall mat cm.ate an abli�ation to perform,and d..en,ir:�s Gu1u�t to perform arill not preclude Leader from `� "`
<br /> . •• execv�ri;�any ef�er's other�„rhu under the law or this�'sFr��?liz.�rrta.•nant If any+x�nstruction on the Propeti��s
<br /> �� dis:�i:.�ued or a�:A�r.�med on in a ressonuble manner.Lc�der rnay t;s3Fa aFl steps:�ecessary to protect Le�u#�s �
<br /> ' .. security interest a�CEYe Property,inctuding completion of the constructian.
<br />� ' t�. AS&C�'.r11�NT dF LEASES�ND RE1�PI'S.Grantor irrevocably giants,conveys and selis to Tn:s,ar, in trust fer►he
<br /> �. • 6enelur.af Lender.as additional secvrity all the right,dtl��.1d interest in and to any ans!all existu;g�:�future�,�.�:r„s�
<br /> � � subt���s,and any other written or verbal agreements Gor. �hc vse and occupancy a("an�porii�-�of the Pr��.et:�.
<br /> incicding any extensions.renewals,modifica6ons or substiu:tions of such ageements(;,.iL nef:rred va as"Leases">�d
<br /> rents,issuss and p*ofits(all referred to as"Rents").Grantor will promptly provide Li:;�der Rit1x rr.ue and waect -f=
<br /> wpies of all e�:tijr�and future Leases.Grantor may collect.receive,enjoy arsd use the Itents so long a�t3rantor is aot ��;"s':-�
<br /> in defaWt under tfin:.terms of this Security Instcumen� ��'�'�
<br /> •�.;•t„�y}E;, Grantc¢�ackna��in.�es that this assignment is perfected upan the recording of this Qcr.ui v�Trust and that Ler.d.:r►s - --
<br /> . r�' e�ti*_'i:��:r:�n�tii�j:�'�r.r,y of Grantor's tenants to muke payment of Rents due or to bc-cnrne dae to Lender. However, __
<br /> , _, LcruiLr.3a3,::es tita�:�si:ly on default will Lender notify Grantor and(3ranror's tenants and matce demaad that all future
<br /> . � Ren�►.Q paid ainu.-tfy to Lender.On receivin�notice of default,Grantor will endorse and deliver to Lender any :.
<br /> , . pa�rm��:of Rents in Grantor's possession and ovill receive any Rents in trust for Lender and will n�» commingte the =—
<br /> , Rc�nt�:�u:th any other funds.Any amounts wllected�vill be applicd as provided in tlus Security Inmument.Grantor --
<br /> warr�..ts that no default exists under the Leases or any applicable landlord/teaant la�v.Grantor also agrees to maintain
<br /> �� and require any tenant to wmply with the terms of the Leases and applicable la�v. � �
<br /> l3 LEASEHOl�S;COND01YID111UMS;PI.ANNED UN�i'DE1I��PtVAEPri�.Cirantor agrces to wmply with thc F- "
<br /> ' provisinns of any lease if this Security Instrument is on a leasehold.If the Property includes a unit in a condominium �"�'--
<br /> or a planned unit development.Grantor will perform aq of Grantor's duties under thc covenants,by-laws, or ,�,�=-
<br />, �;.:,;� regulations of the condominium or planned unit developmeUt. �-
<br /> � 1Q. TD�PAULT.Grantor will be in default if any party abligated on the Scciued Debt fails to make paymem�vhen due. ��_�
<br /> � ; Grantor will be in defuult if a breach occurs under the terms of this Security lnstrument or any other document �;�
<br /> � fpa�2a,•4) �.�.�
<br /> �^'tT!
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