` �:- � �' r n . _ . � � � , .A., . , .. , . . . ..V . , � .. . -...e', 4 ���(� • ... ��_'".
<br /> -- -_c=�,- _s._— - "'-:-c-'._- . ��. —. -'� —__-_�.-_;�:._-__�__—:�.:�.._-.-,-'r_�-��_.__•-.�`, . . �'° - L
<br /> � . ' - � . � . ' - • ' , t ..-._.�.� _��...__. .ti. ' -.. ^_N . ` ' • � � �'�.
<br />, f . , < , �
<br />� , ��° ������ . � .. . � -._ � �f..
<br /> paymenv may na longer 6e requind.at tha o�tion of Lea�dw.if matga�o ins�aance coveragc(in thc amount and for tt�perind � � � `..
<br /> ' tt�ai Lendea requfnes)pmvi�by tui insurer apj►rnved by Leatder a�iti b3cerstes avnil2Dte and is o6taiged.�flrmv�ei shal!pay the .`�. ,
<br /> premiums req�tred w nwIntaln moragage insuraaee in etfect.or tfl provId�s toss resea�+e.until the requirement for�nurtgag� � ' .' .
<br /> . insurance as�in a�coidsace wFtb ony wri�en e�ent betw�a Bntrower and Leridea ar applica9t2e law. ` . ' s:
<br /> • 4.Ynsg�ttnn. Lender�r its egent ms�y malce reaEanabt�eaMcs ngs3n sud inspecd�ns of the Paapaxty.Lender shall�ve - ... �..�.;,._,_
<br /> ; < Basro�vea notice n2 eha tlme of or prior to an inspecCion sgeafjrIng masonabie cause Par the�Yioa. .
<br /> __ 1@.C�nde�astioa. The prooeeds of any aarard or claim fer damaBes. d'uect ar consequeatial.in connecti�n with any ,<`
<br /> -s oa�aa ar�er ts'� of of the Pro or for con in of �,:`-',`----..--'- - .
<br /> . S �Y� P�l+, YeYaace heu condeamation,are hereby acs�gued and ,. .`:: .
<br /> shail be p�id to Leader. � . u '�•;; -
<br /> In the eveat of a wtal taldng of the Prope�t�:the praceeds si�all be applied w th�sums secured by this Secwity lnsenuaeaL � _.. �. �`,:: -
<br /> • whether ar not th�due,with aay excess paid to Boaoarer.In the eveac of a parCal taicing of the Progeity m wLich t�e faLr market ,�_��' � � - -�,
<br /> waiue of tlze Propetty immediately befoie the talring is equal tn o3 gcezter than the amaunt of the s�uns seQUed by s�iv SecaritY "�'�t;:���' .,}%t.�;��;;;<�'
<br /> Inst�umeni immediafely before the taldng, unl� Bmiower and Le�dea ot�era+ise agree in writmg, the sums�by this ':� ;c:Y;�+��.:
<br /> Securiry Ins�umea�t shaII be rednced by the araotmt of the praceeds muit�plied by the fnliowing 8acaun:(a)t�e tutal amoffit of . . � _ �---��A,;.:
<br /> � the sums sequed immediasely befaie the hairiug,divid�l bY N)the faia marlcet value of t�c Peaperty immediateIy befare the . `,;,..c t .-�_._..,_
<br /> •,�:.��°�-
<br /> mYiag.Any balance shatl be g�w Bornower.In d�e zveut of a partial qiciug af t�e Prayer�y IIe wbich the faa marlcet value of the ' �
<br /> . Pttsp�f.IInmedi�cty befare the taYiag is less thaz� the araannt uf the sums sec�ued 'mrm before tha tatda . emless •f�.•r�� -�
<br /> � rr r�ti 8 �:'.�:_�"�s��f.:�, �'
<br /> �a�net 2nd Leadca ottceawise zgree in wriiing ar m�ess app&cab2e)aw athea�vise psasr-;�s,the groceEds sball 6e ag�lied to th� �:.���'.:-�-`-=-s=.
<br /> gre
<br /> � ? s�ms sauued by tbps Seauiry InsGr�ent whether or not the sams a�them d�e. '`-�"`
<br /> [ _.L�� � - . ._ .'��
<br /> .�, ! ���F�9►�abaud�aed by Bairower,ar if,after aotice by I.ead�to Haa�u-�r d�ai t�e o�nar off�s to make m �,�.�.,�:_ ..�:;��:�
<br /> ; a:�mr seule a claim for da�a�ges.Boirovrer f�7s ro T'��'°"`r':�,-"���.,�;;.,:
<br /> . ,1 mspc�d to I.ender wi�u�30 da��ths da.��ec�+*oe icr,�r�,I.,ee�� ,�,��., �, �, ---
<br /> . } i�..�i�ed m caUect aad�'�r'�`e gr�.s.at i1s oPtiu�,.�her to reswration ar�r�s�e -�=�!�.�,R:-�
<br /> t�rop�aty c�r t��:a�ms s� �:..�-;;�-:;,
<br /> �� ��r[�n`s Security Ins�umeut,w��or ae2��d�e. ��,�i �-,
<br /> ` ' UWeas Laider and Borrower o�cawise�in writmg.anY 8PPficazion of praceeds t,�prtncig��:aat e.s�r�cu Posspo-"�x ' . �'s�;�fi;';:x..',
<br />' ' Y''; I�e due date of t�e mon paragraphs 1 arid 2 or c�ange the am�at of s����us. ,,�F�f��t:�l `�`t�;;',,:-.:,
<br /> �' �Y PaYm��refeared t�in �' .
<br /> ��� �� 11.Bomuwer Not Rele�e�;�arbe�aace By I.ead�r Not a Watver. Extensio�w�We t�rc��ymeui a�s�a.3fi� ��� " tc<< i.-• ;-,.. .
<br /> w^$ �s�'s�,� ��F �..
<br /> of�orti�on of t�e snms secvrai by this Seauiiy tn�,�granted by Lender to amy�ucc�ssar i�:�tere.ct o�IBr�nr�w�r s�: .>��. `"��� :w: _
<br /> �� � cus opaate tn iekase the liability of ttce original BmmR-�x�r 8orrower's successo�s gm:mte�st.Lea�shall not�e�aed� ', �'�;.'°'-�
<br /> '•� ' ��.f,�r tr;4�,
<br /> .; ,;` �c e p r o c e e d i n g s a g a i n s t�y s a c c e s.w r i n i n t�e s t a r r�..s e w e x�r�i�e f a r�a y m e,n t o r o t h e��e m o d i f y a m o�� Y � �i:r;;
<br /> �. �i`h.,
<br /> �} ' Y �Y Ins�rmea3�,��eason of�.::g de,rnand c�by the ariginal Bomuwer or Boxrowea's soccessars ; _��r�==:
<br /> :.�e dte sum.s seC�ed b th�s S *� �k�,r�.
<br />',''��.<r.;i ��,Aay fc�nce 1sy Leader in exer�ag any�k,¢cx remedy sball aot be a walver of or preclude the ex�clse of any �,�':�
<br /> � i ' r��.�,�¢nr3eatody. ��`t .
<br /> �&neoe�ac�aad Assfgen�lonnd9 Jatnt artd Several II.�aDIIitg;Co-sigaers.The covenants end agneeraents of this '"•.�!
<br /> S�kyt In�tcmeut st�all bmd and beaeE�t thn saccessors and assigos of Lender aud Boimwer, subject w the provisions of �^'��;- .
<br /> :: ; � p�aph 17. Bomawer's covenants and agm.ement� sd�aD be,jo�t aud sevelal. Any Borrower who co-s3gns this Sesauity ':�,' .
<br /> �� : Iasarumeat bui dces rwt eae�the Note:(a)is co-sig�iug t3�is Security insbr�t only oo martgage.giaat and aonvey @zat , i' . .
<br /> � �, Bmrower's intsest in the Fraperty�nder tbe trlms of this S�riry Instrumen�@)is aat peisonalty obhE',ated tn PaY tJ�5ums ' ��j.:
<br /> ,. saaored by tltis Sec,uriry Iosuumen�end(c)egiras t1�at I.r,ndrr and any otLa Barmwer maY a�ae to eatt�Q.modifY.forbear or _. :�._�.�°
<br /> matce auy acconuno�tions with regard w the tams of tAis Saauiry Ins�uaseat or the Note withoat that BoROwde caaseat -.
<br /> f3.Lonn C�ea. If tLe toaa setared by t639 SecurIty L�stnuaeat is suhjoct to a faw ahicb sets maxi�nam baa cdarges, �����
<br /> ' � and that law is fus9II in .:,,� -----_._.
<br /> ' t Y te�pmaed so t�at tLe intere,st a�other loan charg�s coIIecccd or w be coliected in oannecoaA wIib the losn �' -
<br /> . e��a�e�uett w�rs,wa,:(a)any svice�ctar�a sbau t�reaucea hy cne amounc necess�ry�n nauca�ra cdar�e�u a,e _ :L-. `..
<br /> ' P���(b)aay snnie aheody coBec�d from Boaower w9ilch exceedcd para�G�ed l�its wID be refunded oo Brnrawer. _ ' _ _�.�- _
<br /> sn e
<br /> I�rdl�may choose w mate thfn refac�+d by reducing the prmctpap owed undei the Nnte�hy maiclt�g a direct paytnent w .;�:.Y
<br /> ���—�r�=,':..
<br /> i� II a s�a e i I f a r e f i u�d r e d u c e s S r i m c i p a l,t h e r e d u c ti on w i II b e a e a t e d as a p a r�i e l prepayeueat withont anq Dnpaym�►t charge -- ._
<br /> ;•;:: �ssrfr�r�e Note.
<br /> , ,<:s..: ., .
<br /> '. �•'•�"• Il8.Noticev. Any n�lioe to Bormwer provided for m d�fis Secarity Instrim►ent shaU 6e givea by detivamg it ar by mailtng it -,�'•-,._
<br />,: �l�;; t�,�te�t class ma�7�mless appli�le 1aw requires use of aaa�met�wd.'Ihe notice sGaD be d�cted w the Yroperty Addre.ss or -
<br /> ��� ..;.r. ��<p�er address Barrmwer desigaates by no8ce w Leatder..�.�natice w I.�nder ahall be .�e '.�`
<br /> � ,�� i given by f�rst clas4 mail w Laider's �
<br /> :-`1�:; ;, ��,v stated 6eretn or any oth�r addres�s Leader designates by notice t�Bonower. My noti�e gmvided for i�this Secmity �'
<br /> ��:;3{�� ': :a�c�meat shall be deemed w have beea ven to Banaw�ar Leadcr whe� �'�;��� -
<br /> •;;a . � & he givea as Frovi�ed'm this paia,gragh. �, �._ -
<br /> i 3�4 G09li0I�$I.iW�StY2l��IIIZy. 'Ih19 8acmiry Ir��eac st�all be govemed by fede:al law end tLe �r;a► of tLe
<br /> ; �Sr�con in which fhe Pta�n�as Iacatwl.ln the ev�t•�any Dro+iision ar clavs:c�'tl�iis Seauit}r Instrume�t ar the Note �''",,, i�----�^""°°
<br /> .� � ct��s wiW apylicable law,ssr��contlict s:a�eat affeca a�:�rr provLstons of this Sec�r.c��Inswrneat or the Note a6ich can be "'' �••�.
<br /> �a j; � ; glvxa eff�,et witLo¢t t'ca con�:�~�g Dmvisio�Tr��.'hls end the ans af liais S �
<br /> ��;f'._.:
<br /> Pm� eauity Iastrameat zud w..o Note are dccl�e8 to ���t,,�'��_..
<br /> �': ' be c�vetg3le.
<br /> :�..�,.._a.a_._
<br /> ��� ' E-- — --- ._.._..._
<br /> e�!��fi;,z_.,__�.�-----=__
<br /> � -� ���r.,.�,.---: -- = _.
<br /> �� Fortr,� Y �l�0 �•
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<br /> t• '.� ��°�.. `_
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