.. . . � . t � . . .5 . � . .
<br /> _-_.___3 —.
<br /> _ 9�- ��`���
<br /> �:
<br /> .,�`,.�� Un�ess otherwis$ggeed in writing.alI insurance pca�eds shall 6e applied to We r�esiorazion vr r�p�r of t6e Praperiy
<br /> ` or to the Secured UQbi,whether or uot then due.at Lender's option.Any appiiraaon oi proc��t����!�ali n,�c i`
<br /> � extead ar postpon�the dae date of the ssheduled paymeat uor change the asnouat of any p�}:ne�at.Ru��crs�a:ss will b� °
<br /> • . paid to the Graator.If the Praperty is acquired by Lender,Giantmr's rig�st to a�p insurac�c�patit�s t��.pmoeec�s �
<br /> tesut26ng fram damage to th�Property befare ttre acquisition shall pass to I.en�er to th$extent of tYoe S.-rysned Dc�si
<br /> irnmediatelp Defore the soquisition. _
<br /> . � �0. ESC�OEt►�OI3'�AX�,S A�'D�vi��E.EJnless oihem+ise provided in e separate��nt.C�asintaa�1 a:Y _
<br /> � be required to pay to Leader ftmds for tages acd imsuaaacc in escro�,. �
<br /> �� Zl. �]AioI�L I�PO�AI�ID A1DaBY�[OYVAi.DOC , � Grantor wil!provide m Lez�de.r uprn reqt�est,any
<br /> , � 6nanciat statement or mformatEan Lender�ay deem reasonably aeressargr.Grantor agrezs to siga.dsSa�t',r.and 5te =
<br /> any additional documents or certificatians that Lender may�oasider a�sa�y to perfecs,c�niinue,and preserve �
<br /> Gianto�'s abligaSions uader this Securiiy L�s4ru�eat a8d Iznder's lien status on the Fraperty. �
<br /> -'�'- �b JOIATf AND�IVIDUAi.LpABYLITY;Cm�fG1�TE9S.SUCCESSORS ANID AS3IGP1�Bfr�1e'�:.AII duties
<br />: nnder this Security Instrument are joint aad indi�+:dual.If Grantor sigps this SecutiYy In�Erumcmt but dats not sign aa -
<br /> evidence ef debi,Grantor does so�nly to mortgage Grantor's interest in the Prop$rty to secwe p�y�lgnt o8 tiYe =
<br />. S�red De4�t and Grantor daes not agree to ts�pezsonally lia4ie oa the Secure3 Debt If thi�S�cntity.Tnsuaaeest
<br /> secures a guaranty between Lender and Gsanto�Granwr agrees to waive any rights that mzp prevsut�.ond�r from _
<br /> ` brinpng any acAion or c�aim against GRantor or ury party iadebted uader tIte obGgation.Tt�ese rigbt&s[u�y.in�ude.hut -"�
<br /> � "� are ttai ItmiTed to.any anti�teficaenry ar one-ac�ian laws.Graator agrrrees that Lender and at�}+pa�to tii�¢Sec�tit�r
<br /> ����•= Instrument may extend,modify or make any chfmge in tlie tecros of this Securiiy InsYn�meni or am��.evidenae of de�#4:
<br /> , a+ithout Gianwr's wnseut Such a c6ange will not release Grantor fram the terms of t6is Sec�rity•IutttT�art.Tis�
<br /> dades and beneSts of this Se�auity L�sirument shaD bind and benefrt t�e suoc��ars and a�sign�of Qmuta�tinfi Lender. �'
<br /> ` � APPLIC�Y.0 I.AS�;SEi�ERA6lYLYQ'Y;�P17�L3PL°�II'A'�TON T6is Se�rity I�mvmenE I�p,ovemc�6�the laws vf ��
<br /> h°� tke jurisdiction in whicb Lender i�tacated,exsaept to the extent ot6erwire required by tha lativs af.�he jnrasdiction 4__
<br /> <' ` where thB Property is Iacated.79fss�ecurity Insba�meat is comptEte and fully integ�ated.'I�Is 3ecnrh�'•Yii�fynuaent may
<br /> not be amended or modifed by oral agreement Any section iu this Security Ia„�trumnnt,trtttu�@nts,or any �
<br />';.:�',, a�reement relat�ed to th�Secured Debt that conflicts aith applicabts taw wiil not be ef[ec�iv.„uale,�ttisttlaw expressty -
<br /> ,�,;;i:
<br /> or impliediy permiLs the variarions by written agr�ement�Tf any secaion of this Seauity lnsdnunr,nt:cannot be enforoec!
<br /> �. � a000rding to its terims,that secXion cvill be severed and w3ll nnt affect We enfarasability of.t�e s+emaiader of this
<br /> • Security lpstrument Wheuever used,the sngular shall incduda the ptural an�the pluta!tho sin�nt�r.The oas a� p
<br /> ' f�ead�gs of tt�e ses�dons of this Security Instrument are for aonvenianoz onty and ate nat ta tda�ut�l to'an�tetpret aY
<br /> � define the ter�ns of shiT Seauity Ins4nuaen�Time is of the essenoe in this Sectuity tnstnnuo�n� _
<br /> ?A. SUCCES30R�'R�JSiTEE.LeBder,at Lender's option,may from time to t�me remove Tmstee aad appoint a -
<br /> success�rr tenstee withont any mti�or for►nality tAan We dosignotioa in wTiting.'I'b�,uuar�.�.ssor t�rnsstee.without
<br /> convsp�nsx;of the Property,shaU suoceed to all the tiue,power and dnti�c�nferre�l'ujian'I�vstee by tmis Securitgr
<br /> Insuument aad appiicab2e law.
<br /> '.��;r ?Sti NOTICL UNess atheiwise required by l�scv,unY nfltioe saall b�gi�rtrn by�detia¢uing ii or by mtU7iu��it i.�y 5nst C12SS
<br />. .�;':''_ raail to the aPproPriate psrty's address an paga�af this S�anity TnscmmFmt,ar,ta•any oiher ad�tcc�cir�ignated in
<br /> - , wtiting.Notice to one grantor w�71 badeaned to benotioe to�ll gmniass.
<br /> � ,_� Zbr WAIVBli9.Except to the exYent pml�itiited by law,Crrantor a�ai��es all appr�seu�trat�ansl�omestead exemptian righb
<br /> . .�4 retatingto t�e Praperty.
<br /> ;,� ;, Z7. M�ER TiERM.�.If d�ked,the foltowing are applicable ao this Se�rity�fnstrumec�
<br /> � :. ; �i 1lne at CredJ1.'II3E Secnred I)ebi includes a revotving 1in�o3.c7edlt p'mvision.Although the Secu�ed Debi -
<br /> �'',:�;S:`. �ay I�e reduced to a zero balaaoe.tbis Se�wity Instrimo-�-nt will remz3n L3 e€fect�nb'1 released.
<br /> '`:�04�� ❑ Comitrucilon LpaQ.This�c:s�rity Instrument se�es an�obligatioa inc�urcy£for t6e canstruction of an
<br /> " t��vemeat on t;�e Prop�aty.
<br /> ,:::... � ,
<br /> .. . � Cl F"oct�e Fd'm�.t"'�ntar grants to Lersdt���security interest�in�aA g�u�ds that Grantar owa�n4w or in t1�e -
<br /> � Poture ajtd t6at ure ar will become�ixttuen related to the Prop�rcq.'�'his Security Insqvwer.s��ces as a
<br /> , ;'�-.,', fmaucing statement and any carbon,photogtapluc or other reprodurttion may 6e Sled af reeord for purpases
<br /> . . of Asticle 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code.
<br /> -•°';,' ❑ Ridera�'he covenants and agreements ot each of ttsex riders checked below are incorporated into and `
<br />`- ."'.::� supplement An@ cimend the terms of this Security Instrument.[G�ecY all applicable boxes] —
<br /> ��° � ❑Condominiwn�4tider ❑Planned Unit Development Rider ❑Other........................
<br /> . ; ..........._....................
<br /> :'� . ❑ AdditiooatTi�ru[v. -
<br />�,:,,'�;.�r:�
<br /> .�1�' .
<br /> l; _.
<br /> !':;�' SIGNATiJY��:By signing belocv,tirantar.��re�to t��e tetms and covenants oontained in�hi.ti S�ecurity Instntment and Eis•
<br /> ,,,ra .
<br /> �-;%z�'','. any atEachments.(3ranYOr atso acknowtedb�receipt�ry[�capy of ttvs Security lansWment oa�tls.e date stated on page 1.
<br /> :��,(i+.,.
<br /> �:,: ..
<br /> �;/,,,�, �/��![...� 09/20/96 �-'�'�o� 09/20�'96 "
<br /> �'t'�:�`',� «'��� ��MARTIN..R..TAY.. R......... ..........�Due) �S;'p'� ....'JUDITH...AN��LOR`� ........�atoj.. --
<br /> .. ::, , �
<br /> S7'ATE OF...................................................._.......,COI�';OF.....................9•E PT�lt�E.R.........��9t�� _
<br /> ss. �
<br /> ;.:;, cma;+:e�n T��������a�{�ll���'rl{��'���A�r.,me this.......... ............dag+of.»...»........w............__............................ _
<br />' �:�;t�. by..................................................».�.».....�.....�............,/. ..................._.............................._......................................... -.
<br /> My oomfnisslon expires: . ,.��������.................„.». _
<br /> . (s�) ... .. . . .
<br /> • �j���SC11UlC+�bITEA (N�Y PtbL'e)
<br /> � tS�f,e�'a.�tP�)Z1.2C00 �
<br />�_ � �1CSOEtNxnb�:�raa,c.�.C4�rJ.t��(1�0033143a11 Fama"c-0't-rTe erdW `� � (p,3SfD4of4) _
<br /> C-
<br /> . �.
<br />