r .. , _ . . . .. .
<br /> cl , , ... �,, , y _ 'F. , , � - •. ?' �' '
<br /> - ' ..� . - _ � . - � :/�� ' . - . - - �� i: . m^.4_.,.5�:--�r. '_
<br /> �—.. �---__—.-- "_ �_�•=� .�� — .S �_=�----•-•�-+--'"^-`�'_—_. t - _�- - -' .
<br /> _�� - "-•---°"_�Ct�^="_' .z_:'_—_�'. ` '_ _. .^S '_' _ ' . . _ _�-_—^---c�^�„'�-r��i._, _r ' .
<br /> � _.. . . . . 'i': . . � • .p',- . � - • ,. -
<br /> . ♦ . f ` �,_ • . ' . .,. !�` . . ..�—`_ ,... ��,_._.�. -.�._.�..`�J.J<Y_..�.,._� `�._�"_��.�_' �.. �y� _ -_
<br /> �.�__ 'Y. '` . .
<br /> , • �4J'a ai��6�7�� 'a� ,t`- t`` , ,a-
<br /> 5.H�r¢9 or Pmpertg Iasuranc�. Bomnwc�shall kcEp the im�vem�m�3�kasr existing or hereaitea e�ctsd on the�ropeny '. .'.��': . . . �
<br />� insumd agemst loss by fre,6ezarQs included with6�the teim°ext�n�xd o�ver�°and any othea iuvnnls.including tloads or .. � . ; _.-
<br />� Rooding,foz which Lt�►des requ'ues insurance.T�s insumnoe�ha11 b:m�i:,'�s��i i�th°,amatuus and for Qte per�ods that Lertder • �
<br /> � requires.'itie insu:ance�providing Ihe ia.�-aaca:.}�1 h,c clx�ca by Sauzmre subje�t w L�enQer`s appmval cvhich shall nnt . �`_
<br /> be nnreasonably aritlr�celd. If Barrower fails to maiat�in cflvet�dr.as�'b,.'d r1�.vw Leader cmy.at Le�nder's oprion. obtain - -,-��-i-.�r-
<br />__ covernge ta prot�x Leader's rights in the Pmgerty in acacardance wi���7. . � ' � . _-
<br /> . All insuzance policies and rea►ewals shall be aoceprabte w I.�dr.s�sh�t]icr.i:u�2 a sr�ifani mortgage ctause.La�des shFill ---�-',. `a;�;-.-—. .-
<br /> •, :,..:
<br /> have the right m hold die policies aad renewals.If Lender requices.Scrcrm�cr�t��3�1�romptl3'g►ve to L.r,�dra all receipts of pai�1 . ---
<br />. preminms aad re,new�l nodce�s.In the eveat of los4,Bom�we�shall;�iti�e p�����:e t9 ths i�sv.�ance caaic�and Lender.I.endar d�
<br /> e,r �..::.. . F .. °
<br />. may maYe gmnf of toss iF not made PiomptliY by Boirower. i:`,;'�;'' - =-•�� �' , ��_
<br /> ���.��
<br /> Unless L.�ades�Bmrnwea othepwise a�in erriring,in�,�r.�e p�er:�ds sh3l.t be appliad m ceswiation or m.pair of t4�c �. '• ,._ . �s�•
<br /> � �=I�'�'S�+if t3�t��aa ca repair is economicaIly f�Ze ar.�d l��a's sec+uity is not Le�ae�l.If the re�iora�on ar ;``;:.,, '-"�'�s;,�,;;°_-
<br /> ::t.;;��.��=�.r
<br /> . ��ar�s ecoaomi�y f�ts cs 3.end�'s�ecaurtSr wc�Ic2 De f�ed,the insuraute graceeds shall tQe applie�i ta�e s¢ms .�-.., s V-- .
<br /> s�fi� �is 3�sity I�asuv�*�e,whethet or aot then dr�ar�n any eac.es.s paid to Baamw�r.If Bormwer ab��u�s she ." : ^�'"` Q
<br /> Propezty,or daes c�¢agsarea withm 30 days a naflce 5rom L�eadea t�a3 dLe uasvaance c�rier has�ff e a e d t�s e n I e a c t a i m.t he� � �� ,....,. .<r�`3`=
<br /> ��. ''{ ��-, _ �`�
<br /> � Lerd�r�ay co]tece t���uance pmcezds.L�dea may use the y�ueaeds m c�sai�or cestnra the Prnpeny ai w gay sums s�ared ,. -��-
<br /> . ,••.,::,:•�.1..�'� •`w"�•.-,
<br /> ;` 3�t�s�rity Inst�..�eat,whether oz not thai due.'Ihe 3Q-day p�d cn't!�whe�tha aa�se is gi�m. .-,r�,��:�:_�,.
<br /> a
<br /> � IhiY�s t,eadca and Bora+ower otheaarise agrec in writing,�y a�_���f p3uoeeds tfl g�saci�al shall not ea�nd ar pustpone _ �-':.. . •.°�'_
<br /> �" the dne date of the mc:..�lY Payme�t�refened w in gatagrap9s t�-�2 ai e�,�-a the amou�t of the pay��cig.If�pa�graph .. '.' ='-.'
<br /> ��
<br /> 21 the Pmpeity is�.�'ed by I.e�dea,Barrow�'s sight tn any iusmrauoe�11�ir�and gtececds f' �ffROm da�nage to the �`".'r- t„ :--
<br />`�7j<�1 Pnaperty pri�tn the��n shal!pass to I�to the exteat of the��ed by diis Sec�s3y t�m�t immediately ` -__..__�_-=`..: --��=
<br /> S y"Z .�,ffi2'.ECfe:e a!II`�.
<br /> s.!: pIif37 fD fh0 a0QWS1120D. '' ~ �����`
<br />` ;'r. r,�r�:-,r�-anmceandProied��lheProp�riq. �orrotises's La�n A�ara4ion;Leasehol�s. ,�,��a `��
<br /> . ,,. 6.bo�upaucys Ft25erv�4taa�
<br /> :;r,.; Borrawet shall axupy.establi�ut�ase the Pra�cy as Boa¢wrr�'s princtpal resideuse ca'r�ua sixtp da!�aftea the exe�utinn of �:.„ r, f . .�:_�
<br /> this Seauity Instrument and sLa.�il ornsinae w oo�py the Prop�ty as�mmsser's principa]r�ce fv3 ac Ti�st oae year afrer the '�--`.:��' ' •,.,'`�~.:,�
<br />- :;; � _��ri
<br /> datc of oca�rancy,antas Le�d�r cnhe:wise agrees m writing, whish �s.sh�ll not be IIzeasa�-� witbhe�d,ar unless • ? '� •.1��%:
<br /> ��g� v Ueyoad Borrawer's cc:�L�uar-e�,:s�ll nnt d�y.c�as.�a�c�r��air the P�^i�'Y• ����:� �ty�--
<br /> oes euiat dridt ate ` . :� .
<br /> u if 2� F�t�.�.�mt ',�:���
<br /> � ailow the Piopercy tn deteriar^� �nr �mmit wasba on the Fml�-B��� shall ba��J�ilt :� � '' :; _
<br /> �'� .,,,..
<br /> P�8•ar�ether civit o;e�mll,cs be�un tte�2 in Le�dea's�d far�ia�e�t cflni�r�salt m fa�fe�c�5a��•� .:.�� � `�;
<br /> • atb�rLse maitaia}Iy.�itJ�x t6a lien created by this Sec�rny Instrumrnt�r Lrrss��'s se�u[ity inierest.Ba�.��a��� •;�, ._;�E�:.
<br /> , defanit an�rein.stat�,�pmvided in p�sg,�aph IS.by c�using the action��c e e�i ng W b e d i�i s s e��r',r E a a n�g t t�t,u� ,.���r l��
<br /> I.euda's g�od feith determin2E�om,P�m�foifeimre o f t h�Borrower's m t e r e s t ia the An or oth�matai�l Impasmeat of �'",=";
<br /> ith � ' ,� ,�•'--,.
<br /> ' tho tiea created by this Security Iastta�eat or I.endea's Eec�ity'�.�est Hosmwes sball atso tte m de2'ault iT Boarowep,dusimg the �
<br /> 10��PPlicarioo Piooe.ss,8�++ ��:.:_..
<br />, :. . e maierlally false or inr.cctuaie infm�a�.ion or�ts to L�der(ar fm'l,�d tn pmvide Lc,nder wit6 : .-�<.. -, ,�.
<br />, any mataial infarmation) in aonnectian witb the Ioan evideaced by ths Note. mcluding, bat not Umiud ro. IC�IES�� .. T. �y �`��''• • '.,
<br /> canormmg Baamwer's oaupan�ry+of tJu Propaty a4 a pm�cipal res�i�eace.If tLis Secarlry Instrumeat is on a IeasehaW,Banowar ' �; � `Q
<br /> . sha11 compIy witD sU tLe pmvisions of the�ease.If Bonower acquues fee tIBe w the Prog�ty.the leaseho2A and the fee titte s6all .,�—
<br /> �-�.
<br /> . not mrrge uakss I.ender a�r,es to fho mager m wri d ng. ..-��,,��''
<br /> � '. ?.Ptateet�ot Lends's Fttgflts in the�+raperty. Yf Boimwer fa�7s to perfcum the a�veaants aad a�reea�cuts aon�ined in �+�`" ' --- ..
<br /> � �hLv Security L�taam2ni,ar thae is a kgal Dmceedin8 t�a�maY ��fca�fly affe�t Lender's rights in t1�Prapaty(sucb as a '�"'��.,r`cr�;:
<br /> ��" " ._".1.,.
<br /> � pioc�d�8 i�baak�Ct�i,.�r.Dmbsie.for w�ar fmfatiue or to enfazc�?aws ar regatat�ons).th�Leadr�may 6�and pay ,:� �.�� � :+...�-
<br /> " fa wlsatCVEt iSs necess�Y m D�otact tLe valtse of Qhe Propu[y eod Lendds t#�tps in the Ptopetiy.I.eadc.�'s ectians miry ine11id6 i,��•�;,:'
<br /> ��,
<br /> � P�B �Y � �hi► a liea w�ch hag pri6rity over this Sec�r•ty faswmen6�8�u c��PaYing teasanabk _. - r_�s;,�.,.,..
<br /> atmrneys•fees aad�tcling on the Propeity w make repairs.I�ItL,ougfi l�.�du may taice ac�m�dcr t�;:s Fara�repb 7,I�dei ��Y=�=- _ � _
<br /> does aat Gave to do so. �""�
<br /> ' l�ny s�oaats disbtns�ed by La�d�tmdu this pa�aph 7 shaD bocame s�Lianal de�t of Borrowct�c�ed by tbis Secutity .�►�.:<:,;1�,i;r;�
<br /> �. Ins�ameat Utiless Barower�►d Leuder�gree m other trlms of paym��dtese amounts st�all bear 3a�from the date of 'ui�`�:.
<br /> L�..
<br /> � dishmsemeai at t�e Note raLe and shall ba payabie.with�t�cs7,upan notIce from Lendra m Bormwer requesdn8�3'��� �"'�'-� Y..-
<br /> ' 8.Mort�age Iasurance. If I�der r�qnued tuortga�e instuaace as a candition nf maYing the loan secim.d by thi��esarity
<br /> L�uameab Ba�owet sh�U pay tt►e premi�as requ�red W mau►min th�m�mtgage insarance in effect If,for any r�a'n,t�t� ��
<br /> n►ottgagt ias�usace covaage�u3red by L.eaQer lagses ar ceases W be ln effect.B�mw�sl�all PaY t�.°F�mi�ms req�umd cn .�s::;.�
<br /> obteim coveeoge�+,�r�,r��ty�valeai w th�;martgege ms�sr�ce pcevivasiy in effest,at a cost su6stauCally eqniva2e�►t to t4re -- -_-���I��="
<br /> .. oost tn Borrawer of the mortgage in3umnoe prevbugly in e�ea.fmm aa aI� ^ mo�e in4mmr approved 6y I�a� If � ` ;
<br /> svbstaatiaUy egun►a3ent m�gage insuTmice caverage is not availabie,Barroarer sUall pay ro Lend�r each month a sum eqoal w :'�wt
<br /> ono-taelflb of the yc�rly tno�ge�ur�c�e Areminm being Daid by�an'owea ahm tht iasuranoe cove�age tapsed ar cx�ated w -
<br /> be in effect Leader will acce��use and relain thzse payments as a toss ieseive in lieo of martgege insu�moe.Loss reservc
<br /> Form s a o d .� .�M ,,�-�
<br /> ��t9St(�lE)�o2�2l.0� vay a m e i�uua: __ -�,=.�;�...,�,•.:-- _-
<br /> :�����.. �
<br /> . a . _ �.._-
<br />, �� _'�±r.'�..-; ��
<br /> . �. . . . . . . . . � ' � • ' .�.
<br /> � ' . • . _ : _ - ' ... . . ..._ __ .. ' 4 �. ' _ � �/..., -.s�,.�„,,•c,*.•
<br /> • : . . �� ; . � . . , . � . • : . �
<br /> , • ' . , . � ' � ', • . �_ '. . . ��
<br /> . . . � . . _ . . ' w,_
<br /> . . . • - .. � , . . • • �,
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<br /> ' . . '. ' . ' . � . , a�:
<br /> , . � ,' . . � ... ' ' ' . ; . ' . ' ��.
<br /> . , . ...., . .. ,
<br /> . , , _ . .
<br /> .. ._-,--.-'-•-..._.__._-.._�... �.,,..._ ._.,.._��..� ..__.-..__........ .... . . .- -- - .. . . . _
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<br />